HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-2051 - Ordinance - 03/10/1994ORDn'qANC~ NO. 205 1 AN ORDINANCE REZONING A 4.02 ACRE TRACT SITUATED IN THE CRAWFORD BURNETV LEAGUE, ABSTRACT NUMBER 7, IN COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS AND BEING ALL THAT SAME TRACT CONVEYED FROM JAMES E. JE'UI', ETAL, TO LARRY LANDRY, AS DESCRIBED BY DEED RECORDED IN VOLUME 483, PAGE 651 OF THE DEED RECORDS OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS, FROM C-1 GENERAL COMMERCIAL TO R-4 LOW DENSITY APARTMENTS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: WHEREAS, the City Council held a pubhc hearing tn the City Hall Council Chambers at 7:00 P.M. on Thursday, March 10, 1994, on the question of rezonmg cerium area.~ within the City limfls: AND, WHEREAS, the C~ty Ctttlnctl has determined the following: To rezone or change the classification ol all that certain tract or parcel ot land totallmn 4.02 acres, lying and being ~ituated in the Crawford Burnett Leal~ue, Abstract Number ~'~ College Station. Brazos County, Texas and being all that same trfi'ct conveyed from James E. Jett, etal, to ~trry ~a. ndry and described by deed recorded in volume 483, page 651 of the deed records of Brazos County, Texas from C-1 General Commercial to R-4 Low Density Apartments. Said tract ts more particularly described as tollows: BEGINNING al a I/2" iron rod Iound marking the north corner of said 4 02 acre tracl, thc ,.sc'st corner ol the Whaley Subdlvlsmn. a,, depicted by plal recorded m volume 447. page ~5 of thc Deed Records of Brazo`, County. Texa`,, and lying m Ibc southeast right-of-way line Ill Southva.',.t Parkwa.~ THENCE S 35° 23' 39" E - 227 49 feel with the southwest hue of said Whlllev Subd~v~sum Io ti 1/2" iron rod ,,el for angle point m u creek. THENCE S 44° 30' 45" E - 371 00 feel wah said subdivision line a I/2" iron rod ',el for corner. THENCE S 45° 34' 43' W - 354 '~7 leel to a I/2" iron rod ~et for corner in the northeasl right-of. way line ot Chrl`,lme Lane THENCE N 44° 27' 45" W. 152 93 feel with .~a]d rtghl-of-way hne Io a 1/2" iron rod ,.el for ,.'~lrncr in Ibc southea,.t linc ol th.ti ',amc 4 22 acre tract conveyed Io F M. Shorl Co. dq described b.~ deed recorded in volume 74t, page 387 ol Ihe official reeords of Brdzo`, County, Texas. THENCE N 43° 42' 23" E - 11071} tcct with Iht common line between mid 402 acm tract and ',aid 4.22 acre tracl Io a I/2" iron rod '~et for corner. THENCE N 44° 42' 42" W - 49995 feet with said common Ime Io a I/2' Iron rod found for corner m said Soulhwe`,t Parkway nghl-of-way line, THENCE N 57° 45' 11' E - 287 97 feel v, lth ~.did right-of-way hue Io the PLACE OF BEGINNING. and conlammg 402 acre., of land, more tlr less AND, tt is ordained that said change shall become effective immediately. APPROVED this 10th day of March, 1904. 12ity Secretary, Connie Hooks PASSED AND (See concurrent Preliminary Plat case 94 -302)