HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/08/1999 - Regular Minutes City CouncilMayor Lynn Mcllhaney Mayor Pro Tempore Larry Mariott City Manager Geonge K. Noe City Council James Massey Ron Silvia Winnie Garner Dennis Maloney Anne Hazen MINUTES COLLEGE STATION CITY COUNCIL Workshop and Regular Meetings Thursday, July 8, 1999 at 3:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT:Mayor Mcllhaney, Councilmembers Hazen, Silvia, Maloney, Massey, Garner COUNCILMEMBER ABSENT: Mayor Pro Tem Mariott STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Noe, City Secretary Hooks, City Attorney Cargill, Jr., Assistant City Manager Brymer, Management Assistant Broussard, Human Resources Director Pavlinski, Budget Director Kersten, Senior Program Coordinator Rodgers, City Engineer Mosley, Asst. Public Relations Manager Roberts, Asst. City Secretary Casares, Transportation Planner Hard Mayor Mcllhaney called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. Agenda Item No. 1 -- Discussion of consent agenda items. Councilmembers removed Item No. 14.6 for discussion. This item related to the proposed speed limits on certain streets in the Northgate area. Transportation Planner Edwin Hard answered questions about the proposed changes in speed limits in Northgate. Aeenda Item No. 2 -- Presentation~ discussion~ and possible action Vision Statement #1 - Transportation/Mobility by John McBeth~ General Manager of Brazos Transit System. John McBeth, General Manager of Brazos Transit System provided an overview of the local public transportation system. In his presentation, he highlighted a variety of statistics on services provided in the Brazos Transit Service Area, consisting of 21 counties. These services include the local Interurban Trolley System. Councilmembers asked questions related to long range plans. Members of the Seniors' Advisory Board were present and made comments about the transportation needs for the elderly and disabled groups. Phyllis Davis from Columbia Medical Center expressed her opinion about the transportation demand for handicapped patients. Marianne Oprisko, 14125 Renee Lane expressed comments supporting the Brazos Transit system operations. No action was taken. Providing Customer Service Excellence Office of the City Secretary College Station. Texas Council Meeting Minutes 7/8/99 Page 2 A~enda Item No. 3 -Presentation, discussion~ and possible action on the ranking of thc City Council's 1999 Strategic Issues. Council discussed the ranking process for determining the strategic issues for 1999-2000. They agreed to provide their choices to the City Manager for tabulation and bring back the prioritized list at a future meeting. No action was taken. Aeenda Item No. 6 - Discussion and possible action on 1999 Council Meeting Procedure- Council reviewed the council meeting monitoring form. At each meeting, one councilmember shall serve as an evaluator and complete this form at the conclusion of the meeting. Council reviewed the section in the procedures regarding the time established for hear visitors. Councilman Maloney made a motion to change the times designated for council meetings effective the first meetings in September as follows: Motion seconded by Councilman Silvia. Workshop Meeting: 4:00 p.m. Hear Visitors: 5:45 p.m. - 6:15 p.m. Regular Meeting: 7:00 p.m. Motion carried 5-1. FOR: McIlhaney, Silvia, Maloney, Garner, Massey AGAINST: Hazen ABSENT: Mariott A~enda Item No. 4 -- Presentation~ discussion~ and possible action on the results of the 1997 Citizen Survey and Centralized Customer Service Survey. Budget Director JeffKersten presented the results of the Citizen Survey. In May and June, 1999, two surveys were conducted by the Public Policy Research Institute at TAMU. Over 500 citizens were contacted. A major issue expressed by respondents related to traffic, streets, and transportation type issues. The item resumed following citizen comments under Hear Visitors. Aeenda Item No. 10 - Hear Visitors- At 5:00 p.m., Mayor McIlhaney opened the floor for public comment. Suanne Pledger, 1611 Harpers Ferry Road came forward to address the Council. She presented a petition consisting of 37 signatures requested the council to reduce the parking lot fee during the daytime from $1.00 to 50 cents and designate an area for employee parking. She served as the President of the Northgate District Association. Council directed staffto place on a future agenda. Council Meeting Minutes 7/8/99 Page 3 Mike McMichen, 1405 Bayou Woods came forward to address the time for Hear Visitors. He suggested the time for hear visitors be placed on the regular meeting agenda prior to consent agenda. Marianne Oprisko, 14125 Renee Lane commented on speed limits in Northgate. Lucille Young, 720 Churchill expressed comments about the student parking on Sterling street and problems associated with traffic congestion. No further comments were made by the public. At 5:12 p.m., Council continued discussion of Agenda Item No. 4. Mr. Kersten continued his presentation of the citizen survey results. Linda Piwonka began her presentation prior to the regular meeting. Agenda Item No. 5 -- Presentation~ discussion, and possible action on the development of ~ Neighborhood Services Program. This item was delayed to a future meeting. Agenda Item No. 11 - Executive Session Mayor Mcllhaney announced that the Council would convene into executive session pursuant to Sections 551.071 and 551.072 of the Open Meetings Act, to seek the advice of the city attorney with respect to pending and contemplated litigation and to discuss the purchase of real property. Pending and Contemplated Litigation {LGC 551.071 } Bryan v. College Station Cause No. 40,381-85 Docket No. 15020 Docket No. 16157 Cause No. H-95-5627 Cause No. 43,098-85 Docket No. Tx-98-2000 Cause No. 96-03168 Cause No. 97-02587 Lewis v College Station Franklin Gold v. College Station Wendy Boriskie v. College Station Swiki Anderson and Steve Esmond v. College Station and Connie Hooks Real Estate {LGC 551.072} Consider purchase of property for Northgate Parking Garage Council Meeting Minutes 7/8/99 Page 4 Council returned to open session at 6:00 p.m. Continuation of Agenda Item No. 4 - Presentation~ discussion~ and possible action on the results of the 1999 Centralized Customer Service Survey. Director of Technology and Information Services Linda Piwonka shared results of the survey conducted by telephone and focus groups to determine what methods of receiving service and information are preferred. An implementation plan is planned for October, 1999. No action was taken. Agenda Item No. 7 - Committee Reports Councilman Massey acknowledged the efforts of the College Station Police Department for handling the traffic during the July 4 celebration at the George Bush Library. A~enda Item No. 8 -- Agenda Request by Councilmembers No requests were received. A~enda Item No. 9 -- Council Calendars July 15-18, 1999, AMCC Conference in Lubbock Agenda Item No. 12-- Final action on Executive Session. No action was taken. A~enda Item No. 13 -- Regular Meetin~ Mayor Mcllhaney opened the regular meeting at 6:15 p.m. She lead the audience in the pledge of allegiance. Rev. David Strawn provided the invocation. Councilman Silvia moved to approve the request by Mayor Pro Tern Mariott for an excused absence from the meeting. Motion seconded by Councilman Maloney which carded unanimously, 6-0. Mayor McIlhaney recognized the new student government liaison from TAMU, Jason Royster. Council Meeting Minutes 7/8/99 Page 5 A~enda Item No. 14 - Consent Agenda 14.1 Approved by common consent minutes for City Council workshop and regular meetings on June 24, 1999 and regular meeting, May 27, 1999. 14.2 Bid 99-91: Approved by common consent the annual bid for electric wire and cable. Awarded to lowest responsible bidders: KBS Electric, $7,700; Power & Telephone Company, $31,713.41; Priester Supply, $45,863; Techline, $201,460.68; Temple, Inc. $1,646.10 for a total of $288,383.10. Funds available in Electric Fund. 14.3 Approved by common consent Change Order No. 4 to Young Contractors to obtain a stabilized subgrade using an alternate method from the bid specifications on Anderson St. Rehabilitation project in the amount of $25,673.05. 14.4 Approved by common consent the real estate sales contract between the City of College Station and 312 Second, a Texas General Partnership, for purchase of Lot 14, Block 5 and Lots 20 and 19, Blocks 6-7, Boyett Addition in the amount of $170,000. Funds available in Capital Projects. Funds available in FY 1998-99 Capital Projects Budget. 14.5 Approved by common consent three real estate sales contracts between the City of College Station as follows: a. contract to purchase Lots 23, 24, 25, Blocks 6-7, Boyett Addition, from Howard C. Nelson in the amount of $169,000. b. contract to purchase Lot 16, Block 6-7, Boyett Addition from Howard Nelson a/k/a/Howard Campbell Nelson and Jonathan Nelson in the amount of $78,000. c. contract to purchase Lot 17, Block 6-7, Boyett Addition, from Claudia Nicole Arendale f/k/a Nicole Nelson and Claudia G. Nelson f/k/a Claudia Nelson in the amount of $78,000. 14.6 Councilman Hazen made a motion to approve Ordinance No. 2401. Motion seconded by Councilman Silvia which carded unanimously, 6-0. This ordinance amended Chapter 10, Section 3.E (2)(n), of the City's Code of Ordinances to reduce the speed limit to 25 mph for all streets bounded by University Drive, Cherry/Louise, Nagle, and Wellborn Road. Also included a reduction of 25 mph on collector streets, College Main and Nagle Streets. Motion carded unanimously, 6-0. 14.7 Approved by common consent the resolution approving a professional services contract for Northgate Water Main and Master Plan Project to Urban Design Group in an amount not to exceed $73,685. Funds available in Water Utility Fund. Council Meeting Minutes 7/8/99 Page 6 Agenda Item No. 15 - Regular Agenda 15.1 Public hearing~ discussion and possible action on rezoning approximately 4.13 acre,~ located near the Holleman and Welsh intersection and beinR the proposed Lot 2~ Block I of the Holleman/Welsh Addition from R-1 Single Family to PDD-H planned development district-housinR, (99-112). Senior Planner Sabine McCully stated that the applicant originally requested a R-4 request to the Planning and Zoning Commission. This request was denied by the Planning and Zoning Commission at its May 6, 1999 meeting. The applicant resubmitted a request for PDD-H which addressed concerns expressed by surrounding property owners during that meeting. The applicant prepared the property for townhome development and exceeds some of the design requirements. Staff recommended approval of the ordinance with the condition that the development plan and specifications be included in the ordinance. Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval by a vote of 4-0 at its June 17 meeting. Mayor Mcllhaney opened the public hearing. Blake Cathey, developer for the property was available to answer questions from the council. Benito Flores-Meath, 901 Val Verde asked questions about the type of tenants, rental vs. homeownership. Norma Miller, 504 Guernsey expressed concern about the traffic volumes and speeds in the area. She felt that the property values of existing historic homes in the are would decrease traffic problem at Welsh/Holleman. Mayor Mcllhaney closed the public hearing. Councilman Silvia made a motion to approve Ordinance No. 2402 rezoning a tract of land totaling 4.102 acres, a portion of a 4.133 acre tract located in the Crawford Burnett League Abstract No. 8, in College Station, Brazos County, Texas from R-1 Single Family to PDD-H Planned Development District - Housing. Motion seconded by Councilman Hazen carded 4-1-1. FOR: McIlhaney, Silvia, Hazen, Massey AGAINST: Maloney ABSTAIN: Garner ABSENT: Mariott Council Meeting Minutes 7/8/99 Page 7 15.2 Discussion and possible action on Community Development Block Grant funding of public service agencies' activities for FY 2000 for a total amount of $134~900. College Station sets aside a maximum CDBG percentage of 15°/$ for funding public service aRencies: Bluebonnet Girl Scout Council Brazos Valley Interfaith Outreach Elder Aid Family Medicine Center Salvation Army Scotty's House Twin City Mission (The Bridge) $ 8,000 $39,100 $20,400 $25,O00 $15,000 $20,000 $ 7,400 Gary Balmain, Community Development Project Coordinator explained the review process performed by the council appointed Joint Relief Funding Review Committee. Motion by Councilman Silvia to accept staff recommendations for CDBG funding as presented. Motion seconded by Councilman Garner which carded 6-0, Mayor Pro Tern Madott absent. 15.3 Discussion and possible action on a resolution adopting the College Station Recreation~ Park and Open Space Master Plan. Director of Parks and Recreation Steve Beachy stated that the proposed master plan was presented in detail to Council at its June 24 meeting. Councilman Massey moved approval of the resolution adopting the CS Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan. Seconded by Councilman Silvia which carded unanimously, 6-0. Mayor Pro Tem Mariott absent. Mayor Mcllhaney and City Manager Noe thanked the citizens and staff for assisting in this project. 15.4 Discussion and possible action on a Memorandum of Understanding between the City of College Station and The Tradition at Northgate~ LTD regarding construction of a private dormitor~ including retail space and leasing of parking spaces in the City's Northuate Parkin~ Garage. Assistant City Manager Tom Brymer stated that the city staffwas approached by Thomas Kirkland, President and CEO of Spirit Development regarding the construction of private dormitory in Northgate on the A&M Presbyterian Church property. The MOU is the first step in the negotiation process with Spirit Development/The Tradition to establish the parameters for a lease of up to 400 parking spaces in the Northgate Parking Garage. Mr. Brymer described the contents of the MOU. Staff recommended approval of agreement as presented. Council Meeting Minutes 7/8/99 Page 8 Tom Kirkland described the proposed project. John Garrison, architect of the project described the conceptual design of the dormitory. John DeShazo of DeShazo and Tong, 330 Union Station in Dallas evaluated the financial feasibility of the garage in connection with the dormitory project and determined the lease of up to 400 spaces would be appropriate to meet the city's financial commitment. Mayor Mcllhaney opened the floor for public comment. Mike McMichen, 1405 Bayou Woods suggested the developer, Spirit Development, purchase the parking garage from the city since the developer plans to utilize most of the spaces. Benito Flores-Meath, 901 Val Verde referred to an article he wrote in The Eagle. He opposed the agreement. The following individuals supported the parking garage and memorandum of understanding. Bob Merrifield, 1403 Glade Street represented the A&M Presbyterian Church. Shannon Schunicht, 309 First St. David Ruesink, 4740 Stonebriar Cheryl Anz, 709 Park Place, represented the Northgate Revitalization Board. Marianne Oprisko, 14125 Renee Lane Councilman Maloney made a motion to approve the memorandum of understanding with The Tradition at Northgate, Ltd., for construction of a private dormitory including retail space and leasing of parking spaces in the City's Northgate Parking Garage. Seconded by Councilman Silvia which carded unanimously, 6-0, Mayor Pro Tem Mariott absent. 15.5 Discussion and possible action on a resolution to accept the FY 99 TAMU Research Foundation Advanced Law Enforcement and Response Technology (ALERT) Vehicle Systems subagreement. Total funds available under this subagreement is $104~380. City will not contribute funds to this proiect. Police Sgt. Greg Lewis explained the agreement with TAMU Research Foundation for continuance of the ALERT project. Motion made by Councilman Silvia to accept the ALERT vehicle systems subagreement as presented. Seconded by Councilman Massey which carded 6-0, Mayor Pro Tern Mariott absent. Council recessed for ten minutes. The meeting reconvened at 8:35 p.m. Council Meeting Minutes 7/8/99 Page 9 15.6 Discussion and possible action on creation and appointments to the City Center Planning Ad Hoc Committee. Tom Brymer discussed the membership criteria for this committee. The Committee will address the goal of council's strategic issue No. 17 City Hall Center. Norma Miller, 504 Guernsey, addressed the council about the low ranking this issue received by the 1998 CIP Committee. She opposed the Councilman Massey made a motion to appoint David Pugh as the land planner specialist. Motion seconded by Councilman Hazen which carded unanimously, 6-0. Mayor Pro Tem Mariott absent. Councilman Massey made a motion to appoint David Scott as the specialist in Parks and Open Spaces. Motion seconded by Councilman Silvia which carded unanimously, 6-0. Mayor Pro Tern Mariott absent. Councilman Silvia made a motion to appoint Robert DeOtte as the engineer. Motion seconded by Councilman Garner which carded unanimously, 6-0. Mayor Pro Tern Mariott absent. Councilman Garner made a motion to appoint Chang-Shan Huang as the specialist in landscape design: Motion seconded by Councilman Massey which carded unanimously, 6-0. Mayor Pro Tern Mariott absent. Councilman Hazen made a motion to appoint Nancy Crouch and Homer Adams as the citizens at large. Motion seconded by Councilman Massey. Motion carded unanimously, 6-0. Mayor Pro Tern Mariott absent. Council directed staffto advertise for an architect. Agenda Item No. 16 - Governance Agenda: Discussion and possible action on developine characteristics that reflect council's vision for the community. Councilman Maloney spoke about Davis, California. He wanted the city to develop a sister city relationship with another city that has implemented a variety of visionary traits in the areas of economic development, transportation, housing, etc. Davis, California is similar to College Station in terms of demographics. Councilman Silvia stated that there are so many ideas from other cities to assist the council in the visioning process. Councilmembers suggested a facilitated workshop meeting dedicated to visioning techniques. Council Meeting Minutes 7/8/99 Page 10 Agenda Item No. 17 - Council Monitoring Report Councilman Massey provided his evaluation of the council meeting. He commented that the meeting process was conducted smoothly and fairly. Councilman Hazen suggested a recess for members every two hours. Another comment related to the length of the workshop agenda. City Manager Noe stated that the council may rather receive information in a written report. Mayor Mcllhaney stated that in many cases, it is important for the staff to present their programs to the Council and citizens. Aeenda Item No. 18 - Adjourn Mayor Mcllhaney announced that the council would not reconvene into executive session. No final action was taken in open session. Councilman Maloney moved to adjourn the workshop, executive, and regular session. Motion seconded by Councilman Silvia. The meetings adjourned at 9:20 p.m. PASSED AND APPROVED this 12th day of August, 1999. APPROVED: Mayo/~ Lynn Mcllhaney GUEST REGISTER WORKSHOP MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL THURSDAY, JULY 8, 1999 3:00 P.M. 11. 12. 6. '~ 16. 7. , , ..... ~ 17. 8. 18. 9. 19. 10. 20. GUEST REGISTER REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL THURSDAY, JULY 8, 1999 6:00 P.M. 12. 14. 15. GUEST REGISTER REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL THURSDAY, JULY 8, 1999 6:00 P.M. 15. 10.