HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/06/1947 - Regular Minutes - City CouncilMINUTES OF CALLED MEETING October 6, 1947 The City Council met in Special session at 5 p. m. in the City Hall with the following members present; Mayor Langford; Councilmen Ames, Black, Badgett, Orr and Brown; City Secretary McGinnis and City Manager Vaughn. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO PUBLISH NOTICE OF LETTING OF CONTRACT AND OF THE CITY'S INTENTION TO ISSUE INTEREST BEARING TIME WARRANTS IN PAYMENT OF CONTRACT PRICE - MINUTES PERTAINING THERETO. On this, the 6th day of October, 1947, the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas, convened in Special Session at the regular meeting place, with the following members present: Ernest Langford, Mayor; E. E. Ames, Frank Brown, Jr., Howard Badgett, J. A. Orr, G. W. Black, Councilmen; N. M. McGinnis, City Secretary, and the following absent: M. T. Harrington, constituting a quorum, when, among other proceedings had, were the following: Councilman Orr introduced a proposed resolution and moved its adoption. The motion was seconded'by Councilman Ames. The motion, carrying with it the adoption of the resolution, prevailed by the following vote: AYES; Councilmen Acnes, Brown, Badgett, Orr, and Black. NOES: None. The resolution is as follows: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND INSTRUCTING THE T-%YOR TO PUBLISH NOTICE OF THE LETTING OF CONTRACT, AND OF THE CITY'S INTENTION TO ISSUE INTEREST BEARING TIME WARRANTS IN PAYMENT OF CONTRACT PRICE. WHEREAS, the City Council deems it necessary and advisable to construct a combined city office and warehouse for the City of College Station, and that such work be financed by the issuance of interest bearing time warrants; alid WHEREAS, it is now proper that the City give notice to bidders and notice of intention to issue warrants in payment of the contract price; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CI'T'Y OF COLLEGE, STATION, TEXAS; That the Mayor be, and he is hereby authorized, ordered and instructed to do all. things necessary and/or convenient to have published notice as required by law; that said notice shall specify the time and place when and where such contract for the improvements shall be let, and it shall be published in said City once a week for two consecutive weeks prior to the time set for the letting of such contract, the date of first publication to be at least fourteen (14) days prior to the date set for letting the contract; said notice shall provide that all bids shall be accompanied by a certified check in the sum of five (5%) per cent of the amount of the bid; that said notice shall also convey the information that it is the intention of the City to pay for the performance of said contract in interest bearing time warrants; that it intends to issue warrants in an amount not exceeding $21,000.00, bearing interest at a rate not to exceed three (3°o per cent per annum, with a maximum maturity not to exceed fifteen (15) years from their date; said notice shall set out the prevailing wage scale for work of a similar character in the locality in which the work is performed, and shall contain such additional information which shall be deemed necessary; that said notice shall be substantially in words and figures as shown in the form attachod hereto. ADOPTED AND APPROVED, THIS 6th day of October, 1947. ATTEST: P 0024� r f%� ec arY Mayor, City of College Station, Texas