HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-1611 - Ordinance - 09/12/1985ORDINANCE NO. 1611 AN ORDINANCE REZONING A 36.61 ACRE TRACT LYING AND BEING SITUATED IN THE CRAWFORD BURNETT LEAGUE, COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS, BEING PAHT OF THAT 103.8 ACRE TRACT CONVEYED TO AREA PROGRESS CORPORATION BY DEED RECORDED IN VOLUME 788, PAGE 7] OF THE DEED RECORDS OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXA~ AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED BY METES AND BOUNDS IN THE BODY OF THIS ORDINANCE, FROM LOW DENSITY APARTMENTS DISTRICT R-4 TO SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT H ]. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: WHEREAS, the City Council held a pub]to hearing in the City Hall at 7:00 P.M. Thursday, September 12, 1985, on the question of rezonxng certain areas within the Ctty J,lmits, AND, WHEREAS, the City Council has determined the followxng: To rezone or change the classtf]cation of all that certatn tract or parcel of land lying end being situated in the C,'awford Burnett Leagae in College Statton, Brazos County, Texas, betng part of that 103.8 acre tract conveyed to Area Progress Corporation be deed recorded tn Volume 788, Page 7] of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas, and being more partlcn]ar]y descrmbed as follows: Beginning at the most easterly corner of Southwot, d Valley section 23, an addition to tile City of College Stalon, Texas, according to p{at of record in Volume 525, Page 647 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas, in the southwest line of Welsh Avenue. Thence S 41'52'17" E 21R.34 feet along the southwest lmne of Welsh Avenue to the P.C. of a curve to the left {R=1035.00'), Thence along the arc of said curve in the southwest line of Welsh Avenue through a central angle of 5'32'36"; Thence S 46'q4'14" W 481.70 feet; Thence S 47°51'35" E 400.00 feet: Thence N 42°0R'25'' R - 480.00 Feet; Thence S 47°51'35'' E 675.00 feet to the southeast l~ne of the said Area Progress Corporatmon 103.8 acre tract; Thence S 42'08'25" W - 1710.00 feet along the southeast llne of the said Area Progress Corporation 103.8 acr~ tract to the most southerly cornel- of this tract; Thence through the said 103.8 ac're tract as follows: N 47°51'35" W - 675.00 feet; 1 00453' Ordinance No. 1611 N 42°08'25" g - 900.00 feet; N 47°51'35" W - 667.43 feet; N 62'25'58" W 54.20 feel; N 34°47'54" W 133.90 103.8 acre tract which sPctlon feet to the northwest l~ne of the said ~s the southeast line of Southwood Valley Thence N 55°12'06'' E 418.76 feet along the southeast ]1ne of Southwood Valley section 23 to an angle point. Thence N 52°53'39'' g 421.28 feet coi~tinuing along the southeast lille uf Southwood Valley section 23 to the POINT OF BEGINNING and ,-ontale]ng 36.61 acres of ]and more or leas, from Low Density Apartments District R-4 to Stngle Family Res~dential Dlstrtct R-I. And, it is ordamn.d that ~mmediately. PASSED AND APPROVED th~s said change shall become effectmve 12th day of September, 1985. ATTEST: 00 53 2 Aj; A . , _� � - , o. mf p # k WO - A oil F EW W VAN WA oo MAW, IVA as 4P gr C tJ�I11 +r ILIA Mal mt * 42 CHI CA a3i�, 'Ord 1p ra CDP oil 21 Em Im u FVl t:s ft H IXSE NUMBER F 6J F � 9­1