HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/09/2003 - Regular Minutes City Council (3)RESOLUTION NO. 01-09-2003-10.07 A RESOLUTION MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS OF FACT AND AUTHO- RIZING THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION TO EXECUTE A LICENSE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION AND APPLICANT, OCC CONSTRUCTION CORP. DBA OAKWOOD CUSTOM HOMES ("OAKWOOD CUSTOM HOMES") PERTAINING TO THE ENCROACHMENT OF A STRUCTURE LOCATED AT LOT 3R, BLOCK 1, BRIDLE GATE ESTATES, PHASE 1, MORE COMMONLY KNOWN AS 3805 BRIDLE TRAIL COURT, INTO THE EASEMENT. WHEREAS, the City of College Station, has received an application for a license to encroach into a utility easement; WHEREAS, the City of College Station has enacted Ordinance No. 1645 regulating, controlling and governing encroachments; WHEREAS, in order for a license to be granted by the City Council of the City of College Station, the Council must make certain findings of facts; WHEREAS, after hearing the application of Oakwood Custom Homes, Alton Ofczarzak, President, to encroach into the easement, the City Council of the City of College Station, finds the following facts: Through no fault of the present property owner, a portion of the structure was constructed in the utility easement. 2. That there are no utilities which would be interfered with by the utilization of the property in its present status. 3. That there are no utilities which would interfere with the utilization of the property in its present status. 4. That the structure intrudes into the easement to such a degree that it is not economically feasible to remove the part of the structure within the easement. 5. That the land use in the neighborhood appears to be stable and the use to which this property is being put is not likely to change within the foreseeable future and is similar to the use to that of the neighborhood; WHEREAS, the City Council after hearing the application and finding the specific facts as stated above now concludes and finds that: The fact that the structure was constructed within the easement through no fault of the present property owner and that it is not economically feasible to remove the part of the structure within the easement area does constitute special circumstances and condi- Resolution No. 01-09-2003-10.07 Page 2 tions affecting the property which if not take into consideration would deprive the applicant of the reasonable use of his property. 2. The fact that the land use is not likely to change within the foreseeable future and that it is not economically feasible to remove the part of the structure within the easement does provide a basis for granting the license necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of the substantial property right of the applicant. 3. The fact that the use of the easement area by the property owner does not interfere with the utilities or access to the utilities and is not detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare or injurious to the property in the area; and WHEREAS, the applicant agrees to accept the terms of the License Agreement as presented to him; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION: That the Mayor is hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the City of College Station a License Agreement with Oakwood Custom Homes pertaining to the encroachment of a portion of a structure located at Lot 3R, Block 1, Bridle Gate Estates, Phase 1, more commonly known as 3805 Bridle Trail Court, into the easement area. The terms of said License Agreement are as set forth in the form which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by ref- erence for all purposes. That this resolution shall be effective immediately upon adoption. PASSED and APPROVED this 9th day of January, 2003. ATTEST: APPROVED: a- n" _ I`'t\,M^ V ~ ]L(~ Connie Hooks, City Secretary Ron Si Mayor APPROVED: City Attorney LICENSE AGREEMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS * * COUNTY OF BRAZOS * KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the City of College Starion (hereinafter referred to as "LICENSOR"), acting through the undersigned official who is so empowered by xesolution of the City Council to so act in consideration of the agreement made herein by OCC CONSTRUCTION CORP. DBA OAKWOOD CUSTOM HOMES (hereinafter referred to as "LICENSEE"), owner of Lot 3R, Block 1, Bridle Gate Estates, Phase 1, College Station, Texas, accorcling to the plat recorded in Volume 4820, Page 98 of the Official Records of Bxazos County, Texas, hereby grants a license to the said LICENSEE to peYmit a portion of a structure located on a poYtion of Lot 3R, Block 1, Bridle Gate Estates, Phase 1, College Station, Texas, to encroach upon the easement, as shown on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incoxporated herein by refeYence for all purposes, owned and occupied by the City of College Station, Brazos County, Texas, but such unprovements shall be at all times under and not in contact with any electric, water, sewer, or other utility, or equipment, or interfere in any way with such utility, including any drainage structures which are servicing the improvements and other property, and subject to the following terms and conditions: Neither the granting of the license, nor any related permit, consritutes an abandonment by LICENSOR of its property, easement or easements, or any other rights in and to the above- described property. LICENSEE expxessly stipulating and agreeing by LICENSEE's acceptance of this license that LICENSEE neither asserts nor claims any interest or right of any type or nature whatsoever, legal, equitable oY otherwise in or to LICENSOR's property. LICENSEE heYeby expressly covenants, stipulates and agrees, without limitarion, to indemnify and defend the LICENSOR and hold it harmless from any and all liability, claim, cause of action, and cost, including attorneys' fee, and inclucling any acts or omissions of the LICENSOR, its officeYS, agents, and employees, which may grow out of or be attributable to the gxanting by the LICENSOR of said license and any supplemental license which may hereafter be issued in connection herewith including any inspections which may be conducted in connection with or pursuant to said license or any supplemental license. LICENSEE, at its own expense, shall restore or cause to be restored the subject property to as good a condition as existed prior to construction of the impYOVements which are the subject of this License Agreement. LICENSEE shall pay all costs of xelocation of any public utilities or facilities that may be incurred as a result of the proposed construcrion or actual construction. LICENSEE agrees to comply with all laws and ordinances in the construction and maintenance of said impxovements. LICENSOR Yetains the right, but not the obligarion, to enter upon the land to which this license applies and at LICENSEE's expense to remove any structuxe or improvements or alterarions thereon upon the determination by LICENSOR that such Yemoval is necessary for exercising LICENSOR's rights or duties in regard to said easement, or for pYOtecting persons or property, or public interest in regard to said easement. This license, until its expiration or revocarion, shall run with the title to the above-described real pYOperty, and the terms and conditions hereof shall be bincling upon subsequent owners oY holders thereo£ LICENSEE shall cause any unmediate successors in intexest to have factual norice of this License Agreement. This license shall expire automatically upon removal of the unprovements located upon the property pursuant to this license, and shall expire as to any portion of said improvements upon the removal, whether ox not all of the proposed unprovements are removed. This license is revocable by the LICENSOR upon the occurrence of any of the following conditions or events: A. LICENSEE or its successors or assigns have failed to comply with the terms of the granring of the license; or B. The improvements located theYeon or any porrion of them interfere with the rights of the LICENSOR or the public in or to LICENSOR's pxoperty; or C. The use of the licensed area becomes necessary for a public purpose; ox D. Said improvements or a portion of them constitute a danger to the public which is not remediable by maintenance oY alteration of the said improvements; or E. Said improvements or a portion of them have expanded beyond the scope of the license; or F. Maintenance or alteration necessary to alleviate danger to the public has not been made within a Yeasonable time after the dangexous condition has arisen. This license shall be effective upon the acceptance of the terms heYeof by the LICENSEE, as indicated by the signature of LICENSEE. The license shall be filed of record in the Official Records of the County Clerk of the Brazos County Courthouse. APPROVED this the 9th day of January, 2003. APPROVED: OAKWOOD CUSTOM HOMES, LICENSEE BY: ALTON OFCZARZAK, President APPROVED: CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, LICENSOR BY: RON SILVIA, Mayor ATTEST: CONNIE HOOKS, City Secretary STATE OF TEXAS ) ) CORPORATE ACKNOWLEDGMENT COUNTY OF BRAZOS ) This instrument was acknowledged before me on the day of , 200_, by , as Mayor of the City of College Starion, a Texas Municipal Corporarion, on behalf of said Corporation. Notary Public in and for the State of T E X A S Exhibit "A" That Portion of #3805 Whlch Encroachss in a 20' Public Udlity Eeaement Lot 3R, Bbck 1 Amending Plat of Lots 2& 3, Block 1 Bridle Oete Estetes, Phese 1 va. 4e20, Pg. 88 Robert Stevenson Suroey, A-54 College Station, Brazos Caunty, Texas Fleld notes of a 7.20 square foot tract or parcel of (and, lying and being situated in the Robert Stevenson Survey, Abstract No. 54, ColEege Statbn, Brazos County, Texas, and being that portion of the singie family resldenCa #3806 whlch encroached into e 20' Pubiic Utlliry Easement located on Lot 3R, Block 1, as shown on the Amending Plat of lots 2& 3, Bludc One, Bridfe Gate Estates, Phase One, recorded in Volume 4820, Page 98, of the Official Records of 8razos County, Texas, and being more particularty described as idlows: COMMENCING at the 1/2" 3ron rod found marking the common rear comer between Lots 3R and 4, Block 1; THENCE N 11' 04' 41' E for a dlstance of 30.96 feet to a 60d nail set in the northwest Une of the 20' Public Utility Easement at the face of brick (edge of foundation) for the PLACE OF BEGINNING of this description; THENCE along the face of brick (toundat(on) of the single famify residence located at #3805 Bridle Trails Court, as follows: S 74• 18' 21" E for a dEstance of 0.48 feet, N 63' 35' 10" E for a distance of 5.65 feet, N 16' 26' 32' E fora dfstance of 2.75 feet to a 60d nait set in the northwest line of the 20' PubUc Utiiity Easement; THENCE S 51' 19' 08' W along the northwest Iine of the 20' Public Utility Easement, same being through the single family residence, for a distance of 8.05 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING, containing 7.20 square teet of land. more or less. Surveyed November 2002 By~~. S. M. Kling R.P.L.S. Na. 2003 eua&W EAA:~rrWCHMEnrr ,u~x c&F e&~ asrAACE L1 57I'1d1lT 0.46' C? N6.3'J5'101r 565' C3 N76'26:72'E 275' L4 S51'19'081V 8.05' ~ LOT 4 - - K E iRNISfORMCR PAD ~ E1L 01 1E1L1~ISS1011~ Pm[SfAL ti TUONM PF.OESUL 1/! LUN R00 wcm w rovNo 901. gn - ~f83~' u ~ ~ {~'3;•'y~;s , y ' , V~ ` ~ . . scALE: 1'-20' ~ ~ ~ LOT,' 2R ~ i • - . . ~ ~ . . p.,ETBACK . . , c ~ . . . , -ss----------1-----, LOT 3R w ~E UMlIY F/3EYE71T t lUIIDING UNE ►eNC[ POSf 6R5:H 76•37'4TM-0.9' fflpJI1CNE MOrRlff7 W. t70. IIr IEpI R00- e.79 ACPK nucr /"-w' Axess wmi ur rouw Vq.. 3797. P0. 249 EASEMUNT 20'u30' C7E FASEMENi KLINC