HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/05/2007 - Regular Minutes City CouncilC*41 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Ben White Mayor Pro Tem Ron Gay City Manager Glenn Brown Minutes Council members John Crompton James Massey Lynn McIlhaney Chris Scotti David Ruesink City Council Regular Meeting Thursday November 5, 2007 at 1:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor White, Mayor Pro Tern Gay, Council members Crompton, Massey, McIlhaney, Scotti, Ruesink STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Brown, City Attorney Cargill Jr., City Secretary Hooks, Assistant City Secretary Casares, Management Team Regular Agenda Item No. 1— Pledge of Allegiance, Invocation Hear visitors. Mayor White called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. He led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. Assistant Director of Planning and Development Lance Simms provided the invocation. City Manager Glenn Brown introduced the interim Chief of Police Bobby Whitmire. Hear Visitors Ann Hazen, 1309 Wilshire Court, addressed the City Council regarding the number of unrelated living in a single family dwelling unit. She referred to the City of Bryan Neighborhood Residential Conservation District ordinance. Consent Agenda Council member McIlhaney removed Consent Agenda Item 2m for a separate vote. Council member Gay moved to approve Consent Agenda Items 2a -21 and 2n. First Assistant City Attorney Carla Robinson point out a minor correction on Consent Agenda Item No. 2k, Part 5: as provided by Section 34 and it should read as provided by Section 35. Minutes City Council Meeting 11/5/2007 Page 2 Council member Gay amended his motion to include the correction on 2k Part 5. Council member McIlhaney seconded the motion, which carried unanimously, 7 -0. Council member McIlhaney moved to approve Consent Agenda Item 2m. Council member Gay seconded the motion, which carried unanimously, 7 -0. 2a. Approved by common consent minutes for City Council Workshop and Regular Meetings, October 25, 2007. 2b. Approved by common consent Resolution No. 11 -05- 2007 -2b accepting the Governors Division of Emergency Management (GDEM) the 2007 State Homeland Security Program Grant notice for the obligation of funds in the amount of $188,800.00. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, ACCEPTING THE 2007 HOMELAND SECURITY SUB - RECIPIENT AWARD FOR THE PURCHASE OF RESPONSE EQUIPMENT AND AUTHORIZING A CONTACT PERSON FOR THE CITY. 2c. Approved by common consent Resolution No. 11 -05- 2007 -2c participating in the Texas Interoperability Channel Plan (TICP). A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR THE TEXAS INTEROPERABILITY CHANNEL PLAN. 2d. Approved by common consent a purchase for the procurement of additional equipment, software and services for the Electronic Citation system for the Police Department with Advanced Public Safety, Inc., for an amount not to exceed $100,942.68, and for project contingency funds of $9,057.32 for a project total of $110,000. 2e. Approved by common consent approve a Change Order for the College Park - `Breezy Heights Rehabilitation Project in the amount of $32,500.00. 2f. Approved by common consent a change order of the services contract for RFP 07- 084 Outsourcing the Printing and Mailing of Utility bills, late notices and inserts to Sungard EXP- Mailing to allow postage costs for an estimated annual expenditure of $145,000. 2g. Approved by common consent authorizing the expenditures for the Brazos County Appraisal district in the amount of $207,666 pursuant to the Property Tax Code 6.06D. Minutes City Council Meeting 11/5/2007 Page 3 2h. Approved by common consent Resolution No. 11 -05- 2007 -2h amending the authorized representatives at Texpool. 2i. Approved by common consent a finding agreement between City of College Station and the United Way of the Brazos Valley in the amount of $50,000. 2j. Approved by common consent authorization of expenditures for Ingram, Willis & Co., PC for Professional Auditing services in the amount of $83,400 for conducting the FY 2007 audit. 2k. Approved by common consent Ordinance No. 3018 changing the name of FIRST AMERICAN BOULEVARD to MOMETUM BOULEVARD. 21. Approved by common consent ratifying Change Order No. 1 to Contract 06 -284 with Gulf States Inc. in the amount not to exceed $75,934.96 for the Spring Creek Substation project. 2m. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on adoption of revised Council Relations Policy. Council member McIlhaney moved to approve Consent Agenda Item No. 2m. Council member Gay seconded the motion, which carried unanimously, 7 -0. 2n. Approved by common consent the first reading of a franchise agreement with Budget Rolloffs for collection, hauling and disposal services for residential construction debris solid waste. Regular Agenda Item No. 1 -- Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on consideration of an ordinance amending Chapter 10, "Traffic code," restrict parking on certain sections of the streets in the South Side area per a request from the Oakwood Neighborhood Association. Director of Public Works Mark Smith noted that on June 28, 2007, staff presented an item that proposed the removal of parking at selected intersections in the south side area to improve emergency vehicle access and sight distance issues. Residents from the Oakwood Neighborhood attended the meeting to show support for the parking restriction, but requested that more parking be removed. At that meeting, Council members directed staff to work with the Oakwood Neighborhood Association to implement the plan they proposed with the modification of the two hour parking and implement the notification process of the effected properties. The neighborhood's proposed the following plan: Suffolk Avenue — Extend the existing NO PARKING on the west side of Suffolk Avenue from its current end point to Park Place. 2. Pershing Avenue — Extend the existing NO PARKING on the west side of Pershing Avenue from its current end point to Park Place. Extend the existing Minutes City Council Meeting 11/5/2007 Page 4 NO PARKING on the east side of Pershing from the current end point to Burt Street. 3. Pershing Drive — NO PARKING on the east side of Pershing Drive beginning at the intersection with Park Place and extending south 150 feet. 4. Lee Avenue — NO PARKING on the east side of Lee Avenue from the current end of the 2 -hour NO PARKING zone to Park Place. 5. Timber Street — Extend the existing 1 PARKING on the west side of Timber Street from its current end point to Park Place. 6. Burt street — NO PARKING on the north side of Burt Street beginning at Pershing Avenue and extending 525 feet west. 7. Shetland Street — NO PARKING on the south side of Shetland Street from Pershing Avenue to Lee Avenue. Staff recommended approval of the proposed ordinance. Mayor White opened the public hearing. The following citizens addressed the proposed request. Gaines West, 200 Suffolk Avenue Greg Gorman 315 Suffolk Avenue Mayor White closed the public hearing. Council member Crompton moved approve Ordinance No. 3019 amending Chapter 10. "Traffic Code," to restrict parking on certain sections of the streets in the South Side area per a request from the Oakwood Neighborhood Association. Council member Massey seconded the motion, which carried unanimously, 7 -0. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10, "TRAFFIC CODE ", OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, BY AMENDING SCHEDULE XII AS REFERENCED IN SUBSECTION E.2 OF SECTION 4 THEREOF; PROHIBITING PARKING ALONG CERTAIN PORTIONS OF STREETS WITHIN THE SOUTHSIDE AREA; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; DECLARING A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. FOR: White, Gay, Crompton, Massey, McIlhaney, Scotti, Ruesink AGAINST: None Regular Agenda Item No. 2 -- Public hearing, presentation, possible action and discussion on single family overlay ordinance amendments to the Unified Development Ordinance, Sections 3.2, zoning map amendments (Rezoning), 4.1 Establishment of Districts, 7.1.D, Required Yard (Setbacks), and 11.2, Defined Terms, the addition Section 5.9, Single- Family Overlay Districts, and amendment to Minutes City Council Meeting 11/5/2007 Page 5 the Subdivisions, Section 18 -a.1, Platting and Replatting Within Older Residential Subdivisions as they relate to the creation of Single - Family Overlay Districts. Director of Planning and Development Services introduced this item. Staff Planner Lindsey Boyer presented the proposed ordinance amendments that relate to the creation of Single - Family Overlay Districts. The specific proposal is focused on the creation of overlay districts which support neighborhood protection efforts across the City. The proposed language would create two different overlays for single - family areas. The intent of theses ordinances was to provide additional options to older, established neighborhoods for the protection against incompatible infill and redevelopment. The districts would require the support of 60% of property owners in the neighborhood. • Neighborhood Prevailing Overlay District (NPO): This district is intended to provide set standards that can be used over existing R -1 neighborhoods. Standards address setbacks, lot size, building height, lot coverage, garage location and orientation, tree preservation and landscape maintenance. Infill, redevelopment, and additions to existing homes would be required to meet the median standard of development in the district. • Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District (NCO): This district is intended to provide a range of options for neighborhoods to customize to individual needs. This menu of options includes the standards from the NPO District as well as the addition of garage connection, off - street parking, building materials, and fencing materials. The Conservation Overlay standards must be based on the findings of the existing patterns of development outlined in the Conservation Study. Because a study is required, additional neighborhood input is required through a stakeholder committee. Due to the time it would take to complete a study, a NPO district could be used as an interim overlay. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of the ordinance amendments with the suggestion that the definition of a neighborhood be changed to include a minimum number of homes in a minimum area to be defined by staff. Mayor White opened the public hearing. Mr. Jerry Cooper, 402 Bell Street Gaines West, 200 Suffolk Avenue Mayor White closed the public hearing. Council member Crompton moved to decrease the requirement that a neighborhood must contain at least fifty (50) single family structures to(30) single family structures. Council member McIlhaney seconded the motion, which carried by a vote of 4 -3. FOR: White, Crompton, McIlhaney, Scotti Minutes City Council Meeting 11/5/2007 AGAINST: Massey, Gay, Ruesink Page 6 Council member Scotti amended the motion to approve the fifty (50) single family structures providing options for Council members to waive the number fifty (50) for single family structures. Council member Massey seconded the motion. Council member Scotti and Massey withdrew their motion. Council returned to the original motion. Council member Crompton moved to add discretionary language allowing the thirty (30) single family structures to go under the number of thirty (30) provided neighborhood coherence and integrity was maintained. Council member Massey seconded the motion, which carried by a vote of 5 -2. FOR: White, Crompton, Massey, Scotti, Ruesink AGAINST: Gay, McIlhaney Council member Crompton moved to amend the number of votes from 60% to 50% plus one. McIlhaney seconded the motion, which failed by a vote of 3 -4. FOR: Crompton, McIlhaney, Ruesink AGAINST: Gay, Scotti, Massey, White Council member Crompton moved to include language limiting the number of unrelated in a single family dwelling unit to two (2). Motion failed due to a lack of a second. Council member Gay moved to approve Option II as amended. Ruesink seconded the motion. Council member Gay withdrew his motion. Council member Gay directed staff to incorporate the language as directed by the City Council. Council member Scotti seconded the motion, which carried unanimously, 7 -0 FOR: White, Gay, Crompton, Massey, McIlhaney, Scotti, Ruesink AGAINST: None Council member recessed the meeting for a short break at 2:53 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 3:05. p.m. Regular Agenda Item No. 3 -- Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a report from the City's federal legislative consultant including an update on the Washington D.C. political situation, the appropriations process, the status of Interstate 69, water district issues, and possible Council rip to Washington D.C. Larry Meyers of Meyers & Associates provided an update of the legislative actions related to cities in Washington D.C.; particularly, I -69 corridor and water issues. No formal action was taken. Minutes City Council Meeting 11/5/2007 Page 7 Regular Agenda Item No. 4 -- Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding Transportation Priority Projects and funding proposals. Deputy City Manager Terry Childers presented a brief overview of the Transportation Priority Projects. The recommended program totaled $99,353,792. Staff recommended the funding options recommended below for the proposed transportation projects. General Obligation Bonds $27.4 Million Transportation User Fee $14.1 Million Impact Fees $32.3 Million Street Assessment $ 6.6 Million Transportation TIF $19.1 Million General Obligation Bonds $27.4 Million Barron road Widening Phase 2 Jones - Butler Phase 1 F &B Road FM 60 Widening Right of Way Pebble Creek Parkway North Switch Station Road Spring Creek Hike and Bike Trail Sidewalks Transportation User Fee $14.1 Million University Drive Pedestrian Improvements Rock Prairie Road West Widening' Future Right of Way acquisition Oversize Participation Traffic Signals Future Street Design Impact Fees $32.3 Million Baron Road East Lakeway Drive Dartmouth Drive Extension Transportation TIF $19.1 Million Rock Prairie Road /SH 6 Interchange Rock Prairie Road East Mark Smith provided a brief summary of each project. Council member Gay moved to accept the list of recommended priority street projects. Council member Mcllhaney seconded the motion, which carried unanimously, 7 -0. Minutes City Council Meeting 11/5/2007 Page 8 Council member Gay moved to authorize staff to proceed with citizen engagement on financing mechanisms. Council member Massey seconded the motion, which carried unanimously, 7 -0. FOR: White, Gay, Crompton, Massey, McIlhaney, Scotti, Ruesink AGAINST: None Regular Agenda Item No. 5 -- Presentation, possible action and discussion regarding Citizen Engagement Policy and the application of Community Problem Solving Model in College Station. This item was postponed until a future agenda. Regular Agenda Item No. 6 -- Presentation, possible action and discussion regarding the approval of a resolution for a contract for consulting services (Contract #07 -89) with Quimby McCoy Preservation Architecture, LLP for the review of a historic preservation enabling ordinance, preparation of an inventory and survey of historical structures and places within the older neighborhoods to the south and east of the Texas A &M University campus, and identification of potential landmarks and historic districts in these areas, in the amount of $49,700. Planning Administrator Molly Hitchcock presented a brief overview of the proposed resolution for a contract for consulting services with Quimby McCoy Preservation Architecture, LLP for the review of a historic preservation enabling ordinance, preparation of an inventory and survey of historical structures... Council member Crompton moved to approve Resolution No. 11- 05- 2007 -06 approving a contract for consulting services with Quimby McCoy Preservation Architecture, LLP for the review of a historic preservation enabling ordinance, preparation of an inventory and survey of historical structures and places within the older neighborhoods to the south and east of the Texas A &M University campus, and identification of potential landmarks and historic districts in these areas, in the amount of $49,700. Council member Gay seconded the motion, which carried unanimously, 7 -0. FOR: White, Gay, Crompton, Massey, McIlhaney, Scotti, Ruesink AGAINST: None A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, SELECTING A PROFESSIONAL CONTRACTOR, APPROVING A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT AND AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS FOR THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION ENABLING ORDINANCE EVALUATION AND INVENTORY AND RESOURCE SURVEY PROJECT. Minutes City Council Meeting 11/5/2007 Page 9 Regular Agenda Item No. 7 -- Presentation, possible action, and discussion to add "Attachment B to the City Council Travel Policy. This is a budget summary outlining the proiected City Council travel expenses for FY 08. City Secretary Connie Hooks presented a brief overview of the proposed Attachment B to the City Council Travel Policy; which is a budget summary outlining the projected City Council Travel Policy outlining the projected City council travel expenses for FY 08. Council member McIlhaney moved to add Attachment B to the Council approved Travel Policy. Council member Gay seconded the motion, which carried unanimously, 7 -0. FOR: White, Gay, Crompton, Massey, McIlhaney, Scotti, Ruesink AGAINST: None Regular Agenda Item No. 8 -- Presentation, possible action, and discussion on campaign finance reports on City's website. City Secretary Connie Hooks presented a brief summary of the publication of City Council campaign finance reports on the City of College Station website. She offered to answer question of the City Council. Council member Crompton moved to publicize the City Council campaign financial reports on the City of College Station website. Council member Ruesink seconded the motion which carried by a vote of 4 -3. Council member Gay amended the motion to include Political Action Committee Campaign Financial reports. Council member Ruesink seconded the motion, which carried by a vote of 4 -3. FOR: Crompton, McIlhaney, Scotti, Ruesink AGAINST: Massey, Scotti, White Regular Agenda Item No. 9 -- Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the City's appointment to the Brazos County Appraisal District. City Manager Glenn Brown presented a brief description on the appointment to the Brazos County Appraisal District. Mr. Brown point out that the Brazos county Appraisal District requested that the City provide the name of the City's appointment for the 2008- 2009 term as possible. Council member Gay directed staff to move forward with the nomination process, concurred with the application process and interviewing of candidates. Deadline for applications are December 1, 2007. Regular Agenda Item No. 10 -- Council Calendars November 19, 2007 Intergovernmental Committee, Brazos Valley COG offices, 12:00. November 19, 2007 City Council Workshop and Regular Meetings, 3:00 and 7:00 p.m. December 4, 2007 City Council Special Meetings Minutes City Council Meeting 11/5/2007 Council reviewed their upcoming events. Page 10 Regular Agenda Item No. 11 -- Presentation, possible action, and discussion on future agenda items: A Council Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. Council member McIlhaney requested a workshop agenda item regarding the number of unrelated occupying a single family dwelling unit. Council member Crompton seconded the motion, which carried by a vote of 5 -2. FOR: White, Crompton, Massey, McIlhaney, Ruesink AGAINST: Gay, Scotti Regular Agenda Item No. 12 -- Discussion, review and possible action regarding the following meetings: Arts Council Subcommittee of the Council, Audit Committee, Brazos County Health Dept., Brazos Valley Council of Governments, Cemetery Committee, Design Review Board, Historic Preservation Committee, Interfaith Dialogue Association, Intergovernmental Committee, Joint Relief Funding Review Committee, Library Committee, Metropolitan Planning Organization, Outside Agency Funding Review, Parks and Recreation Board, Planning and Zoning Commission, Sister City Association, TAMU Student Senate, Research Valley Partnership, Regional Transportation Committee for Council of Governments, Transportation Committee, Wolf Pen Creek Oversight Committee, Wolf Pen Creek TIF Board, Zoning Board of Adjustments Council member Crompton reported on the TMPA site tour. Council member Scotti presented a brief report on the Research Valley Partnership Committee meeting and Aggie 100. Council member Ruesink made comments regarding the Sister Cities Russians farewell breakfast. Regular Agenda Item No. 13 -- Adjourn Hearing no objections, the meeting adjourned at 5:10 p.m. on Monday, November 5, 2007. PASSED and APPROVED this 19` day of November, 2007. 3 J AEST: Secretary onnie Hooks Mayor ( ri le% Mayor CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Council members Ben White John Crompton Mayor Pro Tem James Massey Ron Gay Lynn Mcllhaney City Manager Chris Scotti Glenn Brown David Ruesink College Station City Council Regular Meeting Sign In Sheet Monday, November 5, 2007 at 1:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas 1. )(4‘ LL1 1 Al , i _414,1 frir4h/k9.6 1- _ 2e/ 3. 0 /44R1ci al,apics 4. tAtijkk 4. 4; A ' 5. 15. / , ,� s r � I I ►� r 6. O l�i�� 16. ♦ h,1,4 i 7.t 17. 8. � ' � 18. . 1 / � 9. 1 9. 10. Il k i '�,� 20. 4.9