HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/10/1946 - Regular Minutes - City Council MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING October 10, 1946 Members Present: Mayor Langford, Councilmen, Ames, Brown, Crawford, Orr and �._. .._.: Wilcox, City Secretary McGinnis and City Manager Vaughn. Visitors Present: Luther G. Jones, Reed Wipprecht, Joe R. Motheral and A. F. Chalk. The Council discussed, at some length, with Messers Wipprecht, Motheral and Chalk the problems of city finances, garbage tax, city taxes, utilities extensions, fire prevention, street improvement and ragweed control. The Council tentatively set October 29, 1946, as the date for citizenship meeting in the high school gymnasium for the purpose of discussing the proposition of issuing bonds for utilities extensions; and other city problems. Mr. Luther G. Jones came before the Council with a written request for the for the City to help him in controlling the flood waters on South Hereford Street. The Council authorized City Manager Vaughn to do what he could to help with the problem. Mr. Guy W. Adriance, Chairman of the Building Committee of the College Station Presbyterian Church, made a written request for the City to approve the erection of a Church edifice on the Peterson property at the south- east intersection of Jersey Street and East Dexter Drive. The Council will approve a building permit, when presented, if i.t meets all the requirements of the City Building Codes. The property owners within 200 feet of this proposed site are: C. W. Burchard, V. A. Little, Mrs. C. C. Todd, P. L. Downs Jr., 0. W. Silvey, A. G. Edmonds, and the Anna V. Smith estate. The firm of Gibson, Gibson and Boothman, Austin, Texas, proposed to do all required research and prepare all legal papers and documents pertaining to a City bond election for $97.00. On motion of Councilman Orr and seconded by Co. ici.lman Brown, the Mayor was authorized to accept the proposal of the above firm if and when they are needed in connection with the City' s bond election for utilities extensions. The vote was unanimous in favor of the motion. Mayor Langford reported that a conference with City Manager Summers of Bryan indicated that the City of Bryan is attempting to get a baluation set on the R.E.A. power lines in College Hills. He thinks that the R. E. A. will acts ually get'to this valuation soon. Answering the request of Mr. Marty Karow for the City to pave a portion of Luther Street, the City will pay one-third the expenses of making those improvements and the abutting property owners will pay the other two-thirds. City Ordinance No. 92, an ordinance pertaining to the collection of garbage ..' was read for the second time. On motion of Councilman Crawford andseconded by Coll. ilman Wilcox the Ordinance was approved by a unanimous vote. AtItA/ � 1. �/ L � ')71aCity �Secretary o Mayor