HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/26/2007 - Regular Minutes City CouncilMayor Ben White Mayor Pro Tem Ron Gay City Manager Glenn Brown 1` ( 41" . CIT'Y OP COLLEGE STATION Councilmembers John Crompton James Massey Lynn McIlhaney Chris Scotti David Ruesink Minutes City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, July 26, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas COUNEIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor White, Mayar Pro Tem Gay, Council members Crompton, Massey, McIlhaney, Scotti, Ruesink STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Brown, City Attorney Cargill Jr., City Secretary Hooks, Assistant City Secretary Casares, Management Team. Regular Agenda Item No. 1- Pledge of allegiance, Invocation, consider absence re uest. Mayor White called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with all council members present. Mayor Pro Tem Gay provided the invocation. Hear Vicitnrc Council did not receive any public comments. Consent Agenda Mayor Pro Tem Gay moved to approve consent agenda items 2a, 2c-2i as presented. Council member McIlhaney seconded the motion, which carried unanimously, 7-0. FOR: White, Gay, Crompton, Massey, McIlhaney, Scotti, Ruesink AGAINST: None Approved by common consent Resolution No. 7-26-2007-2a determining a public necessity to acquire property for the Corsair Circle (AMS Road) Extension project. City Council Regular Minutes 7-26-2007 Page 2 b. Presentation, possible action, and discussion of a resolution to pay the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) an additional $429,353.91 for the City's 10% share of Right-of-Way Costs for The Texas Avenue Widening project, the Hwy 40 Extension project, and the Wellborn Road Widening project. This item was removed from the Consent Agenda by staff. c. Approved by common consent the ratification of Change Order No. 1 to Contract #06-217 with Elliott Construction in an amount not to exceed $32,602.15 for the Wellborn Road Utility Relocation Project. d. Approved by common consent Change Order No. 2 to Contract #06-217 with Elliott Construction in an amount not to exceed $36,451.12 for the Wellborn Road Utility Relocation Project. e. Approved by common consent a yearly Renewal (Bid No. 06-62) - Rental of front-end loaders (Contract No. 06-165) of a(5) year agreement for the lease of slant-top, front-end loading refuse containers. This is the first renewal of this agreement. f. Approved by common consent a development agreement with BCS Development Company to provide easements and construct sewer infrastructure to provide sewer service to the SH40 area. g. Approved by common consent Resolution No. 7-26-2007-2h awarding contract 07-213 to Brazos Valley Services for the Parking Lot and Roads Improvement Project at the Carters Creek Wastewater Plant, in the amount of $525,700.60. h. Approved by common consent an inter-local agreement (ILA) with Brazos County and the City of Bryan for the purpose of application and acceptance of a Justice Assistance Grant (JAG). Approved by common consent a real estate contract that will authorize the purchase of a 5.0 acre tract of land needed for two projects - the Dowling Road 10 MG Ground Storage Tank and the Dowling Road Substation. Regular Agenda Regular Agenda Item No. 1-- Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on an ordinance amending the Comnrehensive Plan - Land Use Plan from Regional Retail and Floodplains & Streams to Redeveloument and Floodplains & Streams for 3.956 acres located at 1502 Texas Avenue South. Senior Planner Jennifer Prochazka presented a staff report on the proposed ordinance amending the Comprehensive Plan - Land Use Plan from Regional Retail and Floodplains & Streams to Redevelopment and Floodplains & Streams for 3.956 acres located at 1502 Texas Avenue South. The Planning and Zoning Commission and staff recommended approval. City Council Regular Minutes 7-26-2007 Page 3 Mrs. Prochazka provided an overview of the proposed ordinance rezoning 3.956 acres from C-1 General Commercial to P-MUD Planned Mixed Use District and A-O Agricultural Open at 1502 Texas Avenue South. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended denial of the request. If the rezoning was approved, staff recommended a condition be applied to the Concept Plan that requires the ground floor of all structures on site be developed solely for commercial use. City Transportation Planner Ken Fogle illustrated a traffic study alternative regarding the proposed project. Staff recommended Option A, which would close Redmond Drive. Community and Economic Development Director David Gwin identified and presented issues regarding the proposed project. Mayor White opened the public hearing. The following citizens addressed the City Council regarding the proposed ordinance amendments and rezoning. Jerry Tipps, 11011 Richmond Avenue, #700, Houston, Texas Mike McInturf, Austin, Texas Chuck Ellison, 2902 Camille Drive Harry E. Raisor, 1604 Armistead Lloyd Smith, 1609 Armistead Bob Sanders, 214 Redmond Drive John Nichols, 1317 Angelina Court Mayor White closed the public hearing. Council member Gay moved to approve Ordinance No. 2989 amending the Comprehensive Plan-land Use Plan from Regional Retail and Floodplains & Streams to Redevelopment and Floodplains & Streams for 3.956 acres located at 1502 Texas Avenue South. Council member Massey seconded the motion, which carried unanimously, 7-0. FOR: White, Gay, Crompton, Massey, McIlhaney, Scotti, Ruesink AGAINST: None Council member Scotti moved to approve an ordinance rezoning 3.956 acres from C-1 General Commercial to P-MUD Planned Mixed use District and A-O Agricultural Open at 1502 Texas Avenue South, with a condition to implement Option A(a cul de sac on Redmond), directed staff to collaborate with the developer to complete a contract to include funding for the possible closure or partial closure of Milif Street (if necessary) and set a deadline for the review. Council member Massey seconded the motion. Mayor Pro Tem Gay moved to amend the motion to approve Ordinance No. 2990 rezoning 3.956 acres from G1 General Commercial to P-MUD Planned Mixed Use City Council Regular Minutes 7-26-2007 Page 4 District and A-O Agricultural Open at 1502 Texas Avenue South, with a condition to implement Option B. Council member McIlhaney seconded the motion, which carried by a vote of, 6-1 FOR: White, Gay, Crompton, Massey, McIlhaney, Ruesink AGAINST: Scotti Council member Gay moved to approve the original motion. Council member Gay amended the motion with a condition that is applied to the concept plan that requires the ground floor of all structures on site be developed solely for commercial use. Council member Massey seconded the motion, which carried unanimously, 7-0. Council recessed for a short break at 9:15 p.m. and returned to reconvene the regular meeting at 9:25 p.m. Regular Agenda Item No. 2- Public hearinS, nresentation, possible action, and discussion on an ordinance rezoning 3.956 acres from C-1 General Commercial to P-MUD Planned Mixed Use District and A-O Agricultural Ouen at 1502 Texas Avenue South. This item was presented and discussed during Regular Agenda Item No. 1. Regular Agenda Item No. 5- The Citv Council mav convene the executive session following the regular meeting to discuss matters posted on the executive session azenda for Julv 26, 2007. At 9:27 p.m., Mayor White announced in open session that the City Council would convene into executive session pursuant to Section 551.071 of the Open Meetings Act, to seek the advice of our attorney. Council returned from executive session at 9:31 p.m. No action was taken. ReLyular Agenda Item No. 3- Public hearine, nresentation, possible action, and discussion regarding recommendations related to changes in an ordinance amendinE CHAPTER 9, "SUBDIVISIONS" OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, by amending certain sections; providing a severabilitv clause; declarin$ a penalty; and qroviding an effective date. City Attorney Cargill stated that this item was not posted properly for the City Council to discuss and consider. He recommended the Item be removed from the agenda. City Council concurred. City Council Regular Minutes 7-26-2007 Page 5 Regular Agenda Item No. 4- Discussion and possible action on the existing Economic D evelopment Atireement (EDA) with Gamedav Centers Southeastern, L.L.C. This item was removed by staff. Council returned to the Workshop Agenda. Workshon Atienda Item No. 6- Council Calendars. Council reviewed their upcoming events. Workshou Agenda Item No. 7- Presentation, uossible action, and discussion on future a2enda items: A Council Member mav inquire about a subiect for which notice has not been given. A statement of snecific factual information or the recitation of existing policv mav be given. Anv deliberation shall be limited to a pronosal to place the subiect on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. Council member Crompton requested a future agenda item related to the Parkland Dedication ordinance. Council member McIlhaney seconded the motion, which carried unanimously, 7-0. Workshon Agenda Item No. 8- Discussion, review and possible action rel!arding the followin2 meetings: Audit Committee, Brazos Countv Health Dent., Brazos Vallev Council of Governments, Cemeterv Committee, Citv Center, CSISD/City Joint Meeting, Design Review Board, Fraternal Partnership, Historic Preservation Committee, Interfaith Dialogue Association, Intergovernmental Committee, Joint Relief Funding Review Committee, Librarv Committee, Metropolitan Planning Organization, Outside Agencv Funding Review, Parks and Recreation Board, Planning and ZoninS Commission, Sister Citv Association, TAMU Student Senate, Research Vallev Partnershin, Regional Transportation Committee for Council of Governments, Transportation Committee, Wolf Pen Creek Oversight Committee, Wolf Pen Creek TIF Board, Zoning Board of Adiustments, YMCA Coordinating Board. Council member McIlhaney reported on the Transportation Forum that she and Mayor White attended in Austin. Council member Gay presented a brief report regarding the Wolf Pen Creek Oversight Committee Meeting. Regular Agenda Item No. 5-- Executive Session. Council concluded the executive session prior to the regular meeting. City Council Regular Minutes 7-26-2007 Page 6 Regular Agenda Item No. 6- Final action on executive session, if necessarv. No action was taken. Regular Agenda Item No. 7- Adiourn. Hearing no objection, the meeting adjourned at 9:44 p.m. on Thursday, July 26, 2007. PASSED AND APPROVED this 23`d day of August, 2007. APPROVED: ~ Mayor Ben White ATTEST: p'7vu-i,Q 4~w City Secretary Connie Hooks ~ ~ CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Mayor Ben White Mayor Pro Tempore Ron Gay City Manager Glenn Brown College Station City Council Regular Meeting Council Members John Crompton James Massey Lynn McIlhaney Chris Scotti David Ruesink Sign In Sheet Thursday, July 26, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas 2. P*4L EV~j,~. V.t~ 12. f s. L 16 v ~ ~ ~t IA- 6. &AR8 7. ~Q,-e.,,,~ {~e•-1 ti 8. [t4t""" 9. ~hle~ CI~ ~fo~ 10. L -A Q.s G. i'q~-/ ~ 13._~ ~~i 14. 15. 1 17. 1K. 13-,9KoQ, 20. 19. ~,11" L ~ ~ CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Mayor Ben White Mayor Pro Tempore Ron Gay Ciry Manager Glenn Brown Council Members John Crompton James Massey Lynn McIlhaney Chris Scotti David Ruesink College Station City Council Regular Meeting Sign In Sheet Thursday, July 26, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas 12. 13. 4. l / ► ~~%~l Gl' i 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.