HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/23/1998 - Workshop Minutes City CouncilMayor LYNN MclLHANEY Mayor Pro Tempore City Manager GEORGE K. NOE COLLEGE s'r A TI 0 i',1 Council Members LARRY MARIO~r STEVE ESMOND RON SILVlA SVVI KI ANDERSON DAVID HICKSON ANNE HAZEN MINUTES COLLEGE STATION CITY COUNCIL Workshop Meeting Thursday, April 23, 1998 at 3:00 p.m. College Station City Hall COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Mcllhaney, Mayor Protem Kennady, Councilmembers Birdwell, Mariott, Esmond, Anderson COUNCILMEMBERSABSENT: Councilmember Hickson STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Noe, Assistant City Manager Brymer, Acting City Engineer Smith, Human Resources Director Pavlinski, City Attorney Cargill, Jr., City Secretary Hooks, Water/Wastewater Superintendent Riley Mayor Mcllhaney called the meeting to order at 3:03 p.m. Agenda Item No. 7 -- Presentation and possible action on request from Phyllis Hobson for disannexation of South Hampton. Councilman Mariott made a motion to withdraw item no. 7 from the agenda. Motion seconded by Councilman Birdwell which carried unanimously, 5-0, Councilmembers Hickson and Kennady absent. Agenda Item No. I -- Discuss consent and statutory a.qenda items listed for Regular Meeting. Councilman Anderson asked questions about the subcontractors involved in the utility customer service building contract. Assistant City Manager Tom Brymer responded to his questions. Agenda Item No. 2 -- Presentation and possible action on staff report on odor control project at the Carter Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant. Water and Wastewater Superintendent Bill Riley addressed the Council about the sources of odor in the Carter Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant. Representatives from Kruger and Camp Dresser and McKee addressed future changes at the plant. Councilmembers asked technical questions about the current process and the odor sources. City of College Station, Texas Providing Customer Service Excellence Council Workshop 4/23/98 Page 2 Agendaltem No. 3--Discussion and possible action on Ca~erCreek Reclamation Pr~ect. Jim Callaway presented a status report of the permit application, summary of previous council discussion and recent actions with this project. Project Manager Mike Davis informed council of the project status. He provided a conceptual plan. Greg Taggart of Municipal Development Group reported on the water features of the project. He stated that the developer has agreed to meet the citizen's concerns about siltation. He added that Turner Collie and Braden will conduct a siltation study. Christian Turner from the Sierra Club and Brazes Greenways Council spoke in opposition to the project. He referred to a letter he wrote to the council regarding this project's permit application and its non-compliance to the drainage ordinance and comprehensive land use plan. Mr. Turner commented on the inefficiencies of the process. Council directed staff to further study the hydrology within the project, adequate land set aside for mitigation, siltation studies, downstream effect, endangered species, and locate a mediator to work with both sides to reach an acceptable plan. A,qenda Item No. 4 -- Presentation and possible action on Greenways Implementation Task Force. City Manager Nee suggested the composition of the membership. Scott Schaffer suggested additional membership expertise. Councilman Birdweil made a motion to approve the membership of 11 persons to this task force composed of 11 members. 1 representative from a neighborhood along a floodway, 1 professional landscape architect or urban planner, I representative of recreational groups, 1 representative with expertise in environmental science, 1 member of the Brazes Greenways Council, 1 representative with expertise in storm drainage, 2 members of the Planning and Zoning Commission, 2 members of the Parks and Recreation Board, and 1 representative of the development community. Motion seconded by Councilman Madott which carried 5-0, Councilmembers Kennady and Hickson absent. Council recessed for a short break. Council Workshop 4/23/98 Page 3 Agenda Item No. 5 -- Presentation and possible action on proposed Rock Prairie Road extension. Acting City Engineer Mark Smith stated that the proposed street is 74 ft. wide with a median and sidewalks on both sides within a 100 ft. right-of-way, approximately 1700- 2000 ft. in length. He proposed a cost estimate of $1,449,000 which included land purchase, engineering and construction cost. This project will be submitted to the Capital Improvement Committee for consideration. Following council comments, Mayor Mcllhaney conveyed to staff its direction on this project: 1) look at land acquisition and identify funds available in CIP projects or debt avoidance. 2) look at the project scope 3) conduct a traffic count. Mayor Protem Kennady arrived to the meeting. ARenda Item No. 6 -- Presentation and possible action on proposed Taxicab Ordinance. City Manager Noe reviewed three options. Option 1: Adopt New Ordinance as written · streamline permitting process · places cap on metered fare rates · removes zone fare plan Option 2: Remove taximeter requirement from new ordinance · streamlines permitting process · removes all fare regulation Option 3 Remove fare rate maximums · leaves in place the required taximeter · removes all fare regulation Councilman Birdwell instructed staff to draft the ordinance with Option 2. Motion seconded by Councilman Anderson. Ted Lezynski, owner of Golden Eagle Charter urged Council to accept the ordinance as filed on record in the City of Bryan. It is advantageous for both cities to have similar regulations. Stephen Holland, owner of taxicab company agreed with the proposed ordinance. Council Workshop 4/23/98 Page 4 Christian Edde, owner of taxicab company did not agree that the city should regulate the fares of the taxicab business. The motion by Councilman Birdwell passed 4-2. FOR: Mcllhaney, Esmond, Birdwell, Anderson AGAINST: Kennady, Mariott ABSENT: Hickson Agenda Item No. 8 -- Committee Reports. Councilman Birdwell reported that the City Affairs Committee met to hear a report from 911 personnel regarding the changing the name of Highway 6 and 2818. No objection was expressed in changing the names; however, a problem existed in the numbering system. Council will consider this item at the regular meeting. Council will meet with the Brazos County Commissioners and the City of Bryan Council on June 4th. Agenda Item No. 9 -- Agenda Requests by Councilmembers No items were added. Agenda Item No. 10 -- Council Calendars Council Engineering Committee met at 11:30 a.m. and recommendations on engineering services contract will be brought to council in May. Texas Environmental Excellence Award Banquet, May 6, 12:00 p.m. in Austin Canvass Election Results, May 8, 12:00 p.m. Installation of new city officials, May 14, 3:00 p.m. Council Workshop and Regular Meetings, May 14. Agenda Item No. 11 -- Executive Session. Council moved into executive Session at 6:05 p.m. Staff and Legal Reports {LGC 551.075} Pending and Contemplated Litigation {LGC 551.071} Appointment and Evaluation of public officials {LGC 551.074} The workshop and executive sessions will adjourn following the regular meeting. PASSED AND APPROVED this 14th day of May, 1998. "C~t~ Secretary Connie Hooks APP~ROVED~: ~ Lynn Mcllhaney /