HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-2065 - Ordinance - 05/26/1994ORDINANCE NO. 2065 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER I0, SECTION 2D. OF THE COLLEGE STATION CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION RELATING TO SPECIAL HAZARD INTERSECTIONS CONTROLLED BY STOP SIGNS, AND DECLARING THAT A FI ~NDANT FACTS NECESSITATE IMMI~DIATE ACTION WHEREAS, Ihe City Council reel at its regular meeung on May 2o. 1994, and found that It would be in the best Lnleresl and safely or the citizens to amend Chapter 10, Section 2D, of the Code of Ordinances by adding stop signs nl the following mterscctlons ( 1 } Greenwood Drive Eastbound al Bent Tree. and, (2~ Green,~nad Drive Weslbound at Dnfl~nad NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TH]5 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION THAT Chaplet 10, Sectton 2D, of the Code ofOrd nauces is hereby amended as folloxxs "D SPECIAL HAZARD INTERSECTIONS CONTROLLED BY STOP SIGNS The C]W hereby designates ceLla]o hazard mlersectlons lo be conlmlled by slop signs The des]gnaled special Imzard intcrsecllo]ts for Iht City of College Station to be controlled by slop s.gus are described m Traffic Control Device lnventor~ - Schedule Ill (dated August 2, 1988, as amended1 on file in the office oflhe Ci~,.' Secreta[y This schedule is hereby adopled and mcorporaled m flus Code as if scl 0111 at length hereto ¢1) Greenwood Dnxe Eastbound at Bent Tree aod. Green,,,,ood Drtxe Weslbouod al Drlfix~ood The schedule Ina)' be amended froln tllne lo ti]lie by ordulance of the City Council A current schedule shall be ulamtamed by Ihe CiI~ S¢crela]3 al all lunes" II The preset%etlon ofthe general welfare oflhe pubhc necessltales immediate action TIlls Ordinance shall be effecllve ffonl and after Ihe dale of~ls pass. igc as provided b~ tile Charier oflhe City of College Station PASSED ADOPTED and APPROVED Ilus 26thday of May 1904 ATI'EST C]b Secrelar% APPROVED