HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/09/1998 - Workshop Minutes City CouncilMayor LYNN MclLHANEY Mayor Pro Tempore DAVID HICKSON City Manager GEORGE K. NOE COLLEGE STATION Council Members STEVE ESMOND RON SILVIA SVV] KJ AN[~ERSON LARRY MARIO'I-I' ANNE HAZEN MINUTES COLLEGE STATION CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING Thursday, July 9, 1998 at 2:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers COUNCILMEMBERSPRESENT: Mayor Mcllhaney, Mayor Pretem Hickson, Councilmembers Madott, Esmond, Anderson, Silvia, Hazen STAFF PRESENT: Assistant City Manager Brymer, City Secretary Hooks, City Attorney Cargill, Jr., Management Assistant Broussard, Fire Chief Giordano, Human Resources Director Pavlinski, OTIS Director Piwonka, City Planner Kee Mayor Mcllhaney opened the workshop meeting at 2:20 p.m. Agenda Item No. 1 -- Appointment of citizens to various committees. Cemetery Committee Motion made by Councilman Esmond to appoint the following citizens. Silvia seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 7-0. (new) Helen Pugh, 6/00 (new) Joe Wallace, 6/00 (new) Amelinda Richards, alternate 6/00 (new) David Chester, alternate 6/00 Robert Toler, honorary member Community Appearance Committee Councilman Madott made a motion to appoint the following citizens, seconded by Councilman Hazen which carried unanimously, 7-0. (reappoint) John Richards, 6/00 (new) Barbara Petty, 6/00 (new) Thaddeus Hunter Adams, 6/00 (new) Fred Dollar, 6/00 Council Workshop 7~9~98 Page 2 Construction Board of AdJustments/Buildings Standards Commission Councilman Mariott made a motion to appoint the following citizens. Seconded by Councilman Hickson which carded unanimously, 7-0 (reappoint) Dan Seam, 6/00 (reappoint) James Holster, 6/00 (reappoint) George McLean, 6/00 (new) Helen Weber, 6/00 (new) Kevin Kuddes, altemate 6/00 Electrical Examining Board Councilman Mariott made a motion to appoint the following citizens. Seconded by Councilman Hickson which carded unanimously, 7-0. (reappoint) John Grille, 6~00 (new) Matt Murphy, 6/00 Facade Improvement Committee Discussion was held on the criteda for this membership. Motion made by Councilman Silvia to appoint Mark Lanier to replace Charles Burris and change the guidelines to include a member who has architect or construction experience. Motion seconded by Councilman Mariott. Substitute motion made by Councilman Esmond, seconded by Councilman Anderson to delay appointments to this committee until applications are received that meet the criteria of the membership and bring back in two weeks. Motion carried unanimously, 7-0. Historic Preservation Committee Motion made by Councilman Esmond to appoint the following individuals. Motion seconded by Councilman Mariott which carried unanimously, 7-0. (new) Dock Burke, 6/00 (new) Joan Perry, 6/00 (new) Russell Duke, 6/00 (new) Margaret Gdffith, 6/00 (reappointed) Elton Abbott, 6/00 Joint Relief Funding Review Committee Motion made by Councilman Mariott to reappoint Sara Goode, 6/00, seconded by Councilman Silvia which carded unanimously, 7-0. Council Workshop 7/9/98 Page 3 Northgate Revitalization Board Julius Gribou - TAMU representative Suzie Striegler - church representative Cheryl Anz - merchant Bill Boyett- real estate Richard Benning - property owner Andrew Howard - student Roxanne Brown - resident Elton Abbott - architect Councilman Esmond made a motion to accept the recommendations and ask staff to identify the remaining membership criteda (one church rep, one TAMU rep, one property owner), advertise, and bring back to Council qualified applicants. Motion seconded by Councilman Madott which carried unanimously, 7-0. Parks and Recreation Board Motion made by Councilman Mariott, seconded by Councilman Hickson to appoint the following names which carried unanimously, 7-0. (new) John Nichols, 6/00 (new) Susan Alle, 6/00 (new) Glen Davis, 6/00 (new) Sarah Birkhold, 6/00 Councilman Silvia made a motion to appoint George Dresser as a regular member to replace Debra Anderson, 6/99, seconded by Councilman Hickson which carded unanimously, 7-0. Motion made by Councilman Esmond to appoint Chris Barzilla as Chairman, seconded by Councilman Madott which carried unanimously, 7-0. Zoning Board of Adjustments Motion made by Councilman Silvia and seconded by Councilman Hickson to appoint the following names. Motion carried unanimously, 7-0. (reappoint) David Alexander, 6/00 (new) Matt Murphy, 6/00 John Haap, 6/00 moved from alternate to regular member Leslie Hill, 6/99 moved from alternate to regular member (new) Roger Lewis, 6/00 (new) Steve Searcy, 6/00 alternate (new) Mark Lanier, 6/99 alternate Motion made by Councilman Mariott to appoint Judy Warren as Chairman, seconded by Councilman Esmond. Council Workshop 719198 Page 4 Substitute motion made by Councilman Anderson to appoint David Alexander as Chairman, seconded by Councilman Esmond which carried 4-2-1. FOR: Esmond, Hickson, Anderson, Silvia AGAINST: Hazen, Madott ABSTAIN: Mcllhaney Councilman Esmond made a motion to appoint Brandon Hausenfluck and Jean Bailey as additional alternates to this board. Motion seconded by Councilman Silvia which carried unanimously, 7-0. Agenda Item No. 2 -- Discussion of consent and statutory agenda items. Councilman Anderson asked questions about Consent Agenda Item No. 6e regarding the 380 grant to the Bryan/College Station Economic Development Corporation in the amount of $10,205. Todd McDaniel reported that Cabletime requested a waiver of building and tap fees through an incentive provision within a 380 grant. Staff recommended approval of the request. Agenda Item No. 3 -- Presentation and possible action on staff recommendations re~3ardina the SouthsidelSouthgate Neighborhood Preservation Committee report. Management Assistant Edward Broussard presented this item. He reported that this item is a response to the 1997 Strategic Issue No. 12, Northgate/Southgate Revitalization/Code Enforcement and Planning, TAMU. Staff worked with residents and property owners in the area in a collaborative process centered on area resident/property owner participation and input. The area is defined as bounded north by George Bush Drive, west by Wellborn Road, south by Holleman Drive, and east by Timber. Citizens volunteered to serve on committees tasked with vadous groups of issues. One of these committees, Neighborhood Preservation, prepared a report containing its recommendations presented to council at the January 22, 1998 workshop for council review and discussion. Following receipt of this report, council directed staff to prepare a response and recommendations concerning this report. Mr. Broussard identified the recommendations from the committee and staff: · Remove on street parking presently along the north side of George Bush Drive from Timber to Texas Avenue. · Establish One Hour Parking from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, in the areas on Fairview and Montclair, from George Bush Drive to Kerry Street. · Install "No Parking from here to Corner'" signs on Fairview Avenue to help reduce the sight distance problems created by parked vehicles. · Direct staff to implement a pilot program for on street permit parking system. Mike Luther, chairman of the Neighborhood Preservation committee concurred with staff recommendations. He thanked the council for the opportunity to be a part of this process. Council Workshop 7/9/98 Page 5 Norma Miller, 504 Guernsey added that the code enforcement system has worked well in the neighborhood with regard to parking in the neighborhood. Councilmembers emphasized the importance of communicating with TAMU officials on this issue. Student Government Liaison Candace Collins remarked that the students are affected by these recommendations. She emphasized the lack of parking accommodations for students on A&M campus which increases a demand for on street parking. It was noted that the City's bikeway master plan included plans to eliminate on street parking on George Bush Drive. Council directed staff to initiate discussions with TAMU and bring back the report at the next meeting for final consideration on the four options presented. Councilman Anderson suggested staff consider a longer period of time for parking, possibly two hours. Agenda Item No. 4 -- Presentation and possible action regarding the Wolf Pen Creek Corridor Master Plan. Director of Parks and Recreation Steve Beachy explained the master plan revision process. Three key objectives for the process were identified: 1) Maintain the vision of the original plan 2) Correct for existing conditions 3) Accomplish with public participation. The master plan revision was developed as a staff project. Workshops held utilized "neutral" facilitators and nominal process to obtain objective results and consensus. Determined that additional engineering work was necessary to determine a solution for the existing silt problems. Three citizen boards reviewed the revisions, Parks and Recreation, Planning and Zoning Commission, and Tax Increment Finance District Board. Mr. Beachy outlined the staff and citizen boards' recommendations: 1. "Implement the "Vision" of the original plan 2. City acquire and develop corridor 3. Fix waterways and bike trails 4. Scale down plan to reflect current conditions 5. Expand with connections east and west 6. Stringently maintain zoning requirements 7. Minimize erosion and siltation problems 8. Develop specific plan for corridor to ensure future access to creek area Council Workshop 7/9/98 Page 6 9. Educate public and "market" the plan 10. Create organization responsible for project implementation 11. MAKE A COMMITMENT TO THE PLAN! Mr. Beachy presented the following concluding remarks. · Original goals and objectives and P&Z recommendations are sound · Lakes are not viable at the present time; water features are essential to "vision" · Encourage small retail development · Eliminate future residential/"big box" development · Core area development should enhance amphitheater and hotel/conference center · Use existing resources for greatest impact · Consider future use of drainage utility $$$ Mr. Beachy mentioned that grant options and matching funds are available to finance improvements. Public Works Director Mark Smith highlighted the drainage project recently completed in the City of Smithville. City Planner Jane Kee explained the predevelopment review process. James Massey, Chairman of Planning and Zoning Commission expressed support for the revised plan. Bob DeOtte, member of the Parks Board emphasized two issues for council to consider: 1) carefully look at the impact of straightening creek 2) focus on upstream drainage maintenance Mr. DeOtte mentioned the City of Smithville drainage rehabilitation project recently toured by staff. Mayor Protem Hickson emphasized the importance of correcting problems upstream. He made a motion to approve the revised master plan as presented, with staff recommendations I and 2 and bring back a plan for funding drainage projects in the area both east and west of Texas Avenue and recommendations for members of the Implementation Committee. Seconded by Councilman Silvia which carried unanimously, 7-0. Agenda Item No. 5 -- Presentation and possible action on the preliminary site plan for the office hotel, and conference center project in Wolf Pen Creek and Conference Center Schematic Design. Richard Ferrara, the city and developer's architect explained the preliminary site plan. Questions were asked by councilmembers about the design. Project is proposed to begin in late spring of 1999 and completed within 14 months. Council Workshop 7~9~98 Page 7 Councilman Silvia made a motion to direct staff to move forward with design project. Seconded by Councilman Esmond which carried unanimously, 7-0. Agenda Item No. 6 -- Committee Reports Mr. Brymer reported that the Greenways Task Force held their first meeting and will continue to meet. Agenda Item No. 7 -- Agenda Requests by Councilmembers Councilman Esmond asked the Mayor about the schedule of his requested item. She responded that his request will be discussed during the budget review. Agenda Item No. 8 -- Council Calendars AMCC Conference - July 16-19 Agenda Item No. 9 -- Executive Session. Council convened into executive session at 5:55 p.m. Staff and Legal Reports {LGC 551.075} a. Cafe Eccell Lease Pending and Contemplated Litigation {LGC 551.071} Personnel {LGC 551.074} Council returned to open session from executive session at 7:05 p.m. Councilmembers took action regarding additional committee appointments related to Workshop Item No. 1. Motion made by Councilman Mariott to appoint Roger Lewis as an alternate. This is a change from previous action mentioned at the beginning of these minutes. Motion seconded by Councilman Hickson which carried unanimously, 7-0. Motion made by Councilman Silvia to appoint John Richards as Chairman, seconded by Councilman Hazen which carried unanimously, 7-0. Workshop and Executive sessions adjourned following the regular meeting. PASSED AND APPROVED this 23rd day of July, 199--8. City Secretary Connie Hooks APPROVED: Ma~;~r Lynn Mcllhaney