HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/24/2003 - Regular Minutes City Council Mayor City Council Ron Silvia James Massey Mayor Pro Tempore John Happ Anne Hazen Robert Wareing City Manager Scott Mears C.OL EGE STATION Thomas E. Brymer Dennis Maloney College Station, Embracing the Past, Exploring the Future MINUTES College Station City Council Workshop Meeting Thursday July 24, 2003 at 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Silvia, Mayor Pro Tem Hazen, Council members Massey, Maloney, Wareing, Mears, Happ STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Brymer, Assistant City Manager Brown, City Attorney Cargill, Jr., City Secretary Hooks, Assistant City Secretary Casares, Fiscal Services Director Cryan, Budget and Strategic Planning Director Kersten, Director of Public Works Smith, Forestry Superintendent Albrecht, Director of Development Services Templin, Transportation Planner Fogle, Director of Office Technical and Information Services Burnside, Director of Economic Development Foutz, Public Communications and Marketing Assistant Jett, Director of kit" Parks and Recreation Beachy Mayor Silvia called the workshop into session at 3:00 p.m. Workshop Agenda Item No.1 -- Discussion of consent agenda items listed for Regular Council Meeting. No items were removed for discussion. Workshop Agenda Item No. 2 -- Presentation, discussion and possible action regarding concerns related to the Fiscal and Budgetary Policy regarding "full fee support" (80 to 100 %) for the cemetery. Ross Albrecht, Forestry Superintendent /staff liaison to the Cemetery Committee described the Cemetery Fee Structure, Advisory Board discussion and a potential price increase in 2003. Katherine Edwards, Chairman of the Cemetery Committee made a presentation on behalf of the Cemetery Committee to bring forward the city's current and proposed cost recovery system pertaining to the cemetery. The Cemetery Committee members urged the City Council to move the City Cemetery to a cost recovery category that is more suitable to its history and usage. Also, the Cemetery Committee recommended that the price of the cemetery spaces remain at their current level of $600.00 per space. Providing Customer Service Excellence Office of the City Secretary College Station, Texas Council Meeting 7/24/03 Page 2 After a brief discussion, Council directed staff to work with the Cemetery Committee to develop a financial plain. Council member Hazen would serve as liaison to the Cemetery Committee. Workshop A2enda Item No. 3 -- Presentation, discussion and possible action on the results of the 2003 Citizen Survey. Budget and Strategic Planning Director Jeff Kersten noted the annual citizen survey was to determine the satisfaction with various levels of service provided by the City of College Station. Five hundred (500) citizens were contacted in a telephone survey. It is one tool used to show satisfaction with services provided by the City. Many of the performance measures use citizen and customer satisfaction levels to determine the success of programs, and this survey provided the results for these measures. No official action was taken. Workshop A2enda Item No. 4 -- Presentation, discussion and possible action on the draft 2003 -2004 Strategic Plan, Proposed Budget, and the Financial Forecast. Jeff Kersten made a p resentation on the proposed budget for FY 04 for a total amount of $160,089,405. Of this amount, $124,530,084 was proposed for operations and maintenance expenditures and $35,559,321 was proposed for capital improvement projects. He emphasized the key g budget of the bud et was to maintain core services in the face of continued growth coupled with changing economic conditions. This was accomplished by abiding by the following g g ‘00, concepts: ❑ Prudent with City finances ❑ Meeting strategic priorities ❑ Maintaining service quality ❑ Investing in infrastructure. The overall ro ert tax rate proposed was the current tax rate of 47.77 cents per $100 assessed p p y p ro p valuation. B y maintaining the existing tax rate it would ensure adequate resources to meet the continued needs of the city's current service levels and strategic priorities. The current tax rate was anticipated to generate more revenues in FY 2004 than in FY 2003 due to new value on the tax rolls and increases in existing value. The additional revenues generated were proposed to meet the core services identified through the strategic planning process, and the increasing demands for city services. Mr. Kersten highlighted four key budget decisions pertaining to • Existing Tax Rate • Utility Rates and User Fees, • Retirement and Pay Plan Proposal • Outside Agency Funding. Mr. Kersten reviewed the upcoming schedule for the Special Budget Workshop Meetings. Providing Customer Service Excellence Office of the City Secretary College Station, Texas Council Meeting 7/24/03 Page 3 Mayor Pro Tem Hazen departed from the meeting at 4:40 p.m. No formal action was taken. Council recessed at 5:15 p.m. for a short break and returned to the workshop meeting at 5:25 p.m. Workshop Agenda Item No. 5 -- Presentation, discussion and possible action on plans for the formulation and review of revised Subdivision Regulations (UDO Article 8), Drainage Regulations (UDO Section 7.8) and Construction Design Standards. Director of Development Services Kelly Templin explained that the City Council voted to adopt the Unified Development Ordinance in March, 2003, however Article 8 and Section 7.8 were held in reserve. The City's Construction Design Standards were not a part of the Unified Development Ordinance, but would be referenced within the Subdivisions Regulations (Article 8). Mr. ro a Templin presented proposed time line for the Design Standards, Article 8, Subdivision p p p p Regulations and 7.8, Drainage & Storm Water Management. No formal action was taken. Workshop Agenda Item No 6 -- Presentation, discussion and possible action on a policy ‘1601 regarding the process for consideration of funding for art and culture related organizations. Council member Maloney made a motion pending the approval of the Arts Council, appoint the Arts Council to perform due diligence on all applications for arts and cultural related organizations by amending the policy as it is currently written. His motion also included g Y amen g p Y authorizin g the Arts Council to notify the agencies of the future processes. Council member fY Wareing seconded the motion, which carried unanimously, 6 -0. For Silvia, Massey, Happ, Wareing, Mears, Maloney Against: None Absent: Hazen Workshop Agenda Item No 7 -- Discussion and possible action on future agenda items Council member Mears requested a traffic study for the intersection of Rock Prairie and Rio q Y Grande. City Manager remarked that the traffic signals are budgeted in our Capital Budget. Council member Maloney requested a future agenda item regarding a policy to fund upgrades on q a in infrastructure in existing shopping centers. City Manager Bryrner informed the Council aging g pp this could be achieved through the budget process. Providing Customer Service Excellence Office of the City Secretary College Station, Texas Council Meeting 7/24/03 Page 4 Workshop Agenda Item No. 8 -- Council Calendars 2003 Council Meeting dates Council Planning Calendar as of July 15, 2003 July 21 Public Kickoff for the P. David Romei Arts Center - 9:00 a.m. WPC July 21 Intergovernmental Committee Meeting - Noon @ Brazos Center July 22 Special CIP Meeting - 4:00 p.m. Council Chambers July 24 Council Workshop and Regular Meetings July 25 -26 TML Newly Elected Officials Orientation - Austin August 6 Open House Ceremony for new Municipal Court - 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. August 7 Budget Workshop, Council Chambers, 3 -5 p.m. August 11 City Council Workshop and Regular Meetings August 13-15 Texas 2003 Transportation Summit - Irving, Texas August 18 Intergovernmental Committee Meeting - Noon @ College Station August 18 Citizen Committee Orientation, Council Chambers 6:00 p.m. August 19 Budget Workshop, Council Chambers, 3 -5 p.m. August 21 -23 B /CS Chamber of Commerce Auto & Business Expo August 21 Budget Workshop, Council Chambers, 3 -5 p.m. August 28 City Council Workshop and Regular Meetings Council reviewed the upcoming events. Workshop Agenda Item No. 9 -- Executive Session At 5:50 p.m., Mayor Silvia announced in open session that the City Council would convene into executive session pursuant to Sections 551.071, 551.074 and 551.087 of the Open Meetings Act, to seek the advice of the city attorney with respect to pending and contemplated litigation, the evaluation of a public officer and to consider economic development negotiations. Cause No. 43,098 -85, Brazos County — Bryan v. College Station Cause No. 96- 03168, Travis County — Bryan, et al. v. PUC (intervention) Cause No. 97- 02587, Travis County — Bryan, et al. v. PUC (intervention) Cause No 98- 13391, Travis County — Bryan, et al. v. PUC (intervention) Cause No. 96- 06940, Travis County — Bryan, et al. v. PUC (intervention) Cause No. 97- 07000, Travis County — TMPA v. PUC (intervention) Cause No. 98- 11817, Travis County — TMPA v. PUC (intervention) Cause No. 98- 11815, Travis County — Texas -New Mexico Power Co. v. PUC (intervention) Cause No. 97- 12392, Travis County — Central Power & Light Co. v. PUC (intervention) Cause No. 97- 12405, Travis County — Bryan v. PUC (intervention) Cause No. 97- 12401, Travis County — TMPA v. PUC (intervention) Cause No. 97- 12402, Travis County — San Antonio v. PUC (intervention) Cause No. 97- 10792, Travis County — TMPA v. PUC (intervention) Cause No. GN002343, Travis County — San Antonio v. PUC (intervention) Cause No. GN002513, Travis County — San Antonio v. PUC (intervention) Cause No. GN000152, Travis County — TMPA v. PUC (intervention) Cause No. GN200090; Travis County — Reliant Energy v. Big Country Electric Coop, et al. Cause No. GN200100, Travis County — San Antonio, etc. v. Brazos Electric Power Coop, et al. Cause No. GN200685, Travis County — TMPA v. PUC and City of Bryan (intervention) Cause No GN300714, Travis County — TMPA v. PUC and City of Bryan (intervention) Case No 03 -02- 00462 -CV, Court of Appeals —TMPA v. PUC (continued intervention) Case No 03- 02- 00701 -CV, Court of Appeals — TMPA v. PUC (continued intervention) Providing Customer Service Excellence Office of the City Secretary College Station, Texas 1 Council Meeting 7/24/03 Page 5 Docket Nos. TX96 -2 -000, TX96 -2 -001, TX96 -2 -002, TX96 -2 -003, TX96 -2 -004, TX96 -2 -005, TX96 -2- 06, TX96 -2 -007, FERC — College Station, applicant LP' Docket No 25197, Public Utility Commission — College Station request to set rates. Docket No. 25395, Public Utility Commission — College Station (intervention) Docket No. 26950, Public Utility Commission — College Station (intervention) PUC Project No. 25937 — PUC investigation into possible manipulation of ERCOT market (respondent) PUC Project No. 21927 — College Station request to maintain current certification PUC Project No. 25591 — 2001 electric utility earnings reports (respondent) Cause No. 52,434 -361, Brazos County — College Station v. Wolf Pen Creek, Ltd., et al. Cause No. 28,765, Grimes County — Trant v. Grimes County, College Station and Bryan Case No. G -02 -108, U.S. District Court — Lester v. College Station and Piersall. Cause No. 02- 001154- CV -85; Brazos County — Municipal Drilling vs. College Station Cause No. 02- 001291 -CV -361, Brazos County — Piersall v. College Station and Feldman Cause No. 02- 002223 -CV -361, Brazos County — DeSantiago v. College Station Cause No. 02- 002445 -CV -272, Brazos County — Evelyn L. Bruce v. College Station, C.D. Henderson, Inc., and Scott Elliott, d/b /a Elliott Construction Cause No. 03- 000617 -CV -272, Brazos County — TCA Holdings, et al. v. College Station Cause No. 03 -CV- 129115, Fort Bend County — College Station v. Contract Land Staff, Inc. TXU Lone Star Gas Rate Request. Economic Incentive Negotiations {Gov't Code Section 551.0871; possible action The City may deliberate on commercial or financial information that the City Council Y has received from a business prospect that the City Council seeks to have locate, stay or expand in or near the city with which the City Council in conducting economic development negotiations may deliberate on an offer of financial or other incentives for a business prospect. After executive session discussion, any final action or vote taken will be in public. The 41110e following subject(s) may be discussed: a. Texas Avenue Crossing b. Cross Street Warehouse Apartments c. Callaway Development Corporation Personnel {Gov't Code Section 551.0741; possible action The City may Council ma deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer. After executive session discussion, any final action or vote taken will be in p ublic. The following public officer(s) may be discussed: a. Planning and Zoning Commission b. Zoning Board of Adjustments c. Parks and Recreation Board d. Design Review Board e. City Council Evaluation Workshop Agenda Item No. 10 -- Final action on Executive Session, if necessary. Council recessed from executive session at 6:59 p.m. No action was taken. Providing Customer Service Excellence Office of the City Secretary College Station, Texas Council Meeting 7/24/03 Page 6 Regular Meeting Mayor Silvia called the regular meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. with all council members present with the exception of Mayor Pro Tem Hazen. Mayor Silvia remarked that Mayor Pro Tem Hazen would return to the regular meeting at a later time Mayor Silvia and Chairman of the Historic Preservation Committee Bill Lancaster presented the Historic Home Plaque #71 to Mr. and Mrs. Punell. Mayor Pro Tem Hazen returned to the meeting at 7:06 p.m. 12.1 Hear Visitors: Mr. Claycamp, 300 Lee Avenue, came forward requesting modifications to the processes that were currently utilized by the Building Official and Zoning Board of Adjustments. Dr. Bruce Hookstra, 210 Lee Avenue came forward and clarified the principle for building the structure at his residence and the inspections made by the city to ensure the structure met Code. Mike Newman, 211 Lee Avenue, made remarks pertaining to the structure built at 210 Lee Avenue. Consent Agenda %ow 13.1 Approved by common consent the minutes for workshop and regular meeting of May 8, 2003. 13.2 Bid No 02 -91 - Approved by common consent the first renewal of an annual agreement for p urchase of High Float Rapid Setting emulsion from Gulf States Asphalt Company in an amount not to exceed $82,500. 13.3 Bid No 03 -80 - Approved by common consent an award of contract to TLS Traffic Controls, Inc. for the installation of three new traffic signals, for a total amount of $414,172. 13.4 Approved by common consent the authorization to purchase emergency generation for pp Y the College Station Utility Service Center, in the amount of $53,510, and consideration of Y a contingency transfer in the Electric Fund in the amount of $53,510. 13.5 Approved by common consent Resolution No 7 -24- 2003 -13.5 approving a services pp Y contract with John Hamilton, to provide real property acquisition services associated with the proposed solid waste disposal facility located in Grimes County and other CIP Projects. 13.6 Approved by common consent a master advanced funding agreement with the Texas Department of Transportation to integrate traffic signal systems and communication infrastructure. Providing Customer Service Excellence Office of the City Secretary College Station, Texas Council Meeting 7/24/03 Page 7 13.7 Approved by common consent a local project advanced funding agreement with the Texas Department of Transportation, Texas Transportation Institute, and the City of kb, Bryan to develop and implement the second phase of the College Station Integration Project - Phase II. 13.8 Approved by common consent Resolution No. 7 -24- 2003 -13.8 authorizing the condemnation of real property needed for street right of way and drainage to develop the Longmire Drive from Graham Road to Cypress Meadows Subdivision. 13.9 Approved by common consent to increase the purchase order to Texas Municipal League Intergovernmental Risk Pool for property casualty claims by $50,000 to fund claims that are anticipated to exceed the current PO amount. 13.10 Approved by common consent an Interagency Agreement approving the policy outlining the protocol for conducting child abuse investigations. 13.11 Approved by common consent a sub - recipient agreement by and between the City of College Station and the Texas Engineering Extension Service for procurement and management of equipment obtained under the State Homeland Security Grant Program. Also, a request for the Fire Chief to be designated as the "point of contact" for the administration of this grant. 13.12 Approved by common consent Resolution No. 7 -24- 2003 -13.12 approving the design, installation, and upgrade of a wastewater line on University Drive near the intersection of 4 1100# Lincoln Avenue. 13.13 Approved by common consent calling a public hearing on the City of College Station FY2003-2004 Budget for August 11, 2003. Council member Maloney made a motion to approve the consent agenda items. Council member Happ seconded the motion, which carried unanimously, 7 -0. For: Silvia, Hazen, Massey, Happ, Wareing, Mears, Maloney Against: None Regular Agenda Regular Agenda Item No. 14.1 --Public hearing, discussion and possible action on a rezoning to amend the concept plan and other elements of the Planned Development District for the Benjamin Knox Gallery, located at the northwest corner of University Drive and MacArthur Street. Director of Development Services Kelley Templin remarked that the applicant requested a modification of the original PDD in order to build a third building toward the rear of the lot that was already developed as the Benjamin Knox Gallery. The changes from the original PDD included closing the cross access between the properties, adding an additional building and a rail car to be used as an ice cream shop on Lot 1A. The property to the west was developed as duplexes, yet zoned for specialty retail or office under the current PDD -B on the property. The Providing Customer Service Excellence Office of the City Secretary College Station, Texas Council Meeting 7/24/03 Page 8 property to the north was zoned R -2 and developed as multi - family. A small portion of Mr. Knox's property abutted an unimproved alley that is adjacent to single family developed property that is zoned A -P Administrative Professional. A modification to the UDO requirement was requested with a maximum height of 36 feet. The adjacent residential properties were shown for redevelopment on the Land Use Plan. The applicant also asked for a modification to the side street setback for a railcar that will be used as a small restaurant or ice cream shop. The P &Z Commission and staff recommended approval. Benjamin Knox, 1101 James Parkway, came forward to answer questions of the City Council. Mayor Silvia opened the public hearing. No one spoke. He closed the public hearing. Council member Happ made a motion to approve Ordinance No. 2648 rezoning .48 acres in order to amend the original concept plan and other elements of the PDD -B, Planned Development District for Business, to add additional structures to the Benjamin Knox Gallery site. Council member Massey seconded the motion, which carried unanimously, 7 -0. For: Silvia, Hazen, Massey, Happ, Wareing, Mears, Maloney Against: None Regular Agenda Item No. 14.2 -- Public hearing, discussion and possible action on an ordinance to amend the city's comprehensive plan in the area generally bound by FM 2154 on the west and Peach Creek on the east, within the City of College Station extra- territorial ‘tiof jurisdiction. Ken Fogle, City's Transportation Planner, came forward to describe this item. Due to changing conditions and physical constraints in the area between Peach Creek and FM 2154, further investigation was necessary and possible revisions to the adopted plan were merited. The changes involved the Bentwood residential development on FM 2154, which was platted prior to the adoption of the Thoroughfare Plan. Proposed are significant changes to the roadway configurations and the residential lot layout by incorporating a collector street on their site. Therefore, the property must be replatted in order to conform to the Thoroughfare Plan that was recently adopted on April 10. 2003. The second tract was owned by JDE Development Limited and is directly north of the Bentwood tract. Staff worked with the developer to identify options that involved adjusting the minor arterial to the south on the tract, but other topographical issues precluded proposed alignments. The proposed thoroughfare plan shows this minor arterial relocated about 700 feet to the north of this tract. In addition, the Royder Road extension has been adjusted to the easement away from the natural gas line. Staff notified twenty -four individuals that own property. One minor adjustment was made to the minor arterial alignment based on comments received. Property owners that could be impacted by this change were again notified by mail. All comments received from property owners were addressed. 46ite Providing Customer Service Excellence Office of the City Secretary College Station, Texas Council Meeting 7/24/03 Page 9 Mayor Silvia opened the public hearing. k b" Kenneth Cooner, 4500 Mack Cooner Lane asked for clarification of an easement. Council member Maloney made a moved to approve Ordinance No. 2649 to amend the city's comprehensive plan in the area generally bounded by Peach Creek and FM 2154 in the City's Extra - Territorial Jurisdiction. Council member Mears seconded the motion, which carried unanimously, 7 -0. For: Silvia, Hazen, Massey, Happ, Wareing, Mears, Maloney Against: None Re2ular A2enda Item No. 14.3 -- Public hearing, discussion and possible action on an ordinance denying the proposed June 27, 2003 rate increase by TXU Gas. City Attorney Cargill, Jr., addressed this item. The City Council on June 12, 2003 approved College Station joining with a coalition of over 120 other cities in opposition of TXU Gas' filing at the Texas Railroad Commission for a rate increase. The coalition known as the Allied Coalition of Cities (ACC) negotiated an agreement with TXU Gas to extend the Railroad Commission's jurisdiction from 185 days to 360 days; in return, ACC agreed that each city would expedite the process of getting the Railroad Commission jurisdiction over city action by expediting denials that could be appealed Staff recommended approval of the ordinance denying the proposed rate. k W' Mayor Silvia opened the public hearing. No one spoke. He closed the public hearing. Councilmember Maloney made a motion to approve Ordinance 2650 denying the proposed June 27, 2003 rate increase by TXU Gas. Motion seconded by Council member Happ, which carried unanimously, 7 -0. For: Silvia, Hazen, Massey, Happ, Wareing, Mears, Maloney Against: None Re2ular A2enda Item No. 14.4 -- Public hearing, discussion and possible action on an ordinance amending the City of College Station 2002 -2003 budget by $9,295,500 in various funds. Jeff Kersten, Budget and Strategic Planning Director outlined the items proposed in the budget amendment ordinance. This proposed budget amendment was to increase appropriations in the FY 2002 -2003 budget by a total of $9,295,500. 1. Barron Road Land Purchase $115,000 — Provide appropriation for the purchase of property needed for Barron Road. The City Council approved a contract to purchase this property on March 13, 2003. Funds are available for this appropriation from unobligated interest income in the Streets Capital Project Fund. Providing Customer Service Excellence Office of the City Secretary College Station, Texas Council Meeting 7/24/03 Page 10 2. Parks Grants - Summer Tennis Program $5,500 - Provide appropriation for two grants for summer tennis programs. These grants have been received. 3. Arts Council Building $200,000 - On April 10. 2003 the City Council approved a change order to the contract with the Brazos Valley Arts Council in the amount of $200,000 to help fund the new Arts Council building. Funds are available for this expenditure in the General Fund. 4. Water/Wastewater Tap Installation $100,000 - Provide the additional budget appropriation to contract out the installation of new water and wastewater taps. The change order with Elliot construction was approved on June 12, 2003. Funds are available in the Water Fund and Wastewater Fund for this appropriation. 5. Workers Compensation Fund Claims $100,000 - Provide an additional appropriation in the Workers Compensation Fund for claims. Funds are available in the various operating funds for this appropriation. 6. Electric Litigation Settlement $8,700,000 - Provide appropriation in the Electric Fund for the settlement of the transmission litigation with the Texas Municipal Power Agency, and Bryan Texas Utilities. Resources are available in the Electric Fund for this appropriation. 7. Landfill Siting Contract - $75,000 - Provide the budget appropriation for an increase in the contract with HDR Engineering for the services being provided to obtain a permit for the new landfill. Funds are available for this expenditure in the Brazos Valley Solid Waste Management Agency fund balance. A notice announcing the public hearing was placed in the newspaper in accordance with charter requirements. krt.' Mayor Silvia opened the public hearing. No one spoke. He closed the public hearing. Motion made by Councilmember Massey to approve Ordinance 2651 amending the City of College Station Budget by $9,295,500 in various funds. Council member Mears seconded the motion, which carried unanimously, 7 -0. For: Silvia, Hazen, Massey, Happ, Wareing, Mears, Maloney Against: None Regular Agenda Item No. 14.5 -- Presentation, discussion and possible action re2ardin2 the North2ate redevelopment implementation plan. Director of Economic Development Kim Foutz explained this item. The Plan's stated goal was "to re- invent Northgate as a preferred mixed -use destination in the College Station -Bryan region ". This goal was different from the original HOK plan in that the HOK plan focused primarily on land use planning, zoning, design guidelines, and public infrastructure improvements. The proposed Implementation Plan was market -based and provided tactics to overcome redevelopment barriers and strategies to facilitate development in Northgate over the next ten years. In order to achieve this goal, the Plan recommended the following four - redevelopment strategies, each with several tactics aimed at accomplishing the stated goal. Providing Customer Service Excellence Office of the City Secretary College Station, Texas Council Meeting 7/24/03 Page 11 ✓ Increase residential density and housing diversity including for sale and for rent townhouses, condos, lofts, side -yard houses, vertical duplexes and work/live units. ✓ Create significant public spaces and enhance the public realm on key streets ✓ Enhance existing, and create new linkages, especially along Church Street ✓ Create an anchor on the East end of the District In addition to the Redevelopment Plan, staff has developed proposed amendments to the Northgate ordinance, which will codify some elements of the Northgate Design Guidelines previously approved by City Council. The ordinance would also incorporate concepts approved under the final Implementation Plan. The ordinance, as currently drafted, promoted predictability and process, pedestrian orientation, mixed use, higher density, and urban streetscape. Ms. Foutz noted that the plan calls for nightclubs as a permitted use. Council members expressed opposition to land assembly tactics presented in the plan. Staff asked for guidance on alternatives to land assembly tactics. The following citizens addressed the council regarding the Northgate Redevelopment Implementation Plan. Tom Kirkland, owner of The Tradition at Northgate Shannon Schunicht, 408 Eisenhower Council member Maloney made a motion to approve the Northgate Redevelopment ‘110 Implementation Plan with the deletion of the City of College Station involvement of buying and reselling property and emphasized the preservation of the current bike routes in the Northgate area. Council member Massey seconded the motion. Council member Happ made an amended motion to accept the plan as written. Council member Mears seconded the motion. Council member Maloney called the question to the original motion. Motion failed due to the lack of a second. Ms. Foutz noted that the land assembly tactics in the plan serve as a guidance tool and indicates to staff what the Council is willing to consider. Council recessed at 8:45 p.m. for a short break and returned to the regular meeting at 8:55 p.m. Council member Maloney amended the motion to approve the plan with the deletion of item no. 4 pertaining to land assembly tactics. Mayor Pro Tem Hazen seconded the motion. After further discussion, Council member Maloney amended his motion to approve the master plan with the delectation of Implementation Tactics on page 37 and substitute new land tactics such as land cost buy -down incentive, provide alternate incentives to decrease cost of Providing Customer Service Excellence Office of the City Secretary College Station, Texas Council Meeting 7/24/03 Page 12 development in the district and acquire property as it becomes available, assemble, and then resell to developers. Mayor Pro Tem Hazen seconded the motion. ‘iof Further discussion was held by Council members pertaining to land assembly tactics. Council member Massey made a motion to approve the plan with the deletion of the land assembly tactics on page 37 and place the land assembly tactics on a future workshop agenda for further discussion. Mayor Pro Tem Hazen seconded the motion, motion failed, 3 -4 FOR Silvia, Hazen, Massey AGAINST: Maloney, Happ, Wareing, Mears The Council returned to the motion made by Council member Maloney that failed by a 3 -4 vote. FOR Maloney, Hazen, Massey AGAINST: Silvia, Happ, Wearing, Mears Council member Happ made an amended motion to accept the plan as written. Council member Mears seconded the motion, which carried by a vote of 4 -3 FOR Silvia, Happ, Mears, Wareing AGAINST: Hazen, Maloney, Massey Regular Agenda Item No 16 — Executive Session At 9:25 p.m. Mayor Silvia announced that the Council would reconvene into executive session pursuant to Sections 551.071, 551.074 and 551.087 of the Open Meetings Act, to seek the advice of the city attorney with respect to pending and contemplated litigation, the evaluation of a public officer and to consider economic development negotiations. Refer to executive session list previously mentioned. Regular Agenda Item No. 14.5 -- Presentation, discussion and possible action regarding the Northgate redevelopment implementation plan. Council continued discussion of this item. Economic Director Kim Foutz remarked that staff is seeking guidance regarding nightclubs as a permitted use, revision to the dimensional stands table to reflect urban standards, and amend the Northgate Ordinance to reflect the urban design. Also, begin discussions with the stakeholders pertaining to the pedestrian improvements for University Drive. The timeline suggested in presenting the plan to the Planning and Zoning Commission was for August and the City Council in September. Council directed staff to move forward with the proposed modifications. 4110 Providing Customer Service Excellence Office of the City Secretary College Station, Texas Council Meeting 7/24/03 Page 13 Regular Agenda Item No. 14.6 -- Presentation, discussion and possible action on appointments to various Citizen Committees as well as quarterly review of Committees and ‘11se Boards. Council member Hazen made a motion to appoint Ken Reynolds and Bill Davis to the Planning and Zoning Commission for a two -year term to replace Ric Floyd and Wallis McMath, and a reappointment of Phil Trapani for a two -year term. Her motion also included the appointment of Scott Shafer as Chairman. Council member Mears seconded the motion, which carried by a vote of 4 -3. FOR: Silvia, Hazen, Wareing, Mears AGAINST: Massey, Maloney, Happ Council member Massey made a motion to reappoint Leslie Hill as Chairman, appoint Ward Wells to replace Dick Birdwell and John Fedora as an alternate for a two -year term to the Zoning Board of Adjustments. Also included in the motion was to appoint Randall Allison as an alternate. Mayor Pro Tem Hazen seconded the motion, which carried by a vote of 5-2. FOR Silvia, Massey, Happ, Mears, Hazen AGAINST: Maloney, Wareing Council member Massey made a motion to reappoint Don Allison and Larry Farnsworth for a two -year term to the Parks and Recreation Board. The motion also included the appointment of Ken Livingston to replace Bill Davis and Gary Erwin as an alternate. Council member Maloney 41100* seconded the motion, which carried unanimously, 7 -0. FOR: Silvia, Massey, Maloney, Hazen, Mears, Wareing, Happ AGAINST: None The Council directed the City Secretary to advertise for the Design Review Board for applicants that will meet the criteria of the board. Regular Agenda Item No 17 -- Final action on executive session, if necessary. Council member Maloney made a motion to approve the resolution which states that the City of College Station approves a settlement amount of $6.5 million to Texas Municipal Power Agency on April 28, 2003 and the final settlement documents of June 26, 2003 and that the funds were wired to TMPA on Jul y 8, 2003; and the City Council approved the settlement in the amount of $2.2 million to the City of Bryan on June 26, 2003 and the settlement will settle long standing litigation with the City of Bryan, and TMPA for the years of 1997, 1998, and 1999. Council g ty member Massey seconded, which carried unanimously, 7 -0. FOR Silvia, Massey, Maloney, Hazen, Mears, Wareing, Happ AGAINST: None kime Providing Customer Service Excellence Office of the City Secretary College Station, Texas Council Meeting 7/24/03 Page 14 Regular Agenda Item No. 15. -- Discussion, review and possible action regarding the following meetings: Brazos County Health Department, Brazos Animal Shelter, Brazos Valley Council of Governments, Capital Improvement Program Citizen Advisory Committee, Cemetery Committee, College Station Business Development Corporation, Facade Improvement Program Advisory Committee, Historic Preservation Committee, Intergovernmental Committee, Joint Relief Funding Review Committee, Library Committee, Metropolitan Planning Organization, Parks and Recreation Board, Planning and Zoning Commission, Sister City Association, TAMU Student Senate, The Research Valley Partnership, Transportation Committee, Wolf Pen Creek Oversight Committee, and Zoning Board of Adjustments. Council member Massey remarked that the Intergovernmental Committee recommended a letter of endorsement in keeping Brazos County in its entirety in the Congressional District. He made a motion to approve the letter of endorsement, along with the City of Bryan, to keep Brazos County in its entirety in the Congressional District. Council member Maloney seconded the motion, which carried unanimously, 7 -0. FOR: Silvia, Massey, Maloney, Happ, Hazen, Mears, Wareing AGAINST: None Council member Maloney presented highlights of the Research Valley Partnership meeting. Council member Happ noted that the Transportation Committee held a special meeting to review an alternate design of Greens Prairie Road and Highway 40. Council member Massey informed the Council that the Intergovernmental Committee discussed the need for a Community Relations sub - committee. It was the consensus of the Intergovernmental Committee that they would develop a charge for the committee and organize to fit the charge. The Committee agreed to a joint retreat on September 12, 2003. He also informed the Council that a proposed House Bill would change the City's election date to the third Saturday in May. The committees recommended that if the House Bill passes then leave the election on the first Saturday in May. If the House Bill were to fail, the recommendation was to move the municipal election countywide to November. The Intergovernmental Committee with CSISD meets quarterly, however, after discussion with the President of the School Board, the board would rather meet on an issue -by -issue basis. Regular Agenda Item No. 18 -- Adjourn. Hearing no objections, the meeting adjourned at 12:35 a.m., Friday, July 25, 2003. PASSED AND APPROVED this 28 day August, of 2003. ATTEST: APPROVED: A it qt. 4L4,‘ City Secetary Connie ooks Mayo ' • n Silvia * Providing Customer Service Excellence Office of the City Secretary College Station, Texas `I City of College Station Council Regular Meeting li■ July 24, 2003 kw. COLLEGE STATION Sign In Sheet City of College Station 1. ,!w' -x-2 g 7,E, 11. Niwak ruELLy\AAK) 2. .,--,. ...a, - C-- _ i.. , 12. i/Ac-r- G-c-P /1/(0 -\\--, : �' j 3. � a rte. Ab - .e=C+ A-0---- 13. I &AAA/ ' � �....y� 4:. , 14. 140C 8,1 ' ' i ( . i ( .0' 4._ _, ' * ''''' ..c.-ditLd..414 .4 15. 141 r 1 ' IF \ -- e-k , kak / 7 kie# ii; ,r) AV - 6. 0' ''A./ .4IeaZt ,Ii/ --. 16. / 7. i ���'rin <. i un�c � r� 17 i 8. �. lar:uf 18. 9. - � � 19. 10. A/e a tAjh,,,,____ Th 20. , , 1 , , 1 . i , :".1 4 , 1 1 , i i , t 1 I i 1 I , i ! , ! I ! le City of College Station Council Regular Meeting V_ki_..4 July 24, 2003 *kw Sign In Sheet COLLEGE STATION City of College Station 1. U n11 � 11. i 2. a ii, . AP �.� � / iz 3F A a, .47 { iav 13. 4.. �L t V 1 / Thriej7- 5. 15. 6. 16. 7. 17. 8. 18. 9. 19. 10. 20. IV , 1 , 1 1 i , i , : 4 1 t I i 1 i 4 i 4 i ; ! 1 1 I City of College Station Council Workshop Meeting July 24, 2003 Sign In Sheet COLLEGE STATION City of College Station 1 . Sny� t��c . iCj /k1 I 1. 12. 3. 13. 4. 14. 5. l5. 6. 16. 7. 17. 8. 18. 9. l9. 10. 20. i 1