HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-1903 - Ordinance - 08/28/1991ORDINANCE NO. ORDINANCE AU']'HORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF PUBLIC PROPERTY I;INANCE CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATIONS AND OTHER MATI'bRS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH WHEREAS, thc Pubhc Property Finance Acl, Section 271.001 - 271.009. Texas Ltx-al Oovcminunt Coc~. ns amended (the "Acl"), authorizes cities to execule, perfonn, and make payments under contracts with any per~on for the u~. acquisition, or purchase of personal property as descrthed m the Act; and WHEREAS. the Act permits the govermng body of a city to execute conlracts tn uny form d~tned approlmate by said governing body tn connection with the ase. acqmsmon, or purchase of p~rsonal property; and WHEREAS, the City Council ol the Chty of Collug¢ Slanon. Texas (the "Issuer") desires Ix) complete the acquisition or purchase personal property described in Exhthat A. attached hereto und incorporated by reference herein, or such other personal property, applmnces, equipment, faohtles, furnishings, or interests thercnn, whether tnovable or fixed, deetned by the Clly Council of the Issuer to ~. necessary, useful, and/or approprmte for the purposes of the Issuer (the "Property"). aud WHEREAS. the City Council of the Issuer deems ii appropriate to adopt this Ordtnunce und Issue the "Con- tractual Obligations" herein authorized as penmlled by the Act NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION. TEXAS THAT: Section 1. AMOUNT AND PURPOSE OF CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATIONS: The Issuer's Pubhc Property Ftnunce Contractual Obhgatin. s (hereinafter sometunes called the "Contractual Obligattons") are hereby unthonzed to be issued in the aggregate principal amount of $1.125.000 FOR THE PURPOSE OF PAYING ALL OR A PORTION OF THE ISSUER'S CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATIONS INCURRED IN CONNECTION WITH THE ACQUISITION OR PURCHASE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY. IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE PUBLIC PROPERTY FINANCE ACT, SECTION 271 001 - 971.009. TEXAS LOCAL GOVERNMENT CODE. AS AMENDED. Secuon 2. DESIGNATION. The Conuactual Obhgauons shall he designated as the 'CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS PUBLIC PROPERTY FINANCE CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATIONS, SERIES 1991." Section 3. DATE, DENOMINATIONS, NUMEERS. AND MATURITIES OF CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATIONS. linlmlly there shall he issued, sold. und dehvered hereunder fully registered conn'actunl oblq~,~aons. wlthoul interesl coupons, dated Sepletnhea' 1, 1991. in the respective denominations und principal amountS hereinafter stated, nutnhered con,secuUvely frotn R-I upward, payable to the respecUve rmtml registered owners thereof (as designated tn Section 19 hereof), or to the registered assignee or assignees of smd contractual obi~?lloas or uny portion or pomozls thereof (tn ea:h case, the "registered owner"), aud smd contractual obhgatlons shall mature and be payable on March 1, 1992. The term "Conlraclual Obligations" as used tn Ilus Ordinance shall mean und include collecuvely the conu'acmal obhgaltons tnlually issued mid dehver~xl pursuant to this Ordinance und all substitute contractual obligations exchanged therefor, as well as all other subslttute contractual obhgaltons und replacetnent couu'actual obhgat~on', issued pur~ulml hereto, and the lerm "Conlr~lual Obligation" shall tnean uny ol the C~mtractual Obhgallon% Secl~on 4 INTEREST The Contraclual Obhgal[]as shall hear []tercsl fro[] thc dale specified [] thc FORM OF CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATION set forth m Sccllon 6 of thcs Ordinance to then' date of matuflty or prior rede[]pllon al thc rate ol 6% per anna[] Section 5 CHARAuI E.RISTICS OF THE CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATIONS. ia) Re istratton Transler Convez~on, and Exchange; Authenllcatlon. Thc Issuer shall keep or cause to be kept at the pnnclpal corporate trust office of Fa'st City. Texas - Houston. N.A.. Houston, Texas (thc "Paying Agent/Registrar') books or records for the registration of the uansfer, conversion, and exchange of thc Contractual Obhgauons (the "Regcstmtwn Books"), and thc Issuer hereby appo[]ts the Paying Agcnl/Rcg~lrar as Rs reglstzar ,and Iransfer agent to keep such books or mcortls and make such registrations of transfers, convemous, and exchanges under such reasonable regulations as the Issuer and thc Paying Agont/Rcgcslrar may presenhe; and the Paying Agenl/Reglstrar shall make such regislrafioos. trdnsfers, conversions, and exchanges as here[] prowded Attached hereto as Exhthll B is a copy of the Paying Agcnt/Rcgcstrar Agreemenl hetween the Is,suer and thc Pay[]g Agenl/Rcglsmu' which is hereby approved [] substanlndly final form, and the Mayor and C~ty Secretary of thc Issuer are hereby authorized to execute the Pay[]g Agcnt/RcgcsWar Agreement and approve any changes [] thc final form thereof. Thc Paying Agent/Rcgcstrar shall obta[] and record [] thc Regcswatlon Books the addzess of the registered owner of eech Coulrucmal Obligation to which payments with respect to the Conlra~tual Obhgalmns shall be mailed. as herein provided; hel it shall be thc duty of each regcstered owner to not~fy thc Paying AganVRcgisa'ar [] writing of the address to which payments shall be matted, and such interest payments shall ant he matted unless such notate has been given Thc Issuer shaU have the fight to respect Ihe Registration Books during regular business hours of the Paying Agenl/Registrar, but otherwise the Paying Agent/Regcstrar shall keep the Registraaon Books coofideaual and. unless othe. rwcse rexl[]red by law. shall not permit their inspection by any other entity. The Issuer shall pay the Paying Agont/Reglslrar's standard or customary fees and charges for malang such regcslrattou, transfer, conversion. exchange and dehvery of a subshtote Contractual Obhgatton or Contractual Obligations. Registmaou of assignments. transfers, converszons, and exchanges of Contractual Obligations shall be made in the manner prowded and with the effecl stated in the FORM OF CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATION set forth in this Ord[]anee. Each substitute Conn'uctual Obligation shall hear a letler and/or number to distinguish it from each other Coulraetual Obhgatloo. Except as provided [] Seeuon 5(c) of thcs Orthannee. an authorized representative of the Paying Agent/Registrar shall, before the dehvery of any such Couu'actual Obligation. date and manually s~gn said Contractual Obhganou. and no such Contractual Obligation shall he deemed to be cssued or outstanding unless such Conwaetoal Obllgaaon ts so executed. The Pay[]g Ageat/Reglslrar promptly shall cancel all ptud Contractual Obligation or Conlractual Obhgaraons surrendered for conversion and exchange. No addiuonal ordinances, orders, ot resoluaons need be passed or adopted by the Issuer or any other body or person so a~ to accomplish the forego[]g convers~ou and exchange of any Contractual Obligation or pomou thereof, and the Paying Agen~/Regcstrar shall provzle for the pr[]t[]g, execuUon, and delivery of the subsatute Conlractual Obligations [] the manner pmserthed hereto, and said Contractual Obhgauons shall he of type composiuon printed on paper wflh llthographed or steel engraved bordem of customary weight and strength. Pursuant lo Vemon's Ann. Tea. Civ. St. Art. 717k-6, and this Ordinance, the duty of conversion and exchange of Conltactual Obhgalions as aforeslud cs hereby unpeeed upon the Paying Agent/ Registrar, and, upon the execuuou of said Contractual Obltganoas, the converted and exchanged Contractual Obllgauoas shall be vahd, Incontestable, and enforceable m the same manner and with the sa[]e effect as the Contractual Obligauons which initially were issued and delivered pursuant to this Ordinance, approved by the Attorney General, and regcstered by the Complsollar of Public Accounts. (b) Payment of Conlractual Obhgaltoas and Interest. The Issuer hereby further appoints the Paying Agont/Regcstrar to act as the paying agent for paying the principal of and []retest on the Contractual Obhgaaons. all as provided [] this Ordinance. The Pay[]g Agent~Regl,,trar shall keep proper records of all payments made by Ibc Issuer .and Ihe Paying Agent/Registrar with respecl to Ibc Contractual Obhgauous lc) In General The Contractual Obhganon~ {0 shall be i~,,ued nl the pnnclpal amount el $5.000 or any integral muluple thereol: (u) shall be issued m fully registered lotto, without mte~t coupons, with Ibc pnnclpal of and inleresl on such Conlraclanl Obligations to be payable only to the reglslered owners Ihereof; Ira) may be Imn,,ferred and assigned. (nv) may be tn)nverled end exchanged for olher Contractual Obhgal~ons; Iv) sludl have Ihe ch,u'actenslics, tvil shall be signed, sealed, executed$1d audlenocated. Ivu) shall be subJeCt to prior redemption: tvtn) shall be payable as to the pnuclpal and interesl, and Ox) shall be admm~tered and die Paying Agenl/Reglstrsr and the Issuer shall have certain duties and responstbthue$ wllh respect to the Contractual Obhgatlons. all as provided, and m Ihe manuer and to the effecl a~ required or indicated, m the FORM OF CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATION set forth m this Ordinance. The Contr~tual Obhganoms mitmlly issued and dehvered pursuant to this Ordinance Ion which Is pnnted or to which Contractual Obligations m attanhed Ihs Registration Certificate of Ihe Compuoller of Public At'counts) are not requu~l to be. and shall not be. amhent~cated by the Paying Agent/Registrar. but on each subslatute Contractual Obhganon issued in conversion of and exchange for any Contraclual Obhgafion or Conlractual Obligations issued under thts Orchnance the Paying Agenl/Registrar shall execule the PAYING AG£NT/REGISTRAR'S AUTHENTICATION CERTIFICATE. tn the fern set forth m the FORM OF CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATION. Id) Substitute PaymR Aoenl/ReRmltac. The Issuer covenants with thc ragistered owners of the Contractual Obhgations that at all ames whde thc Conlractual Obhgat~ons are outatendmg the Issuer will provide a competent and legally qualified bank. trust company, financ,al instltulaon, or other agency IO act as and perform the services of Paying Agent/Regisla'm' for thc Contractual Obhgat~ons under this Ordmenee. and that thc Paying AgentffReglstrar will be one enttty. The Issuer reserves the right to. and may, at ils option, change the Paying Agent/Registrar upon m~t less Ihan 120 days written notice to the Paying Agent/Regislrar, Io be effucttve not later than 60 days liner to the next pnnclpal or interest payment date after such notice. In the event that the enuty at any amc acUng as Paying Agent/Registrar (or its successor by me,ger, acquisition, or other method) should resign or otherwise cease to act as such. the Issuer covenants that promptly it wdl appomt a competent end legally qualified bank, trust company. finenctal mstituuon, or other agency to act as Paytag Agenl/Registrar under dds Ordinance. Upon any chenge m thc Paying AgenL/ReglSffar, tho prevtous Paymg Agcnl/Reglslrar prompdy shall transfer and dehver thc Regtsla'atlon Books (or a copy thereof), along with all otber pertinent books and records relating to thc Contractual Obhgat~ons. to thc new Paying Agcnt/Regislrdr designated and appointed by thc Issuer. Upon any change in the Paying Agenl/Rcgmtrar, thc Issuer promptly wdi cause a written noucc thereof to be sent by thc now Paying Agent/Registrar to each registered owner of the Ce411ficatc. by Umted States mall. first-class postage prcpmd, which not~ce also shall gtvc the address of the new Paying/Agent Raglsum'. By acceplmg the positron end performing as such. each Paying Agent/Registrar shall be deemed to have agreed to thc provisions of this Ordmence. and a cerlified copy of this Ordlnence shall be delivered to each Paying Agcnl/Rcglsffar Section 6. FORM OF CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATIONS. The form of the Contracttml Obllgatmns, including the form of the Paying Agent/lZeg,~trar's AuthenUcatiou Cemficate, the form of Assignment, and the form of the Registration CerUficate of the Comptroller of Public Accounts of the State of Texas to be nuuched to the Contractual ObhgaUons initially issued and dehvered pursuent to thts Orcknance. shall be, respccuvcly, substantmlly as follows, with such appropriate varmfions, omissions, er lnserttons as are permitted or requffed by this Ordinance. FORM OF CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATION NO. R-_ Un[ted Slate', of America PRINCIPAL Shale of Texas AMOUNT $ CITY OF COLLEGL STATION TEXAS. PUBLIC PROPERTY FINANCE CONTRACTUAL OBLIOATION. SERIES 19tll MATURITY INTEREST DATE RATE March 1. 1992 .DATE OF SERIES DELIVERY DATE September I. 1991 CUSIP NO. THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION. TEXAS (Ihe "Issuer") hereby prorates to pay to (hereinafter called the "registered owner") the pnnclpal amount of DOLLARS on the Malunty Date. specified above, and to pay interest thereon (based on a 360- day year composed of twelve 30-day months) from the Delivery Dole. specified above, unUl the Maturity Dale or pnt~' redemption, al the Interest Rate. specified above. IN CONSIDERATION of the registered owner's acceptance hereof, which acceptance shall consl~tute the registered owner's assent hereto and Io the terms and conditions of the or&nunco authorizing the issuance of this Conuactual Obhgal~on (the "Ordinance"). the Issuer hereby unilaterally coutracts with such regis~ored owner tha~ it will uuhze tbe net avadable proceeds of the Contraclaal Obligations. ~ter payment of the costs of issuance related thereto, to acqmre and purehase personal proper~ m accordance with the Ordmunce and the Issuer's plail of acqmslllon thel~for. THE PRINCIPAL OF AND INTEREST ON this ConUacluai Obligation are payable m lawful money of the United Slates of America. without exchange or collection charges. The payment of principal and interest on this Contractual Obhga0on shnll he made by FIRST CITY. TEXAS - HOUSTON. N.A.. HOUSTON. TEXAS. which is the "Paying Aganl/Registrar" for this Contractual Obligation. Io the registered owner hereof ou the Mat'ority Da~ or on any prior redemption dale only upon surrender of this Coatraclual Obligation lo the Paying Agent/Registrar for cunccllatmn The Issuer covenanl.s with the regislered owner of this Contractual Obhgauon thai on or before each such dale. It will make available Io the Paying Agent/Registrar. from the "lmeres~ and Sinl~ng Fund" created by the Ordinance. the amounts required to provide for the payment, in immedlalely avadable funds, of all prmopul of and mlerest on the Contractual Obligations when due. THIS CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATION MAY BE REDEEMED pflor to the Minority Dale on any date nt the opuon of the Issuer. Notice of such early redemption shull he given by depositing notice thereof m the United Slales mini. postage prepmd, addressed to the registered owner at its add,ss as It appea~ on the Registration Books kept by the Paying Agenl/Reglsl~ar. IF THE DATE for the payment of the pnnclpal of or mU~esl on this ConUactuai Obhgauon shall he a Salurday. a Sunday. a legal holiday, or a day on which bunlong lasalatlous in the city whar~ the principal corporate Irust office of the Paying Agenl/Reg~st~ar is located am authorized by law or exeCuuve order to close, or the United Slates Postal Service is nol open for business, then the dale for such payment shall be the next succeeding day which is not such a Saturday. Sunday. legal holiday, or day on which bunlong mstituUons are aulhonzed to close, or the United S~ates Postal Service ~s nol open for business, and payment on sach date shnll have the same force and effccl a~ if made on [he original dale paymenl was duc THIS CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATION IS ONE OF A SERIES OF PUBLIC PROPERTY FINANCE CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATIONS. dated as of the Dale ol Series. specified above, anthonzed m accordance with 4 thc laws Gl thc Sidle Gl Texas m Ihe pnn~pal ,'anouat Gl $1.12q,000 FOR THE PURPOSE OF PAYING ALL OR A PORTION OF THE ISSUER'S CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATIONS TO BE INCURRED IN CONNECTION WITH THE ACQUISITION OR PURCHASE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS el: FHE PUBLIC PROPERTY FINANCE ACT. SECTION 271.001 - 271.009. TEXAS LOCAL GOVERNMENT CODE, AS AMENDED THIS CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATION may be assigned and shall be Iransferred only m the Reglslratlon Book~ of the Is.,uer kept by the Paying Agenl/Reg~slrar acung m Ihe capacity of regtslrar for the Contractual Obhgauons. upon the terms and con&t~ons set forlh tn the On:buauce. Among other reqmremuaCs for such a~gnmenl and Iransfer. this ConLracttm] Obhgation must be presented and surrendered IO the Paying Agent/Rcgtswar, to~tber with proper instruments of assignment, m form and with gumantee of s~gnatures satisfactory to the Paying Agent/Regisn'ar. evidencing asstgnment of tins Contractual Obhgat~en to the assignee in whose name thru Contractual Obhgauon is lO be wansferred and registered. The form of Assignmenl pnnted on this Contractual Obhgatmn shall be execuled by the regmtured owner, or it.,, duly anthonzed attorney or representative, to evalence the assignment hereof The Issuer shall pay the Paying Ageat/Reg~strm"s standard or customary fees and charges for malong such Iran~fer, but the one requesting such transfer shnll pay any laxe~ Or other governmental charges required to be prod with respect thereto The Paying Agent/Registrar shall not be reqaned lo make transfers of rcgmtrauon of this Conlractual Obhgat~on (t) during the period commencing with the close of business on any Record Date and ending wtth the opening of busines~ on the next followm§ principal or interest payment date or (i0 with respect to any Conlractuld Obhgatmn called for redemption prior to maturely, within 45 days prior to ils redempuon data= The regsstured owner ol tins Contractual Obhgatmn shall be deemed and treated by the Issuer and the Paying Agent/ Retastrar as the absolule owner hereof for all purposes, including payment and thseharge of habihly upon tins Conu'actu,d Obhgatmn to the extent of such payment, and the Issuer and the Paying Agenl/Reglsgar shall not be affected by any noltce to the conlrary. IN THE EVENT any Paying Agenl/Rcgtslrar for the Conuactual Obhgattons L~ changed by the Issuer. resisns, Or otherwise ceases Io act as Such. the Issuer has covcnanled m the Ordinance that it promptly wall appoint a compe- lent and legally quahfied subqt~tute therefor, and cause written notice thereof to be totaled tu the registered owners of the Conlructual Obhgattons IT IS HEREBY certdied, recited, and covenanted thai dus Conlrat'tual Obhgation has been duly and vahdly authorized, ts~ued, and dehvered; that all acts, condinons, and thmgs requa'ed or proper to be performed, exmt, end be done precedent to or m the authonzatmn, issuance, and delivery of thts Conuactual Obhgalion have been performed, existed, and been done tn aeeordancc with law; that th~s Contractual Obligation is a general obhgatlon of thc Issuer, issued on thc gull faith and c~t thereof; and that annual ad valorem taxes sufficient to provide for thc paymenl of the mteres! on and principal of this Conuactual Obhgatmn. as such interest comes due and such pnuclpal mature~, have been levied and ordered to be lewed agmnst all laxable property in thc Issuer. and have been pledged for such payment, within the limit prescribed by inw BY BECOMING the registered owner of this ConwactuaJ Obhgat~on the registered owner assonls to the terms and prows~ons of the Ordmanee, a copy of which ts on file in the officml records of the Is~er. and the registered owner agrees to be bound by such terms and provisions, and agrees that the terms and provisions of thru Conlractual Ohhgatlon and the Ordinance conslitate a conWact between each regtstered owner hereof and the Is,met. 5 IN WITNESS WHERF. OF. Ihe I,.suer has caused fin, Conln{cmal Obligation to be signed with Ihe m,mual or facsimile, s~gnalure nj Ihe Mayor of the Issuer and counlerslgned wllh the manual or facsimile s~gnature of the City Seerelary of die [.,suer. and ha., caused the official seal of the Issuer lo be duly impres:~..d, or placed nl facsimile. nn this Conm~ctual Obligation C~ty Secretary. City of College Stallon. Texas (SEAL) Mayor, Clly of College Station. Texas FORM OF PAYINO AGENT/REGISTRAR'S AUTHENTICATION CERTIFICATE PAYING AGENT/REGISTRAR'S AUTHENTICATION CERTIFICATE It i~ hereby certified that this Conlracmal Obhgat~on has been i~sued under ~he prowssons ot the Ordinance de.~.nbed on the face of this Contractual Obhgal~on; and that this Contractual Obligation has been ~ssucd in conver- sion or replacement ol. or in exchange for. a contractual obhgation or contractual obhgat~ons, or a pomon of a contraclual obhgation or contraclual obhgat~ons of a series which oflgmally was approved by the Attorney Oenerai of Ihe Slale of Tex&, and registered by the Comptroller of Pubbc Accoont~ ot the State of Texas FIRST CITY. TEXAS - HOUSTON. N.A.. Houslon. Texn~ Paying Agent/Reglslrar By Authorized Represonlauve 6 FORM OF ASSIGNMENT: ASSIGNMENT FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the underslgncd hereby sells, assigns, and transfers unto / / IPlea~ m~erl *Kxud Secumy ur Taxpayer tPlea.~ DfUll or lypewme name and address, including z~p code. of Transferee) thc within Contracluul Obltgalion and all rights thereunder, and hereby m'evocably consututes and appoints attorney to register the transfer of the within Contractual Obbgauon on Ihe Ix~.~ks kept fi~r reglslraUon thereof, with full power of sub.qKuuon in the premises. Daled' Signature G u,'u'anteed: NOTICE: Sigantu~(s) musl be guaranteed by a membo' fu'm of the New York Stock Exchange or a commercml bmzk or trust ccanpany NOTICE: 'l'ne signature above must correspond with the name of thc Registered Ownea' as tt appears upon thu front of this Conwactual Obligauon m every pamcular, wzthont alterauon or enla~ement or any change whatsoever. The following abbrev~almns, when used in the Ass~gnmant above or on the face of the within Obhgafion. shall be construed as though they wore written out tn full according to applicable laws or regulations: TEN COM - as tenants in common TEN ENT - as tenants by the enurelleS JT TEN - as joint tenanls with right of sarvlvorslup and not as tonants in common UN1F GHaT bUN ACT - Custodian (Cast) under Uniform Gifts Io Ivhnors Act (State) Addluonul abbrevmtlons may also he used though not m the list above. FORM OF REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE OF THE COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS: COMPTROLLER'S REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE. REGISTER NO. I hereby certify that this Contractual Obhgallon has been examined, certified as Io validity, and approved by thc Altorney General of the Slale of Texas. and that this Contractual Obhgat]on ha.,, been registered by the Comptrol- ler of Pubhc Accounts of the Slate of Texa~. Wllness my ,,Ignalurc and ~elt[ Ibis ICOMPTROLLER'S SEAL) Compm~ller of Public Accounts of the Slate of Texas [END OF FORMSI Section 7 DEFINITIONS. That the terms defined m this Secuon for all proposes of this Ordinance. except where the conlcxt by clear imphcatlon shall otherwise require, shall have the respective meanings as follows, to-wit' Ca) The lerm 'Code" ~hall mcan the Internal Revenue Cede of 1986. as amended. (b) The terms "Conlractual Obhga*ion" and "Contractual Obhgaaons" shall mean the "City of College Sm*ion, Texas, Pubhc Properly Finance Contractual Obhgattons, Series 1991" anthorized to be Issued and dchvcred by *ius Ordman~.q~ ¢c) The ten. "Paying Agen~,eg~strar" shall mean inuially First City. Texaa - Houston, N.A. Houston. Texas. or a,y successor named by the Issuer in accordance with the pmwsions of SecUon $ of th~s Ordinance. Section 8. INTEREST AND SINKING FUND. The City of College Stution. Texas, Pubhc Property Finance Contractual Obhgauons. Series 1991 Imerest and Sinlung Fund (ll~ "Interest and Sinking Fund"), is hereby anthorized and shall I~ established and ma.ntamed :n a depository bank of the Issuer. so long as the Conmlc.ml Obhgauons. or interest thereon, are outstanding and anpmd. Secuon 9. USE OF INTEREST AND SINKING FUND. On or before the 29th day of February, t992, them shall be deposited m the Interest and Stoking Fund an amount, together with other amounts in Ihe Interest and Stoking Fund, not less than the amount of pnnclpal and/or inte~st coming due on the Contractual Obligatsons on the next succeeding payment date The Interest and Smlang Fund shall be used to pay the principal of and interest on the Contractual Obligations as such pnncipal and mlerest come due Section 10. TAX LEVY. All ad valorem taxes lewed and collected for and on account of the Contractual Obhgauons shall be deposited, as collected, lo the credit of the Interest and Stoking Fund. During each year while any of the Contractual Obhgauons are outstanding mid unpmd, the City Council of the Issuer shall compute and ascenmn a rate and amount of ad valorem tax wluch will be sufficient to nase and produce the money requu'ed to pay the mleresl on the Contractual Oblsgatlons as such interest comes due. and to provide and maintain a smiong fund adequate to pay the pnnclpal of the Contractual Obligations as such principal matures cbut never less than 2% of the original pnnclpal amonnt of the Contractual ObhgaUons as a stoking fund each year); and smd tax shall be Imsed on the latest approved tax rolls of the Issuer. with full allowance being made for tax delmquanctes and the ,ost of tax collection Smd rote and amount of ad valorem tax iq hereby levied, and ~s hereby ordered to be levmd, ag~..nsI all taxable prol~rty in the Issuer for each year while any of thc Contractual Obhgauons are outstandmg and unp. ud: and ~md tax sh:dl be 0..,scssed and coileCled each such ye.'u' and depesued Io the credLt Of tile hlleresl and S[]kmg Fund S[]d ad valore[] luxes sufliclenl Io prov~le for the pay[]ent of frae []lcresl on and pnnclpal of the ConlracLual Obligations, ~ such []te~! c~[]es due and such pnnclpal []aturas, are hereby pledged for such payment. waluu the h][]l prev:nbed by law Sect]on I 1 SECURITY FOR FUNDS. All Funds crealed by th~s Ordmance shall be secured [] thc manner and lo the fullest extcm perantled or requ~d by law rot the secanty of public funds, and such Funds shall be used only for the purposes and [] thc []anner pen•ned or requu'ed by th~s Ordinance. Section 12 DEFEASANCE OF CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATIONS. (a) Any Conlracmal Obhgauon and the interest thereon shall be dee[]ed lo be prod. ruled, and no longer oulsm~hng (a "Defensed Contractual Obhgauon") wIthin the meaning of this Ord[]ance. except LO the exlenl provided [] subsecl~on (d) of th= Secuon 12. when puyment of the prmclpal of such Conlractual Obhgal]on, plus []lerest thereon to the due dale (whether such due date be by reason of maturity or o~berwise) either (il shall have been made or caused to be made [] accordance with the lenns thereof or (u) shall have been provided for on or before such due date by u'mvocably deposiUng with or mak []g available to the Pay[]g Agenl/Reglstrar for such payment (I) lawful []oney of the Umted Stales of America suffi~nent to make such payment or (2) Government Obhgeuons which malere as to prmcipal and •terest in such amounts ,'md at such times as will []sure the avadabihty, without relnvestment, of su_fficlent []oney to provide fo~ such payment, and when proper arrangements have been made by the Issuer with the Paymg Agenl/Reglslrar for the payment of its services enid aU Defensed Cenlractual Obligations shall hRve become due and payable. At such lane as a Cone'actual Obhgalwn shall be deemed to be a Defensed Contractual Obhgallon hereunder, as afo~esmd, such Conlracmal Obhgalwn and the []lerest thereon shall no longer be secured by. payable from. or enuded to the benefits of. thc ad valore[] taxes herein levied as provided In this Ordmance, and such prmcipal and interest shall be payable solely trom such money or Govem[]ent Obhgeuons. (bi Any money so deposited with the Paying Agent/Registrar []ay al the written dm~cllen of the Issuer also be •vested in Govem[]ent Obligations. •atanng [] the amounts and tunes as here•before set forth, and all •come fro[] such Clovern[]ent Obligahons received by the Pay[]g Agent/Registrar which ~s not requu'cd for the pay[]ent of the Contractual Obligat~on~ and •lerest thereon, with respect to which such money has been so deposited, shall be turned over to the Issuer. or deposited as directed [] wnung by the Issuer. (c) The term "Govem[]ent Obhgalums" as used in this Section 12. shall mean direct obhgmons of thc United Slates of America, mcludmg obligations the prmcipal of and interest on which are unconditionally guaranteed by thc United Slates of America, which may be United Stales Treasury obfigaltons such as its Slate and Local Goveinment Series, winch may be [] book-entry form (d) Unld all Defeascd Conu'ucmal Obhgauons shall have become due and payable, the Paying Agent/Regtslra' shall perform the serwces of Paying Agent/Rcgistrer for such Defensed Conlrucmal Obhgatlons thc same as · they had not been del'cased, and the Issuer shall make proper ~-angements to provide and pay for such services as requu'ed by this Ordmancc. Sect[]n 13. DAMAGED. MUTILATED. LOST. STOLEN. OR DESTROYED CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATIONS. (a) Replacement Contractual Obhganons. In the event any ontstandmg Cenlractoal Obhgauon is damaged, muulaled, lost stolen, or deslroyed, the Paying Agenl/Reglalrar shall cause to be pnnled, executed, and dehvered, a new contractual obligation of the same pnncipal amount. []atunly, and mlerest rale~ as the damaged, []utllaled. lost, stolen, or destroyed Contractual Obligalion, in repluce[]ent for such Contractual Obligauon in the manner here[]after provided (bi Apph~at~on for Replucemenl Conlructual Obhgallons. Apphcauon for replacement of damaged. []uulaled. Iosl. stolen, or de~uoyed Conlraclual Obhganons shall be made by the registered owner thereof to the Pay[]g Ageul/Rcgl~lrar In every case o! loss, thefl, or desro~clion of a Conlractual Obhganon. the registered owner 9 applying Ior a replaremenl conlractual obhgallon .,,hall furu]sh IO the Issuer and tu the Paying Agenl/Reglstrar such ,,e~.urlly or mdeanuly as may be reqmred by them to ~tve each of theln harmless trom uny Joss or 'damage with renpe~t Ihereto Al~. m every case of Io~.s. theft, or desn.act]on of a Issuer. the registered owner shall furnish to thc Issuer and IO the Paying Agent~,eg]sltar cv]deace to their sansiacl]on of the Ios~, theft, or destruction of such Conltaclual Obligation. as Ihe case may be. In every case of d,unage or mul~latlon ora Conlractual Obhgat~on. the registered owner ~hall su~ender to the Paying Aganl/Reglslrar for cuncallanon the Conlractual Obhgauon so damaged or inuid,lled. (c) No D~fault Occurred. Notwllhatand,ng thc Iorcgomg pmws~ons of this Section 13, in thc event uny such Contractual Obligation shall have matured, und no dcfaalt has occuned which t~ then continuing m the payment of the principal of. redemption premmm. LC uny, or mtr,~at on Ihis Contraclual Obhgal~on, the Issuer may authorize the payment of thc samc (wflhonl surrender thereol excepl in the case of a damaged or mutdated Contractual Obhgat~on) inslead of issuing a replacement contractual obligation, pmwded sexunty or indemnity is fumtshed aa above pro~nded in this Section 13. (d) Charge for Issuml~ Replacement Contractual Obhgatmns. Prior lo the issuance of uny r~placement contraeteal obhganon, the Paying Agent/Registrar shall charge thc registered owner of sach Contractual Obligal~en with all legal, pnnUag, und other expenses an connuetion therewith. Every replacement contractual obl~allon tssoed pur~uunt to the provisions of this Section 13 by vn.tue of the fact that uny Contractual Obhgauon ts lost. stolon, or destroyed shall con~tlluto un obhganon of thc Issuer whether or not thc lost. stolen, or destroyed Contractoal Obhgat~on shall be found at any time. or be enforceable by unyoue, und shall he entitled to all thc benefits of this Ordmunce equally and proporhenately with uny and all other Contraclual Obligations duly issued under this Ordinance (c} Aulhonl¥ for Issuing Replacement Contraclual Obhgauons. In accordance with Se, ct,on 6 of Vernon's Ann. Tea. Civ St. Art. 717k-6. this Section 13 of this Orchnance shall constitote unthomy for the issuaacc of uny such replacement certificate w~thont necessity of further acuon by th~ Issuer ~' any other body or person, und the duty of the replacement of such contractual obhgaUoas ~s hereby authorized und imposed upOn the Paying Agent/Ragismu', und the Paying Agenl/Reg~trar shall authenticate and d~hver sueh Contraetanl Obhgatlons m the form and manner und w~th thc effect, as provided m So:non ~5(a) of thru Ordmunce for Conlractanl Obliganons issued in conversion and exchunge of other Contractual Obhganoas. Secuon 14. CUSTODY. APPROVAL. AND REGISTRATION OF CONTRAC'I~AL OBLIGATIONS; BOND COUNSEL OPINION. CUSIP NUMBERS AND BOND INSURANCE. Thc Mayor of the Issuer ts Ms, by authorized to have conlrol of thc Contraetuel Obhgauons initially issued und dehvemd hereunder and all necessary records and proceedings Ixmaimn$ lo the Conlractual ObhgaUons pen&ag then' dehvery und then' mveat~gauon, examination, and approval by the Atlomcy General of the State of Texas. and then. regmtratlon by the Comptroller of Pubhc Accounts of the State of Texas. Upon rogtstrauon of the Cemficates sa~d Complroller of Pubhc Accounts (or a deputy designated in wnung to act for sa~d Comptroller) shall manually s~gn the Comlm'oller's Ragmtranon Cemficate attached to such Contractual Obliganoas. and line seal of sa~d ComplroBer shall he unpressed, or pla~nxl in facsimile, on such Certdicate. The approving legal opinion of the Issuer's Bond Counsel. a statement regarding the issuunce of a mumcipal bond insurance policy lo secure payment of debt service on the Conlractoal Obhgations. if uny. and the assigned CUSIP ntanhe~ may. at the option of the Issuer. he @nnted on the Contractual Obhgations issued und dehvered under this Ordmun~. but none iff such opinion, statement, or number shall have uny legal effect, and shall be solely for the convenience und lnformal~on et the registered owners of the ConLrat:tual Obhgauon%. Section 15 CONTRACTUAL UNDERTAKING WITH REGISTERED OWNER. The Issuer hereby, and by the acceptance of each of the Conlractual Obhganons. contractually obhgates und comnuts ~tself to uUhze the riel prt~ceeds av,'ulable from the ~s%uance and delivery of the Contractual Obhgatinos. after paymenl of costs of ~ssuance related Iherelo. for Ihe acqmsmon or pureha.,,e of the Property m accordance with this Ordinance and the [ssuer's phm el acqmsmon therefor Srcllon 16. REMEDIES IN EVENT OF DEFAULT In adchuen to all el the rights and remecbes provided by the laws of the Stale of Texas. the Issuer covenants and agxces thai m the evanl of default tn payment of principal or intere,,t on any of the Contractual Obhgatlons when due. or. in the evenl it fa,Is Io make the payments mqtu.-'~ to be made into the Interesl ,and Stoking Fund or defaults m the observance el performance of any other of the contracls, covenants, condlllons, or obhgatlons scl forth in this Ordinance or in the Contractual Obhgattons. the following remecbe~ shall be available. (a) the registered owners shall be entitled to a writ of mandamus issued by a court of competent jurisdiction compelling and re~luinng the Issuer and the officmls thereof to observe and pet'form the contracts, covenants, obligations, or condition', prescribed in this Ordinance; and (b) any delay or omission to exercise any nghl or power accruing upon an}' default shall not impair any such nghl or power nor be consmied to be a waiver of any such delanll or acquieSCence thereto, and every such right and power may be exercised from time to time and as often as may be deemed expedienL Sextlon 17 COVENANTS REGARDING TAX EXEMPTION OF INTEREST ON THE CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATIONS. The Issuer covenants to take any aclton or refrain from any action which would adversely affecl the treatment of the Contractual Obligations as obligations deSCribed m secuno 103 of the Code. the interest on which is not includable m the "gross income" of the holder for puqonses of federal income texation In furtherance thereof, the [~uer covenants a.~ follows' (a) to lake any action to assure Ihat no moro than 10% of the proceeds of the Contractual Obligations (less amounts deposited lo a reserve fund, if any) are used for any "private business use," as defined m section 141 (b)(6) of the Cede or, if more than 10% of the proceeds are so used, that amounts, whether or not received by the Issuer. with respect to such private busmesa use. do not. under tho terms of th~s Ordinance or any underlying arrangement, duectly or m&rectiy, secu~ or prorate for the payment of mote than 10% of the debt service on the Contractual Obligations, in conuavenuon of section 141Co}(2) of the Code; (b) Io take any action to assure that in the event that the "private business use" described in sub- seclaen (a) hereof exceeds 5% of the proceeds of the Contractual Obligauons (less amounts deposited to a reserve fund. any) then the .amount tn excess of 5% is used for a "private business use" which ss "related" and not "disproportionate." within the mennmg of section 141(b}(3} of the Code. to the govemmenlal use; (c) to take any action to assure that no amount wluch is greater than the lesser of $5,000,000, or 5% of the proceeds of the Contractual Obhgatlons (less amounts deposited rote a reserve fund. if any) is directly or mdu'ectly used to finance loans lo persons, other than state or local governmental units, m centravent~en of ~,ectlen 141{c) of the Code; (d) lo reft, un horn taking any action which would otherwise result m the Contractual Obligaaens being treated a,, "private acuvlty Ix~nds" within the meaning of section 141(b) of the Code. Ce) to refrmn from taking any action that would result in the Contractual Obhgations homg "federally guaranteed" within the ineanmg of secaon 149(b) of the Code: (O to refrn,n from using any pomon of the proceeds of the Contractual Obligations, directly or md~ectly, to acquire or to replace funds which were used. du~ctly or mduv. ody. to acquire investment property (as defined in ~cuon 148~b}(2) et the Code) which produces a materially higher yield over the term of the Contractual Obhganons. other than mve~nnem properly acquired with -- 11 (Ii prtvceeds of thc Co•factual Obligations invesled lee ,t reasonable te[]pora~ period of Ihrne years or les,, or. tn the ca.,,e of a refunding bond. for a period of 30 days or less until such proceeds are needed for the purpose for which the bonds are issued. (9) amounts invested in a bona Iide debl service fund, wltlun Ibc meaning of section 1.103-13(b)(12) lite Trea.,,ury Regulation,,..and (3) ,amounts deposited in any reasonably required reserve or replaee[]ent fund to Ihe extent such a[]oanb do not exceed 10% of the proceeds of the Contractual Obligations: (g) to otherwise re~tricl the use of the proceeds of the Contractual Obligauons or amounts nested as proceeds of the Contractual Obligations. as []ay be necessary, so that the Contractual Obhgatlons do not otherwise contravene thc requirements ot section 148 of thc Code (relaung to arbttrage) and. to thc extent applicable. section 149¢d) of the Code (relating to advance refandmgs). (hi to pay to the United States el Antenca at least once dunng each five-year period (hegmmng on the date of dehvety of the Contraental Obhgnt~ons) an amount that is at least equal to 90% of the "Excess Eammgs," with[] the []camng of section 148(f) of the Code and to pay tu the Umted States of America. not later than fg) days afler the Contractual Obligations have been pa~d in full. 100% el the amount then requu'ed to be paid as a re~;ull of Excess Earnings under section 148(f1 of the Code. mid (ii to m.'untam such records as will enable the Issuer to fail'al its responmbiliti~s under this section and sectmn 1451 of the Code and tu reis• such ret-olds for al least SlX years following the final payment of prmcipal and interest on the Contractual Obhgatlons It is the unde~sumd[]g of the Issuer that the covenants contained herein are intended to assure complamca with the Code and any regulaUonb or •hugs pro[]ulgated by the U.S. Department of the Treasury pursuant thereto. In furtherance of such intention, the Issuer hereby authorizes and thrects the Mayor and City Admmislrator and chief financial officer of the Issuer to execute any docu[]ents, certificates, or reports requmxl by the Code and to make such elecltoas, on behalf of the Issuer, winch may be penmtted by the Code as are consistent with thc ~ for the issuance of Ihe Contractual Obhgntions. In thc event that regulations or rulings are hereafter promulgated which []edify. or expand provisions of the Code. as applicable to the Contractual Obligations. thc Issuer will not be required to co[]ply with any covenant contained hereto to the extent that such []edification or expansion, in the opinion of nationally-recognized bond counsel, will not adver,,ely affecl the exemption from federal raceme taxation of interest on the Contraclual Obligations under secuon 103 of thc Code. In thc event that regulations or rul[]gs are herealter promulgnted which i[]pose additional requirements which arc apphcablc to thc Contractual Obligations, Ihe Issuer agrees to comply with the additional reqnlrements to the extent neeessaxy, m the opinion of natmnally- recognized bond couascl, to preserve the exe[]pfion fi'om federal hteome taxation of interest on thc ConRactual Obhgattoas under SCChon I0:~ Of the Code. Section I 8. DESIGNATION AS QUALIFIED TAX-EXEMPT OBLIGATIONS. The Issuer hereby designates the Contractual Obhgattons as "qualified tas-exempt obligations" as defined [] section 265(bX3) of the Code. In furtherance of such designation, the Issuer represents, covenants, and warrants the following: Ia) thai denng the calendar year in which the Contractual Obhgat~ons are issued, the Issuer Imcludmg any subordmate entities) has not designated nor wdl de'~lgnate bonds or other obligations, which when aggregated with the Contractual Obligations. will re~all m []ore than $ IO.000,(100 of "qualified lax-exampl obhgatlons" being issued: ('o) that the Issuer reasoanbly ant~cipales Ihat Ihe aniount of mx-exempt obhgattoas issued during thc calnadar year m which the Contractual Obligations are Issued. by the Issuer {or any subordmate entities) will not exceed $10,000,000: and (c) that the Issuer will mice ,uch acuon or tefra• from such aehon as necessary, and a,, more particularly set forth in Section 17 of this Orchnm~ce. in order that the Contractual Obhgatlons will nol be considered 'private acllvlty bonds" with• the meaning el ,ection 142 of the Code 12 Section 19 SALE OF CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATIONS The Conlractoal Obhgallons ar~ hereby sold and shall be delivered lO First City. Texas - Houston. N.A. for thc pumha:,e lance equal to $I.125,000. The Contractual Obhgauons imually shall be regmlered m the name of F~rst C~ty, Texas - Houston. N.A. A Pur~hase Contract and Inveslment Letter substantially m Ihe form attached hereto as Exhlhit C. between the Issuer and First Cily. Texas - Houston, N A.. Houston. Texas, is hereby approved, and shall be executed by the Mayor and CJly Secretary of the J~u~r Section 20 AUTHORITY FOR OFFICERS TO EXECUTE DOCUMENTS. The M~yor. C~ty Secretary, Executive Dlreclor of Ftscal and Hmnan Resources and chief financial officer of the Issuer. and all other officers, employee~, and agents of the Issuer. and each of them. shall be and they are hereby e. xpn~ly anthoflztn:[, empowered, and dlreeled from tone to tune and at any time to do and perform all ~uch atta and thmge and to execute, acknowledge, and dehwr in the name and under the corporate seal and on behalf of the Issuer all such instruments, whether or flor herein menttoned, as may be necessary or destmble m order to carry out the items and provlSZonb of tMs Ordinanc~. the Contractual Obhgat~ons. the Purchase Contract and Inv~lment Letter. and the Paying Agent/Registrar Agre~menl. Seclion 21 INCORPORATION OF RE, CITALS. The Issuer hereby find.s that the state, inertia set forth in the recitals of this Ordinance are line and colxect, and the Issuer hereby incorporates such recitals aa a part of this Onhmmce Section 22 EFFECTIVE DATE This Ordinance shall lake effect and be in full force and effect from and alter the date of ils pas,~ge, and it i~ so ordered PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLF-~E STATION. TEXAS. AND EFFECTIVE ON this 28th day of Augusl. 1991. A'I-i~ST' Iq Mayor, C[ly of College Station. Texas /¥ Cfly Secretary, City of College Slatlon, Texas (SEAL~ 13 E~HIBIT A PERSONAL PROPERTY TO BE ACQUIRED ESTIMATED TYPE OF EQUIPMENT NUMI~ER COST F~relmck I $222A66 Pohce and Municipal Court Computer I $260,000 System Traffic S~gnal Control System I $ 85.000 Scraper I $174,260 Fmnl End Loader I $142,744 Motor Grader I $ 97.735 Tub Gnnder I $~O0.OOO DELIVERY DATE July 1991 May, 1991 November, 1991 August, 1991 June. 1991 May, 199] November, 1991 A-I Exhibit B F~rm o£ P~y~ng AgenUR.¢g~trar Agre¢lll¢[ll PAYU"4G AGENT/REGISTRAR AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT entered rote as el Septelnher I. 1991 (Lite "Agreement"). by and belween the City el College Station. Texas (Ihe "Issuer"), and First Cfiy, Tex~ - Houston, N.A. Hoaslon, Texas. a banking association duly orga..zed and exlsung under the law~ of the Umled States of Ame, nca (the "Bank"). RECITALS WHEREAS. the issuer ha,, duly authorized and provided for thc issuance of l~ City of Collage Station. Texas. Pubhc Property Finance Conwactual Obhgatlens. Serius 1991' (the "Secufiuas"), such Secmmues IO be Issued m fully registered form only as Io die paymem et principal and interest dlereon; and WHEREA$. the Securllies ,are scheduled lo be dehvered to the mlllal purchasers thereof on or about September 16. 1991 and WHEREAS. the Issuer has selected the Bank Io serve as Paying Agent~,egtstrar in connection with the payment of the pt'mclpal of. p~imum, ff any. and interest on the Securltres and wllh respecl to the regtstratlon, Iransfer. and exchange thereof by the registered owner~ thereof: and WHEREAS. file Bank has agreed Io serve tn such eagaclues for and on behalf of the Issuer and has full power and authority to perform and serve as Paying Agent/Registrar for the Securities; NOW, THEREFORE. it is mutuMly agreed as follows' ARTICLE OHE .~PPOINTIVlENT OF BANq( AS PAYING AGENT AND REOIS~ Section 1.01. Appointment. The Issuer hereby appoints thc Bank to serve as Paym8 Agent with respect to the Secun*.cs. As Paying Agent for thc Securities. the Bank shall be respensiblc for paying on behalf of thc Issuer thc pnnclpal, premium (If any), and interesl on the Secunaes as the same become due and payable to the registered owncrs thereof, ali in accordance with fills Agreement and Ihe *Ordmancc" (hereulafler defined). Thc Issuer hereby appoints thc Bank as Regtstrar with respect to thc Secmit~es. As Registrar for the Seeunues, the Bank .shall keep and mamlam for and on behalf of the Issuer books and reeords as to the ownership of said Secunues and with respect to the Iransfer and exchange thereof as provided herein and in the Ordinance. The Bank hereby aecepl,, its appomUnent, and agrees to serve as thc Paying Agent and Regislrar for thc Securmex Section 1.02. Compensation As compensation for the Bank's sexvtces as Paying Agent/Registrar. thc Issuer hereby agrees to pay the Bank the fees and amounts set forth io $chedalc A attached hereto for the in'st ye, ur of this Agreement and thereafter Ihe fees and amounls set forth m the Bank's current fee schedule then in effect for services ax Paying Agem/Regastrar for muntelpahtles, which shall be supplied to the Issuer on or before 90 days prior to thc clo~e of the Fiscal Year of the I~quer, and shall be effect.ye upon the first day of die following Fiscal Year. lu edthuon, the Issuer agrees Io reimburse the Bank upon tis request Ior all reasonable expenses, disbursements .and advances mcun'ed or made by the Bank tn accordance with any of the provisions hereof {including the re,'c,,onable eompeflsallon uud the expense.,, tlnd chxbursemants of its agents and counsel). ARTICLE TWO DEFINITIONS Section 2.01. I)efinitionq For all puqx',~es el this Agreemenl. except as otherwise expressly provsded ur unl¢~s Ihe CollleXl olherwl.~ requires. "AcceleraUon Dale" on :my SecunVj sneans the date on and aster wluch the prmcspal or ally or all mslalhnants of mlere~l, or both, are due and payable on any Security which has become accaleraled pursuant to the lerms of the Secunly "Bank Office" means the pnnopal co~pomte trust office of the Bank as re:heated on the stgnamro page hereof. The Bank wdl notify the Issuer m wnUag of any change m location of the Bank Office. "Fiscal Year" means the fivcal year of die Issuer. ending December 3t "Holder" and "Secumy Holder" each means the Person m whose name a Security ss regtsgred m the Security Reglsler "Issuer Request" and "Issuer Order" means a wriuen request or order ssgned in the name of the Issuer by the Mayor of the Issuer. Ihe Dsrector of Finance of the Issuer. the ely Administrator. or the City Secmlary of the Issuer. any one or more of smd officials, delivered to Ihe Bank. "Legal Hohday" meaas a day on whsch the Bank ss requued or aulhortzed Io he closed "Ordinance" means thc ordinance of thc governing body of the Issuer pursuant w wluch the Secunues arc Is~ued. certified by the CHy Seerglary or any olher officer of the Issuer and dehYered Io thc Bank. "Person" means any individual, coq~oratson, pa~nershlp, joint venture, asanc~mlon, joint stock company, u'uss. umncorporaled organization or govcmmenl ur any agency or pahtical subthvisson of a government "Prcdecc~sor Securities" of any parUcular Secunty means every prcvmus Security ewdancmg all or a portm~ of the same obhgauon as :hal cvldanced by such particular Sccunty (an& for the purposes of Ihia dct-mlUon, any mutdalerl, losl. deslroyed, or stolen Secunty for whsch a replacement Security has bccn registered and dchvcrcd in heu thereof parsanm to Secuon 4 06 hereof and the Ordinance). "Redcmptwn Date" when used with respect m any Bond to be reAecmed mcaas thc dale fixcd for such rcdemplson pursuant to Ihe Icnns of the Ordinance. "Responsible Officer" when used w~th respect to thc Bank means thc Chamnan or Vicc-Chau'man of thc Board of Dsrectors. dsc Chauman or Vsc~-chainnan of the Execuave Commmee of the Bored of Du-cctors, the President, any Vice President. the Secretory. any Assrs~anl Secrelary, thc Treasurer. any Asssstant Treasurer, thc Cashser. any Asslstanl Cashier. any Trust Officer or Assssmnt Trust Officer. or any other officer of the Bank castomanly perfurmnsg functmns slmdar to thot, e performed by any of the above dcssganled officers and also means, wsth respect to a Farucular coqxrate trust maner, any other officer to whom such matter is referred hecansc of his knowlndge ol and famdmrfly w~th the particular subJeCt "SecunVff Rcgsstcr" means a regsstcr mamtmncd by Ihe Bank on bchalf of thc issuer provsdiag for the reg~strallon and transfer of the Securme~ "Stated M.flunty" me4m,, the dale specified in the Orthnance the pnnclpal of a Secunty is sehedulcd to bc duc :md payable 2 fa' Section 2.02. Other Definition.,. Thc lenn~ "B,'mk," I,,.suer." and Securitxe~ (Secumy)" have Ibc incanmgs assngned to thegn m thc ro.'lhd p,~agraphs ol Ilus Agreement The Icnn "l'aymg Agenl/Rcgl%lr,'u'" relers to the Bank m the performance of the duties ,'md fancUons of lhts Agreeln~,:nt. ARTICLE THREE PAYING AGENT Section 3.01. Duties of Pa in A ut. As Paying Agenl, Ibc Bank shall, provided adequate collected funds have been provided lo JI for such purpose by or on behalf of the Issuer. pay on behalf of the Issuer the principal of each Security at its Slated Matunly, Redemption Date. or Acceleration Dale, to the Holder upon surrender of the Security IO the Bank at the Bank Office. As Paying Agent. the Bank shall, prowded adequate collecled funds have been provided to it for such purpose by or on behalf of the Issuer, pay on behalf of the issuer the interest on each Sacunty when due. by computmg the ,amount of interest to he prod each Holder and prepanng and sending checks by Umted Slates Marl. fa'st class poslage p~p[]d, mi each payment date, to the Holders of the Secunlies Ior Ibe~r Predecessor Securities) on the respecuve Record Date. to Ihe address appeanng on the Security Regisler or by such other method, acceplable to the Bank, reque.~ted m wnuag by the Holder at the Holder's risk and expense Section 3.02. Payment Dates. The Issuer hereby instructs thc Bank to pay the principal of and interest on the $ecur]IJes on the dates specified m the Ordinance. ARTICLE FOUR REGISTRAR Section 4.01. Security Register - Transfers and Exchanges. The Bank agrees to keep and maintain for and on behalf of the Issuer at the Bank Office books and records (hereto sometJmes referred to as the "Security Register") for recorthng the names and addresses of the Holders of the Securities, the Inmsfer. exchange, and replacement of the Securmes, and the pa~nnent of the pnncspal of and interest on the Secunues to the Holders and containing such other m fuematlon as tony be reasonably requtred by the Issuer and subJeCt to such reasonable regulations as the Issuer and the Bank may prescribe. All transfers, exchanges, and replacement of Secunttes shall be noted in the Security Register. Every Security surreudered for transfi:r or exchange shall be duly endorsed or be accompanied by a wnttco ]nsn~ment of ttan,~fer, the s~gnature on which has been gum'anteed by an officer of a federal or state bank or a member of the National Assocmtlon of Securities Dealers, m form satisfactory to the Bank, duly executed by the Holder tbereol or lus agent duly authorized in wnt[]g. The Bank may request any supporting documentauon tt feels necessary to effect a re-reglstrauon, nansfer, or exchange of the Securme& To the extenl posstble and under reasonable clrcumslances, the Bank agrees that, m relation to an exchange or transfer of Securme~, the exchange or transfer by the Holders thereof will be completed and new Securities delivered to the Holder or the assignee ol the Holder [] not mort: than thre~ business days after the receipt of the Se. cunl~e~ to be cancelled [] an exchange or transler and the written m$1tument of wan,M'er or request for exchange duly execuled by the Holder, or his duly authonzed agent, m Iorm and []anner sausfactory to the Paying Agent/Reg rd.'ar Section 4.02. Cenificales. The Issuer shall provide an adequate []venw~y of printed Secunues to faelhmte transfen or exchanges Iheteof. The Bank covenants that the inventory of pnnted Securities will be kept m ,,alekeepmg pending Ibeir u,,e. ,and re:~,,oanble care will be excrcimd by Ihe Bank m maintaining such Secunucs iii ~afekecpmg. which shall be not less than Ihe cm'e mainlalned by the Bank for debt securities of other political ~;UbdlVl~;iong or corporallons for which ii serves a.q reglStrai', or that I~i inaifllained for its own m:unUes. Section 4.03. i~orm of Securily Re~ister The Bank. as Reglslrar. w:ll mainlain the Security Register relatmg 1o the registrallon. Ixqymenl. trimeter, and exchange of the Secunues m accordance with the Bank's general pracuees and procedures in effect from lime Io time The Bank shall unt be obligated to maintain such Security Register in any form other than those which the Bank has currently available and cutrenlly uuhzes al the nme. The Security Register may be mmntmned in wntlen form or m any other form capable of being converted into wrlllan form wlthul a rea.,,onable tone Section 4.04. I.i,tl of Security Holders The Bank wdl prowde the Issuer at any time requested by the Issuer, upon payment of the required lee. a copy of the reformation eonh'uned m the Security Register The Issuer may also m,,pect the mfoml,toon conlamed m the Security Register at any nme the Bank is cestomanly open for business, provided thai reasonable t~me Is allowed the Bank to provide an up-to-dine hslmg or Io convert the information into whiten Iorln. Unless requcred by 'law. the Bank will not n~lease or disclose the contenls of the Security Register to any person other than to. or at the written requesl of. an anthonzed officer or employee of the Issuer. except upon receipt of a court order or as otherwise requu~d by law. Upon receipt of a court order and prior Io the release or disclosure of the cements of the Security Register. the Bank w~ll notify the Issuer so that the Issuer may ¢outest the court order or such release or d~.selosure el the contents of the Security Register. Section 4.05. Return of Cancelled Certificates The Bank wlU. at such rea..n)nable intervals as ii determines. sun'ender to the Issuer. Securities m hca of which or m exchange for which other SecufiUas have been issued, or which have been prod Section 4.06. Mutilated~ Destroyed~ Lost or Stolen Securities. The Issuer hereby instructs the Bank, subject lo the applicable provisions of the Ordinance. to dchver and issue Secunues in exchange for or in flea of mulilated, destroyed, losl. or slolen Secunues as long as the same does not pesult in an over issuance. In case any Sectmty shall be muulatcd, or destroyed, lost or stolen, the Bank. in as &scrctton, may execute and deliver a replacement Security of hkc form and tenor, and in the same denomination and bearing a number not contemporaneously outslandmg, m exchange and subslitutlon for such muulated Secunly, or m lieu of and tn substitution for such destroyed lost or stolen Security, only after (i} thc fdmg by the Holder thereof with the Bank of ewdence satisfactory to the Bank of thc desl~uction, loss. er theft of such Secumy. and of the authenticity of the ownership thereot and (ii) the luunshmg to the Bank of mdemmficatlou in an amount satisfactory to hold the Issuer and the Bank harmless All expenses and charges assocmted w~th such indemnity and with the p~parauon, execution, and dehvery of a replacement Security shall be borne by the Holder of the Secerity mutalated, or deslroyed. Iosl. or stolen Section 4.07. Transac~ien Information to Issuer. The Bank will. within a reasonable tune after receiI~ of wn~.en request from the [$suer, furnish the Issuer information as to the Securities it has prod pursuant to Section 3 01, Secunlles ii has delivered upon the transfer or exchange of any Secunues pursuant to Section 4.01, and Secunt~e~ it ha.,; dehvered iii exchange for or m lieu of mat~lated, destroyed, lost. or slolen Securities pursuant to Secllon 4.0~ ARTICLE FIVE TH~ BANK Section 5.01. Duties of Bank The Bank undertakes IO perlonu thc duties se! lorth berem and agrees lo use r~,LV..~nablc c,u'c m Ibc pcrlonnance Ihcreol Section 5.02. Reliance on Documen~ EIe (a) The Bank may conclusively rely. as to thc troth of thc slatemenl~ and correclness of thc opanons expressed thereto, off ceruficates or opinions funushed to the Bank. Ch) The Bank ~hall nol be liable for any error of jndgmenl mnde m good faith by a Rc~pous~blc Officer. unless it shall be proved that the Bank wan negligent in ascerlmnmg thc pertinent lacts. ¢c) No provls~oun of th~s Agreement shall require thc Bank to expend or risk its own funds or othcrw~sc recur any financtal habthty for performance ol any of its dut~ hereunder, or tn the exerets~ of any of ~l~ rights or powcm, If ~t shall have rca,,oanble grounds for behewng that repayment of such funds or adequate mdemmty satisfactory to it agmn,,I such risks or Imbfllly is not assured to ~t (d) The Bank may rely ,and shall be protectnd m acting or refranun8 from acting upon any reanluuon. certificate, ~latement. msl~umenl, opinion, report, notice, request, d~recuon, consent, order, bond, note. security, or other paper or document believed by fl to be genume and Io have been s~gned or presented by the proper patxy or parties W~thout limiting the g~nerahty of the foregoing slatement, the Bank need not exmnme the ownetslup of any Secunlres. but is proteclnd m acting upon receipt of Sccunues conlaimng an endorsement or lnslruclion of Iraanfer or power of transfer which appears on ils face to be agned by the Holder or an agenl of the Holder. The Bank shall nol be bound to make any mvesttgauon into the facts or matters stated m a resolulton, c~ficate, atalement. instrument, opimon, reporh not,ce. ~'quest. d,rection, consent, order, bond, note, security, or other pape~r or document supplied by Issuer. re) The Bank may consult with counsel, and the wnttsn ndwee of such counsel or any oplmon of counsel shall be full and complete authorization and protection wflh respect to any aclion taken, ~uffered. or omttlnd by tt hereunder m good fiuth and in reliance thereon. (f) Th,, Bank may exercise any of the powers hereunder and perform any duties hereunder either directly or by or through agents or attorneys of the Bank. Section 5.03. Recitals of Issuer The rcctlals coulamed hercm with respect to the Issuer and m the Securities shall he taken as the atalemenls of the lssuer, and the Bank assmncs no respon,¢lbfltty for their CoiTectncss The Bank shall m no evenl he liable IO the Issuer, any Holder or Holders of any Security, or any other Person for any amounl duc on any Security from ~ts own funds. Section 5.114, May Hold Securities The Bank, in Its mchvidual or any other capacity, may become the owner or pledgee of Securities and may olherwise deal with the Issuer with thc same rights ~t would have if a were not thc Paying Ageul/Reg~strar. or any other agenl Section 5.05. Money Held by Bank. The Bank shall deposit any money recetved from Ihe Issuer into a trust account to he held m a fiduciary capacity for the paymenl of the Secunues. w~th such money m the account that exceed the depo.,~t insurance, available to the Issuer, provided by the Federal Deposit Insuranee Corporation to be fully collaterailzed w~th securities or obhgatloas that arc el~gthle under the laws of the Slate of Texas to secure and be pledged ~ collateral for trust accollnis unlll die principal and interCsl on such v2¢urltJC.% have bo~n presented for i~ymen[ mid [~ud to the owner thereof Payments made from such ~rust account shall bc made by check draw]] on 5UC]I InlS! account ullless the owner of .~uc]l Sec'unties shall, at ils own eXtra,Use and risk, r~qu~[ such other medium ol poymenl AAA funds al any ume and from time to ume provided Io or held by the Bank hereunder shall be dcemed. construed, mid con%ldered for all purpo~s as being provided to or held by the Bank in trasL and as a trusLce for the benefit ut the Security Holders The Bank acknowledges, covenants, and represents that At ls acung hereto m a fiduciary c~aclty m relation LO such funds, and ls not accepting, bokbng, administering, or applying such funds as a banluug depository, but so]ely as Imstce and fiduciary for and on beh.'df or the Security thereto, except as mzstec pursuanl to Ihe terms or this Agreement Thc Ho]dcm shall be enUlled lo the same preferred claim and f~t hen on the funds 5o provided a.s are enjoyed hy the beneficiaries of trust funds generally. 'The funds provided to the Bank hereunder shall not be subJeCt to warrants, drafts or checks drawn by the Issuer and. except as expressly provided hereto, shall not be subject to compromise, setoff, or other charge or dumnutton by the Bank. The Bank sllaU be under no hnbdlty for ]nlerest on any money received by JL hereunder. SubJeCt to the uuc]aJmad lx"openy bws of the State of Texas and any provisions m the Orcbnance to the conlrary, any money deposited w~th the Bank for the paymenl o! the principal, prommm (Lf any). or interest on any Security and rem.',mng uuc]azmed for four yea~s alter final matumy or the Secomy has become due and payable wall be paid by the Bank to the issuer, and the Holder or such Secumy shall thereafter look only to the Issuer. and the Holder of such Secumy ~hall thereafter look only to the ]ssuer for payment ther~oL and all ]mbthty of the Bank with rc~pe~t to such money shall thereupon cease Section S.06. Indemnification To the extent permitted by law. the Issuer agrees to mdcmmfy thc Bank for, and hold it harmless agahlSt, any loss. liability, or expense mctuzed wAthoul negligence or bad froth on ils part, arising out of or m connection with ils aceep~ance or adm~msUafion of zts duue,5 hereunder, including the cost and expense against any clmm or bablllly m counecuon with thc exercAse or pel'fOnnance of any of lis powers or duues under this Agrcement. Section $.07. Interpleader. Thc Issuer and the Bank agree that the Bank may seek adjudicauon of any adverse claim, demand, or coouoversy over its person as well as funds on deposit, m either a Federal or S~c Dlsmct Courl located in the Slate and County whe,~ either the Bank Office or the admmistrutLve offices of thc Issuer is Iocmed. ,*md agree Ihat ~rvios of process by cerUfied or repsterad mad. mum rccczpt rcquaste& to Ihc address referred to m Section 6.03 of this A~reement shad consUmte adequate scrvzce. The Issuer and the Bank further ap*ce that the Bank has thc night to file a Bdl of Inie~lcader m any court of competent jurisdiction to determine the rights of any Person clmming any :nterest hereto Section 5.08. Depository Trust Company Services. It is hereby represented and wan'anted that, m the event the Securities a~c o~berwlse qualcqcd and acccptad for "Depository Trust Company" services or cqmvalcm dcposnory u'u,d services by other organlzauons, the Bank has thc capabibty and. to the extent wzthm zts control wdi comply with thc "Operauona] Affangcmcnts," effccdvc August ]. 1987. which cstabhshes reqmrcmcnts for secuntics to be ehgzble tor such type depository Irust servLces. Ancladm$. but not bruited to. reqmremeats for the t:mehncss of paymcms and funds avaJ]abdlly, uansfcr tumazooad tone. and notification of redemptions and calls. ARTICLE SIX MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS Section 6.01. Amendment This Agreement may be amended only by an agreement m wnlmg slgnad by both ol thc [~u'hcs hereto Section 6.0]. As...ignmem Tins Agrccmcnl may nol ~ a~ffned by e~th~ ~ly w~t~ut the prior written COll~elll o[ I~e oth~F SeXton 6.03. Notie~ Any ~'quesL d~m,lnd, aulhon~tlon, d~t~. nouce. d~umenl provided .r f~rnmled he.by I~ ~ g.ven or furmsh~ IO dehve~'d Io Ibe Issuer or the B~k. res~l~vely, a~ Ihe ~$~ show~l off I~ s~gnalu~ ~ge of l~s Ag~emenl ~tion 6~4. E~e~ ~ Beadin~s The ~cle and Secuon ~eadmgs be~m ~ lot convemenee only ~ ~1 not 311ecl tbe cons~cl~ he.of S~flon 6.0~. Sue~om and A~i~q ~1 coven~ts and agmc~nenls h~em by succcsm~ and a~gn~, whether m exposed ~ not. S~tion 6.06. Sever~bil~y. In c~ ~y ~ws~on hemm sh~! ~ mv~d. flleg~. ~ ~anf~ble. the vahthly, leg~ty. ~d enfo~fl~ly of the ~mmnmg p~s~o~s sh~l nol in ~y way ~ gf~t~ ~ ~m~d ~emby. S~tion 6~7. ~nefim of Agr~ment. No~mg be~m. exp~ the p~es h~to and their succes~rs he~u~er. ~y ~lrefit ~ ~y leg~ or equitable nghl. mm~y, ~ clmm he~un&r Section 6.08. Entire Agrcemenl. Th~s Agro~menl and Ibe Ordmanee consutute the entire agreement between the parhes hereto relanve Io the Bank acting as Paying Agen~/Reg~swar and if any conflict exists between lus Agrcemenl and the Ordmanee, the Ordinance ~hall grwem. Section 6.09. Counlerparl.~ Th~s Agreement may be executed m any number ol counterparts, each of winch shall be deemed an original and all ol which shall consumte one and the smue Agreement. Section 6.10. Termination. Th~ Agreement w~ll terminate (t) on the date of final payment of the pnnctpal of and interest on the Secunttes Io the Holders thereof or (n) may be earlier tenmnated by e~ther party upon 60 days written nm,ce: prowded, however, an early termination of thts Agreement by e~ther party shall not be effecuvc until fa) a successor Paying AgenVRcg~strar has been appmnted by Ibe Issuer and such appomtmont accepted and (b) noucc has been gtven IO the Holder~ of thc Securities of Ibe appomlment of a successor Paying AgonVReglsUm'. Furthermore. the Bank and Issuer mulually agree that the effective d_.t,~ of an early termmauon of th~s Agreement shall not occur at ,any ume whmh would disrupt, delay, or otherwise adversely affect the payment of thc Securities Upon an early tcnnmauon of this Agreement. the Bank agrees to promptly transfer and deliver thc Security Register (or a copy thereof), together wtth other pertinent bo~s and records relating Io the Sceuntics. 1o the %uccessor Paying Agent/Registrar des~ganled and appointed by thc Issuer. The provisions o£ Section 1.02 and of Article Five shall survtve and remmn ,n fuU force and cffect following the lennmalton of thru Agree~nent Section 6.11. Governing Law Thts Agreement shall be consumed tn accordance w~th and governed by thc law~ ol the State of Texas. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the parue~, hcrelo have cxeculed IbIs Agree~nenl ns ot the day and year t-~st above wnllen FIRST CITY. TEXAS - HOUSTON. N A Houston. Tex~ By By Tflle T~tle [BANK SEALI Address I I 11 F,'mmn Houston. Texas 77002 Altesl' CITY OF COLLEGE STATION. TEXAS By C~ly Secretory [ISSUER SEALI By May~ Ad(hess: II01 Texas Avenue College Stauon. Texas 77842 EXECUTION PAGE FOR PAYING AGENT/REGISTRAR AGREEMENT SCHEDULE A P'aymg AgenllReg~%trar Fee Schedule [To he ~upphcd b), Ihe Bank] A-I Exh;h~t C Fora1 of Purch,3.;e C'onlfik'L ,'md lnvesunenl Lellcr $1.125,000 CI'i Y OF COLI.EGE STATION, TEXAS PUBLIC PR{}PER'I Y FINANCE C(INTRACTUAI. OBLIGATIONS, SERIES 1991 PURCHASE CONTRACT AND INYESTMENT LETTER Augu,,I 28. 1991 The Honorable Mayor .'md City C~auncll CIly of Collet!c SI,Ilion 1101 Texa,, Avenue College Slallon, TX 77842 L~e.', aud Gentlemen. Thc undersigned. Fu~t City. Texas - Houston. N.A. Houslon. Texas (the "Purchaser") offc~ m enter mto IMs ~ha~ Conill ~ Invcs~ent ~ttcr (thL~ "Con~t") wait ~e C~ly of College Smtmn. Tc~ (t~ "C~ty"). T~s offer i~ made subj~t to the Cfly's accep~cc of tMs Con,ct on or ~foff [0.~) p.m.. Cen~ Dayhghl Time on Augu~l 28. I~1. I PURCHASEANDSALEOFTHECONTRA~UALOBLI~ATIONS. U~eIe~s~dcon~I~o~du~nIhC ~s of the ~p~nt~ons ~t fo~h heroin. ~e ~h~ hereby ~s to p~h~ from t~ C~ly, ~d the C~ty ~- by a~ to ~ll ~ ~hver to ~e ~<~ ~1 ~c of $1.125.~ ~ mnount of Cl~ of College Texas. Public ~y Con~tu~ Obh~ons. Series I~1 (~e "Obhgauons~). ~e Oblations s~l ~ ~ Sep~m~r I. 1~1. sh~ have a single s~d m~unty date of ~h I. 1~2 ~d sh~l ~ mt~t from the of thg~ imll,fl deh~ to I~ P~h~r (tho "Closing" ~ h~ingter ~fin~) at Ih~ m~ of 6.0% ~ ~num. mle~t ~mg ~ayable ~ M~h I. 1~2 or u~n e~ly ~empuou. The pu~h~ ~ce f~ ~o Obh~ions s~ $ I.125.(~X~. 2. ORDINANCE. The Obllg~lon~ sh~l ~ ~ ~n~d m ~ sh~l ~ issu~ ~d ~d ~der the of ~e ~m~tz ~opted by t~ C~ty Could of ~ C~ty (~ "C~ty Coumd") on this ~e (the "~ce") Obhgal~on~ sh$1 ~ sub. gl w opuon~ ~empUon ~d s~l ~ ~y~le ~ pmvl~ in ~e 3. REPR~ENTATIONS, WARRANTI~ AND AOR~MENTS OF CITY. On ~0 ~e h~o{. ~ Ctty w~la. and ag~es ~ follows (a) ~e City ~s a mumc~ ~mt~on of ~ State of Tex~ ~d a ~y ~lmc ~ e~e. ~ full leg~ riehl. ~wer. and ~thonty to ent~ into th~ Con.ct. m ~opt t~ ~ce. to sell ~e Obh~Uons, ~d Io ~ssue ~d dehver ~e Obh~ons m ~e ~r as pmvi~ hewn ~d to e~ ~t ~d ~naumm~e all other ~smfions ~<n~ m ~e O~n~ce ~ tMs Contract. (b) By offie~ ~l~on of ~e C~ty ~or to or ~nc~tly with ~ ~p~ hemf. ~ Ci~ ~ duly ~t~ the OMm~, has d~y ~th~ ~ a~ the ex~uUon ~d ~hv~ of. ~d ~ by the C~ty of the obh~llons ~n~ in ~e Obl~atl~ ~d ~s Con~t ~d h~ duly ~t~fi~ ap~v~ the ~ff~n~tz by the C~ty of its obhg~s con.ed m ~e ~ge ~d in ~s Contr. (c) The C~ is ~ m b~ch ot ~ def~lt und~ ~y apphcable ~w ~ ~mis~ve ~gul~on of the Slate of Tex~ or t~ Uml~ Slates or ~y ~phc~le judgment or d~ or ~y I~ ~emem, ~lul~on. a~ement, or oilier ms~ment to which ~e City ~ a ~y ~ Is o~e~ subj~t, which would ha~ a maten~ ~d ~vc~ offer u~m ~e busi~ or fi~ condmon of ~e C~ty: ~d the ex~ution dehvem of this Conffael by Ihe City ~ lbo gx~uuon ~d dehv~ of t~ Obh~uo~ ~d ~g ad~tlon of the ~ce by Ihe C~ly ~ ~mph~ w~th I~ pmvk~lons of ~h ~mof wiU not wolfe ~ co~utule a b~ch of or defaull under any ex,sling Mw. ~mmJs~u~ ~gulauon, j~gment. ~. ~ ~y ~emenl or ot~r m~lmment to wMch Ihg Cily is a ~y or la oth~m subj<l. {d} All a~mv~s, con.htS. ~d o~ of ~y g~nmen~ aufl~only ~ agency having j~l~lcfion ol say mailer wMcll wouM const~tule a ~ondm~ precedent m t~ ~fl~ce by the City of ~ obh~t~ons ~ll and dehver t~ Obhgat~nns he.under will have ~en obtained ~or W t~ Closing. (e) Be~een the ~le of tlu~ Con~cl ~d the Closing. Ihe City wdl not. wllhoul Ihe ~ wntton ~on~m ol the Purchaser. i~ue any ~dlllo~ ~Bd$, note~, or olher obllgallons for ~w~ money ~yable ~m ~.cu~d by a hen on ~ pledge ol Ihe ad vMo~m Mxes (as de.'rind m the ~umnke). ~d file City wdl I~Ctlr ~¥'tBai~lal [l~l]llle$. dlr~[ or ¢Oll[l~ge~l. la)f will I]le~ ~ ~y ~ve~ ch~ge of a inaterl~ natu~ in Ibc fifldn~l.l] ~t~lllon ol Ihe Cay ~ ~ t ~ ~ ,'] (fl No hllgauon is pending m any coufl in Brezo,q Counly. Texas or. m the knowledge of the threatened in any courl afleclmg the corporae exlslence of the Czly. the title oi ils officers m then' respucuve offices or reeking Io reslrean or enjoin the zssuance or delivery ot the Obhgauous. the collection of taxes pledged or lo be pledged to pay the prm¢lpul of and mlere,~l on the Obhgatums, or m any way Conlestmg or after, ting the e,su.'mce, executam, dehvery, paymenl, ~cunty. or valalfly of [he Ohhgauons. or in any way conleslmg or affecting' the valld:ly or enforceabdi~y of Ihe Ordinance or Ihls Contract. or contesting the powers of the Clly. or any anlhonly lor the Obhg~lon~. the Or~hnance, or Ihe, Contmut. ~gl The Obhg.'mon~. whan v',4hdly executed, anthenl~cated, and dchvered m accordance wllh the Orthnance and ~old to the Purehase, r as provMed hereto, wall be validly ~sued and outmnchng obhgat~ons of the C~ly enmled lo the benefits of. and subjecl to Ihe lanltat~on~ con~mned iii, the Ordinance. Chi Belwcen the dale of this Con~ract and the date of the Closing the Clly shall d~sclose to. chseuss w~th, and provide any mlhrmaUon reasonably requested by the Parcha~er in coanecuon w~h any breach, default. or fadare Io comply, of whaever naturc and of which Ihe CIly. has knowledge regarding any law, loan agreemem, indenture, bond, no~e. resulullon, agreemenl, or other mstrumenl lo which the C~y is a party or lo wh:ch the Clly. or any of the pn~eny or as~ls of the C~ty ~s otherw:se subjecl 4. REPRESENTATIONS, WARRANTIES, AND AGREEMENTS OF PURCHASER The [:hlrchaseg hereby makes the following represenhallon', and wawanues to the (al The Pu~ha~er has the lull nghl. power and anthonly Io enter into th~s Conwact. and th~s Contract coaslflates a valid and binding obhgellon of the Purchaser. enforceable m accordance w~th ~ts terms, excepl as Ihe ~me may be Imuled by banltruplcy, msolveney, morslonum~ reorgamzaUon, or other hws of general apphcatmn affecting the enforcement of crethlOrs' rights or by eqmlable principles, and subJcel to the uanvadabfllty m any .lunsdlcllon of specific peri'ormance or any other equitable remedy. lb) The Purchaser ~s a suplnsl~cated and well informed investor, has knowledge and expunence m financial and business matters relating lO the investment m the Obhga~oas, and ~s capable of evaluaun8 the menC~ and n,,ks Cmcludmg the sce~nly pledged lo the paymanl of the Obhgat~ons) of such mvestmeta and prol~.~lmg ic~, interests in connecuon with th~s financing. The Purchaser has the financtal abthty to bear the eeonoanc n~ks of purcha.m:g the Obhgal~oas. inclu&ng the complele loss of the mvesunenc ¢c) The Purchaser underslands ~he term ~acored~ted investor~' as used in Reguinlson D pwmuigated under the Secunlles Act of 1933. as amended and Purchaser represanls and wan'ants thai such Purchaser ~s an 'accrcthted mveslor" for purposes of ac, quuing the Obhganons. id) The Parchaser has made ~ts own mqan7 and analys~s with respect to the Obhgatrens, the security therefor, Ibe eqmpment to be financed w~th the proceeds of the Obhgatmus. and other maeaml factor~ affecting the seCunly and paymenl of the Obhganons. and the Purchaser has not rehed upon any slalemenl by the City. ~ts officers, trustees, or employees, or ~ls financsal consultants or legal adv,.ns m counecUon wUh such inquu7 and analy~ or m coanecuon w~th the offer and sale of the Obhgauoas. Ce) The Purchaser acknowledges that ~t and ~ts represeotatives have been furmshe, cl, prior to the date hereof, all ck)cumenls and certificates executed m coanecuon w~th the authorization and ~ssuance of the Obhgeuoas and all reformation concerning the financing needed to make an reformed dec.sion w~th respect to ~ts mveslment m the Obhgeuons. The Purchaser fmlher acknowledges that it has full oppormmty to ask quesuoas and receive ant, wets from officers and rei~resentat~ves of the ~ty concerning the financing and to obtain any addmonal mfonnanon which the C~ly possesses which was necessm7 lo verify the ace~acy of the reformation regarding tile C~ly. the financing, or otherwise desired m corinect~on w~th ~18 evaluation of the decv,~on to purchase Ihe Obhgauoas if) The Purchaser i,~ purchasing the Obhgellons for ~ts own account for mvesUnenl only and the Purchaser has no present mleat~on of reselling or dlslnbulmg the Obh~anons In mahng the foregmng represenlat~on, lhe Purcha.~r is aware that il masl bear the economic risk of such mveslment for an mdafinite period ol nme. and. in the event that the Obhgatlons are sold by the Purchaser. such sale may only be made to per,,ons who are able lo aad do confmn m wnung to the Clly m advan,,-e of such sale the repre~enm~oas cont,'uned m p:wagraph,, ia) Ihmugh II') hereof '~. CI OSl~.~,. Al JO 00 A M., CenWal Dayhghl Tune. on Seplemher 16. 199 I. or such other date as the purlles agree to (the '~Cl*~mg"l. the C:ly wdl deliver the mmal Obhganou (as defined m Ihe Ordinance) to the Purchaser. m the titan reque,,ted by the Purcha,eer. duly execuled and autheancated, togelher w:th Ihe other documenls bemmalter menlmned, and the Pu~,haser will accept such dehv~ry and pay the purcha~,,: puce of Ihe Obhganons .,~1 forth iii Paragraph I hereof in nnmedlalely avlulable tunds Delivery ,md paymem as aforesaid shall be made al the c*ffice~ ~1 Fw, IClly. Texa,,, - Hl~aston, N A. Hou,,ton. Texa~ or ~u~ll other place as shall have been mutually 2 agreed upon by the City and the Pnreha~r Thc Obligations shall be del]vo.cd in typed foml as requested by the Parchav:r; sh:dl be prelXlred and dchvered a.% a fu)ly registered obhgalton iii thc single denommauou of $! and ,,hall be reglqlcred m die rt.'uric of the Purchaser 6 (.'¢iNBITION$ The Pun. haste has entered lUt{! this ConltaCl in rehauce upon Ihe repre~enlaUOnS ~ w,~ultlus of Ibc City conlanled bern[] and lo be conlanled in the documents and mstrmnouts to be delivered at the Chewing. and upon Ilk' perhmnance by the City o£ iIq obhgalion.,, hereunder, lk'qh as of Ibe dale hereof and as of the date el CIos[]g Auuordnlgly. die Pumhaser'q obhgalions under this Conm~.t lo purchase and pay for the Obhgations nh.all be subJeCt lo the perfonmmce by the City el Els obhgauouq lO be perlormed hereunder and under such documonl~ and instruments al or prior to the CIo~tng, and shall al~o be subject lo the follow[]g conditions. (a) Thc repre$enlahon5 and warrafll]es of the City contained hereto .,,hall be true. co[]plete, and correct in all material re,,peclq on Ihe date hcrex~f mid on and as el the date el Closing. as ]1 []adc on the date of Cltx,,ulg, (bi At the limn of the Closing. the Ordinance -shall be m full Iorce and effccl and shall not have been amended or supplemented except as may have been agreed to by the Purchaser;. (c) At thc lime of the Clos[]g. all officud acuon of the City related to the Ordinance shall be m full force mid effecl and shall nol have been amended. []odlfied. or supplemented. (d) The City ~hall not have fa,led to pay pnnclpal or interest when duc on any of Ets outstanding obhgatlous lor borrowed money; (e) At or prior to the Closing. the Purchn.~r shall have received one copy of eat'h of the lollow[]g dt~. umcn[,,: fl) Thc Ordinance certified by thc Mayor and the Cfly Secretary of the Chy undo' ]ts seal as having been duly adopted by the City and as being in effect, with such changes or amcndmcats es may have been agreed lo by thc Purchaser;. ¢2) An op][]on, dated the date el Closing. of McGmmn, Lochndgc & IOIgore, Bond Counsel to Ihe CIly. ]n form mid substance ,'utached as Exhzbzt A lo dus Contract; ¢3) An unqualJfied opl[]on, dated on or prior Io the date of Closing. of the Attorney General of Texas. approving the ObhgaUons as requu'ed by law: (4) A cerUficatc, dated the date of Closing. signed by thc Mayor and the Execmlve Dir~ulr of Fiscal and Human Resources of the City. to thc effect that (ii thc relWeSemtat[]ns and wan'satins of the City eontanied herein are tree and eo.r~t m all material respects on and as of the date of Closing as if made on the date of Closing; (u) no hUgalmn ts pending m any court m Brazes County. Texas or, to the knowledge of such persons, threatened m any coral to restrain or enjoin the tssuanc~ or dehvo.y of Ihe Obhgauons. or the collection of taxes pledged or to be pledged to pay the principal of and mt~est on the Obligal:ons, or in any way contesting or affecting line validity of the Obhgations, the Ord~mmc~. or th:s Conlracl. or contesting thc powo.s of thc City or contesting the anthmazatxon of thc Obhgauons or thn Ord[]ance (but m lieu of or in conjunction with such ceCaficate the Purehasex may, [] its sole discretion, accept cerlificates or op[]tons oi such Attorney that. [] his opinion, the issues raised m any such penthng or Ihreatcned litigation ate without substance or that thc contentions of all plaxnfiffs thereto are without merit), and (ut) to the best of theft knowledge, no event affecting the Chy has eccatxed which should be ~iosed to the Po.chaser (~i) A cemficalc, dated the date of the Closing. of an appropriate officml of thc City to thc effect thai. on the basts of the facts, estimates, and c~reumstances [] effect on the dase of delivery of the Obligations. it is riel expected that the proceed.% of the Obligallons will be used in a manner that would can~ the Obhgatton', to be arbitrage bond~ within the []caning of secuon 147 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. a.,, a[]ended, and (6) Such 4ddltiona] legal oplmons, cemficateb, instruments, and other documents as Bond Counsel or the Purchaser []ay reason,ably requesl to evidence the truth, accuracy, and completeness, as of the dale hereof and as el the date of Ck~lng, of the City's repreaental[]as and warranties unstained he. rem and the due pertonnan~e and satlslacnon by the City al or pflor to the date el Closing of all agreements then Io be performed and all conditions then to be ~tlsfied by the Cay All of thc O?nlmns, letters, ccrt~ficatcx, msu'mncnls. ,'md other dtx'umcnts mentioned above or elsewhere In Ihss Contract shall be deelned to be Ill korspl]ance with thc provsslons hereof If. but only if. they are satisfactory to the Purcha~r and Boed Coan~l If the City .,hall be unable to .,,allqy the conthuons to thc obhgauons o£ Ibe Purchaser to purchase, to accept dehvery of. and Io pay lot the Obhgatlons ax set forth in tins Contracl, or i£ the obhgatlons pi the Purchaser Io purchase. Io accept delivery of. amd to pay for the Obhgalions shall be terminated tm' any reason penratted by this C~mlnlel. IIllx Conlmcl shall terlnlnale :aid neither the Pan'hazer nor the City xhall be under further obhgallon hereunder, exc~pl that Iht: re,,pecllve ~tbhg.it~ons of the CIly and the Purchaser scl forth in Paragraphs 8 and 10 befool xhall contlllUe Ul lull It~'ce iud ctfecl 7. TERMINATION The Pm.cha.,,er may terminate iix obligation to purchase at any lime before thc. Closing if any pi the following should tx:cur (al (il Leglnlatlon nhall have been enacted by tile Congress of the United Suites, or recommended Io the Congrcs,, for passage by the Presldem of the United Slates or favorably reported for passage to either House of the Cong~s'~ by any Commlltee of such House. or (ii) a decision shall have been rendered by a court eslabhshed under Article I11 of the Conxlantlon of the United States or by the Umted Slates Tax Court. or tm) an order, ruling or ragulauon shall have been issued or proposed by or on behall of the Treasury Department of the Umted Slales or the Intenlal Revenue Service or any other agency of the Umted Slates. or (iv) a release or officl~ slatemenl shrill have been i~ued by the Presldenl of the Umled SL'ues or by the Treasury Department ot the United Slates or by the lnlemal Revenue Service. the eftect of winch, m any such case described in clause Ii). {11). (111). or (iv), would be to impose, d~ectly or indirectly, federal income taxation upon interest received on ohhgalmns ol the general character of the Obligations or upon income of th~ general ch:u'acler to be derived by tile C~ty (b) Any action shall have been taken by the Securities mid Exchange Commssslon or by a court which would rcqmre regl~lratlon of any secunty under the Secunt]es Act of 1933, as amended, or qualification of any ]ndenlure under thc Trust Indenture Act of 1939. as amended, in connection with the Obhgations. or any action shall have been taken by any court or by any governmental anthomy suspending the usc of tile Limited Offenng Memorandum or any amendment or supplement Ihercto. or any pro.'eedlag for that purpose shall have been mmated or tlueatened m any such court or by any such authority. (c) (0 The ConstituUon of thc State of Texas shall be amended or an amenthnent shall b~ proposed, or ell) lagsslallon shall be enacted, or (gl) a decision shall have been rendered as to matters of Texan law. or Or) any order, mlmg or regulalmn shall have been issued or proposed by or on behalf of the Slate of Texas by an officud, agency or department thereof, affeclurg thc tax status of the City. its property or income, as bonds 0ncledmg thc Obligations) or the mteresl thereon, which m the judgment of the Purchaser would materially affecl Ibe murket price of the Obhgallons. (d) (il A general suspension of trudmg in secunues shall have occun'ed on the New York Stock Exchange. or (u) the United Slates shall have become engaged in host~hties which have ~sulted in the declaration, on or after the date of this Purchase Contract. of a natmnal eme~ency or wm'. the effect of which. m either case described in clause (i) and (ii). ss, m the judgment of the Purchaser. so matorial and adverse as Io make 11 impracucable or inadvisable to proceed with thc purchase or the delivery of the Obligauons on thc terms and in the manner conlemplated in this Contract and the I~mtted Offering Memorandum. (e) A general banking moralormm shall have been dcclan~d by anthonlaes of the Umted States. the Slate o[ New Yolk or the Slale ol Texas. 8. EXPENSES. Thc Purchaser shall be under no obhgation to pay. and thc City shall pay. any expenses mcidont to the performance of the City's obhgallons hereunder, mcindmg but not lunlted to. (il the co~t of the preparatlco and. if necessary, printing of the Obligations. (u) the fees and expenses of Bond Counsel to the City; and (u) thc fees and th,,bm.semenls of the City's accountants, advisors, and of any other experts or consultants ~elamed by the City 9. NOTtCg.~ Any notice or other communication to be given to Ihe City under Ihis Contract may he given by dehvcnng the .,.'une iii wrmng al the address Ior the City scl forth alxwe, and any nollce or other commun~canon Io be given to the Pu~.h.'~scr under thlx Contract may be glvcu by dehvermg the same m wrmng to Fust City. Texas - Itouston. N A.. Attn' Dale Lehman, I I I I Fanmn. Houston. TX 77002. 10. PARTIK.~ IN INTERESI' This Contract is made solely for the benefil of the City and the Pm'chaser (Including the ',ucccs~,*rs or assigns o! the Purchaser) and no other person stroll acqmtc or have any right he~enuder or by vmuc hereof. Thc CIly'x reprevcnlallons, wafrafllleX, and agreements contmned m this Conffac! shall oper, tt~ve and in full lorc~ and efl~t, rcgardlex,, ol (il any invesugallon.~ made by or on hehalf of thc Purch~tser and in! dehvery of any paymenl ior Ibc Obhg.,l~ons hcreundor: and the C~ty's representations anti WalZanues conla~ned ~n Paragraph 4 of th~s C~IiIF'~I ,tlld tile Purclla~e~',, rel~'eseniaUon~ and warranUcs contained m Pamgr'~oh 4 of th~s ~ontr:~.'t. shall remain operative lln~l in full ft~ce and ¢ffo. t. regardless of any termlrlnllon ol thy, Contract. I1. b:~'~F(.TIVE I)A1 E TII~ Ctmtr~:t shall Ix. come efh.~:liw upon die execution ol the ncceplanee hcreol hy thc Mayor of the City mid ,,hall bc v~dld mid enfocceablc a.~ of thc time of ,~uch acccphmcc. Very ~'ulv y~u~. Accepted Thzs 2gth day of August, 1991 By. Mayz~', Clly of College Station. Texas FIRST CITY,TEXAS - HOUSTON, N.A. By. NAme TItG~' Exhibit A Bond Opinion CLETI'ERHEAD OF McGINNIS. LOCHRIDGE & KILGORE) September 16. ~9ol CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, PUBLIC PROPERTY FINANCE CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATIONS, SERIFS 1991 DATED SEPTEMBER 1.1991 IN THE AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF WE HAVE ACTED AS BOND COUNSEL FOR TIIE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS (Ihe "Issuer"). the issuer ot the Contractual Obligations deserthed above (thc "Contractual Obhgatlons"}, and m that connection we have cy, ammed rolo the legahty and validity of the Contractual Obhgahons tor thc sole pu~ose of rendenng an opinion w~th respecl to the legality and vabd~ty ol the Conlractual Obhgal~ons under the laws of thc State of Texas. and w~th respect Io tile cxcludablhty of the interest on the Contractual Obhgatlons from gross income fro' federal income lax purpo~s, and lot no othec rem~n o~ purpose. We have not been requeatnd to mvesUgate or verify, and have nol independently invesl~galed or vended, any records, data. or olher material relating to the financial coodmon or capabfllues of the l.~sner, and we have nol assumed any responabihty with re,peet Ihel~lO. We have rehed ~lely on cemficalen executed by officials of the Issuer as to the curt'eat outstanding indebtedness ol. and as~e,,scd valualtmt ot laxable prt~'~er~y within, the l~ucr WE HAVE EXAMINED the apphcable and pemneat prov~lons of the laws ol the S~e of Texas. a tran~npt of certified proceedings ot thc Issuer, and other perlmcat restrumenla authcn'tzmg and relaung to thc rssuance of the Contractual Obhgauons, mclu&ng one of the execated Contractual Obhgatums. BASED ON SAID EXAMINATION. IT IS OUR OPI.NION that the Contractual Obligations have been authorized, ~sued. and delivered m accordance w~h law; that except as may be l~mted by laws applicable Io the Issuer relating lo banla'uptcy, reorgan~zallon- and other slmdar malte~ affecting credilor~' rights generally, the Contracluai Obhgations constitute valid and legally binding obhgauons of the Issuer;, and that nd valorem laxea ,~affic~ent to prowde for the payment of the mteresl on and pnnctpal of the Conlmctual Obhgations have beon levied and pledged for such purpose, wnhm the hmtt pre~.nbed by law. IT IS FURTHER OUR OPINION. excepl as thscas.~,.d below, that the mtecest on the Conuactual Obhgat~ons ~s excludable trom the gross income of the owners thereof for federal income lax p~s under the slatmes, regalauons, pubhsbed mhng~, and court dec~stons existing on the date of this oplmon We are further of Ihe opinion that the Contractual Obhgat~tms are nol "pnvale acllwty bonds" and that, accorthngly, mtecest on the Conwaclual Obhgduon$ will not be mclnded as an md~wdual or corpomle alteniat~ve minimum tax preference item under ~cllon 57(a)(5) of the Inlental Revenue Code ol 1986. ~ amended (the "Code"). In expressing the aloremenuoned opauons, we have rehed on. and assume comph.'mce by the Issuer with. ~.~am represeatauons and covenanl~ ~gardmg the u~e mid uwestmenl of the proceed,, ol the Contraclanl Obligations. We call your attention lo the fa~t ll~at fmlure by the l~uer to comply w~th ~uch repre~ulaUons and covenanls may can.~ the mlere$t on the Contractual Obhgallonn Io become includable m gr~s income rem~acuvely to Ihe dale of rssuance of the Conu'ac tu,~l Obhgat~on,, WE ('ALL YOUR A'I-I'bNTION TO THE FACT Ihal Ihe ml. erc~l on lax-exempt obhgauons, such as Conimclu,'d Obl~galaons. ~$ (a) included m a curporat~on's ,'dlemat~ve mmnnum laxable income for purposes of determining the altcrnaUve mm~mum lax mrd Iht cnvzronmcnml tax Lmpor~d on coq)omtzons by secuons 55 and 59A of thc Code. (b) ~ubjec! to the branch profils lax ~mpos~l on foreign corporauons by secuon 884 of the Co~; as~l (c) included m the pass,va investment income of a subchaplcr S co~ooral~on and subj~l to the lax ~mposed by section 1375 of the Code EXCEFI' AS STATED ABOVE. we express no op~mon as to any other federal, slate, or local tax convequence~ ol acqumng, carrying, owning, or d~sposmg ~f Ih¢ Contractual Oblisal~ons. Respectfully submilled. P, tge 2 ol 2 p~ge~