HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-2020 - Ordinance - 07/08/1993NO. 209.0 AN OI~DINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 9, SUBDIVISIONS, OF THE CODE OF OI~DINANCES OF TIlE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, BY AMENDING SECTIONS 3, 8-U, AND 9-F.I PERTAINING TO THE INSTALLATION OF UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC UTILITY SERVICE. NOW, TI-IEI~EFOI~, BE IT OI~DAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION THAT: Chapter 9, Section 3, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby amended by adding the following definitions: '~ shall mean any line, wire, or cable and appurtenances which distributes, transmits, or delivers a utility service from a source to a general area or to multiple developments, and not to a specific end user. ~ shall mean any line, wire, or cable and appurtenances used to distribute, transmit, or deliver service from a feeder line to two (9.) or more sites or end users of the utility service within a specific development. ~ shall mean any line, wire, or cable and appurtenances used to distribute, transmit, or deliver a utility service from a source of supply, feeder line, or lateral line directly to an end user." Chapter 9, Section 8-U, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby amended to read as follows: "8-U Electric Service Installation 8-U.1. All electric utility se~ice shall be installed underground in residential, multi-family res!.dent~al, commercial and i~.d. ustri~, s..ubdi.v~.'....'..ions..All lateral electric lines and service lines supplying mecmc ut~hty serwce shall be placed underground. Overhead feeder lines may he placed within the above-listed subdivi- sions in the following locations: 8.U.9..a. Along the perimeter of the platted subdivision. 8.U.9..b. ~.djacent to or within the right-of-way of thoroughfares identified on the current thoroughfare plan of the City of College Station and approved for the location of over- head utilities. Within alleys or dedicated easements identified for the location of aerial utility se~'ice on the approved subdivi- sion plat. Ordinance No. 2020 Page 8-U.3. The Subdivider shall dedicate easements upon forms approved by City for the installation of utilities, including electric. All liens and other ownership interests shall be subordinated to the easement use. 8-U.4. Where the electric service is placed underground, all street lighting and site lighting equipment shall be placed underground except for the poles on which the lights are to be 8-U.5. The Subdivider shall be responsible for ftunishing and installing, and the expenses related thereto, of conduit for the installation of all on- site underground development feeder, lateral and se~wice lines u~li~ed to provide electric utility sen~ice to the subdivision. The specifications for the conduit shall be approved by the Elec~cal Department prior to installation. 8-U.6. Where elec~c service is placed underground, all attxilisry equipment for such service, including but not limited to transformers, junction enclosures and switching devices, shall be pad-mounted on grade or shall be placed underground. 8-U.7. Temporat~ utility service may be provided via overhead line extension." Chapter 9, Section 9-F.I, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby amended to read as follows: 9-F. 1. The Subdivider shall pay twenty percent (~0%) of the cost of installa- tion, includ~g labor, materials and standard fee percentages for engineering and overhead costs for underground elec~c service. The actual cost shall be calculated by the City. All costs shall be paid prior to the commencement of construction." This ordinance shall become effective from and after its passage in accordance with the City Charter of the City of College Station. PASSED, ADOPTED, and APPROVED this 8th day of July, 1993. ATTEST: APPROVED: