HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/23/2009 - Regular Minutes City CouncilCouncilmembers John Crompton James Massey Dennis Maloney Katy -Marie Lyles Lawrence Stewart Minutes City Council Regular Meeting Monday, November 23, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas COUNCIL PRESENT: Mayor Ben White, Mayor Pro Tern Ruesink, Council members Crompton, Massey, Maloney, Lyles, and Stewart STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Brown, Assistant City Manager Merrill, Assistant City Manager Neeley, City Attorney Cargill Jr., Deputy City Secretary McNutt, Management Team 1. Pledge of Allegiance, Invocation, Consider absence request. Mayor White called the meeting to order at 12:00 pm with all Council members present. Mayor White led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. Chief R.B. Alley provided the invocation. Presentation: Mayor Conlee of the City of Bryan presented the Traditional Annual Brazos Boot Award to Mayor White for the A &M Consolidated High School football win against Bryan High School. Mayor White recognized Kiln Fox, staff member from the International Students Association. Mrs. Fox read a proclamation to recognize City of College Station and Texas A &M University for the third annual Brazos Valley WorldFest. Hear Visitors: Rebekah Weirich, 3210 Toni Ct., Jiro Ash, 804 Prestwick, Jim Maness, Arrington Rd., Aaron Gadberry, 1910 Wilderland Circle Bryan, Tx., and Collin Loveless made comments about red light cameras. Ron -Fulton; 3101- Missouri, Bryan, Tx: - requested - College - Station - Council members who serve on the Convention and Visitor Bureau Board to resign. Daniel Dick TAMU Student Senate liaison commented about the recent tragedy at Fort Hood and TAMU students organizing fund raiser to help victim's families. Page 12 City Council Regular Meeting Minutes Monday, November 23, 2009 2. Presentation, possible action and discussion of consent agenda items which consists of ministerial or "housekeeping" items required by law. Items may be removed from the consent agenda by majority vote of the Council. a. Approved minutes for City Council Special Meeting, November 11, 2009. b. Approved adoption of 2010 Council Meeting Calendar. c. Approved Resolution No. 11- 23 -09 -2c awarding a construction contract, Bid No. 10 -06 to Thedford Construction Company Inc. for the installation of Four (4) bores under Harvey Mitchell Parkway (FM2818) at Jones Butler, North Dowling Rd. and Welsh Ave. in the amount of $76,965.02. d. Approved Ordinance No. 3215 on revisions to College Station, Texas, Code of Ordinances, Chapter 1, "GENERAL PROVISIONS ", Section 29, "COLLEGE STATION CEMETERY RULES AND REGULATIONS." The ordinance amendment updated the existing ordinance with minor housekeeping items and clarified the restricted contained in Sub - sections J and K. e. Approved change order to the construction contract (Contract #09 -032) with Brazos Valley Services in the amount of $63,497.70 for Phase I of the Barron Road Capacity Improvements. f. Approved renewal of an annual purchasing agreement for dewatering chemical (polymer) with Atlantic Coast Polymer, Inc. not to exceed $172,560. g. Approved Ordinance No. 3216 removing the statutory maximum contribution rate limit for the city's contribution to Texas Municipal Retirement System (TMRS), the employee retirement plan, effective January 1, 2010. h. Approved Resolution No. 11- 23 -09 -2h to secure through a 15% deposit, 43 Wetland Mitigation Credits from OXBOW Investments, Inc. in the amount of $132,225. i. Approved three Master Agreements for Real Estate Appraisal Services: JMP Land Services $50,000; Holtkamp Realty Consulting $50,000 and S.T. Lovett & Associates $50,000 and authorize the City Manager or his delegate to approve Service Orders for each project within the terms of each Master Agreement. j. Approved Resolution No. 11- 23 -09 -2i awarding a construction contract for the 2002 Annexation Areas 5 & 6 Utilities and Lift Station to Doughtie Construction Company, Inc. of Huntsville, TX, in the amount of $922,576, and approval of a resolution declaring intention to reimburse certain expenditures with proceeds from debt. Page 13 City Council Regular Meeting Minutes Monday, November 23, 2009 Council member Maloney moved to consent items 2a thru 2j. Council member Massey seconded the motion, which carried 7 - 0. FOR: Mayor Ben White, Mayor Pro tem Ruesink, Crompton, Massey, Maloney, Lyles, and Stewart AGAINST: None Council member Maloney moved that the City Council authorize the City Manager to enter into a settlement agreement that terminates the contract with American Traffic Solutions that ends the red light camera program at earliest possible time and does so at no cost to the City other than the payment for services performs as set out in section 6.02 of the contract with American Traffic Solutions under the first amendment of the contract. Mayor Pro tem Ruesink seconded the motion, which carried 7 - 0. FOR: Mayor Ben White, Mayor Pro tern Ruesink, Crompton, Massey, Maloney, Lyles and Stewart AGAINST: None 1. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding proposed user fees for parks and recreation activities and facilities for the 2010 calendar year. David Schmitz, Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation presented an overview of the proposed user fees for FY 10. Some f the major fees included a 50% difference between resident and non- resident Four million dollars within the parks budget is funded by fee revenues. He described two options for Council's consideration. 1. Leave fee schedule as written. 2. Update fee schedule with resolution at December 10 meeting. Mayor White opened the public hearing. Jason Williams 1202 Marstellar and on the College Station Little League Board, commented on the redevelopment fee for field maintenance. Tod Weingand President of CS Little League, 809 Berry Creek explained that CS Little League is an outside user group and not a City run organization, in which CS Little League provides all unifonns, equipment and handles all the schedule. He requested Council to reconsider all the expenses that is put out from the CS Little League. Damon Slay don 9325 Whitney Lane expressed to Council the appreciation of the fields but asked Council why- charge -kids for playing at the park. He inquired what would it take for Council to meet citizens half way. John Fedora 2008 Moses Creek — explained reasons to delay on increase user fees and requested his concerns on raising user fees. Page 14 City Council Regular Meeting Minutes Monday, November 23, 2009 Billy Hicks Head Coach of Consolidated High School, 3702 Dove Hollow - expressed to Council that the City of College Station will lose participation of kids that want to play and the girl's softball league has grown and most of these girls have moved to play in high school and college. Fred Burris CS Little League Board member of girl's softball and ASA association, 248 Passendale explained of potential reduction in girl's participation if increases occur. He requested Council not charge non - resident fee. Jamie Hall Camp Coordinator, 1409 Antone expressed understanding for a user fee on Boot Camps but questioned staff's research and recommendation for other user fees. Bo Miles 2917 Camille, local contractor and developer expressed concerns of what Council is trying to accomplish with increasing user fees and requested Council to keep baseball affordable to all interested in participating in the programs. Al Macias P.O. Box 4474, Brya, stated the increase of user fees will decrease the registration for CS Little League and CS Little League is equally half with College Station and Bryan residents. Increasing fees will decrease the organization, and subsequently lose District 30 and their No. 1 ranking. Shannon Overby Executive Director of the CVB - discussed how important it is to have softball tournaments and the help it brings for tourism. Mrs. Overby explained the importance of staying steady with user fees and not to increase because this will keep bring people to College Station but if increases accrue this will hinder the growth of College Station and tourism. Jerry Monsia with CVB concurred. Roy Brantley 13410 Headwate expressed concern about the definition of resident and non resident. Coach Gee expressed how the Parks and Recreation Department provides excellent service to development and planning of parks. He said the user fees would have a negative impact on local events. Julian McMurrey, 3400 Mustang understood the fee boot camps but concern on increasing user fees on youth programs and stated need to charge only minimum for the children. Lester Feichtner - cost to play Little League or other spots should be affordable for these families in this town. Marian King Director of the Dallas Texans in Aggieland (Soccer) — concern with increase and what the children get into if they do not have youth programs. Billy Marrow Soccer Association - kids just want to play sports, so please give them the opportunity to play and not have to worry about an increase of fees. Mayor White closed the public hearing. Page 15 City Council Regular Meeting Minutes Monday, November 23, 2009 Council directed staff to develop a subcommittee with the sports associations and the CVB to help Council understand the accountability of funds and additional information Council is not aware of within these sports organizations. Also, Council directed staff to look into possible collaboration with the Economic Development department on tournament play. 2. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding planned pedestrian safety improvements in the Northgate area. Mark Smith, Director of Public Works introduced Roy Jacob with TxDOT on the Northgate Pedestrian Safety Improvements. Mr. Jacob presented a proposed pedestrian safety improvement plan that was developed through collaboration between TxDOT, Texas A &M and the City of College Station. The projected cost for improvements was two million dollars. Staff recommended Council support this plan to include the proposed closure of College Main to motor vehicles between University Drive and Church Street, converting the area into a pedestrian and bicycle facility. Mayor White opened the floor for public comment. John Raney Business Owner, 327 University and Robert J. Forrest Business Owner, 109 College Main spoke in opposition to the closure of College Main during business hours. Tom Woodfin 3215 Innsbruck Circle requested Council support the transportation plan. Mr. Chuck Sippial Vice President for Facilities at Texas A &M University expressed that the project was a perfect solution for pedestrian safety. Bob Appleton from TxDOT addressed concerns about the safety of persons attending the churches in Northgate. Council member Massey made a motion to support the safety pedestrian plan in Northgate to include a solution for the freight deliveries for the businesses. Council member Maloney seconded the motion. Council member Massey withdrew motion and Council member Maloney withdrew second. Council concurred with the support on the safety pedestrian plan- in Northgate and directed staff to research a solution for the freight deliveries for the Northgate merchants. 3. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the City appointing three representatives to the Research Valley BioCorridor Task Force. Mayor White presented three names of persons for Council's representation on the Research Valley Bio Corridor Task Force. This committee would serve as an oversight body in plan development with endorsements forwarded to the RVP Board and governing bodies for final approval. Page 16 City Council Regular Meeting Minutes Monday, November 23, 2009 The representatives appointed by other entities were: • Texas A &M System: Vergel Gay, Brett Giroir, Guy Diedrich • City of Bryan: Mayor Mark Conlee, David Watkins, Dennis Goehring (alternate Joey Dunn) • Brazos County was scheduled to snake their appointments on Tuesday, November 24. Council member Massey moved to appoint Mayor Ben White, City Manager Glenn Brown, Director of Economic and Community Director David Gwin, and Council member Crompton as alternate to the Research Valley BioCorridor Task Force. Council member Stewart seconded the motion, which carried 7 -0. FOR: Mayor Ben White, Mayor Pro tem Ruesink, Crompton, Massey, Maloney, Lyles and Stewart AGAINST: None 4. Adjourn. Hearing no objections, Mayor White adjourned the meeting at 10:30 p.m. on Monday, November 23, 2009. PASSED AND APPROVED January 14, 2010 A TEST: APPROVED: City Secretary Connie Hooks Mayor Ben White