HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/16/2009 - Special Minutes City CouncilCouncilmembers John Crompton James Massey Dennis Maloney Katy -Marie Lyles Lawrence Stewart Minutes City Council Special Workshop Meeting Monday, November 16, 2009 at 4:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas COUNCIL PRESENT: Mayor White, Mayor Pro Tern Ruesink Council members Crompton, Massey, Maloney, and Lyles STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Glenn Brown, Assistant City Manager Neeley, Assistant City Manager Merrill, City Attorney Cargill Jr., City Secretary Hooks, Deputy City Secretary McNutt, Management Team COUNCIL MEMBER ABSENT: Council member Stewart 1. Call meeting to order. Mayor White called meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. Gary Erwin, Chair of Parks & Recreation Advisory Board called meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. Board Present: Gary Erwin, George Jessup, Glenn Schroeder, Jon Denton, Douglas Becker, and Gerald Kyle Board Absent: Donald Williams, David Scott, and Jody Ford Glenn Schroeder, Parks & Recreation Board Member made a motion to approve the absence request. Jon Denton, Parks & Recreation Board Member seconded the motion which carried 6 -0. 2. Presentation, possible action, and discussion concerning Private Use of Public Park Activities, and the Proposed College Station Parks and Recreation Department Park Page 12 City Council Minutes Monday, November 16, 2009 Use Concessions Policy. (Joint Meeting with Parks & Recreation Advisory Board) David Schmitz, Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation presented options for CS Park Use Concessions Policy. Board and Staff reported on the proposed College Station Parks and Recreation Department Park Use Concessions Policy, The Board explained to City Council their process on determining a Concessions Policy, and staff explained their research through looking at other cities processes on having Private Use in their facilities. There were questions on whether or not a fee should be charged to the groups using the facility, and if a fee is necessary, how will that fee be determined? It was determined that a policy should be in place for individuals privately using the facility. This process will help the city also see the amount of people involved in the private use and also the amount of time placed in the facilities. He explained that while the driving force for the proposed policy was the emergence of the "Fitness Boot Camps" in the parks, the policy certainly could apply to other for profit operations that also occur in the parks such as: 1. Private tennis lessons being taught on City tennis courts 2. Dog obedience classes being taught in parks 3. Private swimming lessons in City pools 4. Sports skills camps being conducted on athletic fields 5. Sale of food goods in parks Council directed Staff to do further detailed research on other cities' processes similar to private use of public parks. The research needs to show an impact study, and how maintenance is affected by the impact. Staff also needs to consider whether or not to pursue a fee for the use. Council reported that a permit and modest fee would be an acceptable approach to this issue. Council directed that Staff and the Board move forward with a permit and modest fee suggestion. After Staff researches this in detail and make a knowledgeable suggestion toward this then Staff will bring it back to the Board for discussion. Following Board discussion this issue will then be brought back to Council for consideration. No former action was taken. Glenn Schroeder, Parks & Recreation Board Member moved to adjourn the meeting at 4:46 p.m. Jon Denton, Parks & Recreation Board Member seconded the motion, which carried 6 -0. 3. Presentation, possible action and discussion on Parks and Recreation fees for calendar year 2010. Jeff Kersten, Chief Financial Officer presented the proposed users fees have a 50% differential in resident and nonresident fees in some fee categories. This fee schedule is anticipated to generate approximately $1 million in Parks and Recreation fee revenues, given projected participation levels and is in line with Parks fee revenue estimate included in the FY 10 Budget. On Behalf of the Citizens of College Station, Home of Texas A &M University, We will continue to Promote and Advance the Community's Quality of Life Page 13 City Council Minutes Monday, November 16, 2009 Policy Questions: I Will the proposed parks and recreation fees result in a fairer distribution of costs to residents of College Station? Will the proposed parks and recreation fees generate the FY 10 estimated revenue? Fees: Current fees are the same for residents and non residents. It Original Staff Proposal — 30% Fee discount or differential between residents and non residents Council Direction — 50% Fee discount or differential between residents and non residents Key Conclusions: It Proposed fees meet revenue estimates Resident discount differential in selected fee areas is 50% It Impacts on participation More capacity for College Station Residents Council directed staff to hold a future workshop on Parks Enterprise funds for the user's fees for better understanding of cost and expenses. No formal action was taken. At 5:40 pm, Mayor White announced that the City Council would convene into executive session pursuant to Sections 551.071, of the Open Meetings Act to seek the advice of our city attorney. 4. Executive Session will immediately follow the Special meeting in the Administrative Conference Room. Consultation with Attorney {Gov't Code Section 551.0711; possible action. The City Council may seek advice from its attorney regarding a pending or contemplated litigation subject or settlement offer or attorney - client privileged information. Litigation is an ongoing process and questions may arise as to a litigation tactic or settlement offer, which needs to be discussed with the City Council. Upon occasion the City Council may need information from its attorney as to the status of a pending or contemplated litigation subject or settlement offer or attorney - client privileged information. After executive session discussion, any final action or vote taken will be in public. The following subject(s) may be discussed: a. Application with TCEQ for permits in Westside/Highway 60 area, near Brushy Water Supply Corporation b. Sewer CCN permit requests for Brushy & Wellborn Services Areas C. Water CCN permit requests for Brushy & Wellborn Services Areas d. Bed & Banks Water Rights Discharge Permits for College Station and Bryan C. Legal aspects of Water Well, permits and possible purchase of or lease of water well sites On Behalf of the Citizens of College Station, Home of Texas A&M University, We will continue to Promote and Advance the Community's Quality of Life Page 14 City Council Minutes Monday, November 16, 2009 f. Cliff A. Skiles, DVM & C.A. Skiles Family Partnership, Ltd. Water permit applications with the Brazos Valley Groundwater Conservation District g. TMPA v. PUC (College Station filed Intervention) h. City of Bryan suit filed against College Station, Legal issues and advise on Brazos Valley Solid Waste Management Agency contract, on proposed methane gas contract i. Update on legal proceedings for Grimes County Landfill site and contracts for development of Grimes County site j. Weingarten Realty Investors v. College Station, Ron Silvia, David Ruesink, Lynn McIlhaney, and Ben White k. Chavers et al v. Tyrone Morrows, Michael Ikner, City of Bryan, City of College Station, et al 1. Rogers Sheridan v. Barbara Schob & Greg Abbott m. Clancey v. College Station, Glenn Brown, and Kathy Merrill n. Legal rights and obligations regarding ATS and the results of the election and Red Light Camera Litigation. 5. Final action on executive session. Council returned to Council Chambers at 6:40 p.m. Council member Massey made the motion to authorize the City Manager to terminate the contract with ATS as soon as possible in accordance with the law. Council member Maloney seconded the motion. Motion carried 6 -0, Council member Stewart absent. 6. Adjourn. Hearing no objections, Mayor White adjourned the meetings at 6:40 pm on Monday, November 16, 2009. PASSED AND APPROVED this December 10, 2009 ATTEST: APPROVED: City Secre y �� Mayor Ben White On Behalf of the Citizens of College Station, Home of Texas A &M University, We will continue to Promote and Advance the Community's Quality of Life CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Home of Texas A&M University Mayor Ben White Mayor ProTem David Ruesink City Manager Glenn Brown College Station City Council Special Worksheet Agenda Sign In Sheet Council Members John Crompton James Massey Dennis Maloney Katy-Marie Lyles Lawrence Stewart Monday, November 16, 2009 at 4 :00 p.m. City Hall Council Chamber 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas 00S 12. 3. /L 13. 4. L �1 I S 14. s. ��5 1s. 6. �` Q, (F yl "L. S 16. 7. 17. 8. 18. 9. 19. 10. 20.