HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-1905 - Ordinance - 09/09/1991ORDINANCE NO. 1905 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 8 SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS, AND SECTION 7 DISTRICT USE REGULATIONS, OF ORDINANCE NO. 1638, THE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, SPECIFICALLY TO ADD RESTRICTIONS REGULATING RECYCLING DROP OFF FACILITIES. WHEREAS, the City Council of the city of College Station, Texas, held a public hearing in the City Hall at 7=00 p.m. on Thursday, September 12, 1991, on the question of restricting recycling drop of facilities; AND WHEREAS, the City Council has determined to amend these sections; THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: Amend Section 8 by adding: section 8.18 RECYCLING FACILITIES PURPOSE: The purpose of this oeotion is to establish standards for large and oma11 recycling facilities that will encourage recycling by offering convenient, versatile drop-off points. Certain standards that regulate zignage, fenoing and screening, hours of operation, security, setback, sight olearanoe, landsoaping, parking, and noise are necessary to ensure that all other goals and objectives of the comprehensive plan are met. B. DEFINITIONS COLLECTION FACILITY - LARGE: A recycling facility located on an independent site, or larger than 500 square foot, where limited mechanical processing may or may not occur, depending on the zoning dlstriot in which the facility is located. COLLECTION FACILITY - SNALL: A faoillty that occupies no more than 500 square feet, and provides containers for collection only of source separated reoyolables, with no power-driven processing equipment on site. Small collection facilities are no~mally located on parking lots of the host use. These may include, but are not limited to, hulk reverse vending machines, a grouping of reverse vending machines that exceed SO square feet, kiosk type structures that may include permanent structures, and unattended recycling bins placed for tho donation of recycluble materials. RECYCL~LE MATBRI~LS~ Those materials specifically listed at a particular site ns acceptable. Such materials may include, but are not limited to, aluuinum products, clean glass oontalners, bimetal containers, newspapers, maqasines, periodicals, plastic containers, yard waste, paper and cardboard, phone books, and scrap metal. RECYCLING~ The separation, collection, processlnq, recovery, and sale of metals, glass, paper, plastics, and other materials which would otherwise be disposed Of as solid waste, which are intended for reuse, renanufaoture, or reconstitution for the purpose of using the altered form. RECYCLING BIN~ A container used to collect recyclable materials, at which no fee is collected from the person depositing the materials. REVERSE VEIqDIHG MACHINE: iln automated mechanical device which accepts at least one or moro types of beverage containers including, but not limited to, aluminum cans, glass and plastic bottles, and which issues a cash refund or a redeemable credit slip. Sorting and processing occurs entirely within tho machine. REVERSE VENDXNO M~CEINES - BULK~ ~ reverse vending machine that is larger than $0 square feet and is designed to accept more than one container at a time and to pay by velqht. For the purpose of those restrictions, bulk reverse vending machines will be considered smell collection facilities. REVERSE VENDXNG NACHXHE - SZNGLB FEED~ A reverse vending machine that accepts materials one item at a time. SINGLE FEED REVERSE VENDING M~CHINES Single feed reverse vending machines may be located without a permit either in the interior or immediate exterior of oonnercial, industrial, or public facilities. COLLECTION FACILZTIEE Each project shall receive Project Review Committee review, small collection facilities may be permitted when established on an improved surface in conjunction with an existing commercial or industrial use or public facility. The host facility must be in compliance with all City codes. No facility may occupy more than five hundred (500) square feet, nor occupy more than five (5) parklnq spaces of tho host site. AIl vehicular and pedestrian circulation aisles shall be unobstructed. Setbacks= Each facility shall be set back at least ten (10) feet from any Right of Way line when located in front of the host use, Side, side street, and rear setbacks established for commercial uses shall be maintained. Containers intended for 24-hour donation of materials shall be at least forty (40) feet from any property zoned or developed for residential use. Attended facilities within 100 feet of residentially zoned or developed property shall operate only between the hours of 9=00 a.m. and 7=00 p.m. Landscaplnq= A small collection facility shall not be placed on the host site in such a manner as to impair the landscaping required for the subject site. Parking= one space will be required if an attendant is provided. OCCupation of parking spaces by the collection facility and attendant shall not reduce available parking spaces below the minimum number required by ordinance for the host site. Noise: Noise levels shall not exceed 60dB& as measured at the property line of residentially zoned or developed property, otherwise noise levels shall not exceed 70dBA. Slgnaqe= Each container must be clearly labeXed with a sign, limited to one per container and no larger than twenty (20) percent of the side upon Which tho sign is placed, to provide information pertaining to the type of material to be collected within the container, and tho nome and telephone n,,nher of a person responsible for maintenance who nay he contacted at all times. E. L~RGR COLLECTXON F~CXLXTXES Each pro~ect shall receive Pro, eot Review committee review. Large collection facilities may be located in any commercial district upon receipt of a conditional Use Permit, and shall be a pe~uitted use in any industrial zoning district. ~ny facility located within SO0 feet from property zoned or developed for residential use shall not be in operation between ?:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. Mechanical processing may be permitted in C-l, C-2, and in any industrial district. Light processing, including compacting, haling, and shredding, must be directly related to efficient temporary storage and shipment of materials. No facility as described in this subsection shall abut property zoned or developed for low density residential uso. setbacks and Landscaping: Setbacks and landscaping shall he those provided for the zoning district in which tho facility is located. No lot line construction will be permitted. Parking: a minimum of six (6) spaces shall be provide, plus one space per employee and for each vehicle of the facility. Noise levels shall not exceed 60dBa as measured at the property line of residentially sorted or developed property, otherwise noise levels shall not exceed 70dBA. Signage: Bash container shall be clearly marked to specify materials that are accepted. Tho nome and telephone n,,-her of the operator, and the hours of operation, shall he conspicuously displayed, all sign regulations of the district in which the £acility is located shall apply. Soreen~ng~ Bach facility shall he screened from the public right-of way by operating in an enclosed building with no outside storage orby operating within an area enclosed bT an opaque fence at least eight (8) feet in height. Amend Section 7.10 by adding: B. PERMITTED USES: Small recycllng collection faoilitles. E. CONDITIONAL USES PERMITTED: The following conditional uses shall be allowed in addition to any use allowed under Section 8.12: Funeral homes. Large recycling collection facilities. Amend Section 7.11 by adding: CONDITIONAL USES PERMITTED: The following conditional uses shall be allowed in addition to any use allowed under Section 8.12: Funeral homes. Large recycling facilities. Amend Section 7.12 by adding: B. PERMITTED USES: Small recycling collection facilities. D. CONDITIONAL USES PERMITTED: The following conditional uses shall be allowed in addition to any use allowed under Section 8.12: Funeral homes. Large recycling collection facilities. Amend Section 7.13 by adding: CONDITIONAL USES PERMITTED: The following conditional uses shall be allowed in addition to any use allowed under Section 8.12: Large recycling collection facilities. Amend Section 7.14 by adding: CONDITIONAL USES PERMITTED: The following conditional uses shall be allowed in addition to any use allowed un,er Section 8.12: Large recycling collection facilities. Amend Section 7.15 by adding: CONDITIONAL USES PERMITTED: The following conditional uses shall be allowed in addition to any use allowed under Section 8.12: Funeral homes. Large recycling collection facilities. Amend Section 7.16 by adding: B. PERMITTED USES: Large recycling collection facilities. Small recycling colleotlon facilities. This ordinance shall become effective from and after its passage in accordance with the City Charter of the City of College Station. PASSED, ADOPTED, AND APPROVED this twelfth day of September, 1991. APPROVED: Mayor, ATTEST: City Secretary, Connie Hooks