HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-2041 - Ordinance - 11/30/1993ORDINANCE NO 2041 AN ORDINANCE VACATING AND ABANDONING A PORTION OF A FIFTEEN FOOT WIDE ALLEY WHICH CROSSES AND LIES BETWEEN LOTS `1 AND 2 AND LOTS 3, 4, AND 5, OF BLOCK `19, COLLEGE PARK, AND A THIRTY FOOT WIDE RIGHT-OF- WAY BEING A PORTION OF AYRESHIRE STREET, WHICH CROSSES AND LIE BETWEEN LOTS `1 AND 2 OF BLOCK '19 AND LOTS 2 AND 3 OF BLOCK E, COLLEGE PARK, IN THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS. WHEREAS, the City of College Station, has received an Application for the Abandon- ment of a Portmn of fifteen foot w~de alley which crosses and lies between Lots 1 and 2 and Lots 3, 4 and 5 of Block 19, College Park, and a thirty foot wide right-of-way being a porhon of Ayreshlre Street, which crosses and hes between Lots 1 and 2 of Block 19, and Lots 2 and 3 of Block E of College Park, more particularly descnbed ~n Exhibit "A" attached hereto, and WHEREAS, the property owners, Jerry C Cooper, Carole A Cooper, Walter E Coufal, and Rebecca Lloyd have agreed to grant the C~ty of College Station pubhc utility easements, more particularly described in Exhibits "B", "C" and "D' attached hereto, ~n exchange for the abandonment of the alley and street right-of-way, and WHEREAS, on November 30, 1993, the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas, heard the apphcat,on of Jerry C Cooper and Carole A Cooper, for the vacation and abandonment of the fifteen foot w~de alley and the thirty foot wide right-of-way descnbed above; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, that a fifteen foot w~de alley which crosses and hes between Lots 1 and 2 and Lots 3, 4 and 5 of Block 19, College Park, and a thirty foot w~de nght-of-way being a portion of Ayresh~re Street, which crosses and lies between Lots 1 and 2 of Block 19 and Lots 2 and 3 of Block E, College Park, in the C~ty of College Station, Brazos County, Texas, be abandoned and vacated, that the Mayor and City Secretary be authonzed to convey by quit claim deed on behalf of the City of College Station any right or claim which the C~ty has ~n and to said abandoned porhon of sa~d alley and nght-of-way to the abuthng property owners, and that the abutbng property owners execute pubhc utdity easements to the C~ty of College Station as set forth in the attached Exhibits "B", "C" and "D". PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED th~s 30th day of November, 1993. APPROVED City Secretary METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION OF A 0.117 ACRE TRACT PORTION OF AYRESHIRE STREET AND A 15 FOOT WIDE ALLEY COl .I .r~OE P ARK COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS Metes and bounds description of ali that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in College Park, an addition to the city of College Station, according to the Plat recorded in Volume 38, Page 602, of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas. Said tract being a portion of Ayreshire Street and a 15 foot wide alley. Said tract being more particularly described by the metes and bounds as follows: ]ll~,zl]~]~l]~[~ at a 5/8 inch iron rod set marking the West come~ of Lot 1, Block 19 of said College Park, said iron rod also mating ~ i_~ of th~ ~ Right-of-Way line of Bell Slreet and the No~d~e~ Right-of-Way line of Ayr~_ h~re Street; TroUNCE: S 44' 32' 58' E along the Nortlm~ Right-of-Way line of Ayreshire Street for a distance of 102.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set madding tbe Sonth corner of said Lot 1; THENCE: N 44" 34' 28" E along the sontbeast line of Lot I and Lot2, Block 19 and tbe Northwest line of a 15 foot wide alley for a distance of 125.16 feet to a 1/2 inch iron pipe found marking the sJ~ cornor of said Lot 2, said iron pipe also lying on the southwest line of South Hereford Street; TIIENCE: S 44' 32' 58' E for a distance of 15.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set marking the North corner of Lot 3, Block THENCE: S 44' 34' 28" W aiong said Northwest line of said Lot 3 for a distance of 155.16 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set; on the Southwest Right-of-Way line of Ayreshire Street; THENCE: N 44' 32' 58" W along said Right-of-Wa~y line for a distance of 97.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set nmrking the North corner of Lot 3, Block E of the Resubdivision of n portion of College Park, according the Plat recorded in Volume 107, Page 151 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas; THENCE: N 11' 09' 18' Ethrongh Ayreshire Street for adistance of 36.31 feet to the POINT ~ containing 0.117 of an acre of land, ns survey , 1993. Brad Kerr Land Surveyor No. 4502 ~'Vtmd~ nmb EXHIBIT "A" METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION OF A 0.0~8 ACRE TRACT PORTION OF AYRN~HIRE S'I'Pl~I~F AND A 15 FOOT WIDE ALLEY COLLEGE PARK COLLEGE STATION, BRAT-OS COUNTY, TEXAS Metes and bounds description of aH that certain tract or parcel of Innd lying and being situated in College Park, aa addition to the city of College Stntion, according to the Plat recorded in Volume 38, Page 602, of the Deed Records of Brazos County,-Tcxas. Said tract being a pmtion of Ayreshirc Street and a 15 foot wide alley. Said tract being more particularly described by the metes and bounds as follows: ]l]~g~l]~L~ at a 5/8 inch iron rod set marking the West cornel of Lot 1, Block 19 of said CoUege Park, said iron rod also marking the intersection of the Soutbea~ Right-of-Way line of Bell SUcet and the Northeast Right-of-Way line of Ayreshire Street; 'fTI~NCE: S 44" 32' 58' E along the Northeast Right=of-Way line of Ayres_hire Street for a distance of 102.00 fect to a 5/8 inch iron rod set marking tbe South corner of said Lot 1; TImtNCE: N 44' 34' 28" E along the southeast line of Lot 1 and Lot 2, Block 19 and the Northwest line of a 15 foot wide alley for a distance of 125.16 fcet to a 1/2 inch iron pipe found mnrking the East corner of said Lot 2, said iron pipe also lying on the southwest line of South Hel~ord Street; TI-I~NCB: S 44" 32' 58" E for a distance of 7.50 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set; TItENCE: S 44' 34' 28" W through said alley for a distance of 140.16 feet to a 5/8 inch iron THENCE: N 44' 32' 58' W through Right-of-Way of Ayreshire Street for a distance of 99.50 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set; THBNCE: N 11' 09' 18' E through Ayreshire Street for a distance of 18.16 feet to the POINT ~ containing 0.058 of an acre of land, as surveyed on the ground November, 1993. ~ Brad Kerr l Registered Professional Land Surveyor No. 4502 'v ........................ ~.~, ~...~ ~5%'-~.° ~ EXHIBIT "B" METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION OF A 0.035 ACRE TRACT PORTION OF AYRESIIlltE STREET CO~-L~E PARK COLLIU3E STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS Metes and bounds description of all that certain tract or parcel of land lying nnd being s~_m~ted in College Park, an addition to the city of College Station, nccording to the Plat recorded in Volume 38, Page 602, of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas. Said Unct being a portion of Ayreshire Su~t. Said tract being more pazficularly described by the metes and bounds as follows: ~O.~~ at a 5/8 inch iron rod set marking the West corner of Lot 1, Block 19 of said College Park, said iron rod also marking the intersection of the Southeast Right-of-Way line of Ben ~-eet and the Northeast Right-of-Way line of Ayreshire Slreet; THENCE: S 11' 09' 18' W throngh said Ayr~hlre Slreet for n distnnce of 18.16 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set mnrk. ing the I~OINT OF BE(~INNING for this herein described tract; THENCE: $ 44' 32' 58" E l~-o~Rh said Right-of-Way of Ayrshire Slreet for a distance of 107.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod s~t marking the West- cornor of Lot 3, Block 19; Tit~NCE: S 44' 34' 28' W tln-ongh Ayr~hire Street for n dislance of 15.00 fee~ to a 5/8 inch iron rod set; on the Southwes~ Right-of-Way line of Ayrexhire Sm~et; THENCE: N 44' 32' 58" W along said Right-of-Way line for a distance of 97.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set marking the North come~ of Lot 3, Block E of the Resubdivision of a portion of College Park, according the Plat recorded in Volume 107, Page 151 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas; THENCE: N 11' 09' 18' E throngh Ayrexhire Slreet for a distance of 18.16 feet to thc POINT ~ contnining 0.035 of nn acre of land, 1993. Brad Korr Registered Professional Land Surveyor No. 4502 EXHIBIT "C" ns ~~. ovember, METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION OF A 0.024 ACRE TRACT PORTION OF A 15 FOOT WIDE ALLEY COLLEGE PARK COL-T.Fdi]E STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS Metes and bounds description of all that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in College Park, an nddition to the city of College Station, according to the Plat recorded in Volume 38, Page 602, of thc Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas. Said U'act being a portion of a 15 foot wide alley. Said i~act being more particularly described by the metes and bounds as follows: B~INNINO at a 5/8 inch iron rod set marking the North comer of Lot 3, Block 19 of said Collage Park, said iron rod also marking the intersection of the Southwest Right-of-Way line of South He~.ford Sireet and the Southeast line of an alley; TIiENCE: S 44' 34' 28" W along the Northwest line of said Lot 3 for a distance of 140.16 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod se~; marking the West coiner of Lot 3; TH]~NCE: N 44' 32' 58' W through said alley for a distance of 7.50 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set; THENCE: N 44' 34' 28" E through said alley for a d,stance of 140.16 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set on the Southwest Right-of-Way line of South Hereford Street; THF. NCE: S 44' 32' 58' E along said Right-of-Way line for a distance of 7.50 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING containing 0.024 of an acre ~ ~d, as surveyed on the ground November, 1993. ~ {.-. Brad Kerr ~, ,~ Registered Professional ,..~-~'~-'~' ~- .... Land Surveyor No. 4502 :.~..~ 4502 ~: ~r'~'~/ ~%.o_, , ¢;..' EXHIBIT "D"