HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/13/2007 - Regular Minutes City CouncilMayor Ben White Mayor Pro Tem Ron Gay City Manager Glenn Brown Orff' CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Council members John Crompton James Massey Lynn Mcllhaney Chris Scotti David Ruesink Minutes City Council Regular Meeting Thursday September 13, 2007 at 3:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor White, Mayor Pro Tem Gay Council members, Crompton, Massey, Mcllhaney, Scotti, Ruesink STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Brown, City Attorney Cargill Jr., City Secretary Hooks, Assistant City Secretary Casares, Management Team. Regular Agenda Item No. 1— Pledge of Allegiance, Invocation, Consider absence requests. Mayor White called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with all council members present. He led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. Director of Economic and Community Development David Gwin provided the invocation. Mayor White and City Manager Glen Brown recognized, expressed thanks, and appreciation to the employees of the Wastewater and Water Division for receiving the Peak Performance Award for Lick Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant for five years of complete and consistent National Pollutant Discharge elimination System permit compliance, and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality program award 2006 for College Station Water. Hear Visitors Tom Woodfin, 3215 Innsbruck Circle, addressed the City Council regarding greenways and hike and bike paths. Consent Agenda City Council Regular Minutes 9/13/07 Page 2 a. Approved by common consent minutes for City Council Meetings, July 16-17, 2007, August 3, 2007, August 13, 2007, August 14, 2007, August 23, 2007, August 27, 2007, August 28, 2007, and September 5, 2007. b. Approved by common consent the second reading of an ordinance granting a non- exclusive medical waste hauling franchise agreement to Environed. c Approved by common consent the second reading of a franchise agreement with CCAA, LLC d/b/a Brazos Valley Recycling for collection, hauling and disposal services for residential and commercial construction debris solid waste for the purpose of recycling. d. Approved by common consent Resolution No. 9-13-2007-2d to award Contract 07-229 to Brazos Valley Services in the amount of $5,521,133.50 for the construction of the Parallel Water Transmission Line Phase III. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, APPROVING A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE PARALLEL WATER TRANSMISSION LINE PHASE III PROJECT AND AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS. e. Approved by common consent a Renewal Agreement for an Annual Landscape Maintenance Service Contract for thirty-three (33) municipal sites comprised of buildings, parks, and street medians to Green Teams, Inc. (d.b.a: The Greenery) for an annual expenditure in the amount of $300,555.00. f. Approved by common consent Resolution No. 9-13-2007-2f to award Contract 07-243 to Weisinger Water Wells in the amount of $2,698,483 for the construction of Water Well # 7. g - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, APPROVING A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF WATER WELL # 7 PROJECT AND AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS. Approved by common consent Resolution No. 9-13-2007-2g awarding Contract Number 07-249, a construction contract with Dudley Construction in the amount of $254,900 for the construction of a basketball pavilion at Oaks Park. This amount includes the base bid, plus two accepted alternates. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, APPROVING A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT FOR THE OAKS PARK BASKETBALL PAVILION CONSTRUCTION PROJECT, PROJECT NUMBER PK 0706, AND AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS. City Council Regular Minutes 9/13/07 Page 3 h. Approved by common consent Resolution No. 9-13-2007-2h approving a construction contract with Tidal Power Services in the amount of $134,000 for replacement of a substation electrical transformer load tap changer. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, APPROVING A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT FOR THE REPLACEMENT OF A ELECTRICAL SUBSTATION TRANSFORMER LOAD TAP CHANGER AND AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS. i. Approved by common consent an annual contract with Pavement Restoration, Inc. for the application of Reclimite Pavement Restoration, at a cost not to exceed $140,800.00. Approved by common consent ratification of a Change Order No. 1 to Contract #06-267 with Doughtie Construction Company in an amount not to exceed $61,471.00 for the Nantucket Sewer Line Project. k. Approved by common consent Resolution No. 9-13-2007-2k approving a contract for the loan of HOME Investment Partnership (HOME) Program funds for the proposed Santour Court Housing Tax Credit development; and authorization for the Mayor to sign the resolution and contract. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, APPROVING A CONTRACT FOR THE LOAN OF HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM FUNDS TO SANTOUR COURT, LTD AND AUTHORIZING THE COMITTMENT AND EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS. 1. Approved by common consent the 2007 contracts for employee insurance with Pharmacare, Interface EAP, The Standard Insurance Company, and Blue Cross Blue Shield for the health plan and reinsurance (stop loss). Council member Mcllhaney abstained from voting on this item. m. Approved by common consent the ratification of contracts for employee insurance from 2004, 2005, and 2006 with Blue Cross/Blue Shield for the health plan, and the 2005 contract with The Standard Insurance Company. Council member Mcllhaney abstained from voting on this item. n. Approved by common consent Resolution No. 9-13-2007-2n for the City of College Station to continue to provide Emergency Medical Service and Emergency Ambulance Transport in Brazos County. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, APPROVING THE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR EMS PROVIDER/FIRST RESPONDER SERVICES WITH THE CITY OF BRYAN AND WITH BRAZOS COUNTY VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENTS. City Council Regular Minutes 9/13/07 Page 4 o. Approved by common consent Resolution No. 9-13-2007-2o to update the Inter local Agreement for Emergency Medical Ambulance Service to respond to emergencies in Brazos County and to establish the annual fee for FY 2008 at $175,000. p. q. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, UPDATING THE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE EMERGENCY MEDICAL AMBULANCE SERVICE TO UNICORPORATED PORTIONS OF BRAZOS COUNTY. Approved by common consent Resolution No. 9-13-2007-2p for the Annual Reconfirmation and use of Service and Equipment to be provided by the City of College Station in the Event of a Radiological Incident at the Texas A&M University Nuclear Science Center. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, APPROVING THE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR THE ANNUAL RECONFIRMATION AND USE OF SERVICE AND EQUIPMENT TO BE PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IN THE EVENT OF A RADIOLOGICAL INCIDENT AT THE TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY NUCLEAR SCIENCE CENTER. Approved by common consent Resolution No. 9-13-2007-2q for the Comprehensive Selective Traffic Enforcement Program grant contract for fiscal year 2008. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN A TEXAS HIGHWAY TRAFFIC SAFETY PROGRAM GRANT AGREEMENT FOR THE COMPREHENSIVE SELECTIVE TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM WITH THE TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. r. Approved by common consent a contract with MicroAge of College Station for the purchase of Software and Services to upgrade the City's Data Backup and Recovery System in an amount not to exceed $72,652.00. Regular Agenda Regular Agenda Item No. 1 -- Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on an ordinance rezoning 13.07 acres from A -O, Agricultural Open to R- 1, Single Family Residential consisting of 1 lot in the general vicinity of the area northeast of Windwood Subdivision at 2708 Harvey Road. This item was removed from the regular agenda by the applicant and will be rescheduled for a future City Council meeting. Regular Agenda Item No. 2 -- Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding recommendations for possible revisions to an ordinance City Council Regular Minutes 9/13/07 Page 5 amending Chapter 9, "Subdivisions" of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas by amending Section 10, "Parkland Dedication", by increasing fees, extending parkland requirements into the ETJ; providing a severability clause; declaring a penalty; and providing an effective date. Director of Parks and Recreation Steve Beachy presented the proposed ordinance amending Chapter 9, "Subdivisions" of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, by amending Section 10 "Parkland Dedication; by increasing fees, and extending park land requirements into the ETJ. The City Council considered the proposed revisions to the ordinance on August 23, 2007. At that meeting, they directed staff to modify the original proposal to set the land value at $24,000 and eliminate the proposal to add community parks to the requirements. Staff recommended approval of revisions to the Parkland Dedication Ordinance with a adoption date of January 1, 2008 as the effective date; and that the revised ordinance be incorporated into the subdivision regulations and become effective for areas in the ETJ; and all projects currently "vested" in the City of College Station development process be governed by the existing ordinance and related fee structure. Mayor White opened the public hearing. No one spoke. Mayor White closed the public hearing. Council member Mcllhaney moved to approve Ordinance No. 2997 amending Chapter 9 "Subdivisions" of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, by amending Section 10, "Park Land Dedication"; increasing fees, extending park land requirements into the ETJ. Council member Ruesink seconded the motion, which carried by a vote of 5-2. FOR: White, Crompton, Mcllhaney, Scotti, Ruesink AGAINST: Gay, Massey Regular Agenda Item No. 3 -- Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding an ordinance vacating and abandoning a 5029 square foot portion of the Public Right of Way of Lodge Street, in the City of College Station. Acting City Engineer Allen Gibbs described the proposed ordinance vacating and abandoning a 5029 square foot portion of the Public Right of Way of Lodge Street. Staff recommended approval of the proposed ordinance. Mayor White opened the public hearing. Will McCollum, 4317 Maywood, Bryan, Texas spoke in favor of the proposed ordinance vacating and abandoning a 5029 square foot portion of the public right of way for Lodge Street. Mayor White closed the public hearing. City Council Regular Minutes 9/13/07 Page 6 Council member Massey moved to approve Ordinance No. 2998 vacating and abandoning a 5029 square foot portion of the Public Right of Way of Lodge Street, in the City of College Station. Council member Crompton seconded the motion, which carried unanimously, 7-0. FOR: White, Gay, Crompton, Massey, Mcllhaney, Scotti, Ruesink AGAINST: None Regular Agenda Item No. 4 -- Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding appointments for the Red Light Photo Enforcement Citizen Advisory Committee. Assistant Finance Director Cheryl Turney provided a brief overview of the appointment process. Council member Scotti appointed Ryan Clark. Council member Ruesink moved to appoint Tom Herrmann, Don Hellriegel Ph.D., William L. Eisele Ph.D., P.E., Mike Perrone, Dillon Briers and Ryan Clark to the Red Light Photo Enforcement Citizen Advisory Committee. Council member Scotti seconded the motion, which carried unanimously, 7-0. FOR: White, Gay, Massey, Mcllhaney, Scotti, Ruesink AGAINST: None Regular Agenda Item No. 5 — Presentation, possible action, and discussion on an ordinance adopting the City of College Station 2007-2008 Budget; and presentation, possible action and discussion ratifying the property tax increase reflected in the budget. Chief Financial Officer Jeff Kersten answered questions of the Council and clarified the ratification of the property tax increase reflected in the budget. Council member Crompton moved to increase the 2007-2008 Budget by $10,000 for Brazos Valley Cricket Association. After a brief discussion, council members did not support the motion however; Council member Mcllhaney directed staff to survey the Parks and Recreation Budget for funding and schedule a regular agenda item in the near future with additional information/recommendations. Council member Mcllhaney moved to approve Ordinance No. 2999 adopting the City of College Station 2007-2008 Budget as presented, including the changes by staff. Council member Mcllhaney abstained from the employee medical benefits. Council member Crompton seconded the motion, which carried by a vote of 6-1. FOR: White, Massey, Mcllhaney, Scotti, Ruesink AGAINST: Gay City Council Regular Minutes 9/13/07 Page 7 Council member Mcllhaney moved to ratify the property tax increase reflected in the budget. Council member Crompton seconded the motion, which carried by a vote of 6-1. FOR: White, Crompton, Massey, Mcllhaney, Scotti, Ruesink AGAINST: Gay Regular Agenda Item No. 6 -- Presentation, possible action, and discussion on approval of an ordinance adopting the City of College Station 2007-2008 advertised ad valorem tax rate of $0.4499 per $100 assessed valuation. Chief Financial Officer Jeff Kersten presented a summary of the proposed ordinance adopting the City of College Station 2007-2008 advertised ad valorem tax rate of $0.4499 per $100 assessed valuation. Staff recommended approval of the proposed ordinance. Council member Mcllhaney moved that property taxes be increased by the adoption of a tax rate of $0.4394 per $100 assessed valuation (Ordinance No. 3000). Council member Mcllhaney seconded the motion, which carried by a vote of 6-1. FOR: White, Crompton, Massey, Mcllhaney, Scotti, Ruesink AGAINST: Gay Regular Agenda Item No. 7 — Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding an ordinance amending Chapter 11, "Utilities", Section 4, "Electric Service" of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas having the effect of raising rates for electric services on an average of ten percent (10%). Director of Electric Utilities David Massey remarked that the proposed ordinance authorized the implementation of a ten percent (10%) increase in electric rates as discussed with Council at the Budget Workshop on August 27, 2007. The rate increase is necessary to cover increased wholesale power costs resulting from higher fuel and generation costs in the ERCOT market. In addition, the rate increase is necessary due to system expansion projects associated with transportation, substations and distribution. Staff recommended approval of the proposed ordinance. Council member Ruesink moved to approve Ordinance No. 3001 amending Chapter 11, "Utilities", Section 4, "Electric Service" of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas having the effect of raising rates for electric services on an average of ten percent (10%). Council member Massey seconded the motion, which carried unanimously, 7-0. FOR: White, Gay, Crompton, Massey, Mcllhaney, Scotti, Ruesink AGAINST: None City Council Regular Minutes 9/13/07 Page 8 Regular Agenda Item No. 8 — Presentation, possible action and discussion regarding the creation of a joint subcommittee with the College Station Independent School District. City Manager Glenn Brown described this item. Council member Crompton moved to appoint a subcommittee of three people to meet quarterly with the school board pending the agreement of the College Station School Board members. His motion also included an increase in the number of meetings with the school board if necessary. Council member Mcllhaney seconded the motion, which carried unanimously, 7-0. FOR: White, Gay, Crompton, Massey, Mcllhaney, Scotti, Ruesink AGAINST: None Workshop Agenda Item No. 7 -- Discussion, review and possible action regarding the following meetings: Arts Council Subcommittee of the Council, Audit Committee, Brazos County Health Dept., Brazos Valley Council of Governments, Cemetery Committee, Design Review Board, Historic Preservation Committee, Interfaith Dialogue Association, Intergovernmental Committee, Joint Relief Funding Review Committee, Library Committee, Metropolitan Planning Organization, Outside Agency Funding Council member Ruesink presented a brief report on the Transportation Summit. Council member Scotti reported on deliberations held at the Research Valley Partnership meeting. Council member Mcllhaney conveyed comments from the Arts Council Board meeting. Council member Gay made comments regarding the Audit Committee and Transportation Committee Meeting. Council member Massey presented a report on the future Intergovernmental Committee Meeting agenda. Council member Crompton discussed factors from the BVSWMA Meeting. Mayor White discussed factors associated with the Policy Advisory Committee of the Emergency Advisory Center. Workshop Agenda Item No. 9 -- The City Council may convene the executive session following the regular meeting to discuss matters posted on the executive session agenda for September 13, 2007. The City Council completed their executive session prior to the regular meeting. City Council Regular Minutes 9/13/07 Page 9 Workshop Agenda Item No. 10 — Final action on executive session, if necessary. No action was taken. Regular Agenda Item No. 11— Adjourn. Hearing no objections the meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m. on Thursday, September 13, 2007. APPROVED: Mayor Ben White ATTEST: City Secretary Connie Hooks Mayor Council Members Ben White John Crompton Mayor Pro Tempore James Massey �► Ron Gay Lynn Mcllhaney City Manager Chris Scotti CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Glenn Brown David Ruesink College Station City Council Regular Meeting Sign In Sheet Thursday, September 13, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue 4 A College Station, Texas ' /� 11. \ V V1i to l Vu oV l 1. �ii1C `�f/i Y�lO V l 2. � A � , � / 12. � wWU' ewJ&Vt 3. , ot‘ 13. Vittfle Eiqa Cue 4.Armirtia&%`ig 14. j 5. :fig r 6. 16. Po - / ger 7. - 17. S o xa N l u.aGliaub V 8. � r JC--�, 18. Ge, r-t J c s k 9. 19. :1 10. 20. :� '. ,i Mayor Council Members Ben White John Crompton L Mayor Pro Tempore James Massey (ir ,if.-- Ron Gay Lynn Mcllhaney City Manager Chris Scotti CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Glenn Brown David Ruesink College Station City Council Regular Meeting Sign In Sheet Thursday, September 13, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas 1.N W '' 11.,,, Lo a(v., 2. i'. k_a_s G c41-- tee.- 12. l I & - CI 4 / - . . 3. - 3vi vi 0 4-che 1 I 13. fr (,/v^4� 6 S� C e 4 • s �_.. — �, ` 14. • / AI. l 5. .,J 4 15. C - L. c__ ( ---- f{6-1< —_ 6. "add- t- 16. eVri I 7. ari- c.2 n42 1 7. , / 8. ji • .'. v Mkt, t1:-. � �� � ,�� q 9. /r / �it-d- .� 1 :(- A 1 i ,DcA,wv CA■ 1 o. ; « f \O V WJ J A V Y ` 20. O v V` k 0 i Hitihb (cir-ffr- Mayor Council Members Ben White John Crompton Mayor Pro Tempore James Massey Ron Gay Lynn McIlhaney City Manager Chris Scotti CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Glenn Brown David Ruesink College Station City Council Regular Meeting Sign In Sheet Thursday, September 13, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas 1. A RIVI E citi !MAW 11. 2. A 11 M eX3 h S 12. 3. S/ )'�-{' ]�� 13. • 4. 14. 5. 15. 6. 16. 7. 17. 8. 18. 9. 19. 10. 20.