HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/14/1940 - Regular Minutes - City Council a Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the City Council of College Stat' on March 14, 1940. The City Council of the City of College Station met in regular session in the "ity Office march 14th at 7 P.M. with lvir. Gabbard j presiding, and Aldermen Lipscomb, Orr, Wilcox and Jones and City Attorney J. V . Barger in attendence. Mr. Patterson,who represents the firm of H. B. Gieb and Company of Dallas, Consulting Engineers, met with the Council. Mr. Steel, City Santary Engineer presented a system of sewage dii - posal as worked out by Bryan. Mr. Atkins, manager of the 'outhwest Te&ephone Company of Bryan, presented the Telephone Franchise, and discussed the changes the* had been made in it. ( l A motion wss made by Allcox and seconded by Orr to accept the Franchise as presented by the Southwest Telephone company. Motion carried. A motion was made by Wilcox and seconded by Lpscombcto:: tesbend Ordinance # ,3-9".I-(U.Motion carried. ( The cvdinance for the sale df' the "outhside Development Company). It was agreed that the utility committee, with Mr. Hughes as cha'r- man, is to work up a general ordinance on connection fees. ( ) A motion wba made by ailcox and -seconded by Orr to approve Or- dinance # 43, negotiating the purchase agreement of 'ollege nark Utilities. Motion carried. The vouncil agreed to ask the mayor to write a letter of invitat- ion to H. B. Gieb and Company asking a representative to come to College Station to look over the disposal situation and make a report. It was ordained by the City Council of the City of `'ollege Station; Tat the Mayor be authorized to sign the following contract with the City of D ryan for water for resale within the limits of ) - College Station. It was moved for adoption by Orr and seconded by Jones. Motion carried. It was moved by Orr and seconded by Jones to set aside $ 300.00 for road maintenance. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned. � l • .e� ar