HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-1594 - Ordinance - 05/23/1985Ordinance Number 1594 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 11, SECTION 4, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, RELATING TO ELECTRIC RATES. 8E IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, That Chapter 11, Section 4, Sub-section A(9), of the Code of Ordlnances, City of College Statlon, Texas, Is hereby amended to read as follows: "(9) [le_c,_t£1G Ra~Q = ~chedule SL 1.1-0.~ tYa±l ~].g~ ~resEA£a ~odlum gLghts) (a) Applicable to service I00 watt security lights Installed and maintained by the clty for customers at thelr request. The customer wlll be required to contract for this service for a period to be determlned by the clty. Service will be furnished under thls rate schedule subject to the established rules and regulatlons of the city coverlng thls type of servlce. (b) ~ar~re£ ~f ~£/ic~ - Security lighting equipment, Including lamps, fixtures, control unlts, and the necessary security Ilghtlng circuits, transformers, guys, anchors, fittings, etc. wlll be furnished by the clty subject to the payment of an Tnstallatlon fee as set by the city. (c) Ra/.a - $7.50 per month per light. (d) Poker Cost ~dJus~Ben± - The monthly charges under this rate schedule shall be Increased or decreased as necessary to reflect the appllcatTon of a power cost adjustment (based on estlmated 39 kwhrs per Ilght bIIIlng period) calculated In accordance with Schedule PCA." II. That Chapter 11, Section 4, of the Code of Ordinances, City of College Station, Texas, Is hereby amended by addlng a sub- section, to be numbered Section 4.A (10), which sub- sectlon shall read as follows: "(10) ~lec~cl~ Ra~ : ~ch~dul~ ~L (20~ Wa±I High ~ressure ~odlum 00 89 Ordinance No. 1594 (a) (bi (c) (d) Appllcable to service 200 watt security lights Installed and maintained by the city for customers at thelr request. The customer will be required to contract for this service for a period to be determlned by the city. Service wlll be furnished under this rate schedule subject to the established rules and regulations of the clty covering this type of service. ~berac?ec of Se£~lc~ - Securlty lighting equipment, Including lamps, fixtures, control units, and the necessary securlty lighting circuits, transformers, guys, anchors, flttlngs, etc. will be furnlshed by the city subject to the payment of an Installation fee as set by the clty. Rate $10.50 per month per Ilght. Powa£ Cos± &~L~us~ment - The monthly charges under this ra,e schedule shall be increased or decreased as necessary to reflect the application of a power cost adjustment (based on estimated 75 kwhrs per Ilght per billing perlod) calculated In accordance with Schedule PC^." III. That Chapter 11, Section 40 of the Code of Ordinances, City of Col]age Station, Texas, is hereby amended by adding a sub-section, to be numbered Section 4.A (11), which subsection shall read as follows: "(11) ~lectrlC Ea~e : Schedal~ EQA IERaer Q~a± Ad3ustment Fa~Ia~_k The formula for calculatlon of the Power Cost Adjustment Factor shall be as follows= S Deflnl±ions= PCA = Power cost adjustment factor ($ per kwh) rounded to the nearest $0.000001. WC = Total wholesale cost of energy from Its suppller for the billing month. ($) purchased by the City Immediately preceding P = Total energy purchased by the City from Its supplier for the Immedlately precedlng billing month. (kwh) 00449C Ordinance No. 1594 = Base wholesale power cos, Included In The CI,y.s re,all elec,rlc rate schedules ($0.05 per kwh) = To,al es,lmated kwh sales To Cl,y cus,omers for ,he current Cl,y billing period. CF Correc,lon fac,or adJustmen, to be supplied In The curren, bllllng month ,o provide for correc,ion of ,he variance be,ween ac,ual and es,lma,ed power cost adJus,men, revenues derlved from ,he Power Cos, ^dJus,ment Factor for ,he second precedlng bllllng mon,h prior ,o ,he curren, bllllng mon,h. ($) The formula for calcula,lon of ,he Correction Fac,or Is as follows= CF = (A) - (B) where (A) The actual power cost adJus,men, revenues recelved from appllcaTlon of The Power Cost ^djus,ment FacTor In ,he second preceding billing month. ($) (B) The ac,ual power cost adJus,men, revenues which should have collected from appllca, lon of The Power Cost Adjustmen, Fac,or In ,he second preceding billing mon,h." IV. That Chapter 11. Section ~.F of the Code of Ordinances. City of College S/at,on. Texas. is hereby amended to read as follows: '(F) EFFECTIVE DATE OF RATES These ra,es shall be alTec, ire on all Invoices submI,Ted by ,he CI,y of College S,a,lon To users on or aT,er June 1, 1985.., Ve Should any sec, ion, paragraph, sen,ence, clause phrase, or word of this ordinance be declared unconstlTu,lonal or Invalid for any purpose, the remainder of ,his ordinance shall no, be alTec,ed Thereby. VI. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances In conflIc, are repealed ,o ,he ex,ent of ,he confllc, only. herewith Ordinance No. 1594 And, It from and the City VII. Is ordained that this ordinance shall become after Its passage In accordance with the City of College Station, Texas. effectlve charter of PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 23rd DAY OF ____M_a¥ 1985. ATTEST: APPROVED: ~ Mayor..... Dlan Jones,{/_~yty Secretary 004 9;-