HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-1602 - Ordinance - 07/11/1985ORDINANCE NO. 1602 AN ORDINANCE ,a/~DING CHAPTI~ 10, SECTION 3, SUBSECTION E OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, RELATING TO SP,:,]~ ZONES AND SPECIFICALLY DESIGNATING ADDITIONAL ARF_AS iN THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IN WHICH RATES OF SpF. Rr~ OF THIRTY [30) MILES PER HOUR OR MORE ARE AUTHORIZWn: RESCINDING ALL PANTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT ItI~EWITH; AND DECLARING THAT A'UF~I~IT FACTS NEGESSITATE IIV~I)IATE ACTION. BE IT ORDAINSD I~' THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION: That Chapter 10, Section 3.E (2) of the Cede or Ordinances, City of College Station, Texab, is hereby amended by addmg a sub-section to be numbered 3.E (2 ~, which said sub-section shall read as follox~s: "(k) SH 6 East Frontage Road, for traffic movin8 in a southerly direction for the first 0.270 mile fram the North City Limit, the speed limit shall be fifty-five (55) miles per hour. For the next 0.300 mile the speed limit shall be forty-five (45) miles per hour. For the next 0.405 mile the speed limit shall be fifty (50) miles per hour. For the next 0.200 mile the speed limit shall he forty-five (45J miles per hour. For the next 0.320 mile the speed limit shall be forty (40) miles per hour. For the next 2.622 miles the speed limit shall be fifty (50) miles per hour. For the next 0.200 mile to the intersection of SH 6 the speed limt shall be forty [40) miles per hour. For traffic moving in a northerly direction, for the first 0.200 mile fram the, intersection of SH 6, the speed limil shall be forty (40) miles per hour. For the next 2.622 miles the speed limit shall be fifty (50) miles per hour. 00/ 50k For tho next 0.320 mile the speed limit shall be forty (40) miles per hour. For the next 0.200 mile the speed liml! shall be forty-five (45) miles per hour. For the next 0.405 mile the speed limit shall be fifty (50) miles per hour. For the next 0.300 mile the speed limit shall be forty-five (45) miles per hour. For the nc~xt 0.270 mlle. to the North City Limit. the speed limit shall be fl[ty- five (55) miles per hour." 00 50 II. t~ERFAS, the preservation of the general welfare of the public necessitates in'mediate action, this ordinance shall be effective fram and after the date of ils passage as provided by the Charter of the City of College Sta[ion. PASSED: July 11 ,19__8~ ~tatlon ~ity Secreta~/City of Cella8e Station TH~ STATI/ OF TEXAS C~JK~Y OF BRAZOS I, Dian Jones , City Secretary of the city of College, County of Brazes, State of Texas, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a [rue and correct copy of an ordinance passed and approved by the City Council of said City on the llth day of July 19 85 , and is now on file in my office and notice is hereby given of the passage of the same in the manner and for the length of ti~e as required by the Charter of the City of College Station . City Secretly, City of College Station 00 50