HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/11/1946 - Regular Minutes - City Council.............. ............... MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING April 11, 1946 Members present: Mayor Langford; Councilmen Ames, Orr, Harrington, Crawford; City Secretary McGinnis; and City Manager Smith. Visitors present: F. W. Hensel, L. G. Jones, Marty Karam, H. W. Barlow, S. R. Wright, H. E. Burgess, C. T. Hatchett, Coulter Hoppess, Erwin Smith, and W. 0. Sanders. The Council canvassed the returns of the City election of April 2, 1946 and declared the results to be as follows: Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 For Mayor: For Mayor: For Mayor: Ernest Langford 108 Ernest Langford 51 Ernest Langford 23 R. W. Steen 85 R. W. Steen 49 R. W. Steen 29 For Councilman: For Councilman: For Councilman: J. A. Orr 192 M. T. Harrington 100 E. E. Brawn 23 For City Secretary: For City Secretary: E. E. Ames 28 N. M. McGinnis 192 N. M. McGinnis 100 For City Secretary: N. M. McGinnis 52 The following took oaths of office for two years from April 2, 1946: Ernest Langford, Mayor; J. A. Orr, Councilman from Ward 1; M. T. Harrington, Councilman from Ward 2; E. E. Ames, Councilman from Ward 3; and N. M. = McGinnis, City Secretary. Coulter Hoppes and Erwin Smith appeared before the Council to request permission to operate a temporary bus route pending approval of a final route. Upon motion by Councilman Harrington, seconded by Councilman Crawford that a temporary route be established, there resulted a tie vote, Councilmen Harrington and Crawford voting "aye", Councilmen Orr and Ames voting "no". The mayor broke the tie by voting in favor of the motion. Mr. Hoppess and Mr. Smith filed with the City a proposed permanent route upon, which buses will be operated. Mr. W. 0. Sanders, representing the Bryan-College Traction Company, filed a similar proposal for the company. No action was taken on either proposal pending an opportunity to present both for consideration by A. & M. College. The Council voted to make available $600. to the Community Recreation Council for the summer program of 1946. The City Manager was authorized to purchase a new truck and to consider the purchasing of a road maintainer. He was also authorized to accept a bid of 82s' per linear foot from Roger Smith, Contractor, to make certain extensions to relieve sanitary sewer conditions in the Boyett Addition. He was also authorized to negotiate a new contract for the dumping of garbage on the property of Ed Putz. The Mayor was authorized to establish the building line of a proposed building on Boyett Street immediately North of. the Campus Theatre. -77 03155 Page 2, Minutes of Regular Meeting, April 11, 1946 The requests of J. H. Binney and K. J. Edwards were referred to the Zoning Commission. The 1946 City Board of Equalization was appointed as follows : Ed Parnell, Chairman, J. R. Oden, and R. B. Sweet. In case any member of this board is unable to serve an alternate board composed of F. L. Thomas, A. P. Boyett, and Dan R. Davis was appointed. The Mayor was authorized to canvass the citizens of College Station in the matter of establishing a City Cemetery. Councilman Orr was authorized to work with Dr. F. B. Clark in the matter of the City' s securing ownership of the park area in the College Park Addition. The City Manager was authorized to advise Mr. Mike Renghofer that City services would be extended to his area when all regulations governing such extensions were complied with. The Council authorized the running of a three-phase electric power line from the corner of Jersey and East Dexter to the southside business district. The Council authorized engineering expenses in connection with certain sewer extensions in the College Hills Woodland Area, provided Mr. J. C. Culpepper pays for all labor and material in making the extensions. Mr. Culpepper was granted IF the privilege of dropping the effluent at the same point as the College Hills sewer provided an easement can be worked out between him and other parties concerned. City Manager Smith and Councilman Orr were authorized to work with A. & M. College on street impr&vement finishing Jersey Street from West Dexter to Holick Drive and Lee Street from Jersey Street to Park Place. Approved: Attest: Mayor City Secretary 11111 7 00186