HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/26/1998 - Regular Minutes City CouncilMayor LYNN MOILHANEY Mayor Pro Tempore HUB KENNADY City Manager GEORGE K. NOE COLLEGE STATION Council Members STEVE ESMOND LARRY MARIOTT DAVID HICKSON DICK BIRDVVELL SWlKI ANDERSON MINUTES COLLEGE STATION CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting at 7:00 p.m. Thursday, March 26, 1998 College Station City Hall COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Mcllhaney, Mayor Protem Kennady, Councilmembers Birdwell, Hickson, Mariott, Anderson, Esmond STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Noe, Assistant City Manager Brymer, City Secretary Hooks, City Attorney Cargill, Jr., Acting City Engineer Smith, OTIS Director Piwonka, Director of Economic and Community Development Ash, Budget Director Cryan Mayor Mcllhaney opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. She acknowledged Ms. Jenny Nelson, the city hall reporter, who has accepted a journalist position in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Agenda Item No. I -- Pled.qe of Alle,qiance Mayor and Councilmembers cited the pledge of allegiance. A.qenda Item No. 2 -- Invocation Rabbi Peter Tarlow provided the invocation. Agenda Item No. 3 -- Consider request for absence. Everyone was present. A.qenda Item No. 4 -- Presentations James Polasek, Interim Purchasing Manager received a plaque recognizing his achievements in the purchasing field. Providing Customer Sen/ice Excellence Council Regular 3~26~98 Page 2 Jessica Jimmerson, Community Development Grants Analyst accepted proclamations for "Big Event", April 4, 1998 and "National Community Development Week, April 6-12, 1998. Agenda Item No. 5 -- Statutory Agenda 5a. Approved request to purchase one 1998 Chevrolet 3/4 ton truck for Parks Department through Houston-Galveston Area Council. Award to lowest responsible bidder on HGAC contract for a total expenditure of $18,292. Funds available in FY 1997-98 General Fund. Approved by common consent. Agenda Item No. 6 -- Consent Agenda 6a. Approved minutes for Council workshop Meeting, of March 12, 1998 and regular meeting of March 12, 1998. 6b. Approved resolution appointing judges to serve in May 2, 1998 election. 6c. Approved Ordinance No. 2318 repealing Chapter 11 (Utilities, Water, Wastewater, Electric, Sanitation, and Code Enforcement) in the Code of Ordinances and replaced it with a revised version. Items approved by common consent. 6d. Approved award of contract for professional services to McClure Engineering, Inc. for design of upgrading and improving water and sanitary sewer utility lines in the Eastgate area. Project is Phase I of the revised Eastgate Master Plan (Project No. SS-9814, Contract No. 98-043). Councilman Mariott made a motion to approve the contract as outlined in Item No. 6d. Motion seconded by Councilman Hickson which passed by a 5-2 vote. FOR: Mcllhaney, Kennady, Mariott, Hickson, Birdwell AGAINST: Anderson, Esmond Councilman Anderson expressed a concern that the City is not equitable in its selection of engineering firms to perform city projects. Council Regular 3~26~98 Page 3 Agenda Item No. 7 -- Regular Agenda 7a. Update~ discussion~ and possible action concemin.q the activities of the Arts Council of the Brazos Valley. Carol Wagner, President, came forward to announce the new location of the Arts Council office in the Park Place Plaza Shopping Center on Texas Avenue and Southwest Parkway. She introduced David Romei as the new Executive Director. Mr. Romei made a few comments about his goals for the organization. Jim Rosenheim presented a status report on the progress of the "art in public places" project of which three original works of art were recently displayed in College Station. 7b. Discussion and possible action on the Lick Creek Park Master Plan. This item was discussed at a previous workshop meeting on March 12th. PARD Director Steve Beachy stated that the master plan consists of 515 acres which includes cultural, biophysical, educational and recreational values for the park, while establishing an effective plan for use by the public. The plan allows for Iow impact nature-based recreation that will showcase the unique natural, physical, and cultural resources of the park. Mr. Beachy noted that funding for preliminary archeological survey work ($28,000) and fencing for a portion of the park boundary now open ($5,000) will be requested in the FY 1999 budget process. Preliminary cost estimates for operations and maintenance of the park are approximately $49,500 per year. Mayor Protem Kennady made a motion to approve the Lick Creek Park Master Plan. Motion seconded by Councilman Mariott which carried unanimously, 7-0. 7c. Discussion and possible action approving a proposed resolution authorizing publication of notice of intention to issue certificates of obligation for the conference center approved by voters last November. City Manager Noe briefly explained Items No. 7c and No. 7d. 7d. Discussion and possible action approving a proposed resolution authorizing publication of notice of intention to issue revenue bonds allocated toward capital for city's utility services. Vote taken on Item No. 7c and 7d. Motion made by Councilman Birdwell to approve the resolution as presented. Seconded by Councilman Mariott which carried unanimously, 7-0. Council Regular 3/26/98 Page 4 Agenda Item No. 8 -- Hear Visitors. Helen Pugh, 601 Fairview inquired about the costs associated with the public information regarding the Northgate Parking Garage Brochure and Charter Amendment Proposition Brochure. She also asked about the ballot wording on the Northgate proposition. Rosemary Cowen, 800 Marion Pugh, #1207 asked staff to review an ordinance regarding restrictions on construction hours. Agenda Item No. 9 -- Action on closed session, if necessary. No action was taken. Agenda Item No. 10 -- Adiourn. The workshop, executive and regular meetings were adjourned at 7:50 p.m. PASSED AND APPROVED this 9th day of April, 1998. APPROVED: Mayor Lynn Mcllhaney,/ /.?)TEST: City Secretary Connie Hooks GUEST REGISTER COLLEGE STATION CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING THURSDAY, March 26th, 1998 3:00 p.m. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 4 19. 20. 10. 21. GUEST REGISTER COLLEGE STATION CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING THURSDAY, March 26th, 1998 3:00 p.m. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. GUEST REGISTER COLLEGE STATION CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, March 26th, 1998 7:00 p.m. 21. GUEST REGISTER COLLEGE STATION CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, March 26th, 1998 7:00 p.m. 10.