HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/16/1998 - Joint Minutes City CouncilCITY OF COLLEGE STATION Mayor Lynn McIIhaney Mayor Pro Tempore David Hickson City Manager George K. Noe City Council Steve Esmond Ron Silvia SwJki Anderson Larry Madott Anne Hazen MINUTES COLLEGE STATION CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL JOINT MEETING Monday, November 16, 1998 at 6:$0 p.m. Brazos Center, 3232 Briarcrest Drive, Bryan, Texas A special meeting of the College Station City Council was held jointly with a meeting of the Bryan City Council and Brazos County Commissioners Court. Members present included: Mayor Lynn Mcllhaney, Councilmembers Hickson, Silvia, Mariott, and Hazen. Staff present were City Manager Noe, City Secretary Hooks, City Attorney Cargill, Jr., Management Assistant Broussard, Water/Wastewater Superintendent Riley, Public Utilities Director Woody, Assistant City Manager Brymer, Development Services Director Callaway. o CALL TO ORDER Mayor McIlhaney called the meeting to order at 6:40 p.m. WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS College Station Mayor Lynn Mcllhaney introduced and welcomed Senator Steve Ogden, Representative Fred Brown and Representative C.B. Jones to the joint session. OPENING COMMENTS FROM LEGISLATORS The legislators thanked the members of the Councils and the Commissioners Court for the opportunity to meet with them about items of concern to the local community. PRESENTATION ON SPECIFIC LEGISLATIVE INITIATIVES Mr. Bill Riley, Water/Wastewater Superintendent for the City of College Station, spoke about a proposed regional groundwater conservation district. He provided the history of the study to determine water supply needs for Brazos County and the surrounding region for the next 50 years. He spoke about the "rule of capture" and explained that a conservation district would help insure that the existing water supply is used wisely. Mr. Riley answered questions and stated Senator Ogden had agreed to carry forward the proposed legislation. Special Meeting 11/16/98 Page 2 Mr. Rick Conner, Director of Public Works for the City of B~yan, explained a problem with single certificates of convenience and necessity (CNN) for newly annexed areas that have been serviced by rural water systems. He stated that cities want to provide water, along with other city services, to newly annexed territories. He provided an example with Wickson Creek Special Utility District CNN and recently annexed section of Bryan. Mr. Conduff reported that the Texas Municipal League had adopted a resolution asking that this issue be resolved. 5. DISCUSSION ON LEGISLATIVE MATTERS OF LOCAL INTEREST The floor was opened for discussion regarding legislative matters of local interest: annexation, utility franchise issues, electric deregulation and municipal court jurisdiction. A discussion regarding electric deregulation focused on concerns about retail wheeling, reliability and stranded costs. Bryan officials, as owners of BTU, expressed great concern about the negative impacts of stranded costs and reliability issues on the electric systems owners. Senator Ogden spoke about the need for a long transition period in order to mitigate as many negative impacts as possible. Representative Brown also stated that the stranded cost issue had to be addressed. Mr. Conduff reported that the Texas Municipal League position was to maintain local control over utility franchise issues. Discussion followed about the importance of right-of- way fees to cities and taxpayers, He also stated that the legislators were being encouraged to strive for fairness to both municipalities and land owners on the issue of annexation. The topic of platting requirements for some subdivision control outside the city limits was mentioned. Health and safety issues related to annexation and subdivision control were also mentioned. The legislators agreed that the fairness issue was critical to successful legislation affecting annexation. It was mentioned that Representative Brown was sponsoring a bill to clear up ambiguities in existing law regarding municipal court jurisdiction over Class C misdemeanor and city ordinance cases arising on city-owned property located outside the corporate city limits. 6. ADJOURN Council thanked Senator Ogden, Representative Brown and Representative Jones for attending the meeting and hearing the concerns of local elected officials. Without objection, the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 pm. TEST' .- ~ Ij City Secretary Connie Hooks APPROVED: MayS{- Lynn Mcllhaney