HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-2054 - Ordinance - 03/24/1994OI~IN'A_NCE NO. ~n~ AN ORDINANCE REZONING AN 8.97 ACRE TRACT SITUATED IN THE ROBERT STEPHENSON SURVEY. ABSTRACT NO. 54 IN COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS BEING A PORTION OF A 159.657 ACRE TRACT DESCRIBED IN A DEED RECORDED IN VOLUME 964, PAGE 818 OF THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS FROM R-5 MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL TO M-1 LIGHT INDUSTRIAL. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS' WHEREAS, the Ctty Council held a pubhc heanng tn the Ctty Hall Councd Chambers at 7:00 P.M. on Thursday, March 24, 1994, on the question of rezoning certain areas within the City hmtts: AND. WHEREAS. the C,ty Council has determined the followtng: To rezone or change the classthcatton of an 8.97 acre tract or parcel ot land lyin..g and being situated in the Robert Stephenson Survey, Abstract 54, m College Station, ~razos County, Texas, and being a portton of the 159.657 acre tract conveyed by Llevan J. Van Rtet et al to Lievan J Van Rlet, Trustee by deed recorded m volume 964, page 818 of the Official Records of Brazos County, Texas from R-5 Medium Density Residenual to M-I Ltght Industrial. Said tract being more parttcularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING AT A 1/? rod found marking the most easterly corner of the said 159.657 acre Iract, said iron rod being in Ihe ~outhwest right-of-way line of Schaffer Road, a county road, and marking the north corner of the Texas A&M Research Founda~.on 4.00 acre tracl described m volume 936, page 151, THENCE, S 41° 57' 50' W along the southeast line of the said 159.657 acre tract for a d~stanco of 923.21' to the northwest corner of the 2.60 aexe tract conveyed to Fire Security Systems, Inc in volume 1228, page 61 of the Official Records of Brazoa County, Texas; THENCE, lq 48° 32' 18' W through the interior of as, id 159.657 acre tract for a dislance of 421.60 feet for corner, THENCE, N 41° 45' II" E for a dtslanco of 923.40' for corner, said corner being in the southwest righl-of-way line of a county road oiled Schaffer Road; THENCE, S 48° 30' 36' E along said right-of-way line for a dmance of 425.00' to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 8.97 acres of land more or less. AND, it is ordatned that sand change shall become effective immediately. PASSED AND APPROVED tMs 24th day of March, 1994. C~ty Secretary, Conme'Yiook~ APPRO~ '(0 cp 1p m BEGONIA CORPORATION Jim Crowell, Owner 8.972 AC Request: R-5 to ' 2 for G.E.R.G. expanse n. Ems] a M-2 1H 1 % FU. •- _COLLEGE STATKNi C" Mrs (fW EM] it I City of College Station, Texas cpf CASE NUMBER- 94-106 fy" I PLANNING DIVISION TYPE OF CASE: REZONING (R-5 to 2) (") Q<' h 7 , Q p " -- 7 q