HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-1979 - Ordinance - 09/24/1992ORDI~ANC~ NO. ~ 9 ? ~ AN ORDINANCE REZONING SEVERAL AREAS WITHIN AND SURROUNDING THE RECENTLY ANNEXED FOXFIRE SUBDIVISION, SITUATED IN THE THOMAS CARUTHER LEAGUE, FROM INTERIM A-O AGRICULTURE OPEN TO R-1 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL AND PERMANENT A-O AGRICULTURE OPEN. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing in the City Hall Council Chambers at 7:00 P.M. on Thursday, September 24, 1992, on the question ot rezonmg certain areas within the City limits: AND, WHEREAS, the City Council has determined the following: To rezone or change the classification of the following areas (see areas 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8A, 8B and 9 on attached map) from tnterim A-O Agriculture Open to R-1 Single Family Residential: Being all that certain tract or parcel of land more commonly known or referred to as FOXFIRE PHASE I SUBDIVISION. which is described on a plat filed in Volume 351 Page 435 of the Deed Records of Brazos County AREA2 Being all that cerlam Iract or parcel of land more commonly known or referred to as FOXFIRE PHASE 2 SUBDIVISION. wMch is described on a plat filed tn Volume 358 Page 291 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas ARE, A 3 Being all Ihat certain Iract or parcel of land more commonly known or referred to as FOXFIRE PHASE I11 SUBDIVISION, which is described on a plat filed in Volume 477 Page 783 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas. ARHA4 Being all thai certain tract or parcel of land more commonly known or referred to as FOXFIRE PHASE IV SUBDIVISION. which ~s described on a plat filed m Volume 717 Page 765 of the Deed Records of Brazo~ County, Texas. ARllA S Being part of a patrel of land more commonly referred Io as Frost Drive, and abutting the poraon of the right-of-way of the same streel, which ~s included in Foxfire Phase IV subd~vLq~on, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the mosl soulherly corner of Lol 5. Block 15, Foxfire Phase IV aubdivision, located in the Thomas Caruther League A-9, Brazos County, Texas, THENCE S 40° 18' 05' W for a dtslance of 21,11 feet to the point of beginning, THENCE N 45° 55'31' W for a dtqlance of 1,331.28 feet; THENCE S 44° 04' 29' W for a dkqlance of 35.67 feet; THENCE S 45° 47'12" E for a diqtanee of 1331 28 feet; THENCE N 44° 04'29' E for a distance of 3889 feet to the point of beginning and containing I 1394 acre of land more or le~q Ordinance # 1979 Fovfire Rczo~ings Pag~ 2 Bmng all that certam tracl or parcel of land more commonly known or referred to as the CHYLINSKI TRACT, which ts described on Warranty Deed filed tn Volume 475 Page 474 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, and bemg more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows' BEING a tract or parcel of land lying and being situated tn the Thomas Carulhets Loague, Abslraet No. 9, Brazoa County, Texas, and being part of the J. M Higgms Estate and betng more particularly dcscrtbed as Tract No. 1 - Beginning at an ~ron rod m Iht southwest boundary line of the above dcqcrlbed tract. same being the most easterly corner of Lot 5, Block 5, Foxfire Addmon, DR 351/435, THENCE N 45° 03' 16' W along said Lot 5, for a dtstance of 219.73 feel to an ~ron rod for THENCE N 44° 44' 47' E within said H]ggms tract for a dtstance of 19825 feet to an iron rod for THENCE S 45° 03' 16" E parallel to smd Lot 5, for a d~slance of 219.73 feet to an ~ron rod for corner; THENCE S 44° 44'47" W for a dtsmnce of 19825 feet Io the POINT OF BEGINNING, contatmng 1 00 are of land more or les~. ARF_.A 8B Being a tract or parcel of land lying and being sltualed tn the Thomas Caruthers League, Abstract No 9, Brazos County, Texa% more commonly known or referred to as Ihe CHYLINSKI TRACT, and being part of the J M. Htggms Estate whtch is descrtbed on a Warranty Deed and being more particularly descrtbed as follows: Tract No. I - Commencing at an tron rod in the southwesl bounda~ hne of the above described tracl, same being the most easterly corner of Lot 5, Block 5, Foxfire Addtoon, DR 351/435; THENCE N 44° 44' 47" E 198 25 feet along the norlhwesl rtght-of-way hne of Faulkner Drive to an iron rod for the PLACE OF BEGINNING; THENCE N 45° 03' 16" W 21973 feet lo an iron rod for corner, THENCE N 44° 44'47" E 198.25 feel to an ~ron rod for corner, THENCE S 45°03'16'' E 219.73 feet to an tron rod for corner; THENCE S 44044'47" W 19825 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING, and containing 1.00 acre of hnd, more or less ARF. A 9: Being all that certain tract or parcel of land more commonly known or referred to as the PEARCE TRACT, same parcel being a 1.00 acre tracl or parcel of land lying and being slluated m the Thomas Caruthers League, Abstract No. 9, Brazos County, Texas, and being part of the J. A. Higgins Estate, and being more particularly described m A Warranty Deed filed tn Volume 424 Page 133 of the Deed Records of Brazos County as follows Ordinance # 1979 Foxfire Rezonings Page 3 BEGINNING at an iron rod in Ihe Southwest bounda~ line of the above described Higgins tract, same being the moot northerly corner of Lot 2 Block 4 Fox[ire AddillOn, Dr 351]435; THENCE N 44° 44' 47" E, within said Higgms tract, for a distance of 2293 feet to an iron rod for corner, THENCE S 45° 03'16" F_~ parallel to Lol 2, for a distance of 190 feet to an iron rod for corner; THENCE $ 44° 44' 47' W for a distance of 229.3 feet to an iron rod for corner in the northeast line of said Lol 2; THENCE N 45° 03' 16~ W along said Lol 2, for a dlslance of 190 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing I 00 acre of land, more or less To rezone or chanl~e the classtftcatton of the following areas (see areas 6 and 7 on attached map) from interim A-O Agriculture Open to permanent A-O Agriculture Open. AREA6 Being all Ihal cerlam Imct or parcel of land more commonly known or referred to as Ihe HENRY TRAC'F, which is described by deed recorded m Volume 754 Page 331 of the Official Records of Brazes County, and being more parllcularly described as follows: Metes and Bounds descnpllon of all that certain 5.87 acre Iract or parcel of land. lying and being situated in the THOMAS CARLrTHERS LEAGUE, Abstracl No 9, Brazes County, Texas, and being a pomon out of that same called 76.47 acre tract conveyed from Anna Jean gark. ct vu', to WC Lipsey, Trustee, as described by deed recorded in Volume 754, Page 331 of the Offic~l Records of Brazoo County, Texa~, and said 5 87 acre tract being more particularly described as follown: COMMENCING al a 1/2" iron rod found at Ih¢ base of a fence post, said iron rod marking the easl corner of said 7647 acre Irnel, and being Ihe intersection of the soulhwesl line of Frost Drive and Ihe norlhwest line of Bird Pond Road, as currently fenced. THENCE' N 45° 07' 00' W - 81949 feet wllh the line of Frost Drive to a 1/2' iron rod set for the PLACE OF BEGINNING THENCE: S 44° 53' 00' W - 648.15 feet across said called 76.47 acre tract to a 1/2" iron rod sel for reference monument. THENCE S 44° 53' 00' W - 50.00 feet to a point for corner in Ihe centerhne of a creek, THENCE. N I I° 02' 22' W - 89.13 feet with said creek centerhne to a point for angle point THENCE: with said creek centerhnc for Ibc following calls: N 00° 03' 05" E - 212 19 feet N 24° 16' 59" W - 220.53 feet N 31° 17' 20' E - 277 57 feet THENCE N 03° 02' 02' W - 80 84 feet wllh said centerlme to a point for corner. THENCE: N 44° 53' 00" E - 5000 feet to a 1/2' iron rod set for reference monument Ordinance ~/ 1979 Fo.,;ttre Rezonmgs Page 4 THENCE' N 44° 53' 00" E - 45.32 feet to a Ih' iron rod set for corner in the southwest right-of- way line of Frost Drive. A 112" iron rod scl for corner in the north corner of said oiled 76.47 acre tract bears N 45° 07' 00' W - 322.95 feet. THENCE: S 45° 07' 00" E - 554.78 feet with said line to the Pl.,ACE OF BEGINNING, and containing 5.87 acres of land. more or less. ,t~i.EA 7 Being all that certain tract or parcel of land more commonly known or referred Io as the WALTMAN TRACT, which is described in a deed recorded in Volume 916 Page 357 of Ihe Official Records of Brazes County, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: Field notes of a 9.38 acre tracl or parcel of land lying and being situated in the Morgan Rector Survey, Abstract No 46. Brazos County. Texas. and being part of the 72.19 acre tract described in the deed from A.D Salley to McHayden Dillard and wife, Barbara Dillard as recorded in Volume 916. Page 357. of the Official Records of Brazos County. Texas. all of the 1.24 acre tract (home- sltel described in the correction deed from A. L. Salley to McHayden Dillard and wife. Barbara Dillard as recorded in Volume 915 Page 59. of the Official Records of Brazos County, Texas. part of Ihe 1.04 acre Iract 160' access) described in the deed from A.L Salley to McHayden Dillard and wife. Barbara Dillard as recorded in Volume 904. Page 421. of the Official Records of Brazos County. Texas and being more particularly described as follows. COMMENCING at the I/2n iron rod found at 8' cedar post fence corner marking Ihe west corner of the beforementioned 72 19 acre Iract. same being the north corner of the C William Hedderman 11 8.40 acre tract described m Volume 704. Page 397 of the Official Records of Brazos County. Texas; THENCE. S 36° 34' 47" E with the southwesl line of the 72 19 acre tract for a distance of 39434 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING. THENCE: N 44° 52' 08" E - across the 72 19 acre Iract for a dislance of 949.61 feet for the norlhmost corner of this description, THENCE' S 39° 09' 08" E. pass at 251.05 feel the north corner of the 1.24 acre tract, continue on for a tolal distance of 381.21 feet for the easl corner of this description at the east corner of said I 24 acre tract, THENCE: S 44° 52' 08' W along the southeast line of the beforemenlloned 1.24 acre tract, at a distance of 966.00 feet pass a 1/2' iron rod found marking the south corner of Ihe said 1.24 acre tracl, continue on for a total distance of 969.93 feet lo a 1/2' iron rod set at the intersection of the projection of Ibc southeast line of thc said I 24 acre tract with the projection of thc northeast line of the Foxfire - Phase IV according lo thc plat recorded in Volume 717. Page 766. of Ihe Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas, THENCE S 36° 48' 35' E along the prolecuon of the northeast line of the Foxfire - Phase IV for a dLstance of 5 91 feet to a 1~' iron rod set al the north corner of said Foxfire - Phase IV; THENCE' S 45° 21' 18" W along the northwest line of the beforemenlloned FoxlJre - Phase IV for a distance of 68858 feet to a 1~ iron rod found marking the west corner of Foxfire Phase I according to the plat recorded in Volume 351. Page 435 A, of the Deed Records of Brazos County. Texas, Orclinat;ce # 1979 Fo. rfire Rezonmgs Page 5 THENCE: S 44° 14' 17' W along the northwest line of Lot 1, Block 5, Foxfire - Phase I for a dmance of 56 65 feet {57 55 call) to a 1~" iron rod found at 4' creosote post fence corner marking the east corner of Freneau Drive (60' right-of-way); THENCE' N 45° 21' 41' W along the norlheast hne of Freneau Drive for a dtslance of 60.11 feet to a I~' ~ron rod found al 4' creosote po.qt fence corner, THENCE' N 44° 14' 17' E parallel w~th and 60 111 feet northwest of thc northwest hne of Ihe beforement~oned Lot 1, Block 5, Foxfire - Phase I, for a dtslance of 51 52 feet to a 1/2.' ~ron rod set, THENCE: N 45° 2r 18" E parallel with and 6000 feet northwest of the northwest line of Fo~fire Phase IV adjacent to a fence for a dt~tance of 705.96 feet to a 1/2" iron rod found at cross-tie fence corner marking Ihe east corner of the beforemenuoned 8 40 acre track THENCE: N 36° 34' 47" W along the common line between the beforementtoned 72.19 acre tract and the 8.40 acre tract, adlacenl to a fence, for a dastance of 328.74 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING, conlammg 9..'t8 acres of land more or less AND, it is ordained that said change shall become eft'ect~ve immedmtely. PASSED AND APPROVED this 24th day of September, 1992. APPROVED: ATFEST: C~ty Secretary, Connie Hooks LOCATION OF PROPOSED REZONING "City-Initiated" CEntorim A-0 W Fornmuout R-1 and A-0) 0M C-1 ftwl We] &WDMHC PARK Kwc crry OF CASE NUMBER- 92-107 CASS TYPE: REZONING Q� (tnt.dm A-* to it-t h A-0) COLIXOR STATION MA A-0