HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/10/2000 - Workshop Minutes City CouncilMayor Lynn Mcllhaney Mayor Pro Tempore Larry Mariott City Manager Thomas E. Brymer City Council James Massey Ron Silvia Winnie Garner Dennis Maloney Anne Hazen MINUTES College Station City Council Workshop and Regular Meetings Thursday, August 10, 2000 at 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor McIlhaney, Mayor Pro Tem Mariott, Councilmembers Silvia, Hazen, Massey, Maloney, Garner STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Brymer, Assistant City Manager Brown, City Attorney Cargill, Jr., City Secretary Hooks, Assistant to the City Manager Brandenburg, Budget Director Kersten, Finance Director Cryan, Public Communications and Marketing Manager Cole, Economic Development Director Foutz, Fire Chief Giordano, Interim CD Director Brumley, OTIS Director Piwonka, Public Utilities Director Woody, Public Works Director Smith, Interim Director of Community Development Brumley Workshop Agenda Item No. 1 -- Discussion of consent aeenda items listed for Regular Council Meetine No items were removed. Workshop Agenda Item No. 2 -- Presentation, discussion and possible action on a request from the Bryan-College Station Community Health Center (BCSCHC) for funding of construction costs from CDBG Public Facility funds. CD Project Coordinator Gary Balmain presented the additional project cost for the phone systems, dental equipment, centralized computer network and Integrated Information System, etc. for a total $336,500. The BCSCHC requested the use of CDBG funds for construction costs. Mr. Balmain remarked that the City allocated $100,000 to BVCAA in August, 1997. Subsequent funding in the amount of $26,000 was also allocated to this project. Construction of the facility began on April 30, 1999. Mr. Balmain explained that the facility is eligible to receive CDBG Public Facility funding because of the benefit to low/moderate income citizens. A total of $220,452 in public facility funds has not been allocated in FY 2000-2001. Providing Customer Service Excellence Office of the City Secretary College Station, Texas Council Meetings 8/10/00 Page 2 Eric Todd, Executive Director of BVCAA, was present to answer questions of council. Prior to this council meeting, the city staff provided council with Community Health Center project cost to date and a recommendation from BVCAA for additional funds. Nunerous questions from councilmembers were addressed to staff and Mr. Todd. The questions related to the following issues: Amount of money for change order Amount of funding requested Concerns in the variation of project costs since May Project Management BVCAA organizational structure and service area Mr. Todd noted that the construction was scheduled for completion by June 30, 2000, with a move in date the first week in July 2000. Mr. Todd explained that the coalition raised over $2,200,000 in private and public funds. There were unforeseen change orders and cost over-runs. He pointed out that funds are needed for items not considered as part of the original construction bid, such as phones, an information management system, and dental equipment. Councilman Maloney agreed there is a need for the Consolidated Health Center. Additionally, cost over runs on this project was caused by inadequate architecture design and bad project management. Councilman Silvia had several questions regarding the cost provided to the council throughout the construction process. His concerns related to accountability by the project manager. Mr. Silvia supported the concept of a consolidated facility for numerous services in one location. Councilman Garner stated there are a number of incorrect items within the scope of the project. However, the facility is important to the poor and indigent of our community. She suggested an audit for independent agencies to make sure their practices are within reasonable guidelines. Councilman Garner supported the project. Councilman Hazen stated that for many years, numerous health care services have been duplicated and the health care profession has supported the idea of having a consolidated health care facility. She appreciated fellow council members expressing their concerns in terms of management and financial issues and accountability issues. She said that this facility has been a dream of many health care professionals and she did not want anyone to lose sight of the fact that this facility is desperately needed in this community. Mayor McIlhaney made reference to correspondence sent to council regarding the Health Facility. Providing Customer Service Excellence Ofl~ce of the City Secretary College Station, Texas Council Meetings 8/10/00 Page 3 Council members asked Mr. Todd to provide a final tally on the funding requested prior to the regular meeting. No action was taken. Additional comments on this item were made at the regular meeting. Workshop Agenda Item No. 3 - Presentation, discussion and possible action on the City of College Station 2000-2001 Proposed Budget and Proposed Strategic Plan. Budget and Strategic Planning Manager JeffKersten presented a detailed overview of the proposed budget. The proposed FY2001 annual budget totals $172,522,643 for all funds. Of this amount, $106,559,708 is proposed for operations and maintenance expenditures and $65,962,935 is proposed for capital improvement projects. The budget was presented in five key budget themes. · Continued pursuit of excellent customer service · Addressing our physical growth · Infrastructure maintenance, replacement and expansion · Resources committed to neighborhood safety, integrity and planning · Further diversification of our tax base through economic development Mr. Kersten highlighted the detailed budget by Vision Statement. Due to the length of the workshop meeting, Mr. Kersten completed his presentation following the conclusion of the regular meeting. Workshop Agenda Item No. 5 - Presentation, discussion and possible action on the feasibility report for the Community Performing Arts Center. This item was removed from the agenda. Workshop Agenda Item No. 8 - Hear Visitors At 5:45 p.m., Mayor Mcllhaney opened the floor for public comment. Norma Miller, 504 Guernsey presented pictures of the two housing units being built next to her property. Ms. Miller expressed concern about the number of vehicles parking on Welsh. She suggested no parking on both sides of Welsh and lowering the speed limit to 25 miles per hour. Ms. Miller suggested extending the bike lane from Welsh to Angus. The following citizens spoke in support of the Consolidated Health Center. Robert Jefferson, 1728 Purple Martin Circle Steve Koran, 4585 Country Meadow Lane Patty Livingston, 1104 Bayou Woods Dr. Crystal Gorden, 2500 Central Park Doc Burke, 502 West Dexter Benito Flores-Meath, 901 Val Verde Providing Customer Service Excellence OJ~ce of the City Secretary College Station, Texas Council Meetings 8/10/00 Page 4 Workshop Agenda Item No. 9 - Executive Session At 6:12 p.m., Mayor McIlhaney announced that the City Council would convene into executive session pursuant to Sections 551.071, 551.072 and 551.086 of the Open Meetings Act, to seek the advice of the city attorney with respect to pending and contemplated litigation, to discuss the purchase of real property, and to consider economic development negotiations. Pending and Contemplated Litigation {Gov't Code Section 551.071 } Cause No. 43,098-85, Brazos County-Bryan v. College Station Cause No. 96-03168 Travis County - Bryan, et al. v. PUC (intervention) Cause No. 97-02587 Travis County - Bryan, et al. v. PUC (intervention) Cause No. 98-13391 Travis County -.Bryan, et al. v. PUC (intervention) Cause No. 96-06940 Travis County - Bryan, et al. v. PUC (intervention) Cause No. 97-07000 Travis County - TMPA v. PUC (intervention) Cause No. 98-11817 Travis County - TMPA v. PUC (intervention) Cause No. 49,367-CCL2, Brazos County - Wilkerson v. College Station Civil Action No. 01-98-01056-CV, Court of Appeals - Gold v. College Station Docket Nos. TX96-2-000 and TX96-2-001, FERC - College Station, applicant Cause No. 377-CC, Brazos County - College Station v. Annie Mae Hughes, et al. Cause No. 50,813-85, Brazos County - College Station v. Phillips Swager Associates, Inc.; et al. TXU Gas Distribution Rate Request and TXU Gas Pipeline Rate Request Real Estate {Gov't Code Section 551.072}; possible action (refer to Real Estate Notice) a. Cemetery Site b. Park Site Economic Development Negotiations {Gov't Code Section 551.086}; possible action (refer to Economic Development Notice) a. Hotel Conference Center b. Business Center Site Councilmembers recessed the executive session at 7:00 p.m. and returned to the regular meeting. Regular Meetim, Mayor Mcllhaney opened the regular meeting at 7:05 p.m. Mayor Mcllhaney led the audience in the pledge of allegiance. Mr. David Romei, Executive Director of the Arts Council, and Carol Wagner from the Arts Council of Brazos Valley presented a certificate to the City Council from the White House Millennium Council. Providing Customer Service Excellence Office of the City Secretary College Station, Texas Council Meetings 8/10/00 Page 5 Consent Agenda 12.1 Approved by common consent the minutes for City Council special meeting, June 14, 2000 council retreat, July 14, 2000 and July 15, 2000, Council special meeting, July 5, 2000 and workshop and regular meeting on July 13, 2000. 12.2 Bid No. 98-66 - Approved by common consent the renewal of annual contract for Police Uniforms. Awarded to lowest, responsible bidder meeting specifications, Red the Uniform Tailor, Inc. for an estimated annual expenditure in the amount of $36,500.00. Funds available and budgeted in the General Fund, Police Department. 12.3 Bid No. 00-85 -Approved by common consent a resolution approving a construction contract for the Bike Loop Phase II Project. Awarded to lowest, responsible bidder meeting specifications, Jerdon Enterprise, Inc. in the amount of $704,911.30 for the alternate bid. Funds are available and budgeted in Capital Improvements, Bike Loop Project. 12.4 Bid No. 00-87 - Approved by common consent an annual landscape maintenance contract for various public buildings and locations. Awarded to lowest, responsible bidder meeting specifications, The Greenery in the amount of $179,253. Funds available and budgeted in General Fund, Forestry Division and Utilities Administration. 12.5 Bid No. 00-88 - Approved by common consent a resolution approving a construction contract for the Northgate Sewer Trunkline Rehabilitation. Awarded to lowest, responsible bidder meeting specifications, Elliott Construction, Inc. in the amount of $1,315,500.00. Funds available and budgeted in Sewer Revenue Bond Fund, Capital Outlay. 12.6 Approved by common consent Ordinance No. 2460 adopting the franchise agreement with Texas Commercial Waste for the collection and disposal services for recyclable materials. 12.7 Approved by common consent a resolution to ratify a construction contract for replacement of approximately 1100 feet of 6" sewer line from Francis Drive to Milner. Awarded to lowest, responsible bidder meeting specifications, Brazos Valley Utilities, Inc. in the amount of $36,792.00. This purchase is exempt from competitive bidding as allowed in LGC 252.022(a)(2) and (3) a procurement necessary because of unforeseen damage to public property and to preserve or protect the public health or safety of the municipality's residents. Funds are available in the Sewer Revenue Bond Fund. 12.8 Approved by common consent a resolution urging the Texas Municipal League to support passage of legislation to allow for use of e-commerce and high technology in the public procurement process. 12.9 Approved by common consent a resolution urging the Texas Municipal League to support passage of legislation to increase the required competitive minimum from $15,000 to $25,000. Providing Customer Service Excellence Office of the City Secretary College Station, Texas Council Meetings 8/10/00 Page 6 12.10 Approved by common consent a construction change order for additional construction services within the Business Center at College Station. Award to Young Contractors Inc. in the amount of $17,904.10. Funds available and budgeted in the General Government Business Park Fund. 12.11 Approved by common consent the purchase of Motorola radios for use at BVSWMA and Police. This purchase is exempt from competitive bidding as allowed in the Local Government Code, Chapter 252.022(a)(7)(D) a procurement of items that are available from only one source, including captive replacement parts of components for equipment. Awarded purchase from Motorola in the amount of $46,776.08. Funds available in BVSWMA Fund and General Fund. 12.12 Approved by common consent the purchase of petroleum oils, grease, and fluids available on State Contract. Recommend a change order for Kino Oil Company to extend the contract through August 31, 2000 and increase the purchase limit to $25,000.00. Funds available and budgeted in the Fleet Services Fund. 12.13 Approved by common consent the renewal of annual agreement for cellular phone service with Houston Cellular for an annual estimated expenditure of $46,750.00. Funds are available and budgeted in each fund, division that uses cellular phone service within the City. 12.14 Approved by common consent a renewal agreement between the MSE Environmental, Inc. and the City of College Station for household hazardous waste collection. Recommend approval of renewal agreement with MSE Environmental, Inc. in the amount of $120,000. Funds available and budgeted in Brazos Valley Solid Waste Management Agency. 12.15 Approved by common consent the adoption of an easement granted to the City of College Station, Texas, for the Northgate Sewer Trunkline Project. 12.16 Approved by common consent the calling of a public hearing on the City of College Station 2000-2001 Proposed Budget for August 24, 2000. Regular Agenda Reltular Agenda Item No. 13.1 -- Public hearing, discussion and possible action on an ordinance rezoning Castlegate Subdivision, consisting of 162.86 acres out of the Crowle¥ Master Development Plan, from A-O, Agricultural Open to PDDH, Planned Development District - Housing, located on Greens Prairie Road west of the future intersection with Highway 40. Staff'Planner Jessica Jimmerson presented this item. She stated that the applicant is requesting to rezone the property to PDD-H to allow for modifications to the subdivision regulations and zoning ordinance requirements. The Land Use Plan showed the subject tract and surrounding areas as Single Family Residential. The tract is surrounded on the north, west and east by vacant land that is part of the Crowley Master Plan. She pointed out that the Master Development Plan Prmiding Custotner Service Excellence Office of the City Secretary College Station, Texas Council Meetings 8/10/00 Page 7 had a minor collector connecting Castlegate Drive to the future Highway 40. This rezoning eliminated this road. Staff supported the variation in the plan due to the conceptual street layout contains adequate collectors and residential streets to provide good circulation. Staff recommended approval of the rezoning with the condition that any requirements not specifically addressed in the modified standards default to an R-lB zone. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of the rezoning. Mayor McIlhaney opened the public hearing. Developer Wallace Phillips and property owner Tim Crowley came forward to support the request. Mayor Mcllhaney closed the public hearing. Councilman Massey made a motion to approve Ordinance No. 2461 rezoning 162.86 acres in the Crowley Master Development Plan from A-O Agricultural Open to PDD-H Planned Development District Housing, located on Greens Prairie Road west of the future intersection with Highway 40, with the condition that any requirements not specifically addressed in the attached modified standards default to R-lB zoning requirements and the plat show the extension of the street. Motion seconded by Councilman Maloney and carried unanimously, 7-0. FOR: Mcllhaney, Mariott, Hazen, Massey, Silvia, Maloney, Garner AGAINST: None Regular Agenda Item No. 13.2 - Public hearing~ discussion and possible action on an ordinance rezoning Sterling Apartments, Phase 2 consisting of 3 acres located at the southwest corner of ltoileman and Wellborn from C-I~ General Commercial to R-5~ Medium Density apartments. Staff Planner Jessica Jimmerson presented this item. She explained the property was rezoned from R-5 Medium Density Apartment and M-1 Planned Industrial to the current zoning of C-1, in conjunction with the platting of the property into its current configuration. The applicant has requested to return the zoning to R-5, Medium Density Apartment. This property is shown on the land use plan as Attached residential, which is associated with a density of 10-20 dwelling units per acre. The R-5 zoning does allow a higher density of 24 dwelling units per acre. This area has been developing at higher densities than those reflected by the Land Use Plan. Staff and Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of the rezoning. Mayor Mcllhaney opened the public hearing. The applicant, Paul Clarke stated that the apartment units would enhance the area. Mayor Mcllhaney closed the public hearing. Providing Customer Service E~ccellence OJfice of the City Secretary College Station, Texas Council Meetings 8/10/00 Page 8 Councilman Garner made a motion to approve Ordinance No. 2462 rezoning Stealing Apartments, Phase 2, consisting of three acres located at the southwest comer of Holleman and Wellborn from C-l, General Commercial to R-5, Medium Density Apartment. Councilman Silvia seconded the motion, which carded by a vote of 6-1. Councilman Massey expressed concerns about safety of the residents living near the railroad. FOR: McIlhaney, Mariott, Garner, Maloney, Silvia, Hazen AGAINST: Massey Regular Agenda Item No. 13.3 - Discussion and possible action on the Community Development proposed 5-year~ 2000-2004 Consolidated Plan~ the proposed FY00-01 Action Plan and Related annual budget~ continued authorization for expenditure of estimated remainine balances~ and authorization for the Mayor to execute necessary documents for submission of related items to HUD. Interim Community Development Director Randy Brumley presented revisions to the 2000-2004 Consolidated Plan and the revised Housing Goals and Objectives and Non-Housing Community Goals and Objectives. He also presented the FY 00-01 Action Plan and the annual budget. He requested direction and approval on the Consolidated Plan goals, objectives and format and the FY 00-01 Action Plan and budget. The amount to be received by the City of College Station for FY 2001 is $1,184,000 in CDBG funds, $537,000 in HOME grant funds and an estimated $20,000 in unprogrammed revenues. The budget summary for Community Development Block Grant Fund allocations is $4,565,917. Mayor Mcllhaney opened the floor for public comment. Ms. Jane Sielken of 1811 Hondo Dr., requested that the city consider funding Consolidated Health Clinic. She is a school nurse and refers many children to the Clinic for services. Mayor Pro Tem Mariott made a motion to approve the Community Development Budget as presented. Mayor McIlhaney stated that the staff requested direction in terms of unfunded monies available in the amount of $220,452. Councilman Hazen made a motion to approve $175,000 for the Consolidated Health Center. Councilman Maloney seconded the motion. He supported the project because of the City of Bryan's vision and their support of the project. Several council members emphasized that the current management practices were unacceptable. They expressed concern about the ongoing requests for funding and the lack of detail and reconciliation of project costs. Several council members also stressed the importance of an internal control audit. Council continued to highlight the importance of providing health services to the citizens of College Station. Providing Customer Service Excellence Office of the City Secretary College Station, Texas Council Meetings 8/10/00 Page 9 Mayor Pro Tem Mariott made an amended motion to fund the Health Center in the amount of $130,000 to cover the expenditures of $78,000 for computers and $52,000 for telephone system and allocate the remaining amount to the Lincoln Center. Councilman Garner seconded the motion. Councilman Hazen called for the question on the first motion. No second was made. Discussion was held on the amended motion. Proponents for $175,000 felt that additional monies may be found elsewhere for the Lincoln Center project. These council members pointed out the critical need to fund the Health Center. The Council felt that the BVCAA Health program would benefit from an independent management audit. Additionally, cost over runs on this project was caused by bad project management and bad architectural plans, according to Mr. Eric Todd's testimony. Councilman Hazen called for the question. Mayor McIlhaney called for the vote on the amended motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Mariott. Amended motion passed by a vote of 4-3. FOR: Mayor Mcllhaney, Garner, Massey and Mariott AGAINST: Silvia, Maloney and Hazen Councilman Silvia made a motion to allocate $90,452 to the Lincoln Center renovation project. Councilman Garner seconded the motion, which passed unanimously, 7-0. Mayor Pro Tem Mariott made a motion to approve the Community Development 5-year plan, 2000- 2004 Consolidated Plan, and Annual Budget as amended. Councilman Silvia seconded the motion, which carded unanimously, 7-0. FOR: Mcllhaney, Mariott, Silvia, Hazen, Maloney, Massey, Garner AGAINST: None Councilman Hazen made an addition to these minutes to record her support for a funding level of $175, 000 to the Consolidated Health Center. During the concluding remarks of this item, she asked to be given the opportunity to vote on the amended motion to allocate funds in the amount of $130, 000. As stated above, the amended motion carried to allocate $130, 000, and additional votes on the original motion were not recorded. Council recessed the meeting at 8:30 p.m. Council reconvened the meeting at 8:45 p.m. Regular Agenda Item No. 13.4 - Discussion and possible action to approve an ordinance authorizing the issuance of $8~100~000 City of College Station~ Texas Certificates of Obligation~ series 2000A and other matters related thereto, including immediate effectiveness. Providing Customer Service Excellence Oj~ce of the CiO, Secretary College Station, Texas Council Meetings 8/10/00 Page 10 Director of Fiscal Services Charles Cryan stated the council authorized to approve the issuance of certificates of obligations after authorizing and publishing notice of the intent to issue the Certificate of Obligations. The city will be able to issue these instruments using proceeds of the debt to purchase land, design and construct a parking garage. Mr. Drew Masterson, First Southwest Company reviewed the tabulation of bids received. He stated there were five bids received and recommended the low bid with Paine Webber Inc. with the interest rate of 5.33%. Mayor Pro Tem Mariott made a motion to approve Ordinance No. 2464 authorizing the issuance of $8,100,000 City of College Station, Texas Certificates of obligation, series 2000A and accept the low bid of Paine Webber Inc. Motion seconded by Councilman Massey. Motion carded 7-0. Regular Agenda Item No. 13.5 - Discussion and possible action on adoption of the City of College Station three-year Marketing Plan. Public Communications and Marketing Manager Kelly Cole presented the Marketing Plan, including Theme Development. Ms. Cole stated that a theme should support, reinforce, and reflect the goals of the City Council and City staff. A theme should also emphasize the idea of the City as an organization with one common purpose and clearly reflect the positive message the City wants to convey to the community. When a theme has been selected, it will be incorporated into all means of communications by the City and used citywide by all departments to ensure a cohesive message. Ms. Cole presented 20 themes to the City Council. The council directed staffto place the following themes on the Internet and allow the citizens of College Station to vote on. College Station, Embracing the Past. Exploring the Future College Station, People, Pride, Progress College Station, Home to Family, Friends and Futures The Council liked the theme on the Millennia Certificate and asked Ms. Cole to research the theme for copyrights. Mayor Pro Tem Mariott made a motion to approve the College Station three-year Marketing plan. Motion seconded by Councilman Garner. Motion carried 7-0. Regular Aeenda Item No. 14 - Council Monitoring Report Councilman Silvia stated that the meeting was productive and council followed procedures. Providing Customer Service Excellence Office of the City Secretary College Station, Texas Council Meetings 8/10/00 Page 11 Workshop Agenda Item No. 6 - Committee Reports Councilman Massey reported that the Wolf Pen Creek Oversight Committee met and discussed the Conference Center Project and development within Wolf Pen Creek. Councilman Hazen reported that the Special Attractions Task Force is looking at other options for tourism tours. Workshop Agenda Item No. 3 - Presentation~ discussion and possible action on the City of College Station 2000-2001 Proposed Budget and Proposed Strateeic Plan. Mr. Kersten continued his workshop presentation. He stated this proposed budget is based on the current ad valorem tax of $0.4293 per $100 of assessed valuation. It is recommended that this ad valorem tax rate be maintained at is current level in order to deal with growth, service quality, neighborhood integrity and infrastructure. All utility fund revenues are estimated based on current rate structures. The Solid Waste Collection fund is proposed to increase 50 cents in the monthly residential garbage rate to allow for the addition of a new residential collection route and expansion our street sweeping program. Also proposed is an increase in the commercial roll offrate from $75 to $100. Mr. Kersten explained that the budget must be adopted by September 27, 2000 and the tax rate must be adopted by September 30, 2000. He reviewed the calendar for future budget workshop meetings. No action was taken. Regular Agenda Item No. 15 -- Executive Session At 10:10 p.m. Mayor McIlhaney announced that the Council would reconvene into executive session pursuant to Section 551.071, 551.072 and 551.086 of the Open Meetings Act, to seek the advice of the city attorney with respect to pending and contemplated litigation, to discuss the purchase of real property, to consider economic development negotiations. Refer to executive session list previously mentioned. Regular Agenda Item No 16 - Final action on executive session~ if necessary. The Council concluded its executive session at 10:30 p.m. They returned to open session. No action was taken. Regular Agenda Item No. 17 - Adjourn Hearing no objection, the workshop, regular and executive sessions were adjourned at 10:31 p.m. Providing Customer Service Excellence Office of the City Secretary College Stats'on, Texas Council Meetings 8/10/00 Page 12 PASSED AND APPROVED this 24th day of August, 2000. ATTEST:~.~., ~ Qity"Secretary-C6nnie hooks O:group/council/minutes2OOO/min8-10-O0.doc APPROVED: May~ Lynn M~Ilhaney/ Providing Custotner Service Excellence Office of the City Secretary College Station, Texas City of College Station Council Workshop Meeting AUGUST 1% 2000 Sign In Sheet City of College 11. 12. Station 17. o 18. 19. 10. 20. City of College Station Council Regular Meeting AUGUST 10, 2000 Sign In Sheet City of College Station 17. 18. 19. 20.