HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/26/1999 - Regular Minutes City CouncilMayor Lynn Mcllhaney Mayor Pro Tempore Larry Mariott City Manager Geoq~e K. Noe City Council James Massey Ron Silvia Winnie Garner Dennis Maloney Anne Hazen MINUTES COLLEGE STATION CITY COUNCIL Workshop and Regular Meetings Thursdsay, August 26, 1999 at 3:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Mcllhaney, Mayor Pro Tem Mariott, Councilmembers Hazen, Maloney, Garner, Silvia, Massey STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Noe, City Secretary Hooks, City Attorney Cargill, Jr., Executive Assistant Broussard, Asst. City Manager Brymer, Human Resources Director Pavlinski, Budget Director Kersten, Public Relations Manager Chapman, Asst. City Secretary Casares, Sr. City Attorney Nemcik, Senior Planner McCully, Planner Jimmerson, Planner Battle, Community Development Director Carroll, Development Services Director Callaway, Finance Director Cryan Mayor Mcllhaney called the workshop meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. Agenda Item No. 1 - Discussion of consent agenda items. Item No. 13.3 - Annual Contract for utility line locate services. Charles Cryan explained that the staffwould ask council to consider an effective date on the contract to August 27th instead of September 25th. Item No. 13.5 - Professional Service Payments to Haynes and Boone, LLP for litigation. Finance Director Charles Cryan explained that the amendment to the contract with Haynes and Boone is to acknowledge continued litigation and continued payments. The city shall be reimbursed $25,000 from the city's insurance carder. Agenda Item No. 2 - Presentation on regional planning. Tom Wilkinson, Executive Director of the Brazos Valley Council of Governments came forward to present an overview of the COG's responsibilities to a seven county region. The goal of the BVCOG is to create and enhance partnerships between local governments, private businesses and service organizations in an effort to collaboratively plan for and maintain the highest quality of life in the Brazos Valley region. Councilmembers asked several questions about the BVCOG services. No action was required. Providing Customer Service E~r, cellence OJ)Tce of the City Secretary College Station, Texas Council Meetings 8/26/99 Page 2 Agenda Item No. 3 - Presentation~ discussion and possible action on the Community Development Housin~ Pro,rams. Facade Improvements Program and Public Facilities Funding. Community Development Director Jo Carroll provided a review of various housing assistance programs, fagade improvement program, and public facilities funds. She also provided an overview of federal requirements, local policy and procedural determinations, and current, past and proposed projects. Randy Brumley, CD Housing Programs Coordinator explained the loan financing options for eligible homebuyers. This item will be placed on the next workshop to continue discussion of the CD programs. Agenda Item No.4 -- Presentation, discussion, and possible action on Electric Power Suoolv (Strategic Issue No. 6) Public Utilities Director John Woody and Jim McCord of McCord Engineering presented two proposals for wholesale electric power supply to the City of College Station. The present contract with Texas Utilities expires December 31, 1999. The proposals from Calpine Corporation and Texas Utilities were evaluated and the City recommended a five year contract with Texas Utilities. Council will consider adoption of the contract at its next meeting on September 9, 1999. Agenda Item No. 9 -- Hear Visitors The council heard from citizens at 5:00 p.m. Benito Flores-Meath, 901 Val Verde showed council a map depicting fault lines within the property designated as the proposed landfill site. Mr. Meath stated that the fault lines are located over an aquifer supplying water to the City of Navasota. Mr. Meath attempted to request council proceed with investigation of a possible violation of the city charter. Councilmembers strongly stated that the Hear Visitors time was not a venue for this type of accusation and urged him to move forward to another topic. Councilmembers remarked that no violations of the City Charter have occurred. Agenda Item No. 5 -- Presentation, discussion~ and possible action on Council Agenda Packet (Strategic Issue No. 14). Linda Piwonka, Director of Information and Technology Services presented a proposal for the Automated Council Agenda Packet. The proposal included a phased approach. The first phase included the continuation of paper packet and an electronic packet on the Internet. The cost for Council Meetings 8/26/99 Page 3 Phase I shall include $6,000 for departments to acquire scanning equipment. Phase I also includes an agreement from TCA Cable to provide free cable modem access for council. The benefits of Phase I: Provide citizens, media, council, and staff' electronic access Reduces internal paper copies Allows time to evaluate further automation Ms. Piwonka discussed a time schedule to implement Phase I. Training for staff and council will occur this fall and the electronic agenda shall be ready for the web site in February 2000. Council directed staffto move forward with Phase I. The council recessed for a short break. ReRular Meetin~ Mayor Mcllhaney called the regular meeting to order at 6:09 p.m. She lead the audience in the pledge of allegiance. Reverend David Rowland from the First Baptist Church in College Station provided the invocation. Presentations Mayor Mcllhaney recognized the following youth softball teams for their hard work and athletic ability in achieving state and national championship awards. · College Station Little League Gift's Fast Pitch Softball All Star Team won the Texas State Championship · Brazos Valley Force Fastpitch Softball Team placed 9th in the nation · College Station Tigers Fastpitch Softball Team placed 33ra in the nation Mayor Mcllhaney presented a proclamation to the International Students Association recognizing International Student Week and Planet Northgate, a community wide celebration to be held the weekend of September 3-4. Aeenda Item No. 13 -- Consent Agenda 13.1 Approved by common consent the minutes for City Council workshop and regular meetings, August 12, 1999. Council Meetings 8/26/99 Page 4 13.2 Bid No. 99-98: Approved by common consent the construction of Lemon Tree Park Sanitary Sewer Line Replacement. Awarded to lowest, responsible bidder meeting specifications, Young Contractors in the amount of $135,979. Funds available and budgeted in the Sewer Revenue Bond Fund. 13.3 Bid No. 99-99: Discussion and possible action on annual contract for utility line locate services. Councilman Silvia made a motion to approve the annual contract for utility line locate service awarded to UtiliQuest in the amount of $69,025 with an effective date of August 27, 1999o Funds available in the Electric, Water and Sewer Fund. Motion seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Mariott which carded unanimously, 7-0. 13.4 Approved by common consent Ordinance No. 2407 which repealed Ordinance No. 2328 that created Reinvestment Zone//9 and authorized an agreement for development and tax abatement between the City of College Station and CSL of Texas, Inc. 13.5 Approved by common consent the payments for professional services in the amount of $25,108.85 to Haynes and Boone, LLP regarding the Franklin Gold litigation. This purchase request is exempt from competitive bidding proposal allowed in LGC 252.022(a)(4) for a procurement of professional services. Authorized payments not to exceed $50,000 arising as a result of oral arguments in the appeal process. 13.6 Approved by common consent the oversize participation in the amount of $22,362 for extensions of a 16" water line near the intersection of FM 2818 and Holleman Drive West through the Holleman Village Addition Subdivision to be constructed with the Holleman Village Apartment Complex. Aeenda Item No. 14 - Rel~ular A~,enda 14.1 Public hearing~ discussion and possible action on rezoning approximately 0.54 acre" located on Dominik Drive between George Bush East and Puryear from C-N Neighborhood Commercial to R-5 Apartments/Medium Density. 99-72 Sabine McCully presented the staff report. The applicant intends to construct an apartment building on this tract which abuts three R-1 properties. Staff recommended approval with the conditions that the maximum building height be limited to 25 fi. and a landscape buffer easement be installed between the subject property and the abutting R-1 zoned area to the north. Mayor McIlhaney opened the public hearing. June Cooper, 900 Val Verde noted the traffic congestion along George Bush Drive East. Mayor McIlhaney closed the public hearing. Council Meetings 8/26/99 Page 5 Councilman Hazen noted that apartments were inappropriate for this location. She made a motion to deny the rezoning request. Councilman Massey seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 7-0. 14.2 Public hearing, discussion and possible action on the City of College Station 1999- 2000 Proposed Budget. Budget Director JeffKersten stated that the total operating expenditures proposed in the budget are $100.9 million and total capital expenditures proposed are $42.8 million for an approximate total of $144 million. The budget includes a total of 731.5 positions, including 28 additional proposed positions. The proposed tax rate is $0.428 a slight reduction from existing tax rate of $0.4293. The adoption of the budget and the public hearing on the tax rate is scheduled for September 9th. Council is scheduled to adopt the tax rate on September 23a. Mayor Mcllhaney opened the public hearing. Tiffani Drake from Brazos Valley Sports Foundation acknowledged Council's support in past years and hope council will consider their proposal for next year. Myrtle Martin from Brazos County Senior Citizens Association came forward to request $5,000 to be used toward their programs and endowment fund. Rose Cook who resides at Villas of Rock Prairie asked council to support the Senior Citizen's request. Rector Nicolas Dyke from St. Andrews Episcopal Church in Bryan came forward to request financial support for the Dispute Resolution Center in the amount of $5,000. Benito Flores-Meath, 901 Val Verde asked council to allocate money for televising council meetings. He mentioned that the recent announcement of a proposed convention center in Bryan might compete with the College Station Conference Center. The Mayor remarked that the City of College Station will attract a different type of market for its conference center and it is not in competition with the Bryan golf course/convention center. Additionally, he encouraged council to review the salaries for police and fire officers and other staff. Dick Birdwell, 3 Forest Drive expressed comments about the Northgate parking garage. He assured the council that the parking garage will not pay for the debt service. He encouraged the council to take another look at the project before the city proceeds further. Mr. Birdwell questioned the validity of several proposed positions. He added that the city should always look at the cost of providing a new service vs. outside contract. Finally, he stated that the proposed budget includes new equipment, yet the information does not show a return on investment for this equipment. Mayor Mcllhaney asked staffto provide Mr. Birdwell with an updated study on the garage. Council Meetings 8/26/99 Page 6 Bill Davis, 1219 Boswell Street asked questions about a schedule for debt reduction payments. Mr. Noe mentioned that the schedules are consistent with the documents received by the CIP Committee. Mayor McIlhaney closed the public hearing. No action was required. 14.3 Discussion and possible action on ad valorem tax rate for FY 1999-2000. Finance Director Charles Cryan presented a brief report. Council discussed the proposed tax rate of $0.4280 per $100 valuation and effective tax rate of $0.4117. Councilman Hazen made a motion to advertise the ad valorem tax of $0.4293 per $100 valuation. Motion seconded by Councilman Silvia which carried unanimously, 7-0. 14.4 Discussion and possible action on guidelines and policies for Neighborhood Partnership Program. Staff Planner Lee Battle presented the guidelines and policies for the Neighborhood Partnership Program. A new office shall be created called the Neighborhood Services Office. This program aims to improve communication, encourage citizen participation, and formalize relationships between neighborhood associations with the City. Councilman Silvia made a motion to adopt the guidelines and policies as presented. Motion seconded by Councilman Hazen which carded unanimously, 7-0. Council returned to workshop session agenda. Agenda Item No. 6 -- Committee Reports No committee reports were discussed. Agenda Item No. 7 - Agenda Request by Councilmembers No requests were submitted. Agenda Item No. 8 - Council Calendars Council Pictures 8/26, 2:00 p.m. Council Chambers Council Workshop and Regular Meetings, 9/9 Region 10 Meeting, 9/16 Lockhart Council Meetings 8/26/99 Page 7 Aeenda Item No. 15 - Council Monitoring Report Councilman Garner served as the evaluator of the meeting. She explained that she rated the meeting satisfactorily. She made comments about the length of the workshop meeting. Council suggested to staffthat copies of presentations be made available to council prior to the meeting because it would be useful. Another suggestion is to provide an executive summary type format. Council asked to have at least a thirty minute break between the workshop and regular session. A~enda Item No. 16 -- Executive Session Mayor McIlhaney announced that the City Council would convene into executive session at 7:40 p.m. pursuant to Section 551.071 of the Open Meetings Act to seek the advice of the city attorney with respect to pending and contemplated litigation. Pending and Contemplated Litigation {LGC 551.071 } Cause No. 43,098-85, Bryan v. College Station Cause No. 96-03168, Bryan et al v. PUC (intervention) Cause No. 97-02587, Bryan et al v. PUC (intervention) Cause No. 98-13391, Bryan et al v. PUC (intervention) Cause No. 96-06940, Bryan et al v. PUC (intervention) Cause No. 97-07000, Bryan et al v. PUC (intervention) Cause No. 40,1420-85, Anderson & Esmond v. College Station & Connie Hooks Cause No. 49,367- Wilkerson v. College Station Civil Action No. 01-98-01056-CV, Court of Appeals - Gold v. College Station Civil Action No. H-97-2532, U.S. District Court - Lewis v. College Station Civil Action No. H-98-0847, U.S. District Court - Boriskie v. College Station Docket No. 96-2-000, FERC - College Station, applicant Landfill Site Selection Aeenda Item No. 17 - Final action on executive session~ if necessary. Council returned to open session at 9:56 p.m. No action was taken. A~,enda Item No. 18 - Adiourn The meetings were adjourned at 9:56 p.m. PASSED AND APPROVED this 9_~~ day of September, 1999. Connie Hooks, City Secretary APPROVED: Mayoit)Lynn Mcllhaney ~,~ GUEST REGISTER WORKSHOP MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL THURSDAY, AUGUST 26, 1999 3:00 P.M. 9. 19. 10. 20. GUEST REGISTER REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL THURSDAY, AUGUST 26, 1999 6:00 P.M. GUEST REGISTER REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL THURSDAY, AUGUST 26, 1999 6:00 P.M. 16.¸