HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/14/2002 - Regular Minutes City Council Mayor City Council Lynn Mcllhaney James Massey Mayor Pro Tempore Ron Silvia ° 'r.• Larry Mariott Winnie Garner COLLEGE STATION City Manager Dennis Maloney Thomas E. Brymer Anne Hazen College Station, Embracing the Past, Exploring the Future MINUTES College Station City Council Workshop and Regular Meetings Thursday, February 14, 2002 at 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Mcllhaney, Mayor Pro Tem Mariott, Councilmembers Silvia, Maloney, Massey, Hazen COUNCILMEMBER ABSENT: Winnie Garner STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Brymer, Assistant City Manager Brown, City Attorney Cargill Jr., City Secretary Hooks, Director of Fiscal Services Cryan, Chief Giordano, Fire Marshal Mies, Building Official Simms, Chief Feldman, City Engineer Mayo, Budget and Sow Strategic Planning Director Kersten, Public Relations and Marketing Manager Cole Mayor Pro Tem Mariott called the workshop meeting to order at 3:06 p.m. Workshop Agenda Item No. 1 -- Discussion of consent agenda items listed for Regular Council Meeting. 10.6 Change Order #1 in the amount of $62,500 to the Conference Center architectural services contract with HKS Inc. making the total contract amount $1,078,500.00. Funds are available and budgeted in the Conference Center Fund. Councilmember Hazen inquired about additional change orders pertaining to this project. Ms. Foutz clarified that hiring an independent cost estimator is a requirement of the Development Agreement with TAC Realty. Workshop Agenda Item No. 2 -- Presentation, discussion and possible action regarding code enforcement activities and property standards policy alternatives (Vision Statement 3, Strategy 1, implementation plan b, Vision Statement 8, Strategy 1, implementation plan c). Fire Marshall John Mies presented this item along with Dale Picha, Scott McCollum, Lance Simms and Cindy Giedraitis. Nair Council Meeting 2/14/02 Page 2 If Fire Marshal Mies explained the current level of services in terms of basic code enforcement maintenance, on- street parking, community behavior issues, and property maintenance code. He also described the current status of resource allocation. Mr. Mies emphasized the importance of the goal was to coordinate individual department efforts toward the overall City goals for Community Enhancement. Assistant Police Chief Scott McCollum presented the improvements made in communications between the Police Department and Code Enforcement Department. One of the recommendations including pairing Code Enforcement Officers with Community Policing within geographical areas to facilitate problem solving. Another enhancement to the efficiency of the program would be to consolidate Police and Code Enforcement reporting efforts. Traffic Engineer Dale Picha discussed the goal of developing a standardized review for determining on- street parking rules. He noted the utilization of the City's Traffic Management Team to research federal, state and local ordinances to determine decision - making processes regarding on- street parking. Building Official Lance Simms outlined the basic issues in the 2000 Property Maintenance Code adopted by the City Council in November, 2001. The goal was to provide a proactive approach in addressing property maintenance efficiencies by looking at the substandard building first and then the less serious violations. Sow Cindy Giedraitis, Public Education Officer outlined the current public education programs, advertising and PSA campaigns. Mr. Mies highlighted five key activities that the city staff would like to pursue on this issue: ✓ Develop team approach with Community Enhancement and Police Department ✓ Revise tracking and reporting processes ✓ Increase public education ✓ Develop team approach to reviewing on- street parking issues ✓ Building Inspector to assist with Property Code Enforcement approximately 5 -6 months out of a year. Mr. Mies emphasized the potential future resource requests that may appear before the Council in the future. Councilmembers discussed several code enforcement situations they have observed in the neighborhoods. Mayor Mcllhaney asked Councilmembers to notify the City Manager when complaints are heard regarding code enforcement issues. The City Manager will report to the Council any action taken. Council appreciated the staff's efforts on this program and directed staff to move forward with the activities reported in the presentation. Saw Providing Customer Service Excellence Office of the City Secretary College Station, Texas Council Meeting 2/14/02 Page Stire Council recessed at 4:45 p.m. for a short break. They returned at 4:54 p.m. Workshop Agenda Item No. 3 -- Presentation, discussion and possible action on the Police Department's 5 -year plan. Police Chief Feldman introduced this item. Assistant Police Chief Mike Patterson presented the Police Department's 5 -year plan for FY 2002 -03 through 2006 -07. The plan addressed anticipated budget and personnel demands for police services in the future. Chief Patterson gave a general overview of the key points in the plan. Jeff Kersten, Budget and Strategic Planning Director explained the potential impact on the tax rate. Mr. Patterson stated that the plan is subject to change as new information is obtained; staff will update the plan annually to adopt the changes encountered Mayor Mcllhaney commended the Police Department on an excellent job. No formal action was taken. Workshop Agenda Item No. 4 -- Presentation, discussion and possible action on the development and execution of interlocal agreements between the City of College *Oir and the counties of Brazos and Burleson in regard to compliance with Chapter 242 of the Local Government Code- Regulation of subdivision plats and related permits in the City's extraterritorial jurisdiction. Assistant City Engineer Ted Mayo and Development Coordinator Natalie Ruiz presented this item. Ms. Ruiz explained that during the 77 Legislative Session of the Texas Legislature, House Bill 1445 passed to regulate subdivisions in a municipality's extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ). The new state law requires the County and the City to reach a written agreement as to the governmental entity that will have authority to regulate subdivisions in the City's ETJ. Agreements must be in place by April 1, 2002. The City of College Station's ETJ extends into Burleson, Grimes and Brazos County. City Staff members met with staff from the City of Bryan and Brazos County in August and November 2001 in an effort to clarify and establish acceptable criteria for interlocal agreements. The three groups agreed that the two Cities should be designated as the governmental entities responsible for regulation of subdivisions in the ETJ, as long as Brazos County is in agreement with receiving plats for review, and maintain a rural construction standard to allow county maintenance. Staff recommended that Burleson County be responsible for reviewing plats, with a condition that the city receives all plats for review and keeps the same rural construction standard. Council directed staff to prepare necessary documents for approval at a future meeting. Providing Customer Service Excellence Office of the City Secretary College Station, Texas Council Meeting 2/14/02 Page 'Stow Workshop Agenda Item No. 5 -- Council Calendars TEX 21 Meeting, 2/11, Austin TML Region X Meeting, 2/21, City of Elgin Pizza with the Mayor, A &M Student Senate & International Student Senate, Conference Center, 2/27, 7:00 p.m. -8:30 p.m. Council Workshop and Regular Meetings, 2/28, 3/14, 3/28 Regional Transportation Summit, 4/26, Hilton Workshop Agenda Item No. 6 -- Hear Visitors Heather Clark, 4501 Brompton Lane addressed the Council. Ms. Clark is the coordinator for the Prevention Resource Center at Brazos Valley Council on Alcohol & Substance Abuse. She described an upcoming event called the Community Policing Consortium that offers joint training and technical assistance to citizens and law enforcement personnel. This event will be held on March 4 -5, 2002 at the Courtyard Mariott. Dale Christian, 5401 Ganton Ct. addressed the Council with neighborhood concerns regarding the SourceNet Building in the College Station Business Park adjacent to several homes in Pebble Creek. He presented council with a letter identifying concerns and solutions. He pointed out that the concerns related to noise, lighting, and safety issues. Ronald W. Gooch, 5002 Cherry Hills Court also identified several concerns by property owners in Pebble Creek about SourceNet building. He presented a letter to the city council that identified these concerns and possible solutions. Workshop Agenda Item No. 7 -- Executive Session At 6:00 p.m. Mayor McIlhaney announced that the City Council would convene into executive session pursuant to Sections 551.071, 551.074 and 551.087 of the Open Meetings Act, to seek the advice of the city attorney with respect to pending and contemplated litigation, to consider economic development negotiations, and to consider the appointment and evaluation of public officers. Pending and Contemplated Litigation {Gov't Code Section 551.071 }; possible action Cause No. 43,098 -85, Brazos County -Bryan v. College Station Cause No. 96- 03168, Travis County — Bryan, et al. v. PUC (intervention) Cause No. 97- 02587, Travis County — Bryan, et al. v. PUC (intervention) Cause No. 98- 13391, Travis County — Bryan, et al. v. PUC (intervention) Cause No. 96- 06940, Travis County — Bryan, et al. v. PUC (intervention) Cause No. 97- 07000, Travis County — TMPA v. PUC (intervention) Cause No. 98- 11817, Travis County — TMPA v. PUC (intervention) Cause No. GN002343, Travis County — San Antonio v. PUC (intervention) Cause No. GN002513, Travis County — San Antonio v. PUC (intervention) Cause No. GN000152, Travis County — TMPA v. PUC (intervention) '„ Cause No. 49,367 -CCL2, Brazos County — Wilkerson v. College Station Providing Customer Service Excellence Office of the City Secretary College Station, Texas Council Meeting 2/14/02 Page 5 Cause No. 50,943 -CCL, Brazos County — College Station v. SCC Development, et al (civil) Docket Nos. TX96 -2 -000 and TX96 -2 -001, FERC — College Station, applicant Cause No. 52,434 -361, Brazos County— College Station v.Wolf Pen Creek, Ltd., et al. Cause No. 28,765, Grimes County - Harold & Rosealice Trant v. Grimes County, City of College Station and City of Bryan. Docket No. 25197, Public Utility Commission — College Station request to set Rates. Cause No. 54,313 -272; Brazos County - Bradford C. Bindock and Damon K. Bindock v. Thomas J. Brown, James Richter, Lee Ann Carpenter and Bryan Schwartz Cause No. GN200090; Travis County - Reliant Energy, Inc. v. Big Country Electric Cooperative, Inc., et al. Cause No. GN200100, Travis County - City of San Antonio, etc. v. Brazos Electric Power Cooperation, et al. Economic Incentive Negotiations {Gov't Code Section 551.087 }; possible action The City Council may deliberate on commercial or financial information that the City Council has received from a business prospect that the City Council seeks to have locate, stay or expand in or near the city with which the City Council in conducting economic development negotiations may deliberate on an offer of financial or other incentives for a business prospect. After executive session discussion, any final action or vote taken will be in public. The following subject(s) may be discussed: 1. Hotel /Conference Center 2. Universal Computer Services, Inc. Personnel {Gov't Code Section 551.074 }; possible action r The City Council may deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer. After executive session discussion, any final action or vote taken will be in public. The following public officer(s) may be discussed: 1. Municipal Judge 2. City Secretary Annual Evaluation 3. City Manager Annual Evaluation Workshop Agenda Item No. 8 -- Final action on Executive Session, if necessary. Council recessed from executive session at 7:00 p.m. and reconvened the executive session following the regular meeting. Regular Meeting Item No. 9: Mayor Mcllhaney opened the regular meeting at 7:10 p.m. She led the audience in the pledge of allegiance. Rev. Joe Dan Franklin provided the invocation. Councilmember Silvia made a motion to approve the absence request from Winnie Garner. Councilmember Massey seconded the motion, which carried unanimously 6 -0. Providing Customer Service Excellence Office of the City Secretary College Station, Texas Council Meeting 2/14/02 Page 6 Mayor Mcllhaney read the proclamation for African Students Association Week. Students from the African Students Association accepted the proclamation. Mayor McIlhaney read the proclamation for National Engineers Week. Craig Kankel and Dale Drowne accepted the proclamation. Consent Agenda 10.1 Approved by common consent the minutes for City Council workshop and regular meeting, January 24, 2002 and special meeting, January 8, 2002. 10.2 Bid No. 00 -32 — Approved by common consent the renewal and change order #1 of the annual agreement for janitorial services of all City offices with Professional Floor Services for an estimated annual expenditure of $172,352.00. Funds available and budgeted in the General Fund, Public Works Department in the Facilities Maintenance Division. 10.3 Bid Number 02 -33 — Approved by common consent Resolution Number 2 -14- 2002 -10.3 approving a construction contract for improvements to Gabbard, Merry Oaks, and Brison Parks. Awarded to lowest, responsible bidder meeting specifications, Marek Brothers Construction, Inc., in the amount of $136,483. Funds available and budgeted in the Parks Capital Improvement Project Fund. This is a rebid of the project due to difficulties encountered in interpreting the handwritten, apparent low bid, in the original bid (bid number 02 -11) that was opened on November 6, 2001. Staff recommended rejection of the original bids. 10.4 Bid No. 02 -40 — Approved by common consent Resolution Number 2 -14- 2002 -10.4 approving a construction contract for the Cherry Street Reconstruction Project, ST9913. Awarded to the lowest responsible bidder meeting City of College Station Standard Bid Documents and Contract Requirements, Texcon, Inc. in the amount of $557,417.00. Funds available and budgeted in the Community Development Block Grant Fund and Public Utilities Development Water Distribution System Fund. 10.5 Approved by common consent a change order to the contract with the Arts Council of the Brazos Valley in the amount of $20,000; and on a contingency transfer in the amount of $20,000 from the Hotel/Motel Fund for services and marketing to prepare, submit, and evaluate a Request for Proposals for architectural studies for a Performing Arts Center. 10.6 Approved by common consent the purchase of 6,000 tons of bedding rock from Texcon Inc. in the amount of $92,700.00. The bedding rock will be used to construct and maintain all weather roads and tipping areas to ensure all weather access to the Rock Prairie Road Landfill. Funds available and budgeted in the BVSWMA operating budget. 10.7 Approved by common consent the exemption from competitive bidding for professional legal services as allowed in LGC 252.022(a)(4) for professional services related to utility litigation for Whitfield Russell Associates for an estimated $100,000.00. Funds available and budgeted in the Electric Litigation Fund. Providing Customer Service Excellence Office of the City Secretary College Station, Texas Council Meeting 2/14/02 Page 7 10.8 Approved by common consent the purchase of a Pierce fire truck apparatus to replace (51 -45) 1981 Pierce fire truck apparatus and equipment for the amount of $385,000.00. Staff recommended purchase of this Pierce fire truck apparatus through the Houston Galveston Area Council of Governments (HGAC). Funds available in the Fleet Replacement Fund. 10.9 Approved by common consent payment of water usage fee assessment for FY 2001 -02 to the Brazos Valley Groundwater Conservation District in the amount of $75,069.12. Funds available and budgeted in the Water Operations Fund. 10.10 Approved by common consent the first reading of a franchise agreement with Texas Environmental Services for the collection and disposal services for treated and untreated medical waste. 10.11 Approved by common consent funds to be available for Electric Transmission wheeling and loss payments for Year 2002. Total amount requested: $1,300,000. Funds available and budgeted in the Public Utilities Electric Division Operating Budget. 10.12 Approved by common consent Resolution No. 2 -14- 2002 -10.12 ratifying an amendment to the Real Estate Contract, which affected the conveyance of real property needed for a community park and authorizing the Mayor to execute the resolution. Community Park Land Acquisition (PK -9948) (Contract No. 01 -109). 10.13 Approved by common consent Resolution No. 2 -14- 2002 -10.13 approving a consultant contract with Camp, Dresser, and McKee, Inc. (CDM) in the amount of $90,844.00 for engineering services associated with Phase II of the College Station Inflow /Infiltration Reduction Program. Funds available and budgeted in the Sewer Revenue Bond Fund. 10.14 Approved by common consent Resolution No. 2 -14- 2002 -10.14 approving a three year professional services contract with Transportation Engineering Analysts (TEA) for planning, design and preparation of plans and specifications for new traffic signals and/or enhancements at various intersections throughout College Station on an "as needed basis ". The contract is not to exceed $45,000 per fiscal year. This contract will total $135,000 over a three -year period. Funds available from 1998 General Obligation Bonds. 10.15 Approved by common consent a Development Agreement between the City of College Station and Four Ags Investments, LP, providing for financial participation by Four Ags Investments, LP in the future Jones - Butler Road improvements. 10.16 Approved by common consent Change Order #1 in the amount of $62,500 to the conference center architectural services contract with HKS Inc. making the total contract amount $1,078,500.00. Funds available and budgeted in the Conference Center Fund. Regular Meeting Regular Agenda Item No. 11.1 -- Presentation, discussion and possible action on calling a public hearing for February 28, 2002 for Budget Amendment #1 to the City of College Sow Station 2001 -2002 Budget authorizing an increase in appropriations of $1,706,603 in various funds. Providing Customer Service Excellence Office of the City Secretary College Station, Texas Council Meeting 2/14/02 Page 8 Budget and Strategic Planning Director Jeff Kersten described the appropriations proposed in Budget Amendment #1 for 2001 -2002 Budget and authorizing an increase in appropriation of $1,706,603 in various funds outlined below: Gainsharing $217,500 Covered Parking at Public Utilities (Deferred from FY 01) $110,000 Fire Station #4 Repairs $681,000 Veteran's Park Phase I - $198,000 Dean International $90,000 Fire Department NYC Deployment Reimbursement $25,103 Fire Truck Replacement $385,000 Staff recommended calling the public hearing on Budget Amendment #1 for February 28, 2002 and directed staff to place a notice of public hearing in the newspaper in accordance with charter requirements. Benito Flores- Meath, 901 Val Verde inquired about public funds being spent on repairs for Fire Station #1 and what type of repairs are being required. Mayor McIlhaney and City Manager Brymer mentioned the significant issues involving the fire station reconstruction. Councilmember Silvia moved to approve the calling of a public hearing on Budget Amendment #1 for February 28, 2002 and directed staff to place a notice of public hearing in the newspaper in accordance with the City's Charter requirements. Councilmember Hazen seconded the motion, which carried unanimously, 6 -0. FOR: Mayor McIlhaney, Mayor Pro Tem Mariott, Massey, Silvia, Maloney and Hazen AGAINST: None ABSENT: Garner Regular Agenda Item No. 11.2 -- Discussion, and possible action to approve a resolution approving Notice of Sale, Preliminary Official Statements, and related materials for the Sale of "City of College Station, Texas Certificates of Obligation, series 2002 ", "City of College Station, Texas Utility System Revenue Bonds, Series 2002 ", and "City of College Station, Texas General Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2002 ", including selection of a date for opening bids. Fiscal Services Director Charles Cryan described the steps regarding the sale of bonds and other debt instruments. It is anticipated that the City will issue $6,445,000 of general obligation bonds; $14,480,000 of Certificates of Obligation, and $18,215,000 in Utility Revenue Bonds this year. Benito Flores- Meath, 901 Val Verde questioned if our taxes would increase due to the sale of the bonds. Mayor McIlhaney explained that this is built into the existing FY 2001 -2002 budget. The City's increased taxes are to complete road projects due to growth. Mr. Flores -Meath Providing Customer Service Excellence Office of the City Secretary College Station, Texas Council Meeting 2/14/02 Page 9 inquired about a possible settlement regarding the utility lawsuit and how this would affect our cash flow and bond rating. Mayor Mcllhaney explained that the council has built into the budget throughout the years to cover any possible settlement in terms of a lawsuit. Councilmember Silvia moved to approve Resolution No. 2 -14- 2002 -1.2 approving notice of sale, preliminary official statements, and related materials for the sale of City of College Station, Texas General Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2002 ", and "City of College Station, Texas Certificates of Obligation, series 2002 ", "City of College Station, Texas Utility System Revenue Bonds, Series 2002 ", including selection of a date for opening bids. Councilman Massey seconded the motion, which carried unanimously 6 -0. FOR: Mayor Mcllhaney, Mayor Pro Tem Mariott, Massey, Silvia, Maloney and Hazen AGAINST: None ABSENT: Garner Regular Agenda Item No. 11.3 -- Presentation, discussion and possible action on appointments for College Station representatives on the B -CS Library Committee. Councilmember Silvia moved to reappoint Larry Ringer to the B -CS Library Committee. Councilmember Massey seconded the motion, which carried unanimously, 6 -0. FOR: Mayor McIlhaney, Mayor Pro Tem Mariott, Massey, Silvia, Maloney and Hazen AGAINST: None ABSENT: Garner Councilmember Massey moved to appoint Eric Miller to the B -CS Library Committee. Councilmember Hazen seconded the motion, which carried unanimously 6 -0. FOR: Mayor McIlhaney, Mayor Pro Tem Mariott, Massey, Silvia, and Hazen ABSENT: Garner ABSTAINED: Maloney Regular Agenda Item No. 12 -- Executive Session At 7:55 p.m., Mayor McIlhaney announced that the City Council would reconvene into executive session pursuant to Sections 551.071, 551.074 and 551.087 of the Open Meeting Act to seek the advice of the city attorney with respect to pending and contemplated litigation, to consider economic development negotiations, and to consider the appointment and evaluation of public officers. Refer to list of items previously mentioned in workshop meeting minutes. Regular Agenda Item No. 13 -- Final action on executive session, if necessary. Council concluded the executive session at 11:30 p.m. on Thursday, February 14, 2002. They returned to open session. Councilmember Massey made a motion to accept the resignation from the Municipal Court Judge Tripp Walters. Councilmember Silvia seconded the motion, which carried unanimously 6 -0. Providing Customer Service Excellence Office of the City Secretary College Station, Texas Council Meeting 2/14/02 Page 10 FOR: Mayor McIlhaney, Mayor Pro Tem Mariott, Massey, Silvia, Maloney and Hazen AGAINST: None ABSENT: Garner Council directed staff to start advertising for a new Municipal Judge and place on a future council agenda the procedures for hiring a new judge. Mayor Pro Tem Mariott made a motion to increase the City Secretary salary to $54,700 annually effective February 14, 2002. Councilmember Silvia seconded the motion, which carried unanimously 6 -0. FOR: Mayor McIlhaney, Mayor Pro Tem Mariott, Massey, Silvia, Maloney and Hazen AGAINST: None ABSENT: Garner Regular Agenda Item No. 14 -- Adiourn Hearing no objections, the workshop, regular and executive sessions were adjourned at 11:35 p.m. APPROVED: �.. A � May 4 Lynn McIlhaney ATTEST: O 14 City Secretary Connie Hooks Providing Customer Service Excellence Office of the City Secretary College Station, Texas ,.� City of College Station Council Workshop Meeting FEBRUARY 14, 2002 ` / Sign In Sheet COLLEGE STATION C i t y of C o l l e g e S t a t i o n 1. / '- S : ;& _ I=mo 11. 2. : .I /J. Vi i` 12. 1 1 t �[a s 13. 4. gAtAL._bi 14. i 5,,,,-; ► /� - 15. 6. I6 J2vSP 16. 7. i ■ Vi 17. 8. = -1;Seiro rim cS2l1'J'?a -- 18. 9. 19. 10. 20. , . City of College Station Council Regular Meeting FEBRUARY 14, 2002 \ , Si gn In Sh eet COLLEGE STATION C i t y of C o l l e g e S t a t i o n 1. `eraSc \nocn fie I d 11. CiP- . 2. I / --7 3. 13. M,M Ih ----- 4. _. 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