HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-1744 - Ordinance - 03/24/1988ORDINANCE NO. _1744_ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION AMENDING CHAPTER 5, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: ADOPTING THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE 1987 EDITION; STATING RULES, REGULATIONS AND PROCEDURES GOVERNING ELECTRICAL WORK WITHIN THE CITY; AND PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF ITS PROVISIONS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: That Chapter 5, of the Code of Ordinances, City of College Station, Texas is hereby amended to read as follows: The National Fire Protection Association Pamphlet No. 70-1987, entitled National Electrical Code, 1987 Edition is hereby adopted, an authentic copy of which is filed with the City Secretary, as part of this chapter, shall govern and be observed and followed in all electrical wiring, and in the construction, installation, repair, alteration, operation, and maintenance of electrical wiring, apparatus, or fixtures, except insofar as it may conflict with the provisions of this chapter or any other ordinance now existing or hereafter adopted regulating electrical work in the City of College Station. All in- stallations of electrical wiring, materials, and equipment shall be reasonably safe to persons and property and in conformity with this City of College Station Electrical Code Chapter, and all applicable or- dinances, rules, and regulations issued by the authority thereof." Section 1(B). This ordinance shall not be construed to relieve from or lessen the responsibility of any party owning, operating or controlling any electric wiring, apparatus, devices, appliances, fixtures or equipment for damages to person or property caused by any defect therein, nor shall the City be held assuming by this ordinance any such liability of reason of the inspection authorized herein, or the Certificates of Approval issued as herein provided. Section 1(C). Any person, firm, corporation or the agent of same, violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall upon conviction thereof, be fined not less than Five Dollars ($5.00) nor more than Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00); and eachnQ 5 2 31 Ordinance 41744 Page 2 day's failure of compliance with any such provision shall constitute a separate violation. In case of willful and continuous violation of the provisions of this ordinance by any such person or his agent, the City Council shall have the power to revoke and repeal all permits, licenses and priviledges granted to said person or agent. Section 1(D). In any case where a provision of this ordinance is found to be in conflict with a provision of any other ordinance or code of the City of College Station existing on the effective day of this ordinance, the provision which establishes the higher standard for the promotion and protection of the health and safety of the people shall prevail. This. ordinance repeals Ordinance No. 1520. Section 1(E). If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance should be declared invalid for any reason whatsoever, such decision shall not effect the remaining portions of this ordinance which shall remain in full force and effect, and to this end, the provisions of this ordinance are hereby declared to be severable." SECTION ?,L LICENSING A� Licensing Al Master Electrician Required It shall be unlawful for any person to do electrical work within the City of College Station unless such person is licensed under the provisions of this ordinance by the City of College Station as a master electrician, or unless such electrical work is performed under the personal control, supervision, direction and responsibility of such a licensed master electrician. The term "electrical work" as used in this ordinance shall mean the installing, maintaining, altering, repairing or erecting of any electrical wiring, apparatus, devices, appliances, fixtures or equipment for which a permit is required under the terms and provisions of this ordinance, except poles and guy anchors installed by an electric telephone, telegraph, signal or public service company as a part of its distribution system. D Electrical Board Created ±Q Administer Licensing Provisions There is hereby created an Electrical Board consisting of five (5) members. The five members of the Board shall be appointed by the City Council. The five shall not be employees of the City, and one shall be licensed as a master electrician by the City. The Board shall select its own chairman. The members of the Board shall serve at the pleasure of the City Council except any Board member shall be replaced any time he fails to meet the criteria for appointment or if his attendance at called meetings falls below seventy percent (70%) for any twelve month period or he fails to attend three consecutive meetings. The Board shall review applicants for license, determine if their experience is such that they are qualified to take the examination, grade said examinations, and determine by majority vote of the Board that a license shall or shall not be 00523• Ordinance #1744 Page 3 Issued. Said Board shall determine, by majority vote of the Board, as hereafter provided, when licenses shall be revoked for cause. If said Board revokes a license for cause, the individual whose license is revoked shall cease all electrical work within the City unless or until said action of the Board is altered by action of the City Council or a court of law. Also serving with the Board will be an employee from the City who will serve as a staff liaison. -Q� Qualifications Z= Master Electrician License Anyone desiring to qualify for a" Master Electrician's License" shall proceed in the following manner: (1) Aoolication Z-Qr Examination: Fgg Apply in writing to the Secretary of the Electrical Board to take the qualifying examination. The application shall state the qualifications and experience of the applicant and shall be accompanied by an examination fee of $50.00, which fee shall be refundable if the Electrical Board denies the applicant the opportunity to take the examination because his qualifications or experiences are unacceptable. (The minimum required experience shall be four (4) years full time employment in electrical work under direct supervision of a licensed master electrician.) Along with the application shall be two letters of recommendation. The letters shall be from Master Electricians or Electrical Inspectors who can recommend the applicant for examination. 121 Examination: Administration 9t Take the examination prescribed by the Electrical Board, which examination may be written, oral, or both, and shall relate to their qualification to install, repair, alter and maintain electrical appliances, wiring, apparatus, devices, fixtures or equipment, for which a permit is required under the terms and conditions of this ordinance and as to their qualifications to plan installations of electrical wiring and equipment, to plan changes, to interpret plans and specifications, and to supervise various types of electrical installations for which a permit is required. Examinations will be scheduled during the first week of each month and an applicant may take the examination not earlier than two weeks or later than eight weeks after he is certified eligible to do so by the Board. Failure of the applicant to appear for the examination after written notice he is eligible to do so or failure to satisfactorily pass the examination shall result in forfeiture of his $50.00 fee. 13_)_ Examination Records A complete record of the examination given, consisting of the questions, answers, grades and final results shall be kept in the records of the Electrical Board for a period of not less than one year. The applicant will not be allowed to review his examination papers, he will only be told his grade. (4) I9snance DI License: Terms VL 005233 Ordinance f1744 Page 4 Upon certification by majority of members of the Board present, that he has passed the examination, and is eligible for the license as a "Master Electrician", he shall be issued said license by the Secretary of the Electrical Board upon payment of a $25.00 fee and filing a bond, in a form as issued by acompany satisfactory to the City, in the amount of One Thousand Dollars ($1000.00), conditioned upon compliance with the ordinances of the City regulating electrical work and faithful performance of all contracts. Said license shall be good for a period of one year from date of issue unless revoked by the Electrical Board for due cause. JU License Renewala: }l@ At least one month prior to the expiration date of the license, licensee shall apply for renewal for the subsequent year. Unless said license is denied by the Electrical Board for due cause, the Secretary of the Electrical Board is authorized to issue a renewal of the license upon payment of a renewal fee of $25.00. I-LI Ineligibility Anyone licensed under the provisions of this or previous ordinances pertaining thereto who does not practice his profession within the City of College Station for two consecutive years after the date he received his license or any subsequent renewal thereof, shall not be eligible for renewal of his license. He may, at any later date, requalify according to the provisions of this ordinance. FDA The City of College Station may negotiate reciprocal agreements with other municipalities wherein the license requirements are deemed to be equal to those of this ordinance. Under said reciprocal agreements, a license may be issued to anyone possessing a valid license in the municipality with which the reciprocal agreement exists without the applicant being required to take the written and oral examinations provided for in this ordinance. Said applicant shall be required to fulfill all other requirements and pay all fees provided herein. 1i Forfeiture Qg Any Bonds The amount realized upon the forfeiture of any bond over and above the expense involved in its forfeiture, shall be expended in making the necessary changes in the electric work found to be contrary to the provisions of this ordinance or deficient in quality or other particulars as specified in the contract or contracts entered into and covered by the bond, and the unused balance, if any, shall be paid into the City Treasury. SECTION ji EL.ECTRICAL. INSPECTOR A� Qgfice Created: Aeooinjzent: Qualifications: Bond 005234 Recuired The Office of Electrical Inspector in and for the City of Ordinance #1744 Page 5 College Station, is hereby created and shall be hired and employed by the City Manager. Said Electrical Inspector shall be a person well versed in the rules and requirements of the National Electrical Code. Before assuming authority conferred by this ordinance, the Electrical Inspector shall take the oath usually administered to other City Officials, and shall give bond to the City of College Station in the penal sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1000.00) conditioned upon the faithful performance of his duties. $� Assistants The Electrical Inspector shall have the power to deputize one or more assistants, and each one of said assistants shall in every case be known to be competent to dischargethe duties of Electrical Inspector. The rights and priviledges conferred upon the Electrical Inspector are hereby conferred upon each Assistant to the Electrical Inspector when properly appointed. Unless specifically stated otherwise, all references in this ordinance to the Electrical Inspector shall include the Electrical Inspector or any of his assistants. S.._ Duties It shall be the duty of the Electrical Inspector to enforce the provisions of this ordinance or any ordinance now in force which may hereafter be adopted concerning electrical work in the City of College Station. The Electrical Inspector shall have the right to make routine inspections of any electrical installations from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. , Saturdays, Sundays and holidays excepted, or at such other times as he shall have cause to believe that an imminent hazard to life or property exists to enter any premises in the discharge of his official duties or for the purpose of making any inspection, re -inspection or test of the installation of electric wiring, apparatus, devices, appliances, fixtures and electrical equipment contained therein. In the event that the Electrical Inspector is excluded from or otherwise prohibited entry on premises he shall seek a warrant from the Municipal Court Judge. The Electrical Inspector shall have the authority to disconnect and to order the discontinuance of electrical service to any electric wiring, apparatus, device, appliance, fixture or equipment found to be installed, repaired, altered, operated or maintained in violation of the provisions of this or any other City of College Station Ordinance regulating electrical work as defined herein, until such wiring, apparatus, device, appliance, fixture or equipment and its installation has been made to comply with all such ordinance requirements. The Electrical Inspector shall have the power to file complaints on behalf of the City with the appropriate law enforcement agency for violations of any of the provisions of this ordinance and to compel the suspension of any electrical work being done that is in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance. j� Electrical Inspector la Maintain Records 005235 The Electrical Inspector shall cause to be kept a full and complete record of all work done, permits issued, examination Ordinance #1744 Page 6 made or other official work performed as required by this ordinance. SECTION A� ELECTRICAL. INSPECTIONS AM PERMITS A� When Inspection Shows Variance With Chapter The Electrical Inspector may, as he deems necessary, make an inspection of all electrical wiring, apparatus, devices, appliances, fixtures and equipment now installed or that may hereafter be installed with the City and within the scope of this ordinance. When the installation of such wiring, apparatus, devices, appliances, fixtures and equipment is found to be at variance with the original permit issued; or to be in violation of the requirements of this ordinance; or to be in a dangerous or unsafe condition; or it is found that the electrical measuring device has been tampered with so as to create a condition dangerous to the continuity of the electrical service, or to life or property; the person owning, using or operating the same shall be notified in writing; shall make the necessary repairs or changes required to place such wiring, apparatus, devices, fixtures and equipment in full compliance with ordinance requirements and in safe condition so as to entirely relieve the hazards created by such unauthorized conditions, and shall have such work completed within a reasonable time to be specified by the Electrical Inspector in said notice. The amount of time allowed shall be based upon the time necessary to relieve the unauthorized conditions. IL._ No wiring, poles, duct line, guy anchors, apparatus, devices, appliances, fixtures or equipment for the transmission, distribution or utilization of electrical energy for any purpose shall be installed within the City Limits, nor shall any alteration or addition be made to any such existing wiring, poles, duct lines, guy anchors, apparatus, devices, fixtures or equipment without first securing a permit therefor from the Electrical Inspector, except as stated in the following paragraphs: ilk_ Replacing Fuses No permit shall be required for replacing fuses of like rating or lamps or the connection of portable appliances to suitable receptacles which have been permanently installed or for repairs to portable appliances. L22 Replacing Flush QC Snap Switches No permit shall be required for replacing flush or snap switches, receptacles, lamp sockets, the install- ation of lamps, or minor repairs on permanently connected electrical appliances. j_U Conveying Signals No permit shall be required for the installation, maintenance or alteration of wiring, poles and down guys, apparatus, devices, appliances or equipment for 005236 Ordinance #1744 Page 7 telegraph, telephone, signal service or central station protective service used in conveying signals or intelligence, except where electrical work is done on the primary side of the source of power at a voltage over 50 volts and of more than 500 watts. JA). Wiring hl Rlectric Public Service Company No permit shall be required for the installation, maintenance or alteration of electric wiring, apparatus devices, appliances or equipment to be in- stalled by an electric public service company for the use of such company in the generation, transmission, distribution, sale or utilization of electrical energy. However, an electric public service company shall not do any wiring on a customer's distribution system, including metering equipment wherever located and transformer vaults in which company's transformers are located, nor shall any of its employees do any work other than done for said company as hereinbefore provided for by virtue of this exception. J.0 Temporary Wiring No permit shall be required for the installation of temporary wiring, apparatus, devices, appliances or equipment used by a recognized electrical training school or college. L_ Railway Crossing Signal Devices No permit shall be required for the installation and maintenance railway crossing signal devices, when such is performed by due authority of the railroad and in accordance with the standards of the American Railroad Association, and in collaboration with and approval of the Department of Public Works of the City of College Station. _Q, Permits: Term jU Issuance (1Z Unlawful SQ Change original Installation Without Permit It shall be unlawful for any person to bridge, tamper with or change from its original installation (except upon the approval of the Electrical Inspector, and then only after a proper permit for alteration has been issued), any fuse of the plug, cartridge type or link type, or a circuit breaker installed in panel boards, main switches or switchboards, so that it will not function properly. 121 Home Owner Permits No permit, other than a Homeowner's permit shall be issued to any person who is not the holder of the proper Electrician's license. The Electrical Inspector may issue a Homeowner's permit to a person who is both the owner and occupant of the single family dwelling in which the work is to be done when the applicant agrees to do all of the permitted work n05237 Ordinance #1744 Page 8 personally, and when the applicant shows, to the satisfaction of the Electrical Inspector, that he is qualified to execute the proposed work. L_ Where )LQ Permit Required Where no permit is required for the installation or repair of wiring, apparatus devices or equipment for the transmission, distribution, or utilization of electric energy for any purpose, the wiring, apparatus, devices or equipment shall be installed or repaired in conformity with the provisions of this ordinance. (4) Permit application The application for a permit shall describe the work to be done and shall be made in writing by a person holding the proper Electrician's license or his authorized agent. The permit when issued shall be issued to such applicant to cover such work as described and detailed. Any changes or additions must be covered by additional permits at the time changes are made. The application shall be accompanied by such plans, specifications and schedules as may be necessary to determine whether or not the installation as described will be in conformity with the requirements of this ordinance. LIU Holder Q€ Proper License 12 Submit Plans No plans, specifications and schedule shall be submitted and no plans, specifications and schedule will be examined under the provisions of this ordinance, unless the same are submitted by the holder of the proper Electrician's license or his authorized agent. If it is found that the installation as described will in general conform to the requirements of this Section, and if the applicant has complied with all provisions of this ordinance, and all applicable ordinances of the City, a permit for such installation shall be issued; provided, however, that the issuance of a permit will not be taken as permission or as a license to violate any of the requirements of this ordinance or any other ordinance of the City pertaining thereto. LU Permit 12 A& Displayed On all new construction, the permit for electrical work shall be displayed in a readily accessible location, as directed by the Electrical Inspector, throughout the time such installation, as is covered by the permit, is being installed. iu Additions TQ Previous Installations On all installations where wiring, apparatus, devices, appliances, fixtures or equipment are added to previous installations, or where changes are made on wiring, apparatus, devices, appliances, fixtures or equipment on previously completed and accepted installations, the permit for such installations or changes shall be delivered to the one person for whom the installation is to be made or posted on the building or structure as directed by the Electrical Inspector before the installation or change is started. On small installations, a notice of a job may be telephoned to the Inspection Department in n0523, Ordinance n1744 Page 9 lieu of the above requirement, prior to the start, and the permit may be secured within 24 hours without penalty. The Electrical Inspector may issue and enforce any rules or regulations he may deem necessary covering the granting of emergency permits, where real emergencies exist. ], procedures IQ Obtain Permits (II 9oolicatson Forms To obtain an Electrical Permit the applicant shall first file an application therefor in writing on a form furnished for that purpose. Every such application shall: (a) Identify and describe the work to be covered by the permit for which application is made; (b) Describe the land on which the proposed work is to done by street address, or similar description that will readily identify and definitely locate that proposed building or work; (a) Show the use or occupancy of the building; (d) Be accompanied by Plans and Specifications as required below; (a) Be signed by the permitter, or his authorized agent, who may be required to submit evidence to indicate such authority. 12i Plans AMA SDeeifieations TQ gQ submitted with each application for an electrical permit, two sets of plans and specifications shall be submitted, unless waived by the Building Official or his representative. (1) When Seal DE Licensed Engineer Recuired Where the nature and scope of the work requires, in the judgment of the Electrical Inspector, such plans and specifications shall be prepared and designed by and bear the seal of a Registered Professional Electrical Engineer licensed by the State of Texas to practice as such. In the event that the applicant objects to the decision of the Electrical Inspector he may appeal to the Electrical Examining Board. TheElectrical Board shall review the applicants request within 30 days of the appeal and provide the applicant a hearing upon 5 days written notice. (4) Rlect UDALLInsoeator.Z2 ReviegPlans",Issue Permits (a) The application, plans and specifications filed by an applicant for an electrical permit shall be checked by the Chief Electrical Inspector. Such plans may be reviewed by other Departments of the City to check compliance with laws and ordinances under their jurisdiction. If the Electrical Inspector is satisfied that the work described in an application for permit and plans filed therewith conform to the requirements of this ordinance and other pertinent laws and ordinances, and that the fees as specified have been paid, he shall issue a n 0 5 2 7 d Ordinance #1744 Page 10 permit therefor to the applicant. When the Electrical Inspector issues the permit, he shall endorse in writing or stamp on both sets of plans and specifications, "APPROVED". (b) The Electrical Inspector may issue an electrical permit covering part of a building or structure before the entire plans and specifications for the whole building or structure have been submitted or approved, provided adequate information and detailed statements have been made complying with all pertinent requirements of this ordinance. The holder of such permit may proceed without assurance that the permit covering the work in the entire building or structure will be granted. LU Issuance Df Permit H&Lt T4 Ag Construed As A Permit f_Qr ALI Violation = Chapter The issuing or granting of a permit or approval of plans and specifications shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance. No permit presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of this ordinance shall be valid, except insofar as the work or use which it authorizes is lawful. The issuance of a permit based upon plans and specifications shall not prevent the Electrical Inspector from thereafter requiring the correction of errors in said plans and specifications or from preventing building operations from being carried on thereunder when in violation of any provision of this ordinance or any other ordinance of the City pertaining thereto. LU Expirations Every permit issued by the Electrical Inspector under the provisions of this ordinance shall expire by limitations and become null and void, if the building or work authorized by such permit is not commenced within sixty (60) days from the date of such permit, or if the building or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is commenced for a period of one hundred and twenty (120) days. Before such work can be recommenced a new permit shall be first obtained to do so, and the fee shall be one-half (1/2) the amount required for a new permit for such work; and provided, further, that such suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one year. j7_)_ Suspensions ADA Revocations (a) The Electrical Inspector may, in writing, suspend or revoke a permit issued under the provisions of this ordinance whenever the permit is issued in error or on the basis of incorrect information supplied or when in violation of any ordinance, regulation or any of the provisions of this ordinance. (b) A permit may be cancelled upon notification by the owner of the property that the contractor is no longer employedto do work on said property after written notification by the Electrical Inspector and a hearing by the Electrical Examining Board. (a) Failure onthe part of any licensed master electricianto 005240 Ordinance #1744 Page 11 correct any defect, error or deficiency in any work installed under the authority of an electrical permit issued to him within ten (10) calendar days after written notification thereof from the Electrical Inspector, the Electrical Inspector shall, without further notice, stop the issuance of permits to such licensed master electrician until such corrections have been made, inspected and approved. This provision shall be cumulative of all other pernalties provided herein. L. Electrical Inspection Fees Before a City permit for electrical work will be issued to the applicant, inspection fees in an amount computed in accordance with the provisions of this section shall be paid. The fees for the service of the Electrical Inspector in inspecting the work done by those licensed under this ordinance shall be computed as follows: (1) For single family dwellings one cent per square foot of heated area with a minimum of $20.00 (2) For duplex and multiple family dwellings one cent per square foot of heated area with a minimum of $10.00 per unit. (3) For commercial buildings one cent per square foot up to 15,000 square feet, then 1/2 cent thereafter with a minimum of $10.00. (4) For alterations and additions to existing structures, the highest of $10.00 or the fee computed according to the above schedule considering only the additional area. (5) If more than one inspection is required because of failure of the materials or workmanship to comply with the Code or Ordinances, City of College Staion, the inspection fee for the second inspection shall be $15.00. For third and following re -inspections the fee will be the same as the original fee. Notifications gad Final Approvals L_ Electrician 12 Notify Electrical Inspector When any part of a wire installation is to be hidden from view by the permanent placement of parts of a building, the licensed electrician to whom the permit has been issued, shall notify the Electrical Inspector, provided that on such installation the concealment of parts of wiring must, at the discretion of the Electrical Inspector or his Assistant, necessarily proceed continuously. The licensed electrician to whom the permit has been issued shall give the Electrical Inspector due notice and inspection shall be made periodically during the progress of the work, and where at the discretion of the Electrical Inspector or his Assistant, it is necessary, he shall post notice on the premises stating that work is approved and may be covered, or it is not approved and may not be covered, until such further inspection as is necessary has been made. Any 005241 Ordinance 11744 Page 12 person removing, destroying, altering or defacing said notice without the consent of the Electrical Inspector, shall be deemed guilty of an offense under this Section, and any work described in said notice shall be stayed pending the further necessary inspection. Upon completion of the work which has been authorized by the issuance of a permit, it shall be the duty of the licensed electrician, to whom the permit has been issued, to immediately notify the Electrical Inspector, who shall inspect or cause to be inspected, such installation within thirty-six (36) hours, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, of the time such notice is given. 12 1 final Caro f icatas 2f AnnroVal If the work is found to be in compliance with the provisions of this ordinance, the Electrical Inspector, subject to the other applicable provisions of this ordinance, shall issue a final Certificate of Approval to the public utility company furnishing the electrical service or to the person supplying the energy which certification shall authorize connection of such approved work to the source of energy of the electrical service, the turning on of the current, and the use of the installation. No connection shall be made until such authorization and final certificate is issued. This ordinance shall be effective on and after its passage and publication. PASSED AND APPROVED this the ATTEST City Se ret ry 24th day of APPROVED March 1988. n05242