HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-2085 - Ordinance - 09/14/1994CERTIFICATE FOR ORDINANCE
We. Ihc underszgned Mayor ,'eld Oly Secretary of Ibe City oF College $lahon. Texas (Ihe "Clly"). hereby
cemfy ,'ts follows:
I, The City Council of lite Cl~y elbe "Council") convened in specsRl s~sslon, open to ihe public, on
September 14. 1994. al the meeting place de~t.?naled itt Ihe nc, bce (the "Meeting"). and the roU was caJIcd ot Ihe
memben,. 1o wit: Larry J. Ringer. Mayor. and the following Clly Councdmembers' Wdbam Fox. David l-bckson.
Lynn Mcllhaney. Hubbiu'd Kennady. L~'u'ry Mamol. and Nancy Crouch All memher~ ol Ihe Councd were Ix~'e~nt.
~ .... consmuung a quorum When:upo~ thong other ~smess. the
Following was trane, m.-led at Ihe Meclmg a wnlleu ordinance entllled.
(Ibc "Ordnumce"! wa~ duly m~.~luccd for Ihe con~tdera0on ol thc Council and read in tull Il was Ihen doly moved
and .~coodcd that ~he Onimance bc fianJly passed and adopted: nnd ,'alter due discussion, such motion, can'ym8 wllh
ii Ihe adoplam of lite Ordm,'utce prevailed and camed by lite following vole:
YES.__~.__ NOES'__(~ AI3STENTIONS' ~
2. A tmc. full. a~l correct cop), of the Ordmlmce adopted at I~ Meetbg is attend to ~d tollows thcs
Cem~c~e: the O~man~ h~ ~cn duly ~ed m the Councd's minutes or Ibc M~ang: ~e a~ve ~d Fo~gom~
~g~h as a ~. full. trod ~t cx~l from Ihe Councd's minutes of the Meeling ~nmg to ~e ~tzon
of the ~ma~e: the ~ns n~ed ~n the ~ve ~d roffgomg ~gmph ~ duly c~n. qu~fied. ~d ~t~
o~ce~ and mem~ of the Councd ~ m&cat~ Ihe~m, e~h of fl~e o~ce~ ~d mem~ ~ ~ Councd w~ duly
~d s~ficlcntly nol~fi~ officmlly and ~y. m advice, of I~ t~me. pl~e. ~d pu~e of ~ M~ng. ~
Ih~ tbe ~n~ce would ~ ~t~uced ~d ~ns~d¢~ tot ~opt~on al the M~ung ~d ~ch of such o~ ~d
m~ confuted, m ~vance. to ~e holding of the Meeting for such pu~, and ~e M~mg w~ ~n m the
public, and pubhc notice of the lime. pl~e, and pu~e ol Ihe M~lmg w~s gwen. all ~ ~u~ by Chap~t 551,
Texas Oovem~m C~.
.'t Ctmme H~du, is Ibc duly apposnled and aclmg Oly $ccrel,u'y of the Oly.
SIGNED AND SEALED THIS September 14. 1994
City Secrelary
Clly OF College SL'mc, n. Tex.",,,
CRy nl College Sial. ton, Texas
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas adopted Ordinance No. 208 i
on August 16, 1994 (the "Ordinance") and now desires to amend same'
SeclJnn I. Notwlihstanthng the other provisions of the Ordinance, ~he final maturity date of Ihe
Cerlificales authorized thereby s~ll be October 3 I. 1999 and pnnopal mstallmems shall be made on each
Oclober 31 as follows'
1995 $ 1.000,000
1996 1.000,000
1997 I
1998 200,000
1999 260.00(]
Sectmn 2. The Cemficates shall bear interest m a rate equal to 68% of the prime rate of Bank One
N.A.. Houston. Texas detenmned on the Delivery Date and adjusted annually on each interest payment
date thereafter but never to exceed the maximum rate detenmned pursuant to Article 717k-2. Vemon's
Texas Ovll Statutes. as amended, or any other applicable I,mitation. If ~ prime rate cannot be
determined, the Ceruficates shall bear interest at 68c~ of the "prime money rates" or similar index as
pubhshed m the Wall Street Journal on the day prior to such interest payment date.
Section 3. The Form of the Definitive Cemficates shall be as shown in Exhibit A attached hereto
and the [mlial Cemficale shall be as shown on Exhibit B allached herelo, bnth lncoq~rated by reference
Seclgm 4 All other provismns of the Ordinance are hereby rallfied and confirmed.
Section 5. Notwithstanding ally charter provision or other applicable laws, this Ordinance shall
be immediately effective upon ils adoption by the City Council.
Clly Secretary Mayor
City of College Slatlon. Texas City of College Station. Toxas
Umted Slams of America
State of Texas
September I, 1994
THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS (the "Issuer" or the "City"), being a municipal corpon~un
and a pohucal subdivision or the S~e of Texas, promises to pay to Ibe Registered Owner, specified above, or
relpst~red assigns (the "Registered Owner"). on the Maturity Date, specified above, upon presentatson and sm'render
of this Certificate .'Il the principal corporate trust office of FIRST AMERICAN BANK, Bryan, Texas. or its sncce,.ean~
Ube "Paying Agent/Regsslrat"}, the Principal Amount, ~pncifed above, in Inwful money of Ihe United 5talas of
America, and to pay interest thereon at a tale equal to 68% of the prune rate of Bank One N.A., Houston, Texas
determined on the Delivery Date and adjusted annually on each mte~esl payment date thereafter but never to exceed
the maxenum rate determined pursuant to Amcle 717k-2, Vemon's Texas Civil Sututtes, as amended, or any olJ~r
applicable limltut~on. If the prime rate cannot be datennined, the Cemficates ~ bear interest al 68% of the "prime
money rates" or s~rm ,I,l,l,l,l,l,l,l,l~r index as pubhshed in the Wall Street Journal on the day prior to such iutereat paymem date.
In no event, however shall mlere, at on this Cemficate exceed the maximum rate determined pursuant lo Article 717k-
2, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes, as amended, or any other applicable legnl limitation.
THIS CERTIFICATE is one of a series of Certificates (Ihe "Certificates") dated as of the Dated Date.
speoFed above, of like deslgnauon, dale, and tenor, except as to number, interest rate, denommution, and maturity
issued pursuant to the Ordmunce adopted by the Cay Couned on August 25, 1994, ax amended on September 14,
1994 (Ihe "Ordinunce"). in the ongiunl aggregate principal mnount of $3.460.000 for the puqx~e of ~viding for
the payment of conltactual obligatloas lo be mcmred for extensions and impsovamenls lo Ihe City's drainage system.
extensions and mnprovementa to the CUy's sla~els syslem, and acqmmtion end iastailauou ufa public safoty compatet
and the payment of coulrantual obhgat~ens for professional services m connecuon with the above projects (including.
but not limsted to. f'umnclal advisory, legal, and engmeermgl.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Cemficate has been signed with Ihe manual or faes~mfle s~gnature of lhe
Mayor of the Issuer and counlers~gned with the manual or fncs~mdc sigauturc of tho City Sccret~ of the Issuer.
and the official seal of the Issuer has been duly oupressed, or placed in fncsimfle, on this Certificate.
CIly Secrela~
*THE CERTIFICATES are issued pursuant to the Ordinance whereandar the City Counc;I of the City
covonants to levy a connnunlg, direct, annual ad valorem tax on taxable property within the City, within the limits
prescrthed by law. for each year while any part of thc Cemficntes are considered ontstandms under the provisions
of the Ordinance, Jn a suffic]enl amount to pay ]stere. st on each CertJficate as it becomes due, to provJde a sinlong
fund for the payment of the principal of the Certificates when duc, and to pay thc expenses of essessmg and
coflcctmg such lax, and this Cetllficate is addiuonally secured by and payable from the "Smplus Revenues" of the
lsseer's Waterworks and Sewer System (the "System"}, wMch are the revenues remnm[]g after payment of all
operanon and mmmenance expenses of the System. and all debt service, reserve, and other requirements m
connection with all of the I~uer's revenue bonds or other obligations (now or hereafter outstanding) winch nrc
payable from all or any pan of thc' revenues of the Syqtem and winch pledge is bmhed to $1,000. Reference is
hereby made to the Ordinance for provisions with respect to the custody and applieat]on of the City's funds, remedies
m the event of a default hereunder or thereonder, and the other rights of the Registered Owner. By acceptance of
this Ceruficate. the Registered Owner consents to all of the provisions of the Ordinance. a certified copy of winch
ss on file m the office of the City Secretary
*THE CiTY RESERVES THE RIGHT to redeem the Cemficates lonor to their scheduled matumy, in whole
on any date, al a redampt]on lance of par plus uccmed interesl on the principal amounts called for redemption to the
date fixed for redemption.
*AT LEAST FIVE DAYS prior to the date fixed for any redemption of the Coru£tcates prior ~o maturity
a whiten nc~lce of such redemption shall be given by the Issuer to the Paying AgenVReglsWar. and the Paying
Agent/Registrar shall send a copy of such notJce at least three days prior Io the date fixed for redemption by Umled
States ma~l, th'st class, postage pregmd, addressed to the Rcg~tered Owner of each Cemficate to he redeemed in
whole or m part at the address shown on the books of reglslrat:on kept by the Paying Agent/Registrar: provided.
however, that thc failure to receive such not,ce, or any defect therein or in the sending or mmhng thereof, shall not
affect the valallty or effectiveness of the proceedings for the redemption of the Cemfieates. When Cerlffieatvs or
pomons thereof have b~n called htr redemption, and due provision has been made to redeem Ihe sallie, file principal
amoonts so redeemed shall he payable solely from the funds provided for redemption, and interest which would
otherwise accrue on the amounts called for redemption shall terminate on Ihe dale fixed for redampt~on.
*THIS CERTIFICATE IS TRANSFERABLE OR EXCHANGEABLE only upon Inv. senlatton and surrender
at the pnnc~pai corporate office of the Paying Agent/Registrar. If this Cen~ieate is hems mmsferred, it shall he duly
endorsed for Itansfer or accompanied by an assignment duly executed by the Registered Owner. or hJs authorized
representative, subject to the term., and conditions of the Ordinance. If this Certificate is hems exchanged, it shah
he m the principal a~noanl of $5.000 or any integral multiple thereof, subjecl to thc terms and conditions of the
Ordinance. The Paying Ageut/Reglslrar ~s not reqnu~d to accepl any Cenalcate for transfer or exchange daring the
4q days prior to the date fixed for the redemplion of such Ce~fieale: provided, however, such limllation of lransfer
shall nm he applicable to an exchange by the Registered Owner of the unredeamed balance ora Certificate called
for redempuon in I~Ul. The Registered Owner of this Cerl;ficale shall he deemed and Iteated by the City and the
Paying Agent/'Regislrar as thc absolute owner hereof for all proposes, including payment and disehasge of Ibal~lity
upon this Cerldicate to the extent of such payment, and the City and the Paying Agent/Registrar shall not he affected
by any nonce to the conlrary.
*[.N ~ EVENT any Paying Agent/Registrar for the Cemficates is changed by the City. resigns, or
otherwise ceases to act as such. the City has covenanted in the Ordinance that il promptly will appoint a competent
and legally qualified substitute therefor, and cause whiten notice thereof to he ma:led to the Registered Owners.
*IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED. COVENANTED, AND REPRESENTED that all acls. condiuons, and thmge
necessary to he done precedent to the issuance of the Certificates [] order lo render the same legal, valal, and binding
obhge~lons of the City have happened and have been accomphshed and performed m regular and due time. fern.
and manner, as requu~d by law; thai pmvlsmn ha.,, been made for thc payment of the imnopal of and interest on
tho Cerliflcates by the levy at a conlinulag, dzrect, annual ad valorem ~.~x upon ali taxable propmy wrthln thc City,
wzthm the limit prescribed by law, and from Sl,000 of the Su~las Revcnue~ of the Issuer's Waterworks and Sower
System: and that issuance of the Certificates does not exceed any ctmstitutionnl or statutory hm~mhen.
*BY BECOMING the Regnstered Owner of this Cert~cate, the Registered Owner thereby acknowledge, q
all of the terms and provisions of the Ordinance, agrees Io b~ bound by such terms and prowsloas, and agrees that
the terms and provisions of tht~ Cemficate and the Ordinance consulate a conWact between each Regmered Owner
and the City.
This Cemficate of Obhgatlon is one of the Certlficatt~ descnhed in and delivered pursuant to the within-
menhoned Orchnance. and this Certificate has been issued m conversion of and exchange for, or replacement of, a
Cemficate, Certificate, or a portion of a Cemficate or Ce~ficat~ of an issue which was orismally approved by
the Attorney General of Ihe State of Texas and registen.xl by tho Compu'oller of Public Accoums of the Stat~ of
Bryan. Texas.
Paying Agenl/Reg~sffer
Regislrahon Dale: By
Aulhonz. ed Signature
FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the undersigned hereby sells, assigns, and transfers unto
/. /.
(Please ~nsen Social ~e~nly or Taxpayer
tdenloqcatwn Numl~er of Tranifereel
(Pleac, e prim or typewrite name and addre~, mclud:ng zip code. of Tmmfereel
.the within
C~td'~cate of Obligation and all nghls thereender, and hereby ~rrevocably constitutes and apparels
attorney to reg~ater the Unnsfer of the witlun Certifica~
of Obhgation on the books kept for regastrauon thereof, wdh full power of subsmution in the premism
$isnalure Guaranleed'
NOTICE. S~gnalur~(s) must be guaranleed
by a member i'mn of the New York
$1ock Exchange or a commetcml bank
or Imsl company.
NOT[CE' 'l'ne s~nalure above musl correspond
w~th the name oJ' the Regislei'ed Owner ns il
appea~s upon the fronf of Ihis Certlficalc of
Obligation in every pm~cular, without
alloml~on or en]argemenl or any change
The following abbrevialions, when use~l in file A~lgnmenl above ~' on the face of lira within Cerl]irmate
of Obhgation, shidl be construed as though they were written oul in full acctndmg Io applicable laws or regulations:
TF31COM - as lenanls m common
TEN ENT - as lenanls by file entireties
JT TEN - as jOUll lenants with righl ol survivorship aad nol as lenanls in commoo
{Cusl) (MJnOr)
under Uniform Gifts to Minors Act
Additional abbrevmllons may al~o be used though nol in [he list above.
*~s to be on reverse side of definitive bonds
NO I-1
Dated Dale:
United S~,ues of America
Slate of Texas
SE~-i'bMBER I. 1994
Rng,stered Owner.' FIRST AMERICAN BANK
THE CFFY OF COLLEGE STATION. TEXAS (the "City"). for value received, acknowledges ilself indabted
lo and hereby prom,ses to pay to the order of the Reglstm~ed Owner. spo:lfied above, or the regtsie~ed assigns thereof
(the "Registered Owner"). the Pnnc~pal Amount. specified above, m mstallmeats as shown be{ow on Oclober 3{ and
being interest at mte~ as indicated below:
1995 $1.000.000
1996 1.000.000
1997 1.000,000
1998 200.000
1999 260.000
INTEREST on ~e unpmd Principal Amount hereof from the Dehvery Dale. specified above, shall be paid
computed on the bas~s of a 360-day year of twelve 30-day months; such interest being payablc on October 31. 1994
and on each October 31 thereafter uald maturity. Thc Certificates shall bear interest at a rate equal to 68% of thc
prime mtn of Bank One N.A.. Houston, Texas determined on Ihe Delivery Date and adjusUxi annually on each
interest payment date ~hemafler but never lO exceed the maximum mtn determined pursuant to Amcle 717k-2.
Vemon's Tex~s Ciwl Statutes. as amended, or any other applicable lunitalion. If the prime rate cannot be
determined, the Cer0ficales shall bear interesl al 68% of the "prime money rotes" or s~milas index as pubhahnd m
the Wall Sneer ,Ioutnal on Ihe day prior in such interest payment date. In no event, however shall internal on this
Certificate exceed the maximum rote determined pursu,'mt to Amcle 717k-2. Vemon's Texas Civil Statlaes, as
amended, or any other appheable legal limitation.
THE PRINCIPAL OF AND INTEREST ON this Cemficale of Obhgalton are payable m lawful money of
thc United States of Ameanca, wahout exchange or collec0on charges. Tho final payment of pnnclpal of and interest
on this Certdicate of Obligation shall be pa~d Io the Rngmered Owner he.of upon presentatmn and surrender of t~as
Bond at fired malunty, al the principal corlxm~te trust office of FIRST AMERICAN BANK. Bryan. Texas. which
is the "Paying Agenl/Rng~trar" for this Cemficale of Obhgalmn. The Cay covenants with the Registered Owner
thai flu later than Ihe pnnclpa] payment date and the interest payment date for th,s Ccvaficate of Obligauon it will
make avadable to tbe Paying Agent/Registrar the amounts ~tmred Io provide for the payment, la immethately avail-
able funds, of al! prmcipal of and interest on the Certificates of Obhgallon, when due. in the manner set forth m the
ordinance anthonzmg the ~ssuance of the Certdicates of Obhgatmn t~ooted by the City Conneil of the Oty on
August 25. 1994 as amended on September 14, 1994 (the "Ordinance').
TH/S CERTIFICATE is one of a series of Certificate• (the "Cerlificates") dated as of tho Dated Dale,
spcclf'~l above, of hke designation, dme. and tenor, except as to number. []lerest rate. denom[]atlon, and []atumy
iss[].~d pursuanl to the Ordinance. m the m'iglnal aggregate pnncipal amount of $3.460.000 for the purpose of
providing for thc paymenl of contraclual obligations to be incurred for extensaous .'md ,[]prove•eats to the city's
drainage sysle[], extensions and unprovements to the City's streets system, and acq[]sation and fusmlln!!on of a
public safety co[]puler and the paymenl of coulruClanl obhgatious for professional services in coennclion with the
above projects ¢[]chid[]g. but not ll[]lled to. f'[]ancml advisory, legal, and englucenng)
THE CERTIFICATES an,' issued pursuant to thc Orcimance whergander the City Council of the City
cover•nfs to levy a couunumg, direct, annual ad valorem tax on taxable property within the City. within the limits
prescribed by law. for each year while any part of the Certificates arc considered oulslanding under the provisions
ut the Ordinance. in a sufiJelent amount to pay interest on each Certificate as il bcco[]es duc. lo prorate a stoking
fund for the pay[]ent of the pr[]clpal of thc Certifi~les wben due. and to pay thc expanses of asscss[]g and
collecting such lax. and this Certificaw is additionally secured by and payable from the "Surplus Reveoues" of the
Issuer's Waterwork~ and Sewer Syste[] (the "Sysle[]"). which are the revenues relnaming ~ pay[]cnt of all
oparanon and [][]otenance eXl~nses of the System. and ail dehi service, reserve, and other requlremeats []
connection with ail of the Issuer's revenue bonds or other obhgatlouq (now or heretifier outslending) which are
payable from all or any part of the revenues of the System and which pledge is limlmd to $1.000. Reference is
hereby made to the Orcimance for pro~qous with respect to the cu~lody and apphcanou of thc City's funds, re[]cdles
in the evcnl of a default bereundur or thereunder, and thc other rights of the Registered Owner. By aeceplence of
thL~ Cemficale. the Registered Owner con~ents io all of the provisions oF the Ordinance. a ce•fled copy of wluch
is ou file in the office of the City Secretary
THE CITY RESERVES THE RIGHT to re(ice[] the Certificates prior to their scheduled []atunty. m whole
tin any dale, at a redemption price of par plus accrued interest on thc pnncipal amounts called for rndempuou to the
dale fixnd for rede[]pUon.
AT LEAST FIVE DAYS prior to Ihc dale fixed for any rede[]ptlon of the Cerlaficates prior to maturity a
written notice of such redempllou shall hc given by the Issuer to the Paying Agent/Registrar, and the Paying
Agent/Reglstrur shall send a copy of,*,uch notice at least three days prior to the date fLxed for redempuou by Uioled
Stoles mad. first class, postage Prel~ud, addressed to thc Registered Owner of each Cemficate to be redeemed []
whole or in part at the address shown on the book.,, of regmlration kept by the Paying Agant/Registr~'; provided.
however, that the failure to receive much noUce, or any dek*ct therein or in the send[]S or mailing [bereof. shall not
aflect the vahdity or effectiveness of the In'oce~dings fo~ the redemption of the Certificates. When Cemficates or
pomous thereof have been called for rcdem~ou, and due prowsion has been []Me to redeem thc same, the principal
amounts so redeemed shall be payable solely itu[] the funds provided for redemption, and interest which would
otherwise accrue on thc amounts called for mdemptiou shall term•ate on the dale fixed for rndemptton.
THIS CERTIFICATE IS TRANSFERABLE OR EXCHANGEABLE only upon in~esenlatlou and surrender
at the pnncapal co~te office of the Paying Agenl/Rcglswar. If this Certificate is being Iransferred, at shall be duly
cndo~d for transfer or accompanied by an assignmenl duly executed by the Registered Owner, or his authorized
representative, subJeCt to the terms and coati, lions of thc Ordinance. If this Cea'uficate as being exchanged, rt shall
be [] the principal amount of $5.000 or any integral multiple thereof, subject to the trams and condltmns of the
Ordinance The Paying Agenl/Reglstrur *snol requited to accept any Certificate for wansfer or exchange during the
45 days prior to the date fixed for thc redempliou of such Certilrlcate: provided, however, such li[]l~ion of transfer
shaH not be applicable io an exchange by the Registered Owner of the unredm:n~d balance of a Certifieale called
for rede[]ption [] part. The Regl~lered Owucr of this Ceruficale shall be dee[]cd and Irealed by the City and the
Pay[]g Agent/Reg~sn'ar ,'ts the also,lute owucr hereof for all purposes, including pay[]ent and discharge of Imbihty
upon this Cerlaficate to the extent of such pay[]em, and the City and the Paying Agenl/RegL, m-ar qhaH not be
by any notice to the contrm'y.
IN THE EVENT any Paying Agenl/Reglslrar for the Ce~i]cate,s ~ changed by the City. reszgns, tn'
otherwise ceases to act as such, thc Oty has covenanted in the Ordinance that it promptly will appoint a competent
and legally qtuddied substitute therefor, and cause wmten notice thereof to be totaled to thc Registered Owners.
IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED. COVENANTED. AND REPRESENTED thai all acl~, comhl/ons, and things
necessary to be done precedent ID the issuance of the Cemficates m order to render the same legal, valid, and binding
obhgations of the City have happened and have been accomplished and performed m reguler nmi due time, form.
and manner, as requu'ed by law: that previsson has been made for the payment of the principal of and in~'est on
the Certlf'~ates by thc levy of a conHnumg, threct, annual ad valorem tax upon all laxable property within the City.
within the hrelt prescnled by law. and fr~n $1.000 of the Smphis Reveuues o/the Issuer's Waterworks and Sewer
System: and thai lssannee of the Ccrtil~cates does no! exceed any consUtuUonal or s~mory limllafion.
BY BECOMING the Reglster~l Owner of this Cen~icate. the Register'ed Owner thereby acknowledl~es all
of the terms and provision,,, of the Ordinance. agrees to be bound by such terms and provisions, and agrees that the
terms and provisions of this Certificate and the Ordinance consltlute a conlract between each Registered Owner and
the City.
IN WITNF_.3$ WHEREOF. this Cerldicate has been signed with the manual or facsimile signature of the
May~ of the Issuer and countersigned with Ihe manual or facsimile slgnalure of the City Secrelary of Ihe Issuer,
and the official seal of the Issuer has been duly impres,~d, or placed m facsimile, on this Certificate.
C~ty Sccrelary
I HEREBY CERTI]=Y THAT there is on file and of record in my office a cemficate to the effect Ihat th~
Attorney General of the Slate of Texas has examined and finds that Ihis CerlLficate of Obligation has been issued
in conformity with the Constitution and laws of the Stale of Texas and ts a vahd and binding obligation of the City
of College Stanoq. Texas, and turner that tlas Certificate of Obliganon has been regislered ~his day by me.
WITNESS rey slgnattueandseal ofofficethls
Comptroller of Public AccounL,~ of Ihe State of Texas
FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the undersigned hereby sells, assigns, and transfers unto
Social Seomty Or Taxpayer (Please imm or typewrite nn~e al~d address, mclodm~ zip ~ode. og
Id~nltficauon Number of Tmnefel~el Tcansferee)
the within Cemf'~cate of O~li~,auon and ali rights
thcmunder, and hereby irrevocably constlmte~ and appoints
a~tomcy to regrster Ibc uansfcr of the wilhin Ccrl~ficate of Obhgation on the books I~pt
for regmrallon thereof, wllh full power of sub~l~tullO~ in the premises.
Signature Guaranteed'
NOTICE: S~gnalure(~) must be ganrant~'d
by a member fn'm of the New York
Stock Exchange or a commercu~ bank
or trust company
NOTICE: The signature above must cor~esl~d
with the name of thc Registered Owner as it
appears upon the front of th~s Certificate of
Obhgatron in every parlicular, wllboul
alteranon o~ cnlar~meat or any change
The following abbrevmions, when used in the Assignment above or on Ihe face of the within Cemficate
of Obhgatson. shall be construed n~ though they wer~ whiten oul in full according to applicable laws or regulations:
TEN COM - as tenanls m common
TEN ENT - as lenanls by the cntigelie~
JT TEN - as joint lenanls with right of survivorship and nol as tenants m common
UNIF GIFT MI~ ACT - Custothan
(Cust) (Minor)
under Uniform Gills Io Minors Act
Addiuoua] abbrcvmllons may a{so bo used though not in the list above.