HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/10/1998 - Regular Minutes City CouncilCITY OF COLLEGE STATION Mayor Lynn Mcllhaney Mayor Pro Tempo[e David Hickson City Manager George K. Noe City Council Steve Esmond Ron Silvia Swiki Anderson Larry Mariott Anne Hazen MINUTES COLLEGE STATION CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting Thursday, December 10, 1998 at 6:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor McIlhaney, Mayor Pro Tem Hickson, Councilmembers Mariott, Hazen, Silvia, Esmond, Anderson STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Noe, Assistant City Manager Brymer, Management Assistant Broussard, City Attorney Cargill, Jr., City Secretary Hooks, OTIS Director Piwonka, City Planner Kee, Development Services Director Callaway, Senior Planner McCully, Human Resources Director Pavlinski, Communications and Information Services Manager Shear, Transportation Planner Hard Mayor McIlhaney called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. She lead the audience in the pledge of allegiance. Rodger Lewis provided the invocation. All councilmembers were present. Mayor McIlhaney and David Hudspeth from the Parks Depadment recognized two athletes from the area who received honors from the Texas Amateur Athletic Federation. Mayor presented Kallie Pence, the Region 5 TAAF Female Athlete of the Year Award and TAAF Local Female Athlete of the Year Award. Andrew Duffy received the TAAF Local Male Athlete of the Year Award. Mayor McIlhaney presented awards to David Presley, Time Pilot '84 World Record; Bo Rice, Hogan's Alley World Record; Robert Utley, MagMax World Record; Mark Jasper, Street Fighter II World Record; Kevin Livesay, Nintendo Powerblade World Record; and, Kevin Jackman, Nintendo Power Blade World Record. These awards have been recorded in the historical archives published in the Twin Galaxies' Official Video Game & Pinball Book of World Records. Council Regular 12/10/98 Page 2 Community Programs Coordinator Peggy Calliham and members of the Teen Court Task Force presented a progress report on the city's Teen Court. A video on CS Teen Court sponsored and produced by KBTX was shown to the audience. Consent Agenda 12.1 Approved by common consent minutes for council workshop and regular meetings, 11/12/98, budget workshop meetings, 8/26/98, 9/1/98, 9/3/98, and special meetings, 11/9/98 and 11/16/98. 12.2 Discussion of elements of the Employee Benefit program; rejecting stop-loss insurance bids; renewing current stop loss insurance proposal; accepting low bid on long term disability insurance; accepting renewal of low bid on life insurance. Councilman Anderson directed questions to Human Resources Director Pavlinski. Removed for discussion. Mayor Pro Tem Hickson made a motion to accept the staffrecommendations. Motion seconded by Councilman Mariott which carded 6-1, Anderson voted against. 12.3 Renewal of the employee assistance program with Interface EAP Inc. and the renewal of the prescription card program with Express Scripts. Removed for discussion. Councilman Mariott moved approval of staff recommendation. Motion secondedby Councilman Hickson which carried unanimously, 7-0. 12.4 Approved resolution amending Section 1,D, I of the City of College Station Policies and Procedures Handbook regarding compensation. Removed for discussion. Councilman Mariott moved approval of staffrecommendation. Motion seconded by Councilman Silvia which carried unanimously, 7-0. 12.5 Approved by common consent a resolution adopting a plan and trust document for section 456 deferred compensation option retirement plan. 12.6 Approved by common consent bid 98-43 for award of contract for Phase II of the installation of telecommunication switching infrastructure in the amount of $210,973.82. Awarded to GTE as lowest, responsible bidder meeting specifications. Funds available in Electric CIP as part of the Fiber Optic Loop project. Council Regular 12/10/98 Page 3 12.7 Discussion of bid 99-23 on fiber optic cable in the mount of $72,312. Award to Crraybar Electric as lowest, responsible bidder meeting specifications. Funds available as approved and budgeted in the Electric CIP as part of the fiber optic loop project. Removed for discussion. Andy Hooker from Warren Electric, 7255 Windwood in Houston, came forward to address the council on his concern of the bid package. Communications and Information Manager Charlie Shear addressed the bid process. John Hargrove from New Signals, the fiber optic designer explained job specifications. Robert Thomson from Warren Electric addressed additional concerns. He maintained that his bid met ail the specifications of the proposal. Mayor Pro Tem Hickson made a motion to accept the staff recommendation. Motion seconded by Councilman Mafiott which carded 6-1. Councilman Anderson voted against. 12.8 Approved by common consent bid 99-25 on fiber optic splicing materials in the amount of $34,675.04. Awarded to Fibertron as lowest responsible bidder meeting specifications. Funds available as approved and budgeted in the Electric CIP as part of the fiber optic loop project. 12.9 Approved by common consent bid 99-16 on the purchase of power transformer in the amount of $417,957. Awarded to Waukesha Electric Systems as lowest, responsible bidder meeting specifications. Funds available and budgeted in the Electric Capital Improvement Projects Budget. Councilman Anderson left the meeting at 6:30 p.m. 12.10 Approved bid 99-18 on sarfitmy sewer improvements for Spring Creek drainage basin in the amount of $493,565. Award to Texeon Contractors as lowest, responsible bidder meeting specifications. City Engineer Bob Mosley explained to the council about an anticipated change order for an adjustment to the cost of pipe for this project. Mayor Pro Tem Hickson made a motion to approve staff recommendation. Motion seconded by Councilman Silvia which carded 6-0. Councilman Anderson absent. Council Regular 12/10/98 Page 4 12.11 Approved by common consent the exemption from competitive bidding as described more fully in LGC 252.022(a)(e), a procurement necessary because of unforeseen damage to public machinery, equipment, or other property. Estimated cost of repairs to 1996 75 ft. ladder truck is $43,703 to Emergency Vehicles of Texas, Inc. 12.12 Approved by common consent Ordinance No. 2360 amending Chapter 10, Section 3.E(2)(f), Ordinance No. 2344; a recently adopted speed limit ordinance on SH 30 from east city limits at FM 158 to Business State Highway 6R (Texas Avenue). 12.13 Approved by common consent to authorize Mayor to execute an agreement subordinating city's facade improvement program lien on Satchel's project property to a lien to be executed by Compass Bank. 12.14 Authorized staffto proceed with negotiations for professional engineering services for projects related to the Wolf Pen Creek Revised Master Plan. Removed for discussion. Mayor Pro Tem Hickson made a motion to approve staffrecommendation. Motion seconded by Councilman Marion which carried 6-0. Councilman Anderson absent. 12.15 Discussion and possible action on modifications to city's down payment assistance program. This item was removed and placed on a future agenda. 12.16 Approved contract with Waterscape Consultants, Inc., of Houston, Texas to provide design services for renovations to Adamson pool in the amount of $51,100. Funds available in 1998-99 general fund budget which includes $65,000 for engineering work for Adamson pool. Removed for discussion. Mayor Pro Tem Hickson made a motion to approve staffrecommendation. Motion seconded by Councilman Mariott which carded 6-0. Councilman Anderson absent. 12.17 Approve an amendment to the Economic Development agreement between the City of College Station, Bryan-College Station Economic Development Corporation and College Station Development Group, L.P. Removed for discussion. Mayor Pro Tem Hickson made a motion to approve staffrecommendation. Motion seconded by Councilman Madott which carried 6-0. Councilman Anderson absent. Council Regular 12/10/98 Page 5 Regular Agenda 13.1 Discussion and possible action of a conceptual plan for The Estates at SorinR Creek consisting of approximately 220 acres between Barron Road and the future State HiRhwaY 40 and including a future high school site~ the expansion of Victoria Avenue to SH 40~ and the extension of Southern Plantation to Victoria Avenue. (98-324) Applicant: Art Hughes with Prudential Brazosland Real ,ty for owner~ Gary Seaback. Transportation Planner Edwin Hard presented a staff report. The primary purpose of the conceptual plan is to establish a 65 acre parcel for the future high school site and to determine the location and alignment of the southward extension of Victoria Avenue. Staff recommended the general location of Victoria using a straight alignment to the proposed future high school site with the condition that Victoria be located on the Seaback property such that it will not require any right-of-way for the section of Victoria north of Barron Road from any of the existing residential lots in the Bald Prairie Subdivision. Staffrecommended that no cross over be provided at SH 40 and Victoria and that the city's thoroughfare plan be amended to reflect the location and alignment of Victoria Avenue and Southern Plantation Drive when ultimately approved as part of the Estates of Spring Creek Master Plan. Also recommended that the interior lot lines on the submitted plan be removed. Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of the plan using the straight alignment of Victoria with no cross over at SH 40 at Victoria. They indicated no opposition to an overpass. Mayor Mcllhaney opened the floor for public comment. Jay Goss, attorney for Tim Crowley concurred with staff's recommendation. Art Hughes, representing the property owner, Gary Seaback stated that the request is for approval of Phase I consisting of the school site and right-of-way on Victoria.. Council Regular 12/10/98 Page 6 Councilman Silvia made a motion to approve the conceptual plan with staff recommendations. Motion seconded by Councilman Esmond which carded, 6-0. Councilman Anderson absent. 13.2 Discussion and possible action on a preliminary plat of The Gateway~ approximately 75 acres~ divided into six C-B and R-5 zoned lots located on the NW corner of University Drive and SH 6. (98-327) Applicant is Municipal Development Group, engineers for owner Delmar Baronhead Iv Ltd. City Planner Jane Kee described the plat boundaries and existing zones. The Land Use Plan shows the area as mixed use development. The Thoroughfare Plan shows the northward extension of Glenhaven Drive through this tract. The extension of Glenhaven is included on the Thoroughfare Plan in order to provide additional north-south movement between the two cities and also to provide an alternative flow to the one way frontage road. This is a good idea from a traffic mobility standpoint, it is not however, critical to College Station or Bxyan. Staff recommended approval with the following conditions: 1. That a commercial (private) drive be provided in lieu of extending Glenhaven through the tract. Approval of this condition would amend the Thoroughfare Plan to not extend Glenhaven Drive north of University Drive; 2. That the final plat for Phase I include two access points on University Drive and one on the SH 6 frontage road in order to distribute traffic so that one access point does not bear the burden of all traffic from the site. The two access points on University Drive would be located at median openings in accordance with TXDOT plans for widening of University Drive; and, 3. That internal circulation for the site be addressed at the time of site plan review to ensure adequate distribution of traffic to all access points. Councilman Esmond made a motion to approve the preliminary plat with staff recommendations. Motion seconded by Mayor Pro Tern Hickson which carded, 6-0. Councilman Anderson absent. 13.3 Discussion and possible action ora revised master development plan for the Crowley tract~ approximately 500 acres located on the northwest corner of Greens Prairie Road (which is also the future Highway 40) and Highway 6. (98-329) Council Regular 12/10/98 Page 7 Senior Planner Sabine McCully presented the staff report. She explained the land uses, densities, and roadway alignments as it related to the future Highway 40. The plan shows 370 residential acres, a slight decrease in parks and open spaces (111 acres to 92) and an increase in right-of-way acreage (97 acres to 245). Staff recommended approval of the plan with the exact location of Victoria and the park linkage across Highway 40 to be determined at a later date. Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval by a vote of 4-1. Tim Crowley, the property owner and Jim Wendt, the land planner for Mr. Crowley, presented a conceptual layout for this area. Councilman Madott made a motion to approve the revised master development plan for the Crowley tract with staffrecommendations. Motion seconded by Mayor Pro Tern Hickson which carried, 6-0. Councilman Anderson absent. 13.4 Discussion and possible action on a request for oversize and additional participation~ in the amount of $208~322.00 for extension of an 18 inch water line and an 8 inch sanitary sewer line along the east side of SH 6 to be constructed with the Harley-Davidson site; and a variance to the ci~. subdivision regulations~ Section 9- D.1 for oversize participation in a sanitary sewer line of 8 inches. Also consider a variance request to city subdivision regulations~ Section 9-C.5 and 9-D.5 regarding the timing of payment of oversize participation. Assistant City Engineer Veronica Morgan presented this item. Council previously approved a preliminary plat for the Harley Davidson subdivision. Approximately 1000 ft. of water line will need to be extended through the Luther Jones Tract, 1082 feet through the Barker Tract, and 296 feet across the site. The applicant requested oversized participation in the 18 inch waterline that extends to the existing 18 inch waterline at Rock Prairie Rd. and Highway 6, the old Desert Hills site and ultimately connect to the Greens Prairie Road 18 inch water line. The applicant estimated an 8 inch water line to sexvice the development. The estimated cost difference between an 8 inch and 18 inch line is $112,197. The applicant requested the city fund 100% of the 18 inch waterline through the Luther Jones Tract and Barker Tract. The cost participation by the city for water line extension is $172,033. The cost participation by the city for sewer line extension is $36,289. Councilmembers asked questions about the steps involved to utilize impact fees for the project. Council Regular 12/10/98 Page 8 Robert Payne, representing Russ and Sherry Welch, owners of the property, stated that the development is contingent upon financing by the city in some fashion. He offered to provide input into the impact fee review process. Council directed staff to defer this item to a future agenda and allow staff to address the mechanism of using impact fees. 13.5 Discussion and possible action on an ordinance amending Chapter 9 of the City Code~ establishing the Planning and Zoning Commission as the authority for plat review and approval~ and establishing the City Council as the authority for review and approval of development agreements and oversize participation requests. Development Sen, ices Director Jim Callaway stated that council discussed changes in the agenda content and process on October 8th. At that time, council directed staff to prepare an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance which would delegate all plat review to the Planning and Zoning Commission. He explained the proposed amendments to the Subdivision Regulations, Chapter 9 of the City Code. City Attorney Cargill, Jr., explained the charter provision which gives the council authority to adopt plats. However, the authority does not require council to adopt plats. The following individuals addressed concerns about the delegation of authority to Planning and Zoning Commission: Mike McMichen, 1405 Bayou Woods Carl Vargo, 2902 Cortez Ct. Sue McDonald, 2903 Cortez Ct. Benito Flores-Meath, 901 Val Verde June Cooper, 900 Val Verde Marianne Opfisko, 14125 Renee Lane Chuck Ellison, 2902 Camille Drive Antonio Cepara, 2901 Cortez Ct. Mayor Pro Tem Hickson made a motion to approve Ordinance No. 2361 with an effective date of January 1 and a sunset review of the ordinance in four months. The ordinance shall expire on April 30. Council will consider at the second regular meeting in April whether or not to continue with the ordinance. Staff was directed to inform council of the plats that are not presented to Council in which the final decision is made by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Motion seconded by Councilman Silvia which carded 5-1, Councilman Esmond voted against. Councilman Anderson absent. Council Regular 12/10/98 Page 9 13.6 Discussion and possible action to reappoint two representatives to the B-CS public library system advisory board. Councilman Mariott made a motion to reappoint Bill Lancaster and Mary Chauvin for two year terms expiring December 2000. Motion seconded by Mayor Pro Tern Hickson carried, 6-0. Councilman Anderson absent. 13.7 Discussion and possible action to appoint two members to the Board of Directors of the Greater Texas Student Loan Corporation~ Inc. Mayor Pro Tem Hickson moved to approve the following persons to serve on the Board of Directors of the Greater Texas Student Loan Corporation, Inc. for terms expiring December, 2000: Malon Southerland, Place 6 and A.D. James, Jr., Place 8. Councilman Esmond seconded the motion which carded 6-0. Councilman Anderson absent. 13.8 Discussion and possible action to appoint one member to the WolfPen Creek Tax Increment Financing (TIF #1) Board of Directors and a board chair for 1999. Councilman Mafiott made a motion to appoint Chris Barzilla for a two year term to expire in December 2000. Motion seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Hickson which carried, 6-0. Councilman Anderson absent. Mayor Pro Tem Hickson made a motion to appoint Steve Esmond as Chairman for 1999. Motion seconded by Councilman Silvia which carded 6-0. Councilman Anderson absent. Agenda Item No. 14 - Hear Visitors. Benito Flores-Meath asked council to direct staff to publish the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting agendas in the newspaper and also put on the City's website. Mayor McIlhaney stated that the staffwill look at the changes made tonight with regard to the planning and zoning commission meeting agendas and look at ways to let the citizens know about the P&Z meetings. Mr. Meath presented a letter to the Mayor requesting the Ethics Committee review the behavior by Councilman Hickson at a previous meeting in which Mr. Meath felt that Mr. Hickson did not act appropriately toward him while he was addressing issues on the Northgate Parking Garage at the November 12th meeting. Councilman Hickson apologized for being upset at that meeting. Council Regular 12/10/98 Page 10 Agenda Item No. 15 -- Final action on executive session~ if necessary. Councilman Mariott made a motion to authorize staffto settle with George Sopasakis in the amount of $35,687.28 as per the agreement presented by legal counsel. Motion seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Hickson which carried 6-0. Councilman Anderson absent. Agenda Item No. 16 - Adiourn. The workshop, executive and regular meetings were adjourned at 10:10 p.m. PASSED AND APPROVED this 14th day of January, 1999. APPROVED: May6r Lynn McIlhaney / (~/%TTEST: , City Secretary Commie Hooks GUEST REGISTER WORKSHOP MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1998 3:00 P.M. ~.~'i,~,,~,.,.~., \~,~/-~ ~. 4. 8..~ ~--r,~,¢,~/ 18. 9. ~"~'v,. q~,-~f~(A 19. GUEST REGISTER CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1998 6:00 P.M.