HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/23/2007 - Regular Minutes City CouncilMayor Ben White Mayor Pro Tem Ron Gay City Manager Glenn Brown ~ " ( 41' 4 CITY OP COLLEGE STATIUN Council members John Crompton James Massey Lynn McIlhaney Chris Scotti David Ruesink Minutes City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, August 23, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas COUNEIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor White, Mayor Pro Tem Gay Council members, Crompton, Massey, McIlhaney, Scotti, Ruesink STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Brown, City Attorney Cargill Jr., City Secretary Hooks, Assistant City Secretary Casares, Management Team. Retiular Agenda Item No. 1- Pledge of Alleiiiance, Invocation, Consider absence requests. Mayor White called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. He led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. Council member Gay provided the invocation. Hear Visitors The following citizens addressed the City Council on various topics. Charlie Hrncir, National President of the Little League, 806 Plum Hollow Drive, requested Council's consideration for ballfield light replacements. Mike Prom, 100 Corporative Way, GE Energy, Georgetown, Texas advocated the business he represented was qualified to meet the city's electric projects. He stated that the bid specifications, however, do not allow their company to bid. Mr. Daniel Morgan, also from GE Energy asked Council to consider revising the specifications written for utility transformer projects. Consent Atienda Council member McIlhaney moved to remove Consent Agenda Item 2b for a separate vote. Council member Scotti seconded the motion, which carried unanimously, 7-0. FOR: White, Gay, Crompton, Massey, McIlhaney, Scotti, Ruesink AGGAINST: None City Council Regular Minutes 8/23/07 Page 2 Council member Massey moved to approve Consent Agenda Item No. 2a, 2c-n. Council member Scotti seconded the motion, which carried unanimously, 7-0. a. Approved by common consent the minutes for Workshop and Regular Meetings, July 12, 2007; Workshop and Regular Meetings, July 26, 2007; Workshop and Regular Meetings, August 6, 2007. b. Council member Scotti moved to appoint Kevin Myers as a regular member to the Cemetery Committee. Seconded by Councilmember McIlhaney which carried unanimously, 7-0. c. Approved by common consent the approval of an interlocal agreement with College Station ISD for School Resource Officers. d. Approved by common consent the first reading of an ordinance granting a non-exclusive medical waste hauling franchise agreement to Enviromed. e. Approved by common consent the first reading of a ordinance granting a franchise agreement with CCAA, LLC d/b/a Brazos Valley Recycling for collection, hauling and disposal services for residential and commercial construction debris solid waste for the purpose of recycling. £ Approved by common consent Resolution No. 8-23-2007-2f denying the request of Atmos Energy Corporation, Mid-Tex Division, for an annual GRIP rate increase g. Approved by common consent an Oversize Participation Agreement with Starfish Development, not to exceed $80,329 for the construction of a 15 inch wastewater line at the proposed River Oaks Townhomes Development in Wolf Pen Creek. h. Approved by common consent Resolution No. 8-23-2007-2h authorizing the Brazos Valley Council of Governments to assist in funding a portion of advertising for the fall Household Hazardous Waste & Computer Collection event for the Brazos Valley Solid Waste Management Agency (BVSWMA) in the amount of $5,000.00. i. Approved by common consent Resolution No. 8-23-2007-2i to pay the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) an additional $484,956.59 for the City's 10% share of Right-of-Way Costs for The Texas Avenue Widening project, the Hwy 40 Extension project, and the Wellborn Road Widening proj ect. j. Approved by common consent design change order no. 1 to the professional services contract with Mitchell & Morgan for the Church Avenue Phase II project in the amount of $18,600.00 (Project No. ST-0523). k. Approved by common consent a change order in the amount of $5,500.00 for Professional Services Contract 05-160 to McClure & Browne Engineering/Surveying Inc for additional surveying services on Tauber and Stasney streets. 1. Approved by common consent Resolution No. 8-23-2007-2L approving a service contract with CSC Engineering & Environmental Consultants, Inc. in the amount of $75,000.00 for the environmental/support services at the Rock Prairie Road Landfill. City Council Regular Minutes 8/23/07 Page 3 M. Approved by common consent Resolution No. 8-23-2007-2m approving a construction contract with lowest responsible bidder, Elliott Construction, Ltd. in the amount of $269,988.45 for construction of a waterline and appurtenances at Old Arrington Road and State Highway 6 South. n. Approved by common consent the 2007-2008 Council Strategic Plan. Resular Agenda Item No. 1-- Public hearing, nresentation, possible action, and discussion regarding recommendations for uossible revisions to an ordinance amending Chapter 9, "Subdivisions" of the Code of Ordinances of the Citv of College Station, Texas, bv amending Section 10, "Parkland Dedication", bv adding requirements for communitv parks, increasing fees, basing fees on appraised values, and extending parkland requirements in the ETJ. Steve Beachy, Director of Parks and Recreation presented an overview of the revisions to Chapter 9, Section 10 of the Code of Ordinances related to parkland dedication requirements and fees including the City's ETJ. The Parkland Dedication Ordinance states that its fee structure should be revised every three years. The last fee revision was approved in January, 2002. In January, 2006, a joint subcommittee was formed to make recommendations for new revisions. The subcommittee was comprised of three Parks & Recreation Advisory Board members, three Planning & Zoning Commission members, a representative of the Greenway's Council, and a representative active in the development field. The subcommittee recommended that three primary revisions be incorporated into the Park Land Dedication Ordinance: 1. The basis for establishing the value of land should be changed from a fixed amount ($20,000 in the current Ordinance) to the appraised fair market value of the land. 2. The fee for neighborhood park development should be increased to reflect the increases in development costs that have occurred since the last revision. 3. The ordinance should be extended to include the cost of providing basic community park infrastructure as well as the cost of neighborhood parks. Mayor White opened the public hearing. The following individuals addressed comments to the City Council in opposition to the staff and Parks and Recreation Board recommendations. The basis of their comments related to the current cost of land and building cost and the methodology for determining land values. Matthew Moore, 4401 Spring Branch Ct. Tony Jones Phillip Blackburn Victor Drozd Steve Arden City Council Regular Minutes 8/23/07 Page 4 Charles Thomas Larry Mariott Derek Dictson Mayor White closed the public hearing. Motion made by Councilmember Crompton to adopt the ordinance as presented by staff with one change that the fair market value of land be replaced by a fixed amount of $30,000. Motion seconded by Councilmember McIlhaney Mayor Pro Tem Gay moved to amend the original motion to adopt the ordinance amending the requirements for parkland dedication and to reflect the value of land for a fixed fee of $24,000 per acre and remove any fees associated to community parks. Councilmember Scotti seconded. For the amendment: Gay, Ruesink, Scotti, White Against the amendment: Massey, Crompton, McIlhaney Councilmember Crompton's original motion as amended passed unanimously, 7-0. Council recessed for a break at 8:50 pm. They returned to reconvene the meeting at 9:10 pm. Regular Agenda Item No. 2-- Public hearin2, uresentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the results of the East Colleize Station Transportation Studv. Kurt Schulte with Kimley-Horn and Associates presented the study's findings and recommendations and received questions and comments from the Council. Staff asked for Council direction to prepare an ordinance amending the thoroughfare plan. Mayor White opened the public hearing. The following individuals addressed the City Council with concerns about the proposed plan and the negative impact to existing neighborhoods. Ron Griffin Harry Dethloff Sherry Ellison Mary Joe Richardson Wilford Gardner Jan Pfannstiel Chuck Ellison Derek Dictson Brian Bochner, a local transportation engineer thanked the City Council for the opportunity to work on the study. The public hearing was closed. City Council Regular Minutes 8/23/07 Page 5 Numerous questions by Councilmembers were directed to staff for clarification of the findings. Ken Fogle, the city's transportation planner, acknowledged that the thoroughfare plan amendment will be a part of the overall comprehensive plan. Councilmembers praised the staff and neighborhoods for working together to reach this goal. They requested that the revised plan with changes come back to Council for adoption. Regular Agenda Item No. 3-- Public hearina, presentation, possible action, and discussion on the Citv of Colleae Station 2007-2008 pronosed budget. Chief Finance Officer Jeff Kersten introduced the item. Mayor White opened the public hearing. Becky Russell and Padraic Fisher of the Arts Council requested support for full funding in the amount of $460,000. Mayor White closed the public hearing. No action was taken. Regular Agenda Item No. 4-- Public hearing, nresentation, possible action and discussion on the Citv of College Station 2007-2008 advertised ad valorem tax rate of $0.449981 ner $100 valuation. Also discussion and possible action on announcing the meetins date, time and ulace to adoqt the tax rate. Mayor White opened the public hearing. Mr. Dick Birdwell addressed the Council and urged the passage of a lower ad valorem tax rate. The public hearing was closed. Mayor White announced that the adoption of the tax rate will be held on September 13, 2007 at 7:00 pm in the City Hall Council Chambers. Regular Agenda Item No. 5-- Presentation, possible action, and discussion regardine the appointment of board members to the Arts Council of Brazos Vallev, Brvan/College Station Convention and Visitors Bureau and Research Vallev Partnership. Director of Economic and Community Development David Gwin presented a brief introduction to this item. At the April 26, 2007 workshop meeting, Council directed staff to seek amendments to the bylaws of each of the City's Contract Partner Agencies to allow, at the Council's discretion, one of their members to be appointed to the agencies' respective governing boards. Councilmember Crompton made the motion to appoint John Happ as a board member of the Arts Council of the Brazos Valley. Councilmember Scotti seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-1, Councilmember McIlhaney voted against the motion. Councilmember Scotti made the motion to appoint Tom Wilkinson as a board member of the Arts Council of the Brazos Valley. Councilmember Massey seconded the motion which carried 6-1, Councilmember Crompton voted against the motion. City Council Regular Minutes 8/23/07 Page 6 Councilmember Ruesink made the motion to appoint Lynn McIhaney as the Council representative on the Arts Council Board of Directors. Motion seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Gay. Motion carried unanimously, 7-0. Mayor White opened the meeting for public input at this time. Comments were received by Brian Hutchinson, Director of Marketing for the Hilton and a member of the Brazos Valley Lodging Association, and Barry Biggar, Executive Director of Convention and Visitors Bureau regarding the bylaws of the CVB Board of Directors and its membership. Councilmember McIlhaney made the motion to appoint Scott Shafer and Glenda Mariott to the Board of Directors. Motion seconded by Councilmember Crompton. An additional appointment was made to appoint Councilmember Dave Ruesink as the city council representative to the CVB Board of Directors. Motion carried unanimously, 7-0. There were no vacancies to the board of the Research Valley Partnership. Regular Agenda Item No. 6-- Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding an ordinance directing the preparation of a service plan and settint! dates and time and place for public hearings on the prouosed annexation of certain propertv. Assistant Director of Development Services Lance Simms made a brief report. This item was discussed by City Council at previous council meetings. Councilmember McIlhaney made the motion to approve Ordinance No. 2996 to direct staff to prepare a service plan and set out public hearing dates for areas targeted for annexation under the exempt status. The ordinance established two public hearing dates. Friday November 16, 2007 at 7:00 pm and Monday, November 19, 2007 at 7:00 pm. Both meetings in the Council Chambers. Motion seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Gay which carried unanimously, 7-0. At 12:05 am, Friday August 24th, Councilmembers returned to the workshop agenda for review of calendars and requested items be placed on future agendas. Crompton: the establishment of a joint subcommittee with CSISD Crompton: overview of floodplain areas, briefing of greenway overlay ordinance, and land access to create greenways and watersheds. Mayor Pro tem Gay seconded. Gay: traffic study surrounding Culpepper Plaza Hearing no other comments, Mayor Pro Tem Gay made a motion to adjourn the workshop and regular meetings at 12:15 am on Friday, August 24, 2007. Motion seconded by Councilmember Scotti. Motion carried unanimously. PASSED AND APPROVED this 13 t" day of September, 2007. City Council Regular Minutes 8/23/07 APPROVED: ~ Mayor Ben White Page 7 ~ ~ CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Mayor Ben White Mayor Pro Tempore Ron Gay Ciry Manager Glenn Broum Council Members John Crompton James Massey Lynn McIlhaney Chris Scotti David Ruesink College Station City Council Regular Meeting Sign In Sheet Thursday, August 23, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas 1. 2. 3. 11. 12. 13. s. I ► DJvi's 6. ~ 7. J9 &t6ki,-J s. CZb(~~ 6A2bAll~2 9. IAysE l~(~_~ 10. 14. 15. 16. 17. 19. 20. ~ 4. ~ ~ CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Mayor Ben White Mayot Pro Tempore Ron Gay City Manager Glenn Brown College Station City Council Regular Meeting Sign In Sheet Thursday, August 23, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ~ r'otlP4P Station, Texas 1 I. F- . 71;'()lt+~.'~ S l 8. 6qr r 10.ALf C Bd12. 9. Rr4v iS LIM471-AIEX ~ 13. 15. 16. 17. 1 18. 19. 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