HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/14/1948 - Regular Minutes - City CouncilMINUTES OF REGULAR. MEETING July 14, 1948 Members present; Mayor Langford; Councilmen Ames, Badgett, Brown, Halpin and Orr; City Secretary McGinnis and Acting City Manager Boswell. Visitors presents C. N. Shepardson, S. P. Parker, Mr. and Mrs. S. He Draper, Antons Rosprim and Sam Pierce. Aoting City Manager Boswell told the Council that the Chief of the A & M College Fire Department had selected Ce He Warren and J. T. Jones to attend the Fireman's Training School, as authorized by the Council at the called meeting July 6, 1948. Councilman Orr made a motion that the Council pass Ordinance No. 121, an ordinance pertaining to changing the boundries in the Northeast section of the City. Councilman Ames seconded the motion and the Council vote was unanimous in favor of the motion. Councilman Orr offered a resolution pertaining to the removal of the buildings in the College View area of the City as requested by the President of the A & M College Councilman Badgett seconded the motion and the Council vote wa-6 unanimous in favor of the motion. RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED By the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas which has jurisdiction over the area in which Project Tea -V-41747 of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas is located, that the waiver of the removal requirements of Section 313 of the Lanham Act (Public Law 849, 76th Congress, as amended) with respect to said project is hereby specifically appr&ved in accordance with Public Law 796, 80th Congress. EXECUTED this 14th day of July, 1948 ATTEST; - Secretary r /Oor , -.A- ) Mayor of City of Co a tion, Texas 00264 c,E, 40200 The Council authorized a return post card ballot, using the utilities addresses, to ascertain the wishes of the citizens pertaining to the recently enacted Ordinance #120, an Ordinance limiting the keeping of livestock and poultry within the City limits. Mayor Langford appointed a committee composed of councilmen Badgett, Chairman Halpin and Orr to investigate the possibilities of the City buying a Street Maintainer. This committee is to determine the make, type, size and methods of financing the purchase and report to the Council the results of the investigation. Attest City Secretary roved: Mayor C 00265