HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/23/1940 - Regular Minutes - City Councilfl Meeting of the City council Thursday, May 23, 1940. A regular meeting of the City '.ouncil was held in the city offic on thursday, May 23, at 7 P.M. with Mayor Anderson, Aldermen Lipscomb, VVilcox, Orr, and Munson and city Attorney Barger present. Mr. Barger made a report from the Fire Insurance Committee. It was agreed to insure the city truck with the State Farm Insur- ance Company. It was decided that the city was to proceed with the water line to Grant's Pilling Station. On motion made by Mr. Orr and seconded by Mr. Lipscomb, the Coun- cil passed the following ordinance: Be it ordained by the '%ity Council of the 'ity of College Station, Texas, That the office of City Attorney is hereby abolished. The Mayor, with the approval of the vity Council, shall. retain the services of an attorney to do the legal work for the city. Mr. Barger was appointed to the office of ;ity Attorney. On motion by Mr. Munson, seconded by 1VLr. Lipscomb, a letter was to be written to Mr. A. L. hughes, telling him that he may depend on the water, sewer, and power from the city, if he takes the responsibility of the expense of water and sewer connections, up to the city line, and, also, that the rates outside the city limits have not been definitely fixed. Motion passed. A motion was made by ivar. Orr and seconded by mar. Munson to pass the Ordinance Requiring the Licensing of Dogs. Motion passed. Motion was made by Mr. Orr and seconded by Mr. vVilcox to pay the Graybar bill and the rarker-Astin bill for the North host Corner Utilities. Meeting adjourned. City Secretary 7), iNGr/ Mayor Meeting of the City Council Thursday, May 23, 1940. A regular meeting of the City Council was held in the city office on thursday, May 23, at 7 P.M. with Mayor Anderson, Aldermen Lipscomb, Wilcox, Orr, and Munson and city Attorney Barger present. Mr. Barger made a report from the Fire Insurance Committee. It was agreed to insure the city truck with the State Farm Insur- ance Company. It was decided that the city was to proceed with the water line to Grant's Filling Station. 0n motion made by Mr. Orr and seconded by Mr. Lipscomb, the Coun- cil passed the following ordinance: Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas, That the office of City Attorney is hereby abolished. The Mayor, with the approval of the City Council, shall retain the services of an attorney to do the legal work for the city. Mr. Barger was appointed to the office of City Attorney. On motion by Mr. Munson, seconded by Mr. Lipscomb, a letter was to be written to Mr. W. L. hughes, telling him that he may depand on the water, sewer, and power from the city, if he takes the responsibility of the expense of water and sewer connections, up to the city line, and, also, that the rates outside the city limits have not been definitely fixed. Motion passed. A motion was made by Mr. Orr and seconded by Mr. Munson to pass the Ordinance Requiring the Licensing of Dogs. Motion passed. Motion was made by Mr. Orr and seconded by Mr. Wilcox to pay the Graybar bill and the Parker-Astin bill for the North East Corner Utilities. Meeting adjourned. {Signature of Frank G. Anderson} Mayor {Signature of Lucy L. Sneed} Asst. City Secretary