HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-1603 - Ordinance - 07/11/1985ORDINANCE NO. 1603 AN ORDINANCE VACATING A TiN FUOT UTILITY EASSN~NT IN THE SCHICK ADDITION AS DESCRIB[~] IN EX%IIBIT NO. 1, ATFACH~). ~I-I~F_AS, the property owners of said property have made application and are desirous of utilizing the ten foot (10') utility easement described in ~'xhibit No. 1. BE IT ORDAIN[~) B~ THE CITY COL~CIL OF CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, That said ten foot (10'} utility easement recorded in Volume 776, Page 138, of the Brazos County Deed Records, be vacated and abandoned. The Mayor and City Secretary are hereby authorized to release on behalf of the City of College Statmn any claim or right which the City has in and to said ten foot (10') easemenl area. PASS'RR, AI3DPrEo and APPROVt~ th~s the 1985. llth day of July A'FI'EST: City Secreta~/ 00450 n ,.,.. ~.c ttor of th. n : ~-,-_.~ted ~" Schick :,~ Cul!ege Station, ~razos Count}', TexaS, .... ly deszribed as follows: Lddi tion to and b-~ I n,9 Recorded un the Official Records of Brazos Cotaaty - Vohane 776, Page 138 FIELD NOTES OF A 0.21 ACRE (9116 SQUARE FOOT) TRACT BEING A UTILITY EASEMENT CRAWFORD BURNETT LEAGUE ABSTRACT NO. 7 COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS Field notes of a 0.21 acre (9116 square foot) tract being a utility easement lying and being situated in the Crawford Burnett League, Abstract No. 7, College Station, Brazos County, Texas, and being a portion of a 2q.622 acre tract conveyed to Kenneth Schick by g. Kelly Parker, Trustee, by deed recorded in Volume 436, Page 558 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at the west cor~er of the aforementioned 29.622 acre tract; THENCE N 45° 10' 11" g along the northwest line of the aforementioned 20.622 acre tract for a distance of 10.24 feet to a point for corner; THENCE S 32° 30' 20" E for a distance of 623.30 feet to a point for corner; THENCE N 57° 01' 13" E for a distance of 280.67 feet to a point for corner; THENCE S 14° 33' 38" E for a distance of 10.54 feet to a point for corner, same point lying on the southwest boundary lzne of the aforementioned 29.622 acre tract; THENCE S 57° O1' 13" W along the southeast boundary line of the abovement~oned 29.622 acre tract for a distance of 287.42 feet to a point for .-omer; THENCF N 32° 30' ~ " .0 W for a dzstance of 631.20 feet to the PLACE OF E~'I'.'!NG ~nG containing Fi.2] acres of land, more or less. Je//ry -Bishop / R&gistered Pub Itc Surveyor No. 2557 .lanua ry, 1985 00450c . _ :__:-, ~ ..n~, _.- _~ .-~lat or --'._trL ~- .... ~-= u?_Ix y "a&"-~, t so', ' - . ~ :_.-.. shg-'~ng tn~ surround:. ~ % ~- ,~e~re~ streets in all d~rez%:~ns, ~buttin%; lots, the b!o~" :.~2-.s in %~h~ch the portion of %h~ u~i~ty eaoement sougkt to be .... ~ ~s s~tuated, an~ '~= a~d~ti~n or additions in %;h~ck the D~r~lc ~' tr, e ut~!~ty easem~nu s~..~tt to b~ vacated io situated. Also, ~he ---?s of recor~ o%~ners of th~ abuttin~ lots are sho~n. APPLICATION FOR '1..'lIE VACATIOM OF A PORT/ON OF A PUBLIC UTILITY EA-~:E..'.I?-IIT IN SCRIG{ ADDITION TO THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS. ApR!ication to Vacate Utility Easement No. Date: Jtne 18. 1985 TO Tile ~YOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION: The undersigned hereby made application for the vacation and abandon- ment of that portion of the public utility easement situated in the above named addition, and particularly describgd in Exhibit No. 1, attached. In support of this application, the undersigned represent and warrant the following: The undersigned will held the City of College Station harmless, and indemnify it against all suits, costs, expenses, and damages that may arise or grow out of such vacation and abandonment; Attached, marked Exhibit No. 2, is a plat or sketch' of that portion of the public utility easement sought to be vacated and the surrounding area to the nearest streets in all directions, showing the abutting lots and block, and the addition in which the above described portion of such utility easement is situated, together with the record owners of such lots; 3. Attached, marked Exhibit NO. 3, is the consent of public utilities to such vacation; 4. Attached, marked Exhibit No. 4, is the consent to such vacation of all the abutting property owners, except the following: (if none, so state) (a) Name: Address: ~Fny Consent Not Obtained: (b) Name: Address: ~hy Consent Not Obtained: (c) Name: Address: ~hy Consent Not Obtained: (d) Name: Address: ~{hy Consent Not Obtained: (e) Name: Address: ~{hy Consent Not Obtained: 00 .50c Such publ:-- utility e,:"'-'m~-t~l bec'~us~-: Property bas been replatted ~d proposed utility location has been chenged, negating the need for 8~ easement in the existing location. Such public utility easement h~s been and is being used as follows: Easmm~t has been ~md is vac~t' with no existing utilities present. 11.'.7 Joint Venture 900 Southwest Parkway East College Station, tey~s T-IE STATE OF TEXAS CDUNTY OF BRAZOS X BEFORE ~, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared ~0b~[ C~£C R. I , known to me to be a credible person and one of the signers of the foregoing applications, and who, after being by me duly sworn, did upon oath state that the information contained in such application is true an~ correct to the best of knowledge and belief. No~c~ry Public, B~zos Texas O County, 006509 and bDl~- '-LrC P~corded in the Official Records of Brazos ~)mty - Vol~ 776, Page 138 FIELD NOTES OF A 0.21 ACRE (9116 SQUARE FOOT) TRACT BEING A UTILITY EASEMENT CRAWFORD BURNETT LEAGUE ABSTRACT NO. 7 COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS Field notes of a O.21 acre (9116 square foot) tract bezng a utility easement lying and being situated xn the Crawford Burnett League, Abstract No. 7, College Station, Brazos County, Texas, and being a portion of a 29.622 acre tract conveyed to Kenneth Schick by E. Kelly Parker, Trustee, by deed recorded in Volume 436, Page 558 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at the west corner of the aforementioned 29.622 acre tract; THENCE N 45° 10' I1" E along the northwest hue of the aforementioned 2~.622 acre tract for a distance of 10.24 fee£ to a point for corner; THENCE S 32° 30' 20" E for a distance of 623.30 feet to a point for corner; THENCE N 57° Ol' 13" E for a distance of 280.67 feet to a poznt for THENCE S ld° 33' 38" E for a dzstance o£ 10.5~ feet to a point for corner, same point lyzng on the southwest boundary line of the aforementioned 29.622 acre tract; THENCE S 57° 0l' 13" W along the southeast boundary line ot the abovementfoned 29.622 acre tract for a distance of 287.~2 feet to a point for corner; IHENCE N 3'0 3U' 20" W for a distance ot §31.20 feet BFClNNING ann , ontal'ntng fi. Z1 acre~ o: land, mute or less. to the PLACE OF 00 .51L Recorded in the Otficial Recoras of Brazos Cotmty- Voltrm 776, Page 138 '~oc=~M, /'.,,C-/-Z,' 00451~ plic.~tion to Vacate .:lzty Base.~:-u]t 1.~o. EXHIBIT NO. 3 The un6erslgned public u~ility companies, using or entitled tc use, under the terms and provisions of our respective franchises w! th the City of College Station, that portion of the public utility et sement sought to be vacated in the Application to Vacate utility E,.sement above referred to, do hereby consent to the vacation and abandonment of the described portion of such utility easement. LONE STAR GAS COMPANY GENERAL TELEPIIONE COMPANY (Title) -- (Title) The undersigned, City Engineer for the City of College Statio certify that I have carefully considered the Application to Vacate Vtility Easement above referred to from the standpoint of preBent and Iuture needs of the City of College Station with respect to traffic ~.nd city utilities, and I see no objection to the requested vacation -rom the.City's standpoint. ~ ~ g' , -' ~ ege Statir 08651 '  pplication to Vac,~te ; :zlztv F:5.'ment ilo. ,~ ° f EXIIIBIT I;0. 4 The undersigned, owners of property abutting u-on that. porti~ of the public utility easement named and described in Lhe Application Vacate Utility Easement referred to above, do hereby consent to such vacation and abandonment, and growing out of such vacation and abandonment. 1127 Joint Vemture Address: q~o ~n,~-1-r,.~,t- p~y F.~t Address: . I% Address: Address: Address: Address: Address: Address: Address: Address: Address: Address: Address: Address: Address: Address: 00451,