HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/09/1998 - Regular Minutes City CouncilMayor LYNN MclLHANEY Mayor Pro 'rempore DAVID HICKSON City Manager GEORGE K. NOE COLLEGE STATION Council Members STEVE ESMOND RON SILVIA SVVl El AN~)ERSON LARRY MARIO~I- ANNE HAZEN MINUTES COLLEGE STATION CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting Thursday, July 9, 1998 at 7:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Mcllhaney, Mayor Protem Hickson, Councilmembers Mariott, Anderson, Hazen, Silvia, Esmond STAFF PRESENT: Assistant City Manager Brymer, City Secretary Hooks, City Attorney Cargill, Jr., Management Assistant Broussard, Police Chief Feldman, City Planner Kee, PARD Director Beachy, Asst. PARD Director Ploeger Mayor Mcllhaney called the regular meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. A,qenda Item No. 1 ~- Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Mcllhaney lead the audience in the pledge of allegiance. Agenda Item No. 2 -- Invocation Agenda Item No. 3 -- Consider request for absence from meeting. Everyone was present. A,qenda Item No. 4 -- Presentations Mayor Mcllhaney presented Mr. and Mrs. Ragsdale, current owners of the home at 306 Suffolk with a historic home plaque #47 and certificate. She also presented Mr. and Mrs. Louis Tassinary of 304 West Dexter Dr. with a histodc home plaque #43 and certificate. Agenda Item No. 5 -- Statutory Agenda 5a: Bid #98-44. Approved contract for Northgate Promenade Landscape and Site Maintenance. Award to The Greenery, as lowest responsible bidder meeting specifications in the amount of $7,014. Funds allocated from General Fund, Economic Development Department. Item approved by common consent. Council Regular 7/9/98 Page 2 Agenda Item No. 6 -- Consent Agenda 6a. Approved minutes for workshop meeting of June 25, 1998 and regular meeting of June 25, 1998. 6b. Approved Ordinance No. 2337 revising Ordinance No. 1388 to govern the licensing of opening and closing grave spaces. 6c. Approved Bid #96-34 for contract renewal for electrical wire and cable with Techline, Inc. in the amount of $300,000 in Fund 211, Electrical fund for remainder of FY 1998. 6d. Approved Bid #96-37 for contract renewal for light poles and fixtures with Wesco, Inc. in the amount of $140,000 in Fund 211, Electrical fund for remainder of FY 1998. 6e. Approved 380 grant in the amount of $10,205 to the Bryan/College Station Economic Development Corporation to pay for building and tap fees associated with the Cabletime development in the Business Center at College Station. 6f. Approved resolution supporting the retention of the Farm Service Agency which has been located in College Station since 1936. 6g. Approved resolution supporting a grant application to the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission through the Brazos Valley Development Council for funding in waste reduction and recycling for backyard compost bins in the amount of $17,500~ Items approved by common consent. Agenda Item No. 7 -- Regular Agenda 7a. Presentation~ discussion~ and possible action regarding a report of activities by Carol Wagner from the Arts Council. Carol Wagner, President of the Arts Council, presented a brief status report on recent activities of the organization and the public art project. She noted that the Arts Council will begin making preparations for a community millenium celebration. 7b: Discussion and possible action approving a master development plan for the Steeplechase Subdivision to be located along the east side of Wellborn Road~ south of FM 2818 and adjacent to the Southwood Valley Section 23 and 24D. City Planner Jane Kee explained the site description of the proposed plan which shows 80 single family lots, 125 duplex lots, a small reserve tract for future residential development, 3 acres of commercial development fronting Wellborn Road and 7.23 acres of common space devoted partially to storm water management and small detention area on the east side. The Land Use Plan reflects the area for high density single family development. The applicant's intent is for a mix of single family and Council Regular 7~9~98 Page 3 duplex development. Staff is comfortable with the duplex portion of the proposal because of the adjacent existing duplex development. The property is currently zoned A-O Agricultural Open. Ms. Kee continued and stated that the Parks Board considered parkland dedication for the master plan and discussed the options of accepting a monetary dedication (approximately $75,000) or a land dedication (approximately 2.5 acres). Parks Board recommended a monetary dedication at this time. Staff recommended the developer provide a sidewalk through the small detention area tying the drainage utility dght of way providing access to Welsh. Planning and Zoning Commission recommended denial for the following reasons: · Density relative to surrounding existing land uses. The Commission felt that placing the smaller single family lots near the existing larger single family lots in Southwood Valley violates the policy statements in the comprehensive plan relative to neighborhood integrity. · The Commission felt that the two existing neighborhood parks in this zone are too far from this existing development to be useable. They disagreed with the Parks Board about the cash in lieu of land. Subdivision Regulations require a vote of 5 Commissioners to overturn a Parks Board recommendation. P&Z had only 4 members voting on this item. Therefore, the recommendation to Council is to accept the cash. · Dependability of HOA being able to maintain the open space areas was a concern based on the viability of an HOA for a duplex development. · The Commission was concerned about the amount of traffic generated from this development. They felt the secondary access to Wellborn should be considered before the third phase of the development. Ms. Kee noted that Navarro street is designated as a residential collector street on the Thoroughfare plan and is built to accommodate 2,500-3,500 per day of which these volumes are well within range for a minor collector street. June Cooper of 900 Val Verde came forward to express concern about the drainage impact to the existing homes in the area. Joel Mitchell of 904 Park Place, representing Mike McClure the project engineer. He explained the small detention pond is approximately one acre and per city ordinance, the detention pond will be large enough to control the flows from the new development. Councilmembers expressed concern about the drainage impact to existing residences, and the traffic impact on Navarro, and the P&Z negative recommendation. Councilman Madott made a motion to approve the master plan with the acceptance of parkland dedication funds in the amount of $75,000. Motion seconded by Councilman Hickson. Council Regular '7/9/98 Page 4 Councilman Esmond made a substitute motion to return this item back to the Planning and Zoning Commission and ask developer and staff to resolve the issues of drainage, parkland, and traffic. Motion seconded by Councilman Anderson which carried by a vote of 4-3. FOR: Esmond, Anderson, Hazen, Silvia AGAINST: Mcllhaney, Madott, Hickson 7c: Discussion and possible action of an oversize participation request for sanitary sewer in Westfield Addition in the amount of $60~633.50~ the development phasing of the master plan for the subdivision. Possible action regarding a request to remove a portion of the subdivision from the Graham Road Sewer Impact Fee Area 92-01. Director of Development Services Jim Callaway presented the staff recommendations and recommended approval of the following items: Oversize participation Recommend sanitary sewer oversize participation in the amount of $60,633.50. Phasing Staff expressed concern about the lot development cost for the pdce range homes in the project; however, developer is aware of the cost and feels that the subdivision can support the infrastructure. Impact Fee Amendments Developer requested deletion of the development from the impact fee service area which will not have a significant effect on the overall cost recovery for the Graham Road sewer main. If the deletion is approved, staff recommended that the developer pay for cost of advertisement and legal descriptions. Councilman Hickson made a motion to approve the staff recommendations. Motion seconded by Councilman Mariott which carded unanimously, 7-0. 7d: Presentation~ discussion~ and possible action on the preliminary design for Bee Creek Channelization project by the Design Engineer Klotz Associates. Acting City Engineer Mark Smith introduced members of the engineering firm of Kiotz Associates, Inc., Rich Patrick, Carol Ellinger and Tom Ramsey. The purpose of the presentation was to update the Council on the project progress, present the preliminary design and comments from public meetings by affected citizens. Ms. Ellinger presented information about the model development for FEMA submission. Councilmembers asked question about the FEMA model and vadous aspects of the project. Mark Shavers of 1114 Neal Pickett noted his attendance of the public headngs held on this project because of his concern for the preservation of the arboretum. Council Regular 7'/9/98 Page 5 Councilman Hickson made a motion to proceed with the final design as presented. Motion seconded by Councilman Mariott which carried unanimously, 7-0. 7e: Presentation~ discussion and possible action of the Teen Center preliminary design. Asst. PARD Director Ric Ploeger stated that the Council approved the selection of Patterson Architects for design services during its February 26th meeting. $300,000 was budgeted in the budget to design and construct a facility specifically for the use of the teen population in the community. This is being done in response to the needs identified in a comprehensive survey of all CSISD students in grades 8-12. A conditional use permit for the Teen Center to be located in the Southwood Athletic Park was approved by P&Z and preliminary design was reviewed and approved by the Parks Board in June. Fred Patterson from Patterson Architects in Bryan described the elements of the design. Councilmembers made comments about the proposed design. Councilman Hickson made a motion to direct staff to present the preliminary design to the Teen Advisory Board, receive their input, and ratum this item to council for final action. Councilman Anderson seconded the motion which carded unanimously, 7-0. 7f: Discussion and possible action entering into an Interlocal Agreement with Texas A&M University and Easterwood Airport for operation of a joint fire station facility to be located at Easterwood Airport. Fire Chief Giordano stated that the purpose of the agreement is to allow for the joint use of a fire station facility to be operated at Easterwood Airport. Councilman Silvia made a motion to approve Agenda Items No. 7f and 7g. Motion seconded by Councilman Hickson which carried unanimously, 7-0. 7g: Discussion and possible action on a contingency transfer in the General Fund to appropriate funds for computers~ communication items~ and appliances for the Easterwood Fire Station in the amount of ~63~250. Refer to motion in previous item. 7h: Discussion and possible action accepting a grant from the U.S. Department of Justice/Office of Community Oriented Policing Services that will fund 75% of six additional police officer salaries and benefits for three years. Police Chief Ed Feldman stated that the city received confirmation of receipt of a grant for $436,252 over a three year period beginning May 1, 1998 to fund 75% of six new police officer's base salary and benefits. Council Regular 7/9/98 Page 6 Councilman Esmond made a motion to accept the grant as presented. Motion seconded by Councilman Silvia which carried unanimously, 7-0. 7i. Discussion and possible action pertaining to the appointment of a neighborhood representative to the Greenways Implementation Task Force. Councilman Hickson made a motion to appoint Sherry Ellison. Motion seconded by Councilman Silvia which carried unanimously, 7-0. Agenda Item No. 8 -- Hear Visitors. Helen Pugh of 601 Fairview expressed concern about the location of gas meters in the front yards of property located along Fairview. Council discussed the city's participation in this issue. Ms. Pugh also expressed concem about the street overlay project and the lack of work performed by Young Contractors. Agenda Item No. 9 -- Final action on executive session~ if necessary. No action was taken. Agenda Item No. 10--AdJourn. The workshop, executive, and regular meetings were adjourned at 9:30 p.m. PASSED AND APPROVED this 23rd day of July, 1998 _~E.,ST: . /II ~ C~ty Se~;~ etapj ,.,onme Hooks APPROVED: ll'/ '-Mayor Lynn Mcllhaney/ GUEST REGISTER CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1998 7:00 P.M. 18. GUEST REGISTER WORKSHOP MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1998 3:00 P.M. 4. 13. 18. 19. 20.