HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/23/1998 - Regular Minutes City CouncilCITY OF COLLEC~E STATION Mayor Lynn Mcllhaney Mayor Pro Tempore David Hickson City Manager George K. Noe City Council Steve Esmond Ron Silvia SwikJ Anderson Larry Madott Anne Hazen MINUTES COLLEGE STATION CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Thursday, July 23, 1998 at 7:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Mcllhaney, Mayor Pro Tern Hickson, Councilmembers Madott, $ilvia, Hazen, Esmond COUNClLMEMBERS ABSENT: Councilmember Anderson STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Noe, Assistant City Manager Brymer City Attorney Cargill, Jr., City Secretary Hooks, City Planner Kee, Transportation Planner Hard, Staff Planner McCully, Police Chief Feldman, Fire Chief Giordano, CD Grants Coordinator Alsie Bond Mayor Mcllhaney called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. Agenda Item No. 1 -- Pledge of Allegiance Council and audience cited the pledge of allegiance. Agenda Item No. 2 -- Invocation Rodger Lewis provided the invocation. Agenda Item No. 3 -- Consider request for absence from meeting. Councilman Mariott made a motion to approve the request for absence from Councilman Anderson. Motion seconded by Councilman Esmond which carried unanimously, 6-0. Agenda Item No. 4 -- Presentation Katie Gibson, Recycling Coordinator introduced Helen Lowman Manager of Clean Texas 2000 of the Texas Natural Resources Conservation Commission and Christy Corse, Clean Cities Coordinator. College Station Mayor and City Council accepted the GovemoCs Award as recipients of the Texas Environmental Excellence Award. Council Regular 7/23/98 Page 2 Statutory Agenda 5a. Approved an exemption from competitive bidding LGC 252.022(2) for an emergency change order for additional underground utility locates as required by HB 2295, the Underground Facility Prevention and Damage Safety Act. Change order to increase purchase order 980013 by an additional $4,000. Funds available in Electric Fund (211), Water Fund (212), Sewer Fund (213) operational budget. Item approved by common consent. Consent Agenda 6a. Approved minutes for special meeting May 21, 1998, and workshop and regular meetings on July 9, 1998. 6b. Approved bid 96-36 for contract renewal for electrical line extensions, system upgrades, and URD conversions with Finway, Inc., Conroe, Texas. Funds available in electric utility and capital projects fund in the amount of $570,000. 6c. Approved bid 98-49 for padmount automatic transfer switchgear. Award bid to Westmoreland Engineering sales as lowest responsible bidder meeting specifications in the amount of $97,500. Funds available in Electric Capital Projects Fund. 6d. Approved bid 98-67 for steel traffic signal poles and accessories. Award bid to Dealers Electric as lowest responsible bidder meeting specifications in the amount of $65,720. Funds available in Capital Improvement Fund. 6e. Approved bid 98-68 for Northgate sidewalk replacement, phase 2. Award bid to John Boegner as lowest responsible bidder meeting specifications in the amount of $86,902. Funds available in General Government Capital Project Fund. Capital Project No. ST9813. 6f. Approved purchase of replacement computers in the amount of $64,000. Funds available in FY 1998 general fund operating and maintenance fund. Above items approved by common consent. 6g. Removed by staff to be considered at a future date. Contract between the City of College Station and the Bryan/College Station Economic Development Corporation to provide matching funds raised from the private sector for incentives to locate or relocate businesses to College Station and Bryan. Council Regular 7/23/98 Page 3 Rec~ular A~3enda 7a. Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on an ordinance rezoning approximately 0.88 acres located on the southeast corner of Dominik and George Bush Drive, being a portion of Lot 2, Block D of Culpepper Plaza from A-P Administrative Professional to C-B Business Commemial. (98-109). Sabine McCully stated that the applicant's intention is to redevelop the site. Currently the site is a bank drive-thru facility. The intended use is for a convenience store and service station not permitted under the current zoning district. Recently, the C-B Business Commercial was amended to include convenience stores and service stations as conditional uses. Ms. McCully described surrounding properties. Planning and Zoning Commission unanimously approved the request. Mayor Mcllhaney opened the public hearing. Parviz Vessali of 110 Pershing representing the developers of the site presented a petition signed by tenants in support of the rezoning request. Sam Villareal, representative from The Church located at 401 Dominik explained that the convenience store would generate more traffic and noise in the neighborhood. He and the church membership presented a petition in opposition to the request. Terry Raines of 400 Kyle opposed the location for a convenience store. He noted that increased traffic would occur on Puryear. Mayor Mcllhaney closed the public hearing. Councilman Mariott moved approval of the rezoning request. Motion died for lack of second. Councilman Hazen read a letter she wrote to councilmembers in opposition to the request. Councilman Hazen made a motion to deny the rezoning request. Motion seconded by Councilman Esmond which carded 5-1, Councilman Madott voted against the motion. 7b. Public hearing and consideration of a rezoning of approximately 18.78 acres located approximately 150 ft. south of St. Andrews and Royal Adelade Drive, proposed Pebble Creek Phase 8, from A-O A,qricultural Open to R-1 Single Family, (98-110) Ms. McCully stated that the proposed rezoning and final plat comply with the Land Use Plan and the approved Pebble Creek Master Plan. Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval. Mayor Mcilhaney opened the public hearing. No one spoke. She closed the public hearing. Council Regular 7/23/98 Page 4 Councilman Silvia made a motion to approve Ordinance No. 2338 rezoning approximately 18.78 acres from A-O Agricultural Open to R-1 Single Family Residential. Motion seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Hickson which carried 5-0-1, Councilman Mariott abstained. 7c. Discussion and possible action on a master plan for the Steeplechase Subdivision to be located along the east side of Wellborn Road, south of FM 2818 and adiacent to Southwood Valley Sections 23 and 24D. City Planner Jane Kee stated that on July 9th, council directed staff to return the master plan back to the Commission for further discussion with the developer on concerns expressed by the Commission previously related to parkland, traffic, HOA maintenance of detention facility. She presented recommendations by P&Z: · Consider oversize participation for part of Westddge development · Parkland dedication to be included in Phase 4 · Navarro to be connected to Wellborn in Phase 2 and upgrade to collector street. Transportation Planner Edwin Hard explained the staff recommendation on the Navarro upgrade. Motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Hickson to approve the master plan for Steeplechase with Planning and Zoning Commission recommendations. Motion seconded by Councilman Silvia which carried unanimously, 6-0. 7d. Presentation of petition submitted by Kayla Glover si,qned by individuals opposed to the trial closure on Munson. Council discussion and possible action on the duration and possible modifications of the tdal closing of Munson at Dominik Ddve. Mayor Mcllhaney explained that this item was placed on the agenda by a citizen to present a petition. Consideration toward a permanent solution to this issue will not be made at this meeting. Kayla Glover of 1210 Marstellar and Angela Glover Bates came forward to read a letter asking council to consider other alternatives to the traffic flow in the neighborhood. She was instrumental in the circulation of a petition with 942 signatures to open Munson. Mike McMichen of 1405 Bayou Woods appreciated the council not taking action at this time. Dick Birdwell of 3 Forest Drive pointed out that the closure of Munson increases emergency response time and traffic problems to other areas of the neighborhood. On another matter, he noted that the sound outside the council chambers is not adequate for the audience to hear council dialogue. Council Regular 7/23/98 Page 5 Terry Bacon of 1206 Marstellar asked council to consider the safety of children along Gilchdst due to the small width of sidewalks and increased traffic. Charlene Strawn of 1005 Ashburn asked the community to consider everyone affected. Sherman Click of 1020 Holt addressed council. He opposed the closure of Munson. He noted the lack of maintenance on Munson. He reported the lack of attention to a water leak from a fire hydrant on Holt. Gary Halter, 1204 Ashburn addressed the council as President of the College Woodlands Homeowners Association. He made remarks about the insignificance of a petition signed by 800 persons. He added that he will anticipate the recommendations of the committee. John Crompton of 1000 Rose Circle urged council to proceed with the tdal into the falk Lyle Symons of 1001 Francis appreciated the speed humps on Munson and continue with the trial. Janet Krueger of 2503 Raintree emphasized the necessary access to College Hills Elementary from Munson and Gilchrist. Dennis Maloney of 803 Welsh addressed the council to support the ongoing study of this situation. Rodger Lewis of 1213 Walton asked council to continue with the trial measure to receive a true study with the impact of school. Nan Krause of 1107 Ashburn appreciated the efforts toward the tdal measure. Suzanne Droleskey of 1109 Ashbum asked that the neighborhood work together to recommend a reasonable solution that satisfies everyone. Kerry Hope of 1201 Ashbum hoped the committee will recommend a solution that is suitable to everyone affected. Brenda Pollock of 1217 Westover noted the increase of traffic on Westover. Bill Conoway of 1203 Hardwood Lane and Transportation Director at CSISD spoke to council about the effect of Munson closure on the bus routes. Mayor Mcllhaney stated that the committee will address these points identified by the citizens tonight. She further stated that the citizens have a responsibility to respect everyone in the neighborhood while driving within the community. Additional comments were expressed by councilmembers to continue with the trial and allow the committee to reseamh and study alternative solutions for future council consideration. Council Regular 7/23/98 Page 6 Council recessed for a five minute break. The meeting proceeded at 9:40 p.m. 7e. Public hearing, discussion and possible action on a resolution to accept the FY 1999 U.S. Bureau of Justice Local Law Enforcement Block Grant in the amount of $38,028. Mayor Mcllhaney opened the public hearing. No one spoke. She closed the public hearing. Motion made by Councilman Mariott to approve the grant. Motion seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Hickson which carded unanimously, 6-0. 7f. Discussion and possible action for CDBG funding of public service agency activities by the City of College Station's Community Development office for FY 1999: Alsie Bond, Grants Coordinator was available to answer council questions. a. Brazos Valley Interfaith Outreach $30,000 b. Brazos Food Bank $30,000 c. Elder-Aid $21,840 d. Health for AIl, Inc. $30,000 e. Hospice Brazos Valley $20,122 f. Twin City Mission, The Bridge $ 2,200 Total $134,162 Councilman Mariott made a motion to approve funding for Items a, b, c, d, f. Motion seconded by Mayor Pro Tern Hickson which carried unanimously, 6-0. Councilman Mariott made a motion to approve funding for Hospice (item e). Motion seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Hickson which carded 5-0-1, Councilman Hazen abstained. 7g. Discussion and possible action on a proposed ordinance amendment regarding possession of glass containers in areas prohibited in the Northgate area. Officer Paul Price from the Police Department explained that the purpose of the ordinance amendment is to give the Police Department the authority to ticket those individuals who possess a glass container in the Northgate area which should help curb the glass litter problem. Debra Boyett of 502 Boyett stated that the area does not have trash receptacles. She also asked if the city checked with other cities which have this ordinance. She urged the Police Department to cite persons for litter in addition to this ordinance. Marianne Oprisko of 14125 Renee Lane supported the ordinance. She described the current litter and glass container problems. The Police Department told council that an extensive public information effort will be made through student orientation, the Battalion, and signs posted at entry points into Northgate. Council Regular 7/23/98 Page 7 Police Department Ed Feldman stated that this is one way to address the litter problem that has existed in Northgate for many years. Mayor Pro Tern Hickson moved to approve Ordinance No. 2339 as presented. Motion seconded by Councilman Silvia which carded unanimously, 6-0. 7h. Discussion and possible action on staff recommendations regarding the Southside/Southgate Neighborhood Preservation Committee Report. Management Assistant Edward Broussard recalled previous council direction relating to Recommendation No. 6. Staff met with Tom Williams, Director of TAMU Parking and Transportation and reiterated TAMU's support of the city's proposal to remove on street parking along George Bush Drive by the 1998 fall semester. The recommendations are as follows: 1. Remove on street parking along the north side of George Bush Drive from Texas Avenue to Timber street before the fall semester. 2. Establish "one hour parking" from 8:00 - 5:00, Monday - Friday in areas on Fairview Avenue and Montclair, from George Bush to Kerry. 3. Install "no parking from here to corner" signs on Fairview Avenue to help reduce the sight distance problems created by parked vehicles. 4. Create a residential on-street permit parking system in the proposed trial area. 5. Accept Staff recommendations: 1-5 and 7-13. Student Government Liaison alternate Cass Burton expressed concerns about student input in the process. He presented a resolution of the student senate which does not support Recommendation No. 6. He offered to work with city staff on the issue of "no parking" on George Bush Drive. City Attorney Harvey Cargill, Jr., responded that there are legal issues related to the permit system. Mike Luther of 614 Welsh supported staff's recommendations. He stated that this program is a start and possibly a tool for the city to use city-wide in the future. Jerry Cooper of 602 Bell opposed the permit parking system. He identified the hazards with the placement of bike lanes proposed on George Bush Drive. Norma Miller of 504 Guernsey commented on the success of the special event signage. She opposed the permit parking system. She made comments about the lack of code enforcement and police protection. Mayor Pro Tem Hickson made a motion to accept staff recommendations 1, 2, 3 and 5, 7-13 in the report with a two hour parking limit in Item 2. Motion seconded by Councilman Mariott which carried unanimously, 6-0. Council Regular 7/23/98 Page 8 7i. Discussion and possible action pertaining to the appointment of a Chairman to the Community Appearance Committee. Mayor Pro Tern Hickson moved to appoint Gary Sorenson as Chairman. Motion seconded by Councilman Silvia which carded unanimously, 6-0. Agenda Item No. 8 -o Hear Visitors. Helen Pugh of 601 Fairview commented on the recent completion of the street overlay near her home. She made remarks about the lack of attention to the Southside area. Agenda Item No. 9 -- Final action on executive session, if necessary. No action was taken. Agenda Item No. 10--Adjourn. The workshop, regular and executive sessions were adjourned at 10:20 p.m. PASSED AND APPROVED this the 13th day of August, 199_~8. ~/"~TEST: ~ ! ~ Gity Secretary Connie Hooks APPROVED: Mayo~ Lynn Mcllhaney GUEST REGISTER WORKSHOP MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1998 3:00 P.M. 11. 13. 18. 19. 10. 20. GUEST REGISTER REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL THURSDAY, JULY 23, '1998 7:00 P.M. ? 19 GUEST REGISTER REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1998 7:00 P.M. GUEST REGISTER REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1998 7:00 P.M. \ 3. /, ~--w I 13. f 4. 14.