HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-2039 - Ordinance - 10/28/1993ORDINANCE NO 2039 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER I I. SECTION 2. OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES. OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION. TEXAS RELATING TO SCHEDULE OF FEES FOR WATER AND SEWER CONNECTIONS. AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Tlmt Chapter I I. SeOson 2 F of thc Cnd~ of Ov&nance~ of the Cs.ty or College Slntson ss here~ amended to read as follows 'SECTION 2 WATER AND SEWER SF..RVICES F WATER AND SEWER CONNECTIONS Fee for Waler Tao tal For cuslomers~ whether s~ngle-fanuly, multl-famdy, or commercial and/or industrial conneO~n~ to the water .system witlun or omstde the ~otpornte hmt~s of the Cs.ty wdl have a servtce charge I~sed on wntor lap st~'e Set, tee Charge Bonug/Street Cut Charge $15 pcr foo~ For 3" and 4# waler tops. the service charge includes only the putcha~ of the meter and nn mspecUon fee Meters of thru sure mu~ he I~rchased from the Cdy Developer ss responsible for the making of the lap according Io Ct.ty speetflcaltons and ss subject to C~ty mspecuon (c) For theee tops wluch reqmre bonng benenth a sU'eet or thoroughfare or ~qumng the street to he cut. an addmo~nl $15 per fo~ of bonng or cut charge ~s~ii also he asse~ed (2) Fee for Sewer Tao For cuslomcrs, x*hether smgle-fanuly, mulh-fmmly, or commerctal and/or mdusmal connccBng to thc wastewater .syslem x~stlun or outstdc thc corporate Imuls ortho Ct.ty wdl haxe a serv~ee charge based on sewer lap s~zc ~mc~ O,~rge Tap Ssze Prex ious Chame Chargc 4" Si75 S350 6" $2'~(! $100 Street Cut Charge per foot 13) (c) For 6" sewcr laps. lite scr*,see charge includes only an inspecOon fee Dcx, eloper is respons~le for ~ ranking of'the tap nccorchag lo Cfly spee~ficatlons and Is subjeel to Cl~ mspeetJon For those laps wluch reqmre cumflg a street or thoroughfare, an adchtsoml Sl 5 per foot of cut will also be nssessed IVInlertals and nt All mntersals and eqmpmeflt used Jn ranking an3. uuht.v connec~on remains the property of the Cs.ty of College Station. Texas" Should anv section, paragraph, senlence, clnuse, phrase, or word of tlus orchaancc be declared unconshlullonal or mvahd for any purpose, the wmnlnder of tlus orthnnaee shall not be affected thereby And. it is ordained that this ordinance shall become effective ~om and after tls I~ in accordance ~tth thc Ci.ty Charter oftbe ('ih. of College Slatlon However. these Fates shall be effective on all in~,~OlC~S submitted by. the Ci.ty of College Station to nscrs on of after November I. 1993 PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 28th DAYOF October . 199'~