HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-1730 - Ordinance - 11/12/1987ORDINANCE NO. 1730 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY STAFF TO IMPLE- MENT A FLUORIDATION TREATMENT PROGRAM IN THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION WATER SUPPLY. WHEREAS, the Texas Department of Health, through funds authorized by Title IX of the Public Servlce Act Preventative Health and Health Services Block Grant, admlnisters a statewide Drlnkzng Water Fluoridation Program for selected commun~tles having a fluoride level below .6 mg/1; and WHEREAS, the Texas Department of Health will provlde financial and technical assistance to those selected communities which indicate a desire to participate in the fluoridation program. The financial assistance will cover the cost of equipment and partial cost of installation; and WHEREAS, technical assistance will be provided by the Texas Department of Health after fluoridation equipment is installed. The Texas Department of Health staff w~ll participate ~n an on-site inspection to insure the proper chemical dosages and optlmum fluoride residuals are achieved throughout the dls- trlbutlon system; and WHEREAS, the anticipated annual cost to the City of College Station of the chemical hydrofluosillcic acid, is estimated at $2,288 based upon water quantities sold the past twelve months. This constztutes only 929 per mllllon gallons of water; and WHEREAS, the add~tlonal costs of testing and maintenance of equipment per year is estimated at $500/year; and WHEREAS, the City of College Station has heard testimony in evi- dence concerning the benefits of fluoridation to the c~tlzens of the City of College Station; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED that the C~ty of College Station City Council recognizing the benefits of fluoridation to the City of College Station hereby directs the staff to proceed with the fluoridation of the City of College Station water supply. PASSED, ADOPTED, and APPROVED this l2thday of November , ]987. ATTEST: /, (-ri T~ S E ~T~RY APPROVED: n05195 Ol~) I NAN(~ NO. 1731 AIl ORDIhANCE AFENDING CHAPTER 8, SECTION IO-D OF THE COLLEGE STATION CODE OF O~DINANCES, AUTHORIZING AND ALLOIIING, UIDER THE ACT GOVERNING THE TEXAS ~4UNICIPAL RETIREt.iENT SYSTE~i, UPDATED SE?,¥1CE CREDITS IN SAID SYSTEM FOR SERVICE PERFOR~.IED DY QUALIFYING hlEH~ER3 OF SUCH SYSTEt4 )'IHO PRESENTLY ARE IN THE Et4PLOY)4ENT OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE ETATION: PROVIDING FOR INCREASED PRIOR At]D CURRENT SERVICE ANNUITIES FOR RETIREES AND BENEFICIARIES OF DECEASED RETIREES OF THE CITY= AND ESTABLISHING A~I EFFECTIVE DATE FOR SUCH ACTIONS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUhCIL STATION, TEXAS: I. OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE That, Chapter 8, Section IO-D of the College Station Code of Ordinances is hereby a~nded to read as follows: D. {i:~)ATED SERVICE CREDITS (1) Authorization of Ugdated Service Cr~lt~ Ia) On the terms and conditions set out in Sectlons 63.401 through 63.403 of Title 110B, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, 1925, as amended, each member of the Texas Municipal Retirement Syst~,, who has current service cre¢lt or prior service credit In said System in force and effect on the 1st day of January, 1988, by reason of service in the employment of the City of College St~tlono and on such date has at least ~6 months of credited service ~ifh sai~ system, shall De and is hereby aJlowed Updated Service Credit (aa that term is defined In subsection Id) of section 6~.402 of sald title) in an amount that is 100 percent of the base Updated Service Credit of the member (calculated ~s provided In subsection(c) of section 63.402 of said title). The Updated Service Credit hereby allowed shall replace any Updated Service Credit, prior service credit, special prior service credit, or antecedent service previously authorized for part of 1he same service. (b) In accordance with the provisions of subsection Id) of Section 63.401 of sald title, the deposits required to be made by the Texas Municipal Retirement System by employees of the several partlclpatI% departments on account of current service shall be calculated fro.. and after the date aforesaid on the full amount of such person~s earnln~ as an employee of the City. 005196