HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/25/1940 - Regular Minutes - City Council -Nx) Minutes of a Meeting of the City Council of the City of College Station, April 25, 1940. ) The City Council of the City of College Station met in regular session in the City Office Thursday, April 25, at 7 P. M. with ) Mayor Anderson presiding, and Aldermen Langford, Orr, Lipscomb, • and Wilcox, and City Attorney Barger in attendence. A motion was made by ViilcoX, and seconded by Lipscomb to author ize the Mayor to proceed with the building of meter boxes. Motio I carried. water A motion was- made by Langford and seconded by uvilcox to purchase a tool house for $ 15.00 and place it on a vacant lot. Motion carried. Motion was made by uvilcox and seconded by Lipscomb to accept a load of rack asphalt as recommended by Mr. McNew, and pay for the freight and unloading. It was agreed that Mr. Lipscomb was to head a committee to look into the fire insurance rate of the city, and confer with the Stale Fire Insurance Commission at Austin inorder to get a lower rate. A motion wbs made by Wilcox and seconded by Langford to transfer the meter fund into the general fund. Motion carried. A motion was made by hilcox and seconded by Lipscomb to authorize the Mayor to write a letter to Dr. C. G. Hedges assuring him that the city will vacate the lot, as owned by the Masonic Club and the ( Methodist Chirch, if at any future time the owners wish to sell the property. It was agreed that the Mayor is to see Mr. Sparks about a space for the city office. Motion was made by Orr and seconded by Langford to buy a fan for the city office. Motion carried. Motion was made by Langford and seconded by Orr to allow y 300.00 in the yearly budget for 1940, for the City-County Health Unit. ( ) Motion carried. A committee composed of Orr, chairman, and Munson and McNew, ware asked to draw up a uniform policy for tap fees for the city. An ordinance, to Deputize the city secretary was adopted, # . A motion was map by uvilcox and seconded by Langford to adopt Ordinance 460An Ordinance Regulating the Construction and Main tenance of Septic Tanks. A motion was made by Lipscomb and seconded by Langford to adopt Ordinance # 47.fi Governing Fire Alarm Calla. Motion carried. ) Motion was made by Lipscomb and seconded ;by Orr to install a tel.:- phone for the deputy city marshall. Motion carried. Motion was made by Orr and seconded by Langford that the city secretary be authorized to purchase a copy of Vernon's Revised • 00056 1e a�V S 7. Statutes and Supplements. Motion carried. Motion was made by Langford and seconded by "rr to raise the assistant city secretary' s salary to 90.00 per month. Motion carried. Motion was made by Langford ant seconded by Lipscomb to pay for • . the bonding of the city secretary, and to authorize the mayor • to get bids on insurance for the city truck. Motion carried. GewL.4441: Mayor Assistant -' ty Secretary I 00057