HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/14/1999 - Regular Minutes City CouncilMayor Lynn Mcllhaney Mayor Pro Tempore Larry Mariott Acting City Manager Tom Brymer City Council James Massey Ron Silvia Winnie Gamer Dennis Maloney Anne Hazen MINUTES COLLEGE STATION CITY COUNCIL Workshop and Regular Meetings Thursday, October 14, 1999 at 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor McIlhaney, Mayor Pro Tem Mariott, Councilmembers Hazen, Silvia, Garner, Massey, Maloney STAFF PRESENT: Acting City Manager Brymer, City Secretary Hooks, City Attorney Cargill, Jr. Development Services Director Callaway, Public Relations and Marketing Manager Chapman, Executive Assistant Broussard, Economic Development Director Foutz, OTIS Director Piwonka, MIS Director Burnside, Acting Human Resources Director O'Connell, Public Works Director Smith, Fire Chief Giordano, Public Utilities Director Woody, PARD Director Beachy Mayor McIlhaney opened the meeting at 4:00 p.m. Agenda Item No. 1 - Discussion of consent agenda items listed for regular council meetint~. Councilmembers removed the following consent agenda items for discussion. 11.7 - Renovation of Adamson Pool Staff clarified the cost for the project is $747,600. 11.9 - Sole Source Bids Staff explained the cost for Utility Litigation fees. 11.18 Sale of 118 Southland Staff discussed the requirements of the program on maintenance of property, etc. Agenda Item No. 2 - Presentation~ discussion~ and possible action on the adoption of 1999- 2000 Strategic Issue Action Plans. Executive Assistant Edward Broussard highlighted each strategic issue and the project team leader described the action plan. Council discussed the following strategic issue list. Providing Customer Service Excellence Office of the City Secretary College Station, Texas Council Meetings 10/14/99 Page 2 Issues 1. Traffic Management of North/South Routes 2. Wolf Pen Creek Master Plan Implementation 3. Economic Development/Marketing/Business Center Recruitment 4. Public Transportation 5. Neighborhood Program and Policy 6. Streamline Development Review Process/Staffing 7. Comparison of Compensation to Market 8. Regional Water Authority 9. Communication with Citizens/Electronic Agenda 10. Implement Comprehensive Plan Proiect Leader Jim Callaway Steve Beachy Kim Foutz Edward Broussard Jane Kee Jim Callaway Julie O'Connell John Woody Kelley Chapman Jane Kee Further discussion of this item is planned for next workshop meeting. Agenda Item No. 7 - Hear Visitors Mayor opened the floor for public comment at 5:45 p.m. Mike Luther, 614 Welsh came forward to address past decisions by the Council on the issue of neighborhood preservation. These discussions were held at the council meeting on July 23, 1998. Marianne Oprisko, 14125 Renee Lane came forward to express her opinion about several incidences in Northgate surrounding the behavior of persons patronizing the bars. Council recessed the workshop meeting and convened into executive session. Agenda Item No. 8 - Executive Session At 6:00 p.m. Mayor Mcllhaney announced that the College Station City Council would convene into executive session pursuant to Sections 551.071, 551.072, and 551.086 of the Open Meetings Act, to seek the advice of our city attorney with respect to pending and contemplated litigation, to discuss the purchase of real property, and to consider economic development negotiations. Pending and Contemplated Litigation {LGC 551.071 } Cause No. 42,098-85, Bryan v. College Station Cause No. 96-03168, Bryan, et al v. PUC (intervention) Cause No. 97-02587, Bryan, et al v. PUC (intervention) Cause No. 96-06940, Bryan et al v. PUC (intervention) Cause No. 97-07000, Bryan et al v. PUC (intervention) Cause No. 40,1420-85, Bryan et al v. PUC (intervention) Cause No. 49,367-CCL2, Wilkerson v. College Station Civil Action No. 01-98-01056-CV, Court of Appeals - Gold v. College Station Civil Action No. H-97-2532, U.S. District Court- Lewis v. College Station Council Meetings 10/14/99 Page 3 Civil Action No. H-98-0847, U.S. District Court -Boriski v. College Station Docket No. 96-2-000, FERC - College Station, applicant Real Estate {LGC 551.072} Possible exchange and purchase of land for Texas Avenue water tank property Possible purchase of land for Business Park Landfill Site Economic Development Negotiations {LGC 551.086} Texcon Destia Communications Acquisition of land and participation in drainage costs for new Business Center Freewing Economic Incentive Package Conference Center and Hotel project Private dormitory in Northgate Council recessed from executive session to begin the regular session. Regular MeetinR Mayor Mcllhaney opened the meeting at 7:02 p.m. with all councilmembers present. She lead the audience in the pledge of allegiance. Rev. Ben Aurand from St. Thomas Episcopal Church provided the invocation. Mayor Mcllhaney presented a proclamation on National Arts and Humanitities Month, 1999 to Jere Blackwelder, President of the Arts Council. Several City of College Station employees received recognition for receiving two distinguished honors from City/County Communications and Marketing Association. Those employees were: Kelley Chapman, Patti Roberts, Peggy Calliham and Shannon Waddell. Mayor McIlhaney read a proclamation for Aids Awareness Month. Consent A~enda 11.1 Approved by common consent the minutes for City Council workshop and regular meeting, September 9, 1999, special meetings for September 8, 1999 and September 13, 1999. 11.2 RFP 98-38 Approved by common consent a renewal for professional auditing services. Contract renewal with Ingram, Wallis and Company in the amount of $67,000. FY ending September 30, 1999. Council Meetings 10/14/99 Page 4 11.3 Bid No. 99-03 Approved by common consent a renewal for street materials as follows: a. emulsion products from Gulf States Asphalt b. asphalt products from Young Contractors not to exceed $396,000 c. crushed stone from Colorado Materials not to exceed $63,060 d. concrete curb and gutter from Texcon 11.4 Bid Awarded available No. 99-04 Approved by common consent a renewed agreement for concrete. bid to Boyd Ready Mix for annual estimated expenditure of $24,782.50. Funds in General Fund (Parks Dept. and Public Works), and Water and Wastewater Fund. 11.5 Bid No. 99-44 Approved by common consent a renewal for 3" crushed limestone to be used at the landfill. Awarded bid to Texcon, Inc. for an annual estimated annual expenditure of $26,500. Funds available in BVSWMA operating budget. 11.6 Bid No. 99-103 Approved by common consent an award of contract to Advantage Contract Services, lowest responsible bidder meeting specifications for rehabilitation for Dowling Road pump and the demolition of University Drive water storage tank. Funds in the amount of $281,950 appropriated in FY 99 Water Fund Budget. 11.7 Bid No. 99-108 Approved by common consent an award of contract for renovation to Adamson Pool. Awarded bid to Progressive Chemicals, Inc. in the amount of $747,600. Funds available in FY 2000 Capital Improvements and 1998 Bonds. 11.8 Bid No. 99-114 Approved by common consent the purchase of substation hardened fiber equipment. Awarded to lowest, responsible bidder meeting specifications, Pulsar Technologies for $26,160. Funds available and budgeted in Utility Bond funds. 11.9 Approved by common consent the following purchase requests available from only one source and thereby exempt from competitive bidding in accordance with LGC 252.022(a)(7). Area Officials Association $15,231 Amateur Sot~ball Association $ 54,000 B.V. Umpires Association $ 72,000 Brazos Animal Shelter $140,595 TNRCC $300,000 Texas Workforce Commission $ 30,000 U.S. Postmaster $ 70,000 Baker & Taylor $150,000 Bound to Stay Bound $ 50,000 The Eagle $ 75,000 GTE $ 23,550 HTE $117,875 Public Safety Net $ 30,000 IBM Corp. $ 32,500 Ikon Office Solutions $ 93,700 Council Meetings 10/14/99 Page 5 Oracle Corp. $ 27,500 Fore Systems $ 21,900 LCC $18,000 Bickerstaff, Heath Attys $140,000 Duncan, Weinberg Attys $200,000 Whitfield Russell Attys $125,000 Davis & Shank $ 30,000 Davis & Shank $ 50,000~ Davis & Shank $ 60,000 Fulbright & Jaworski $ 30,000 Haynes & Boone $ 50,0002 DeShazo & Assoc. $15,0003 Novell MLA $ 24,649 11.10 Approved by common consent the ratification of change order for professional services contract with McCord Engineering for $75,000. Funds available in Electric Fund and Capital Improvement Fund for Street Projects. 11.11 Approved an interlocal agreement with Brazos Valley Council of Governments for sale of surplus personal computer equipment. 11.12 Approved contract for professional services with Camp, Dresser and McKee, inc. for engineering design and construction management of Lick Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion and Trunk Line Sewers. Funds available and budgeted in FY 1999-2000 Sewer Revenue Bond Fund. 11.13 Approved by common consent a resolution to ratify the FY 1999 Texas A&M Research Foundation Advanced Law Enforcement and Response Technology Vehicle Systems Subagreement S90058 and to accept Amendment No. 1 to the subagreement. Total amount is $104,380. The city will not contribute any funds to this project. 11.14 Approved by common consent a resolution to apply for state administered grant for Police Department to expand efforts to address the enforcement of underage drinking laws. 11.15 Approved by common consent a resolution approving an agreement with CSC Engineering and Environmental Services, Inc. for engineering, construction quality assurance, and consulting services for future construction projects at Rock Prairie Road Landfill. ~ Previously approved on September 9, 1999 2Previously approved on August 26, 1999 3 This mount is in addition to expenses incurred of $14,900 for FY 99 Council Meetings 10/14/99 Page 6 11.16 Approved by common consent a settlement agreement with Arkcrafi, Inc. for $4,503.05 to recover one half of the debt incurred by Gulf Coast Site Works Contractors, Inc. for disposal services rendered at Rock Prairie Road landfill. The BVSWMA Board of Directors approved the agreement. 11.17 Approved by common consent an agreement with TAMU to interconnect the fiber optic cable networks of each respective entity. 11.18 Approved by common consent the sale of 118 Southland to income eligible buyers for appraised value of $63,500 and to provide down payment assistance to facilitate the purchase. Councilman Garner abstained fi.om voting on this item. 11.19 Approved by common consent the donation of lot at 910 Welsh Street to Bryan/College Station Chapter of Habitat for Humanity. 11.20 Approved by common consent the renewal of an interlocal agreement between the City of College Station and the CSISD for joint operation of an afternoon child care service known as Kids Klub. 11.21 Approved by common consent a resolution adopting the Public Safety Assignment Pay Policy. 11.22 Approved by common consent a resolution adopting the Language Skills Pay Policy. 11.23 Approved by common consent a resolution adopting the Educational Incentive Pay Policy. 11.24 Approved by common consent the termination of agreement between the City of College Station and Brazos Valley Interfaith Outreach for 1998-99 Community Development Block Grant contract. 11.25 Approved by common consent a resolution determining a public necessity to acquire certain property, giving notice of an official determination to acquire property for Cherry Street Improvements project, and establish procedures for acquisition of property. 11.26 Approved by common consent a resolution determining a public necessity to acquire certain property, giving notice of an official determination to acquire property for the George Bush East Extension project, and establish procedures for acquisition of property. 11.27 Approved by common consent a resolution determining a public necessity to acquire certain property, giving notice of an official determination to acquire property for the North Forest Parkway Extension project, and establish procedures for acquisition of property. Council Meetings 10/14/99 Page 7 11.28 Approved by common consent the second reading of a franchise agreement with American 3CI for collection and disposal services for treated and untreated medical waste. Mayor Mcllhaney abstained from voting on this item. 11.29 Approved by common consent Ordinance No. 2412 amending Chapter 7, "Health and Sanitation" of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas by amending certain sections as set out in the ordinance, providing for a severability clause and declaring a penalty. 12.1 Discussion and possible action on a request for oversize participation in the amount of $38,280 for construction and additional right-of-way for Bridle Gate Drive throm~h the Bridle Gate Subdivision~ southwest of intersection of Graham Road and SH 6. Transportation Planner Edwin Hard described the request. The developer of Bridle Gate Estates is requesting oversize participation for the cost difference between a minor collector and a residential street. However, under the city's subdivision regulations, staff did not feel that minor collector streets are eligible for oversize participation. Staff recommended denial of the request. Councilman Silvia made a motion to deny the request. Motion seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Mariott, which carried unanimously, 7-0. 12.2 Discussion and possible action on a request by the Bryan College Station Economic Development Corporation for $20~000 in funding for a consultant contract with Aneelou Economic Advisors of Austin~ Texas for information/technology business attraction and consultation. Economic Development Director Kim Foutz presented this item. This firm provides consulting services on a variety of business development services in the information/technology sector. Following discussion by council, Councilman Garner made a motion to approve the funding request in the amount of $20,000. Motion seconded by Councilman Silvia, which carried unanimously, 7-0. Councilmembers emphasized the importance of seeking funds from other local entities. 12.3 and 12.4 Discussion of two ordinances establishing a Municipal Court security fee and a Municipal Court Technology Fee. Finance Director Charles Cryan explained the court fees. The Municipal Court security fee in the amount of $3.00 is proposed to be assessed to court fines. The monies may be utilized toward court security and other resources that may provide similar measures for court. The other fee is a technology fee in the amount of $4.00 per citation utilized for technology to support the court computer system. Mayor Pro Tem Mariott made a motion to approve Ordinance No. 2413 and Ordinance No. 2414 implementing the fees described above on November 1, 1999. Motion seconded by Councilman Silvia, which carried unanimously, 7-0. Council Meetings 10/14/99 Page 8 12.5 Discussion and possible action on nominating one member for the Brazos County Appraisal District Board of Directors. Mayor Pro Tem Mariott made a motion to reappoint Bob Joiner. Motion seconded by Councilman Maloney, which carried unanimously, 7-0. 12.6 Discussion and possible action on nominating a representative for the Brazos County Emergency Communications District Board of Managers. Mayor Pro Tem Mariott made a motion to nominate Ed Feldman. Motion seconded by Councilman Silvia, which carried unanimously, 7-0. 12.7 Consideration of recommendation to the Brazos County Commissioners Court on the appointment of a College Station representative to the Brazos Valley Groundwater Conservation District Board of Directors. Motion made by Councilman Silvia to appoint Bill Riley, Wastewater Division Manager to the newly created Groundwater Conservation District Board. Motion seconded by Councilman Garner, which carried unanimously, 7-0. At this time, Council continued discussion of workshop agenda items. Workshop Item No. 3 -- Presentation, discussion and possible action on status of Community Appearance Committee and Electrical Examining Board. Building Official Lance Simms summarized the staff's recommendation to dissolve the Electrical Examining Board. He stated that the City utilizes the testing services of Southern Building Code Congress International for master electricians. The Board performed these duties prior to this change. Therefore, the Board no longer has this responsibility and its membership has served its purpose. Councilman Maloney made a motion to dissolve the board. Mayor Pro Tem Mariott seconded the motion, which carried unanimously, 7-0. Appropriate documents will be brought back to finalize this action. Neighborhood Planner Lee Battle summarized the staff's recommendation on the status of the Community Appearance Committee. Council discussed the efforts of this committee and its future role. Councilman Silvia made a motion to reduce the committee size to six members, direct staff to come back with a specific charge for this committee to serve as an ad hoc group in conjunction with other committees efforts on gateways and entrance overlay districts. Motion seconded by Councilman Maloney, which carried unanimously, 7-0. Council Meetings 10/14/99 Page 9 Workshop Item No. 4 - Agenda Request by Councilmembers No requests were made. Workshop Item No. 5 - Committee Reports Councilman Massey reported on the recent Wolf Pen Creek Oversight Committee meeting. The primary topic discussed was a report on the efforts between the city and Corps of Engineers on the future development in the Wolf Pen Corridor. Councilman Maloney reported on his attendance at the Republican Luncheon. He also reported on concerns expressed by the Historic Preservation Committee related to infill development in older neighborhoods. Mayor McIlhaney stated that the regional legislative committee met with Senator Odgen, Representatives Brown and Jones. Topics discussed related to 911 money allocation, water issues, platting issues, and regional transportation. Councilman Hazen reminded fellow councilmembers to visit the Lulac Center, in particular to see the new pavilion. Councilmembers thanked the Community Development staff. Workshop Item No. 6 - Council Calendars TML Conference, 11/17 Dallas Chamber of Commerce Banquet, 10/18 Mayor's Brunch, 10/22 Regular Item No. 13 - Council Monitorine Reoort Councilman Hazen served as the monitor. She reported a satisfactory rating. Regular Item No. 14 - Executive Session Council returned to executive session at 8:20 p.m. Mayor Mcllhaney announced that the College Station City Council would convene into executive session pursuant to Sections 551.071,551.072, and 551.086 of the Open Meetings Act, to seek the advice of our city attorney with respect to pending and contemplated litigation, to discuss the purchase of real property, and to consider economic development negotiations. Pending and Contemplated Litigation {LGC 551.071 } Cause No. 42,098-85, Bryan v. College Station Cause No. 96-03168, Bryan, et al v. PUC (intervention) Cause No. 97-02587, Bryan, et al v. PUC (intervention) Cause No. 96-06940, Bryan et al v. PUC (intervention) Council Meetings 10/14/99 Page 10 Cause No. 97-07000, Bryan et al v. PUC (intervention) Cause No. 40,1420-85, Bryan et al v. PUC (intervention) Cause No. 49,367-CCL2, Wilkerson v. College Station Civil Action No. 01-98-01056-CV, Court of Appeals- Gold v. College Station Civil Action No. H-97-2532, U.S. District Court- Lewis v. College Station Civil Action No. H-98-0847, U.S. District Court- Boriski v. College Station Docket No. 96-2-000, FERC - College Station, applicant Real Estate {LGC 551.072} Possible exchange and purchase of land for Texas Avenue water tank property Possible purchase of land for Business Park Landfill Site Economic Development Negotiations {LGC 551.086} Texcon Destia Communications Acquisition of land and participation in drainage costs for new Business Center Freewing Economic Incentive Package Conference Center and Hotel project Private dormitory in Northgate ReRular Item No. 15 Council returned to open session at 11:14 p.m. No action was taken. ReRular Item No. 16 Hearing no objection, council adjourned at 11:15 p.m. PASSED AND APPROVED this 28t~ day of October., 1999. City Secretary Connie H6oks APPROVED: nn Mcllhaney / GUEST REGISTER WORKSHOP MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1999 4:00 P.M. 16. 7. 17. 8. 18. 9. 19. 10. 20. GUEST REGISTER REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1999 7:00 P.M.. GUEST REGISTER REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1999 7:00 P.M.. 1. ¢_.~ 11. 4 ~-~//¢/'~""~/~ 14. 6. ~-~)~ ('' 'X'c'~'~)¢''''~ 16. 7. !"~¢.~'' f~'x~ st%¢'~4 17. 8. 18 0'6'('(' ~'~"~ ~OtWt~''~ 19. 9. 10. 20.