HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/25/1939 - Regular Minutes - City Council Minutes of Meeting of City Council on May 25, 1939 77) The City Council met in the City Office on May 25, 1939 , at 7: 30 P.M. with Mayor Binney presiding and Ald - ermen Long, Jones , and Lipscomb attending. ?resent also were City Attorney Barger, City Marshall Hopper and City Recorder Gorzycki . It was moved 1017 Long and seconded by Jones that the City submit definite requests to the Board of -irector3 of A Re M College relative to ( a ) a contract for water for resale to surrounding additions now serviced by the College ( b ) approval of appointing the College Sanitar;r Engineer and his deputies es similar officers of the City ( c ) approval of appointing the campus sergeants a 3 city policemen and ( d ) a contract for services by the College fire department to all off-campus areas througi out the Oity. Motion carried . It was moved by Jones and seconded by Long that the Mayor be authorized to sign an easement agreement with Bryan permitting the extention of water mains for ser- vice to College Hills Estates with the provision that a contract would be entered into either by this City or College .-Hills Estates -Tater Corporation, covering the purchase of water from Bryan. Motion carried . Moved by Long and seconded by Lipscomb that the Citj (,U Attorney be authorized to enter suit in behalf of the City against Bryan for flilure to repair roads promptlj and properly according to contract . Motion carried. An ordinance providing for the creation of a City Park Board was introdiced. I:Ioved b ;- Long and ' seconded by Jones that ordinance be adonted. Motion carried. The Mayor nominated F. W. Hensel as chairman and Erneat Langford and R. R. Lancaster as members of the City Park Board. Moved by Lipscomb and seconded b:. Jones r 1 that appointments be approved. Motion carried. An application for a franchise to furnish water to the College Hills Estates and surrounding areas was presented by Mr. Boughton for the olle ;e Hills Estates ;dater corporation. The Mayor announced that a hearing would be ordered on the application. extended general d iscullsion followed. Meeting adjourned. yor city Ue retar — 00017 l '1, I � U T;,,r NOTICE NOTICE 1 Notice of Hearin on Granting a Franchise to the College Hills Water Corporation. An application having been pr: sentel to the City Coun- cil on May 25 , 1939 , by the College Hills -states Water Corporation for a franchise for the term of twenty-five ( 25 ) years to sunply the inhabitants of the City residing east of Highway No, 6 , and adjacent thereto on the west side highway, and the houses around the Gorzycki pro- perty. And it appearing to me that the application is in due form and a hearing should be held to determne whether.. said application should be granted. Now, therefore , I, J. H. Binney, Mayor of the City of Coile: e Syation, Texas , by virtue of the authority ves- ted in ire ' and er the ordinances of this City hereby or- der that a public hearing shall be held on said appli- cation in the City Office in the Sosolik Building on Thursday ebening June 8 , at 7:30 P. M. Witness my hand and seal of office this the 25th day of May, 1939. J. H. Binney, Mayor ATTEST: Sidn L. Love PS City Secretary U U 00018