HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/18/2003 - Regular Minutes City Council Mayor City Council kW, Ron Silvia John Happ Mayor Pro Tempore Robert Warein Anne Hazen Scott Mears City Manager Dennis Maloney COLLEGE STATION Thomas E. Brymer James Massey College Station, Embracing the Past, Exploring the Future Minutes College Station City Council Workshop and Regular Meetings Thursday, December 18, 2003 at 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas Council Members Present: Mayor Silvia, Mayor Pro tem Hazen, Council members Massey, Happ, Wareing, Mears, Maloney Staff Present: City Manager Brymer, Assistant City Manager Brown, City Attorney Cargill Jr., City Secretary Hooks, Public Communications Director Nugent, Director of Economic Development Foutz, Director of Fiscal services Cryan, Budget and Strategic Planning Director Kerstin, Director of Technology and Information Services Burnside, Director of Public Works %100 Smith, Director of Human Resources O'Connell, Director of Public Utilities, Director of Development Services Templin, Assistant to the City Manager Curtis, Assistant City Secretary Casares Mayor Silvia called the workshop meeting to order at 3:01 p.m. Workshop Agenda Item No 1 -- Discussion of consent agenda items listed for Regular Council Meeting. 10.2 Bid No 04 -13 Contract 04 -019 — Discussion and possible action on a resolution approving the construction contract for the Southside Traffic Calming improvements project to CDS Enterprises, Inc. dba Texcon General Construction for the base bid of $76,633 and the alternate in the amount of $16,400 for a total of $93,033.00. Director of Public Works Mark Smith expressed concerns from Mr. Carl Landiss, 803 South Dexter Drive regarding the proposed traffic median located at Dexter Drive at West Dexter Drive (north side of intersection.) ‘110' Council Meeting 12/18/03 Page 2 Workshop Agenda Item No 2 -- Presentation, discussion and possible action regarding 1) Convention and Visitors Bureau business and market development plan; and 2) the Convention and Visitors Bureau position on Brazos County proposed use of the venue tax for the Assembly Hall at the Expo Center. President and CEO of the Convention and Visitors Bureau, Barry Biggar presented a brief overview of the 2004 -2007 Business and Marketing Development Plan. Convention and Visitors Bureau Chairman Lynn Mcllhaney addressed the Convention and Visitors Bureau position on the Brazos County proposed use of the venue tax for the Assembly Hall at the Expo Center. Ms. Mcllhaney remarked that the Convention and Visitors Bureau continues to fully support the proposed Expo Center and recognizes the importance of the facility to the area and the industry of tourism. However, the Brazos Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau Board's position on the issue of the venue tax was not to support the 2% venue tax to help pay for the proposed facilities until a feasibility report is completed. Council recessed the meeting for a short break at 4:20 p.m. Council reconvened at 4:35 p.m. Workshop Agenda Item No 3 -- Presentation, discussion and possible action regarding a plan for implementing the 2003 Five Year General Obligation Capital Improvements Plan and consideration of the City Centre Concept oversight committee. Director of Public Works Mark Smith presented an overview of the proposed schedule for the implementation of the projects approved in the November 4, 2003 Bond Election. Mr. Raymond Reid, 1601 Wolf Pen Court, addressed the council pertaining to City Centre in regards to the image of College Station. After a brief discussion by council, the consensus of the City Council was to appoint Mr. Raymond Reid, Paul Kullman, Dr. Romei and Mr. Brymer to work on a proposal on how to structure the City Centre project and present the proposal at the January 22, 2004 workshop meeting. Workshop Agenda Item 4 — Discussion and possible future agenda items — A Council Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. Council member Massey requested a future agenda item regarding traffic congestion. Mayor Silvia requested professional development as an agenda item for January 8, 2004 workshop meeting. The workshop meeting would be held at the P. David Romei Arts Center. Providing Customer Service Excellence Office of the City Secretary College Station, Texas Council Meeting 12/18/03 Page 3 Workshop Agenda Item No 6.Council Calendars 2003 Council Meeting dates Agenda Planning Calendar as of December 19, 2003 December 9 — 13 National League of Cities — Nashville, Tennessee December 12 -13 Miracle on Main Street, Downtown Bryan December 16 Chamber of Commerce Board Meeting— 8:00 a.m. @ Chamber December 16 Holiday Reception, George Bush Library, 4:00 p.m. — 6:00 p.m. December 17 Research Valley Partnership Board of Directors Meeting — 3:00 p.m. December 18, 2003 Chamber of Commerce Eggs and Issues Breakfast with Senator Ogden and Representatives Brown and Cook, 6:45 a.m., Hilton December 18 City Council Workshop and Regular Meeting December 24 — 26 Christmas Holiday City Hall Closed January 1 New Year's Day City Hall Closed January 8 City Council Workshop and Regular Meeting January 15 Research Valley Partnership Board of Directors Meeting, 3:00 p.m. January 16 Chamber of Commerce Board Meeting, 8:00 a.m. January 19 Martin Luther King Jr. Day City Hall Closed January 21 Chamber of Commerce 2004 Economic Outlook Conference, 7:45 a.m. January 22 City Council workshop and Regular Meeting January 30 College Station Fire Department Annual Recognition Banquet February 12 City Council Workshop and Regular Meeting February 26 City Council Workshop and Regular Meeting ‘10. Council reviewed the upcoming events. Workshop Agenda Item No 7 -- Executive Session will immediately follow the workshop meeting in the Administrative Conference Room. At 5:50 p.m., Mayor Silvia announced in open session that the City Council would convene into executive session pursuant to Sections 551.071, and 551. 072 of the Open Meetings Act, to seek the advice of the city attorney with respect to pending and contemplated litigation and to consider the purchase of real property. Cause No 52,434 -361, Brazos County — College Station v. Wolf Pen Creek, Ltd., et al. Case No G -02 -108, U.S. District Court — Lester v. College Station and Piersall. Cause No 02- 001154- CV -85; Brazos County — Municipal Drilling vs. College Station Cause No 02-001291-CV-361, Brazos County — Piersall v. College Station and Feldman Cause No 02- 002445 -CV -272, Brazos County — Evelyn L. Bruce v. College Station, C.D. Henderson, Inc., and Scott Elliott, d/b /a Elliott Construction Cause No 03- 000617 -CV -272, Brazos County — TCA Holdings, et al. v. College Station Cause No 03 -CV- 129115, Fort Bend County — College Station v. Contract Land Staff, Inc. TCEQ Docket No 2002 - 1147 -UCR; Applications of Brushy Water Supply and College Station (Westside /Highway 60) TCEQ Docket No 2003- 0544MWD; Application of Nantucket, Ltd. TXU Lone Star Gas Rate Request. Wellborn Special Utility District Providing Customer Service Excellence Office of the City Secretary College Station, Texas Council Meeting 12/18/03 Page 4 Real Estate {Gov't Code Section 551.072 }; possible action kW" The City Council may deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the City in negotiations with a third person. After executive session discussion, any final action or vote taken will be in public. The following subject(s) may be discussed: Wellborn Road Cemetery Location Workshop A2enda Item No 8 -- Final action on Executive Session, if necessary. Council recessed from executive session at 6:59 p.m. No action was taken. Retular Meeting Mayor Silvia called the regular meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. with all council members present. He led the audience in the pledge of allegiance. Council member Mears provided the invocation. Mrs. Fran Lamb presented the Mayor and City Council with a certificate of appreciation from the Brazos Heritage Society recognizing the city's contribution to enable the society to update the Historical Brazos County brochures. 9.1 Hear Visitors: ‘00., Council did not receive any public comment. Consent A2enda 10.1 Approved by common consent minutes for the workshop and regular meeting of November 25, 2003, December 4, 2003 and special meeting minutes for May 15, 2003. 10.2 Bid No 04 -13 Contract 04 -019 — Approved by common consent Resolution No 12 -18 2003 -10.2 approving a construction contract for the Southside Traffic Calming improvements project to CDS Enterprises, Inc. dba Texcon General Contractors for the base bid of $76,633 and the alternate in the amount of $16,400 for a total of $93,033.00. 10.3 Bid No 04 -13 Contract 04 -019 — Approved by common consent Resolution No 12 -18- 2003 -10.3 approving a construction contract with Elliott Construction for the University - Lincoln Sewer Upgrade Project in the amount of $74,647.00. 10.4 Contract 03 -139 — Approved by common consent a professional services contract with Mitchell and Morgan, LLP to provide survey, design and construction document preparation services for the Annexation Wastewater Project in the amount of $203,445.00. ‘00 Providing Customer Service Excellence Office of the City Secretary College Station, Texas Council Meeting 12/18/03 Page 5 10.5 Approved by common consent Resolution No. 12-18-2003-10.5 authorizing the condemnation of real property needed for exclusive public utility easements and temporary construction easements in order to develop the Water Transmission Project. 10.6 Approved by common consent 1) an addendum to the current service contract with Professional Computer Software Services, Inc. (PCSS) for the purchase of electronic signature and imaging software modules compatible with the current Municipal Court computer system in the amount of $50,350.00 and 2) to use state contract vendors to procure scanning hardware in the amount of $13,200.00. This is a total expenditure of $63,550.00. 10.7 Approved by common consent Change Order 4 to the HDR Engineering, Inc., BVSWMA Landfill siting contract in the amount of $200,000.00. 10.8 Approved by common consent Change Order 6 on the George Bush Widening project reducing the contract amount by $43,568.40. 10.9 Approved by common consent amendment to the University Drive Widening Advanced Funding Agreement with TxDot and the City of Bryan. 10.10 Approved by common consent the renewal of the annual contract for water and wastewater new service tap installation. 10.11 Approved by common consent Resolution No 12 -18- 2003 -10.11 adopting the annual 4 z ` reports for Tax Increment Reinvestment Zones 1, 4, and 15 and to submit such reports to the taxing entities, State Comptroller's office and Attorney General's office. 10.12 Approved by common consent the award of proposal for stop loss insurance for our self - funded employee medical insurance plan. 10.13 Approved by common consent rejecting proposals received for long term disability insurance (LTD). 10.14 Approved by common consent Ordinance No 2684 approving the revised fine and fee schedule for civil parking violations. 10.15 Approved by common consent a one percent salary increase for specific appointed officials. kise Providing Customer Service Excellence Office of the City Secretary College Station, Texas Council Meeting 12/18/03 Page 6 Regular Agenda Regular Agenda Item No 11.1- Public hearing, discussion and possible action on an ordinance rezoning Lots 6, 7 and 8 of Bald Prairie Subdivision, consisting of 11.70 acres located at 13813 Renee Lane, from A -O, Agricultural Open to R -1, Single - Family Residential. Director of Development Services Templin remarked that the applicant intends to continue the expansion of Edelweiss Gartens. He will convert the large A -O Agricultural Open rural tracts to R -1 Single- Family lots. The Planning and Zoning commission and staff recommended approval of the rezoning. Mayor Silvia opened the public hearing. Steve Arden, 311 Cecelia Loop, developer, came forward to request support of the rezoning. Mayor Silvia closed the public hearing. Council member Happ moved to approve Ordinance No 2685 rezoning Lots 6, 7 and 8 of Bald Prairie Subdivision, consisting of 11.70 acres located at 13 813 Renee Lane, from A -O Agricultural Open to R -1, Single- Family Residential. Motion seconded by Council member Wareing, which carried unanimously, 7 -0. FOR Silvia, Hazen, Massey, Happ, Wareing, Mears, Maloney AGAINST: None Regular Agenda Item No 11.2 - Presentation, discussion and possible action on 1) a Grant Agreement between the City of College Station and Cross Street 1, L.P.; 2) a resolution providing a grant to Cross Street 1, L.P.; and 3) a resolution providing a grant for municipal permits and fees. Director of Economic and Community Development Kim Foutz noted that the agreement outlines the obligations and representations of Cross Street 1, L.P. and defines the City's incentive package, obligations and representations. Cross Street 1, L.P. is the developer of the Cross Street Warehouse Apartments, a mixed -use project being developed at the northeast corner of College Main and Cross Street in Northgate. Council member Massey moved to approve a Grant Agreement between the City of College Station and Cross Street and Resolution No 12 -18- 2003 - 11.02 providing a grant for municipal permits and fees. Motion seconded by Council member Mears, which carried unanimously, 7 -0. FOR Silvia, Hazen, Massey, Happ, Wareing, Mears, Maloney AGAINST: None kis" Providing Customer Service Excellence Office of the City Secretary College Station, Texas Council Meeting 12/18/03 Page 7 Regular Agenda Item No 11.3 - Presentation, discussion and possible action to make a nomination to the Board of Managers of the Brazos County Emergency Communications District. Director of Fiscal Services Charles Cryan noted that council was requested to nominate one person to the Board of Managers of the Brazos County Emergency Communications District. The nomination is a two -year term and membership of the board is allocated to the various entities within the county. Staff recommended the nomination of Police Chief Edger Feldman to the Board of Mangers for the Brazos County Emergency Communications District. Council member Maloney moved to nominate Police Chief Edger Feldman to the board of Managers for the Brazos County Emergency Communications District. Motion seconded by Council member Massey, which carried unanimously, 7 -0. FOR Silvia, Hazen, Massey, Happ, Wareing, Mears, Maloney AGAINST: None Regular Agenda Item No 11.4 - Presentation, discussion and possible action on appointments for College Station representatives to the Bryan /College Station Library Committee. Council member Massey moved to appoint Larry J. Ringer to the Bryan/College Station Library Committee. Motion seconded by Council member Maloney, which carried unanimously, 7 -0. FOR Silvia, Hazen, Massey, Happ, Wareing, Mears, Maloney AGAINST: None Council member Maloney moved to point Eric Miller to the Bryan/College Station Library Committee. Motion seconded by Council member Mears, which carried unanimously, 7 -0. FOR Silvia, Hazen, Massey, Happ, Wareing, Mears, Maloney AGAINST: None Regular Agenda Item No 11.5 - Presentation, discussion and possible action on appointment to the Joint Relief Funding Review Committee for a three-year term. Council member Maloney moved to appoint Rebecca Eplen to the Joint Relief Funding Review Committee for a three -year term. Motion seconded by Council member Massey, which carried unanimously, 7 -0. FOR Silvia, Hazen, Massey, Happ, Wareing, Mears, Maloney AGAINST: None Providing Customer Service Excellence Office of the City Secretary College Station, Texas Council Meeting 12/18/03 Page 8 Regular Agenda Item No 12 - Discussion, review and possible action regarding the 41100# following meetings: Brazos County Health Department, Brazos Animal Shelter, Brazos Valley Council of Governments, Cemetery Committee, College Station Business Development Corporation, Facade Improvement Program Advisory Committee, Historic Preservation Committee, Intergovernmental Committee and School District, Joint Relief Funding Review Committee, Library Committee, Metropolitan Planning Organization, Parks and Recreation Board, Planning and Zoning Commission, Sister City Association, TAMU Student Senate, The Research Valley Partnership, Transportation Committee, Wolf Pen Creek Oversight Committee, Zoning Board of Adjustments, International Festivals Committee. Council member Maloney conveyed comments regarding the Research Valley Partnership meeting. Council member Happ presented highlights of the CSISD School Board meeting. Mayor Silvia made positive comments regarding the National League of Cities Conference. Regular Agenda Item No 12 - The City Council may convene the executive session following the regular meeting to discuss matters posted on the executive session agenda for December 18, 2003. At 7:35 p.m., Mayor Silvia announced in open session that the City Council would reconvene 41110 into executive session pursuant to Sections 551.071, and 551. 072 of the Open Meetings Act, to seek the advice of the city attorney with respect to pending and contemplated litigation and to consider the purchase of real property. Regular Agenda Item No 13 - Final Action on executive session, if necessary. Council member Hazen moved to approve a settlement agreement between the City of College Station, Texas and M. Charles Gandy, R.B. Tolson and Myrtle L. Tolson to settle condemnation lawsuit cause number 435 -CC. Motion seconded by Council member Maloney, which carried by a vote of 5-0. FOR Silvia, Hazen, Massey, Wareing, Maloney AGAINST: None ABSENT: Happ and Mears Regular Agenda Item No 14 - Adjourn. Hearing no objections, the meeting adjourned at 7:51 p.m., on Thursday, December 18, 2003. *tie Providing Customer Service Excellence Office of the City Secretary College Station, Texas Council Meeting 12/18/03 Page 9 PASSED and APPROVED this 8 day of January, kilo' y �� APPROVED: ;_L4 Ma n Silvia ATTEST: - C-Litl '-'6 ii 41 i City Secretary Connie Hooks kiii Providing Customer Service Excellence Office of the City Secretary College Station, Texas City of College Station Council Workshop Meeting December 18, 2003 r Sign In Sheet COLLEGE STATION C i t y of C o l l e g e S t a t i o n \---„) e t- 1. \\,....,\, Z,,, \ 11. 2. � - 12. ,-,-, i 3. ,'i J/ , P 97261/47 I3. 4. t L--- ',.-(,),--1--:V(A-1\( 14. . # i 5. 2-eivii ,gc,,L,,,_7( 15. iii., 6 4), „.„---) 6. gir ',,,,, 1 /1------- 16. 1 7. e 17. ‘ r s � 8. �e_- is. 9 41 l9. 10. 20. ,,..,4; i . . . . . • . a i a . 1 . i , , . , i , , . , , i i . 1 . , C City of College Station Council Regular Meeting ol■ December 18, 2003 ‘100' COLLEGE STATION City of College Station ricQ f�c- �c�lct t. it. ti _ • 2. 12. 3. 13. 4. 14. 5. 15. Iiiiii0e 6. 16. 7. 17. 8. 18. 9. 19. 10. 20. . . i . . 1 i , . . i ; . ! i , : i , , ! 1 1 i , 1 i I 1 I ! 1