HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/05/2013 - Agenda Packet - Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Advisory BoardCITY OF COLLEGE STATION Home of Texas AeTM University' BICYCLE, PEDESTRIAN, AND GREENWAYS ADVISORY BOARD August 6th, 2013 3:00 P.M. City Hall Council Chambers 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas CITY OF COLLEGE STATION home ,f T,,m A&M UnJverdy' AGENDA BICYCLE, PEDESTRIAN, AND GREENWAYS ADVISORY BOARD Tuesday, August 6th, 2013, 3:00 PM City Hall Council Chambers 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas, 77840 1. Call to Order 2. Hear Visitors - At this time, the Chairman will open the floor to citizens wishing to address the Board on issues not already scheduled on today's agenda. The citizen presentations will be limited to three minutes in order to accommodate everyone who wishes to address the Board and to allow adequate time for completion of the agenda items. The Board will receive the information, ask city staff to look into the matter, or will place the matter on a future agenda for discussion. (A recording is made of the meeting; please give your name and address for the record.) 3. Consideration, discussion, and possible action to approve meeting Minutes. • July lit, 2013 4. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a recommendation to the Planning and Zoning Commission on proposed changes to the Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Master Plan based on the South Knoll Area Neighborhood Plan. 5. Presentation and discussion regarding the Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Advisory Board calendar of upcoming meetings. • August 15, 2013 - Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting - City Hall, Council Chambers - 6:00 p.m. • September 3, 2013 - Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Advisory Board - City Hall, Council Chambers - 3:00 p.m. 6. Possible action and discussion on future agenda items - A Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Advisory Board Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. 7. Adjourn. Notice is hereby given that a Regular Meeting of the Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Advisory Board of the City of College Station, Texas will be held on Tuesday August 6t" at 3:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. The following subjects will be discussed, to wit: See Agenda Posted this theday of J 2013 at__p.m. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS By Sherry Mashburn, City Secretary By Kathy Merrill, Acting City Manager I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the above Notice of Meeting of the Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Advisory Board of the City of College Station, Texas, is a true and correct copy of said Notice and that I posted a true and correct copy of said notice on the bulletin board at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, in College Station, Texas, and the City's website, www.cstx.aov. The Agenda and Notice are readily accessible to the general public at all times. Said Notice and Agenda were posted on J 2013 and remained so posted continuously for at least 72 hours preceding the scheduled time of said meeting. This public notice was removed from the official posting board at the College Station City Hall on the following date and time: by Dated this day of . 2013. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS By Subscribed and sworn to before me on this the _ day of . 2013. Notary Public- Brazos County, Texas My commission This building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive service must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764-3541 or (TDD) 1-800-735-2989. Agendas may be viewed on www.cstx.aov. MINUTES CITY OF COLLEGE STRFiOS „omenfTearA&1WU..v,,,tt, BICYCLE, PEDESTRIAN, AND GREENWAYS ADVISORY BOARD Monday, July 1, 2013 3:00 PM 2nd Floor Conference Room #1 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas, 77840 MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Blanche Brick, Vice-Chairman Sherry Ellison, Greg Stiles, James Batenhorst, Philip Lasley, Jean Gould and Scott Shafer MEMBERS ABSENT: None VISITORS PRESENT: Gary Ives STAFF PRESENT: Greenways Program Manager Venessa Garza, Director Bob Cowell, Principal Planner Jennifer Prochazka, Staff Planner Morgan Hester and Board Secretary Kristen Hejny AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: Call to Order. Chairman Brick called the meeting to order at 3:06. AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Hear Visitors Visitor Gary Ives addressed the Board concerning the Lick Creek Trail project. Mr. Ives provided the Board with a copy of comments about the project that he had given to City Council on May 23, 2013. AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: Consideration, discussion, and possible action to approve meeting Minutes. Board Member Stiles motioned to approve the meeting Minutes from June 3, 2013. The motion was seconded by Board Member Ellison, and was approved (6-0). Board Member Lasley arrived to meeting at 3:10. AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: Presentation and discussion regarding an update on the following item(s): Program Manager Garza discussed updates on the following items: • Lick Creek Greenway Trail Ms. Garza presented updates on this item. • University Drive Pedestrian Improvements Phase II Ms. Garza presented updates on this item. This item was before the Council Transportation Committee (CTC) to review what was proposed and discussed different alternatives. Ms. Garza stated a community meeting on this project has not been scheduled. Board Member Shafer inquired as to whether the street will be narrowed and sidewalks will be widened throughout the entire section. Ms. Garza stated that this is a topic that is being discussed. AGENDA ITEM NO. 5: Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding an update on proposed changes to the Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Master Plan based on the South Knoll Area Neighborhood Plan. Principal Planner Jennifer Prochazka presented updates on this item. Ms. Prochazka presented changes to the Mobility chapter as it relates to biking, walking and greenways. Ms. Prochazka presented the five goal strategies for the Mobility chapter of the South Knoll Area Neighborhood Plan, specifically strategies three, four and five. She discussed increasing pedestrian safety in this neighborhood; stating that amendments are proposed and the Neighborhood Resource Team (NRT) are looking for feedback from residents. Ms. Prochazka stated that on the streets where sidewalks are proposed such as Laura Lane, Pine Ridge Drive and Angelina Circle, letters were generated to residents inviting them to the July 9' open house. Ms. Prochazka stated Welsh Avenue was recommended to be amended in the Master Plan so that a sidewalk is included on both sides of the street, where possible. Ms. Prochazka stated that the extension of the sidewalk on Caudill Street to Holleman Drive was also being recommended. Other streets with sidewalks recommended included Laura Lane between Haines and Southwest Parkway, Pine Ridge drive between Brentwood Drive and Anderson Street, Angelina Circle between Valley View Drive and Southwood Drive and Valley View Drive from Southwood Drive to Longmire Drive. Board Member Shafer asked how it is determined which side of the street a sidewalk will go on when there will only be a sidewalk on one side of the street. Ms. Garza explained that a number of factors are considered including the number of trees and large mailboxes, among other things. Mr. Shafer asked if it would be easier to narrow the streets than to extend sidewalks into yards. Ms. Garza stated that these three streets contain enough right-of-way (ROW) to not have to narrow the street. Ms. Prochazka stated that strategy number four is to increase bike safety and accessibility in the neighborhood. The recommended change to the Master Plan is the designation of Glade Street as a bike lane. The recommendation is to create a bike route instead of a bike lane. The NRT also wanted the proposed trial connection to Lemontree Park to remain in the plan. Other actions include additional way finding signs in the trail system and on the street as well as adding QR Codes to signs. The NRT is also recommending that Southwest Parkway sidewalks be reconstructed in the future to be wider to accommodate pedestrians and bike riders. This plan has a 5-7 year life. Ms Prochazka stated that strategy five talks about intersections. The NRT did not consider this strategy but City Staff are making recommendations for improvements to some intersections. Ms. Prochazka stated this includes Anderson & Southwest Parkway with proposed accessible ramps and possible signage for bicyclists and drivers at other intersections. Mr. Shafer asked if there had been any discussion of using sharrows on Southwest Parkway and Glade Street. Ms. Garza explained sharrows are recommended on streets that have a 35 mph or lower speed limit and could be considered. Ms. Prochazka stated that they discussed the sharrows with the NRT and some members expressed concerns with adding paint to the street on Glade Street. Mr. Shafer asked why the sharrows led to concerns. Ms. Prochazka explained that the paint on the street gives the feel of a less residential street. Board Member Lasley asked if the City has ever teamed with the University to talk about doing bicycle education at Fish Camp. Ms. Garza explained that they have discussed the idea; however a decision has not been finalized. AGENDA ITEM NO. 6: Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding sidewalk projects and priorities. Ms. Garza presented the Board with a new list of prioritized projects based on direction received from the Board at the last meeting. Mr. Cowell explained that this list can help Council evaluate what projects get funded for next fiscal year's budgeting process or could be used to replace previously proposed projects. Mr. Lasley asked if the projects are known. Ms. Garza listed the projects including Guadalupe Street and Langford Street because they were Americans with Disabilities Acts (ADA) requests; as well as Normand Drive, Nunn Street, Puryear Drive; Glade Street, George Bush Drive and University Oaks. Mr. Cowell explained Community Development Block Grant funds as a possible funding source for sidewalk projects. Board Member Stiles asked about the requirements to use these funds. Mr. Cowell explained it can be used in income qualified areas. Ms. Garza reviewed the new list with the Board, which was based on making distance to schools, population density and pedestrian crashes (safety) the same weight in the GIS model. Ms. Garza explained the top priorities that resulted from the model included: #1 George Bush Drive East #2 Dominik Drive #3 Dexter Drive #4 Munson Avenue #5 Dexter Drive (on the other side of Gabbard Park) #6 Dominik Drive #7 Harvey Road #8 Scarlett O'Hara Drive #9 Georgia Street Ms. Ellison asked how many projects in the model the City anticipates being funded. Mr. Cowell explained that it will depend from year to year on how much funding is available. Mr. Lasley asked if the model will include South Knoll Neighborhood plan projects as well. Ms. Garza and Mr. Cowell explained that, yes, any new plans would be included in the approved Master Plan. Mr. Cowell explained that at the last Council Meeting an update for this model was requested for the August meeting and requested a Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Board member attend the meeting for the update. Mr. Shaffer suggested that the area around the Dexter Drive sidewalk near Munson Avenue be treated as a higher priority area which could mean including Haines Drive and Caudill Street up on the list since they connect the park and school in that area. This would mean grouping the projects to include Dexter Drive, Haines Drive and Caudill Street to create a connection between the park and the school and grouping George Bush Drive, Dexter Drive and Munson Avenue due to proximity to each other. Timber Street and Park Place could also be included if funding was available along with other lower priority projects. The Board was in agreement with the grouping of projects to create connectivity. The Board discussed their agreement in forwarding the project list to City Council. AGENDA ITEM NO. 7: Presentation and discussion regarding the Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Advisory Board Calendar of upcoming meetings. Ms. Garza presented updates on the following upcoming meetings • July 9, 2012 - Open House Meeting - South Knoll Area Neighborhood Plan - City Hall, Council Chambers - 6:30 p.m. • July 16, 2012 - Neighborhood Resource Team Meeting - South Knoll Area Neighborhood Plan - City Hall, Council Chambers - 6:30 p.m. • July 18, 2013 - Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting - City Hall, Council Chambers 6:00 p.m. • Aug 1, 2013 - Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting - City Hall, Council Chambers 6:00 p.m. • Aug 5, 2013 - Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Advisory Board - City Hall, Council Chambers - 3:00 p.m. AGENDA ITEM NO. 8: Possible action and discussion on future agenda items - A Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Advisory Board Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. No items were mentioned. AGENDA ITEM NO. 9: Adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 4:39 p.m. APPROVED: ATTEST: Blanche Brick, Chairman Kristen Hejny, Board Secretary (*t/q" CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Planning 6 Development Services 1101 Texas Avenue, P.O. Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842 Phone 979.764.3570 / Fax 979.764.3496 MEMORANDUM DATE: July 29, 2013 TO: Members of the Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Advisory Board FROM: Jennifer Prochazka, AICP, Principal Planner jprochazka@cstx.gov SUBJECT: South Knoll Area Neighborhood Plan Item: Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a recommendation to the Planning and Zoning Commission on proposed changes to the Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Master Plan based on the South Knoll Area Neighborhood Plan. At the July 1, 2013 Board Meeting, staff presented an update regarding the development of the South Knoll Area Neighborhood Plan. One of the components of the Plan is a Mobility chapter, which recommends changes to the planned bicycle and pedestrian facilities in the Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Master Plan. At this time, a recommendation to the Planning & Zoning Commission on the proposed changes to the Master Plan is needed. Background: The planning process for the South Knoll Area Neighborhood Plan began in the fall of 2012 with a neighborhood-wide Kick-Off Meeting in October, followed by an Issues & Opportunity meeting in November. Additional topic-specific Meetings were conducted in February of this year. A Neighborhood Resource Team, composed of area residents and property owners, was also formed and has met each month to provide additional guidance to the formation of the Plan's goals, strategies, and actions. The final public meeting, an Open House to present the draft Plan and receive feedback, was held on July 9, 2013. Revisions were made based on the feedback and are reflected in the attached Plan. The proposed South Knoll Area Neighborhood Plan is scheduled for public hearing and recommendation from the Planning & Zoning Commission at their August 15, 2013 meeting, followed by City Council's final action at their August 22, 2013 Council meeting. Attachments: 1. Draft Mobility Chapter SOUTH KNOLL AREA NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN j Mobility addresses vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian movements within and through an area. Whether for transportation or recreation, good connectivity improves the quality of life for area residents. Good mobility within a neighborhood ensures that all modes and routes of transportation are safe, reliable, and minimize congestion on the road system. This is accomplished by providing an adequate and efficient street network, designated bike facilities, a connected sidewalk network, and local transit service. Purpose of the Chapter The purpose of this chapter is to outline a set of strategies that provide for needed transportation improvements within and through the neighborhood, while remaining sensitive to the desire to enhance the single-family character of the South Knoll Area. Goal The Mobility Goal for the South Knoll Area is to maintain a safe and efficient transportation network and improve multi-modal transportation options by increasing the continuity of bicycle and pedestrian routes to key destinations while protecting the single-family character and integrity of the neighborhood. DRAFT 7-1-13 CHAPTER 3 -MOBILITY ELEMENT I DRAFT Strategies have been developed to progress toward this goal. Each strategy has a series of action recommendations designed to implement the strategy. mary of Chapter Recommendations Additional parking restrictions to increase safety Additional sidewalks Amendment to the Bicycle Master Plan Intersection improvements gents of Chapter :hapter is organized into two broad categories: South Knoll Area Mobility Parking in the South Knoll Area ie following pages describe these components and their relationship the South Knoll Area. This information is supported by Appendix A xisting Conditions, which provides supplementary quantitative data bout the Area. This chapter describes some of the key issues facing ~e South Knoll Area and provides information and opinions garnered trough the public engagement process. - the end of the chapter, strategies are identified to assist the ;ighborhood in moving toward the chapter goal. The broad ategies are accompanied by recommended action statements at support changes to the Comprehensive Plan, City ordinances, ~d policies. Specific information about timelines, responsible parties, id estimated costs are reflected in Chapter 5 Implementation. OUTH KNOLL AREA MOBILITY reet Network ere are 11 streets within and surrounding the South Knoll Area ~signated as Streets (minor collector) or greater on the College ation Thoroughfare Plan, as displayed in Map 3.1 Thoroughfare Plan, id Map 3.2 Thoroughfare Context. Of these, Texas Avenue, Harvey itchell Parkway (FM2818), and Wellborn Road (FM2154) are owned id maintained by the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT). )Ileman Drive, Southwest Parkway, Glade Street, Nueces Drive, Welsh ✓enue, Southwood Drive, Anderson Street, and Brentwood Drive are ty-owned and maintained thoroughfares. Information related to the oroughfare types of each street, anticipated trips, and street size )n be found in Appendix B Glossary. Streets not designated on the DRAFT 7-1-13 DRAFT CHAPTER 3 - MOBILITY ELEMENT Thoroughfare Plan are considered to be neighborhood streets. Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Bicycle and pedestrian connectivity is part of a multi-mod, transportation network that allows for the movement of people to an through the neighborhood as an alternative to vehicular travel. I addition to promoting health and wellness, these non-vehicular modE of travel can help reduce overall vehicle miles traveled, congestior pollution, and the costs associated with roadway expansion. In the mo recent effort to improve bicycle and pedestrian mobility, the Cii adopted the Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenway Master Plan in 201( That plan identifies and prioritizes improvements to the existing City-wid system and identifies future facilities to enhance and encourage mul- modal transportation. The South Knoll Area was largely developed during a time when the installation of substantial bicycle and pedestrian facilities were uncommon and not required. Development also occurred prior to accessibility requirements. In general, the area lacks adequate bicycle and pedestrian facilities. The overarching goal of the Plan is to re- establish the South Knoll Area as a single-family neighborhood, with increased owner-occupied and family-occupied homes. As potential home-buyers weigh various options within the City, a lack of bicycle and pedestrian facilities may place this area at a market disadvantage when comparing other neighborhoods where these facilities are more common. During the planning process, most of the bicycle and pedestrian facilities identified in the Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Master Plan were affirmed, with only an alteration to the proposed Glade Street bike lane recommended. Several sidewalk segments are recommended to be added to the Master Plan and are discussed below. Map 3.3 Planned Bicycle Facilities and Map 3.4 Planned Pedestria Facilities illustrate the location and type of existing and future bicycl and pedestrian facilities. Information related to the types of facilities 1 the South Knoll Area can be found in Appendix B Glossary. The Glade Street Bike Lane Glade Street extends from Southwest Parkway north to where it ends at Anna Street and two College Station Independent School District (CSISD) schools - Oakwood Intermediate and A&M Consolidated Middle School. The portion of Glade Street between Southwest Parkway and Holleman Drive is located within the South Knoll DRAFT 7-1-13 planning area. CHAPTER 3 -MOBILITY ELEMENT I DRAFT lade Street is currently designated as having a proposed bike lane ~ the Bicycle, Pedestrian and Greenway Master Plan, meaning that arking will be removed from both sides of the street and designated nes will be striped to facilitate safer bicycle travel along this street. )sed on public input during the course of several meetings, it =came clear that residents were divided about the future bike lane Glade Street. Staff received many comments asking that the bike ne be striped and many comments asking that parking not be moved from Glade - a direct contradiction. A special meeting was ~Id in February 2013 to discuss biking and walking in the =ighborhood. Every resident and property owner in the ~ighborhood received notification of the meeting. An additional tier was also mailed to all property owners along Glade Street to let em know that the future bike lane would be discussed. a compromise between the two positions, the Neighborhood source Team (NRT) recommends that the future bike lane =signation be removed from the Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways aster Plan and replaced by a bike route designation. Further, it is commended that parking be removed from the east side of Glade reet from the hours of 7:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. to allow for safer cycle movements north on Glade Street toward the intermediate -id middle schools. Children riding south on Glade toward South Knoll ementary school could use the sidewalk on the west side and turn to either Orr Street or Haines Street for a safer route to the school. ie recommended amendment is illustrated on Map 3.5 Bicycle faster Plan Amendment. accommodating Bicyclists on Southwest Parkway trough the process a number of requests were made for safe bicycle icilities along Southwest Parkway. Southwest Parkway is a four-lane inor Arterial on the City's Thoroughfare Plan. Generally a Minor Arterial can accommodate bike lanes in the roadway; however, due to constrained right-of-way in this area, bike lanes are not possible on this portion of Southwest Parkway. The NRT recommended that wider sidewalks be installed to safely accommodate both pedestrians and bicyclists. Since much of the existing sidewalk is new along Southwest Parkway, the recommendation is likely beyond the seven-year life of this Plan. Additional Way-Finding for Bicyclists and Pedestrians DRAFT 7-1-13 DRAFT CHAPTER 3 - MOBILITY ELEMENT One of the strengths of the South Knoll Area is the amount of parkland and off-street trails located within the area. To enhance this existing amenity, the NRT recommends that the City explore opportunities for way-finding trail signage in the Bee Creek and Lemon Tree parks. Additionally, way-finding opportunities should be explored on the existing bicycle and pedestrian network to direct multi-modal traffic through the neighborhood. Possible solutions may include posted signs with a OR (Quick Response) code linking to the City's Bicycle Map and parks map on-line. Additional Sidewalks Due to the age of the subdivisions within the South Knoll Area, sidewalks exist in limited locations through the neighborhood. Additional sidewalks are recommended to be included in the Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenway Master Plan and are illustrated on Map 3.6 Pedestrian Master Plan Amendments: • The west side of Welsh Avenue where possible. This area is adjacent to CSISD property and right-of-way constraints exist here. Sidewalk exists on east side. • Extend the proposed sidewalk on Caudill Street north to Holleman Drive to fie into the existing sidewalk and provide increased pedestrian access. ■ Valley View Drive connecting the multi-family and single-fam areas to sidewalks on Longmire Drive and adjacent commerc areas. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Compliance • Re-construct Langford Street to comply with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) - received ADA request. ■ Build sidewalk on Guadalupe Street to comply with Americ with Disabilities Act (ADA) - received ADA request. Creating Connections A pedestrian pathway exists on private property connecting Arboles Circle and Comal Circle. The path is generally used by students walking to the High School. City staff will try to work with the property owner to obtain a public access easement along the existing trail. Area residents have also asked for lighting and general maintenance of the path. On-Street Pedestrian Safety ■ Pedestrian refuge on Welsh Avenue between A&M Consolidated High School and its sports facilities. This crossing would replace existing mid-block crossings on DRAFT 7-1-13 a 0 0 0 4. b 3-5 CHAPTER 3 -MOBILITY ELEMENT I DRAFT Welsh Avenue. City staff will need to work with CSISD. Pedestrian and Bicycle Access at Intersections The evaluation of intersections to increase safety is paramount with pedestrians and bicyclists being most vulnerable in these locations and having the most potential conflicts with motorists. Review was concentrated at those intersections that are signalized and have pedestrian and/or bicycle facilities in the vicinity. Design features at intersections were identified to enhance safety, functionality and accessibility for users. Some of the pedestrian facilities evaluated include crosswalks, pedestrian crosswalk signals, curb ramps, and obstructions. Bicycle facilities at intersections were evaluated in regards to the presence of pavement markings. The intersections below were identified as needing improvements (see Map 3.7 Intersection Improvements). Further information on improvements are included in the Goals, Strategies, and Actions section of this Chapter. ■ Texas Avenue at the private driveway located across from Manuel Drive ■ Southwest Parkway and Anderson Street • Southwest Parkway and North Bardell Court Transit The South Knoll Area has access to two fixed bus routes operated by the Brazos Transit District (The District), the Maroon and Yellow routes. There are seven District bus stops in and around the area. The District also provides paratransit and demand and response services throughout the City for the general public. Texas A&M University Transportation Services primarily provides off-campus services to students, faculty, and staff and operates ten fixed routes in and around the South Knoll Area, with 18 bus stops in and around the area. The location of routes and bus stops can be seen on Map 3.8 Combined Bus Route Information. nited discussions occurred regarding transit opportunities or issues the South Knoll Area. However, a concern was expressed about idents crossing Southwest Parkway mid-block between Wellborn )ad and Welsh Avenue either going toward or coming from the is stop on the other side of the road. Traffic on Southwest Parkway ~vels at a high rate of speed and there are multiple lanes to cross. is recommended that a mid-block pedestrian refuge be installed make crossing Southwest Parkway safer. Jditionally, there were concerns about the number and speeds of e buses traveling on neighborhood streets such as Dexter Drive DRAFT 7-1-13 DRAFT CHAPTER 3 - MOBILITY ELEMENT and Medina Drive, as well as the neighborhood parking that is generated by students driving into the neighborhood to park and take a bus into campus. PARKING IN THE SOUTH KNOLL AREA On-Street Parking The most widely mentioned, debated, and discussed issue through this process has been on-street parking. If prolific, on-street parking can negatively affect both safety and character of an area, changing the way that an area both functions and feels. Parking recommendations were divided into those primarily for safet and those primarily aimed at restoring and protecting the single-fami character of the South Knoll Area. A discussion on parking issues an recommendations related to character can be found in Chapter Neighborhood Integrity & Community Character. This chapter will foc( on safety. Through the planning process, residents and property owners identifi( pros and cons of on-street parking: Pros: des bu"er to sidewalks Calms traffic and speeds Parking available visitors or special events Convenient Reduces the pavement needed on each lot Crime prevention - perception that someone is at home Cons: Limits emergency vehicle access Aesthetics Supports multi-tenant occupanc Service delivery conflicts (USPS garbage collection, etc.) Blocked driveways Reduced visibility/ sight-distance is Children less visiblewhen crossing streets Reduced safety c- pedestrians anc bikes No roomtor bike lanes impedes two-way traffic Restricts visibility of property Fire Safety Evaluations During the planning process, heavily parked streets were identified h area residents and property owners and Safety Evaluations wer performed by the City's Fire Department in February, 2013. Th evaluated streets are shown on Map 3.9 Fire Safety Evaluations, and ar DRAFT 7-1-13 a 0 0 0 4. b 3-7 as follows: CHAPTER 3 -MOBILITY ELEMENT I DRAFT swell Street ;morning) Langford Streeth l-OOpm-3:00 am) S.Ridge'ield (1100 pm-3-00 am) Caudill Street (7:45am, 11 00pm,300om) Laura Lane Carnal Circle Lawyer Street learly am, night) Glade Street fl 1 fl0 pm-3:00 am) 3uadalupe Drive <ing Arthur Circle Lawyer Place Rayburn Court N. Ridgefield (1 100 pm-3-00 am) Shadwood Drive Haines Drivefl I CC pm-3-00 am) Winding Road fat Holleman) Fire Safety Evaluations were conducted during three separate visits to each site, one in the early morning hours, one in the late night hours, and a third mid-day. Based on the Evaluations, the Fire Department recommended that parking be removed at the bend in Caudill Street and the bend in Lawyer Street. Additionally, South Ridgefield and North Ridgefield were considered to be tight at the cul-de-sacs and should be further monitored. The NRT recommends that Fire Safety Evaluations be conducted two times per year, with one of those during a home Texas A&M University football game. Parking Removal Through the planning process, it was brought to City staff's attention that there were inconsistencies between what parking has been removed by ordinance in the past and the "No Parking" signs that either exist or do not exist on the neighborhood streets. Map 3.10 Parking Restrictions illustrates parking currently removed by City ordinance in the South Knoll Area. The following inconsistencies were discussed and recommendations made: uadalure Drive - The NRT recommends that the "No Parking" signs installed along Guadalupe Drive to create a safer route to the High :hoof. ingford Street from Southwest Parkway to King Arthur's Circle - The RT recommends that these signs be installed because this street is 3ed as a route to the High School with a high volume of traffic and a ember of students walking. In addition to the existing parking removal 'dinance, the NRT recommends that parking be removed from King rthur's Circle to Guadalupe Drive to continue this safer route to the ;hoof. lade Street from Holleman Drive to Orr Street- The NRT recommends at these signs be installed due to the bend in Glade Street and the cited visibility along this stretch of roadway. DRAFT 7-1-13 DRAFT CHAPTER 3 - MOBILITY ELEMENT Valley View Drive: The NRT recommends that these signs not be installed as it is a wide street with no current parking issues. However, it was suggested that there was confusing or contradicting signage further east on Valley View Drive near Longmire Drive. The NRT recommends that this be resolved. GOAL, STRATEGIES, AND ACTIONS FOR THE SOUTH KNOLL AREA The Mobility Goal for the South Knoll Area is to maintain a safe and efficient transportation network and improve multi-modal transportation options by increasing the continuity of bicycle and pedestrian routes to key destinations, while protecting the single-family character and integrity of the neighborhood. Strategies have been developed to progress toward this goal. Each strategy has a series of action recommendations designed to implement the strategy. Strategy M1 Identify and address on-street parking issues to increa safety in the South Knoll Area. Action M1.1 Conduct periodic emergency vehicle safety evaluations of streets in the South Knoll Area that have been identified as heavily parked through this process. Evaluations should be performed at least two times per year at peak parking times. If the evaluation warrants action, the City should pursue on-street parking removal from one side of all streets with demonstrated safety issues. Action M1.2 Conduct safety evaluations, when requested, to ensur that existing parking is not making it unsafe f( residents to exit private driveways onto publl streets, such as at curves or bends in the road. the evaluation warrants action, the City shoul pursue on-street parking removal from a portic of the roadway. Action M1.3 As recommended through the Safety Evaluati( parking should be removed from the "bends" Caudill Street and Lawyer Street. Action MIA Monitor the Ridgefield cul-de-sacs so that parkir does not create safety issues. Action M1.5 Install "No Parking" street signs, as approved k City Ordinances, on Guadalupe Drive, Langfo Street (from Southwest Parkway to King Arthu DRAFT 7-1-13 a 0 0 0 4. b 3-9 CHAPTER 3 -MOBILITY ELEMENT I DRAFT and on Glade Street from Holleman Drive to 'r Street. irsue an ordinance that would remove additional irking on Langford Street from King Arthur's Circle Guadalupe Street to facilitate a safe pedestrian id bicycle route to the high school. Drrect the conflicting/confusing parking signage i Valley View Drive near Longmire Drive. ~velop a speed awareness program utilizing radar eed signs at targeted locations, such as Glade eet, to increase awareness of the posted speed iit in neighborhood areas. Irategy M2 (cross-reference Strategy N!&CC 2) - Address eighborhood parking concerns to lessen the impact of high-density ousing on the single-family character and integrity of the South Knoll rea Neighborhood. Lion M2.1 Remove parking from both sides of all streets between the hours of 2:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. to ensure that all resident parking occurs on private property, while allowing on-street parking outside of these hours for resident convenience. (cross- reference Action NI&CC 2.1) Ilow residents to request on-street parking be ,moved for character reasons from one side of all reets in the South Knoll Area when the majority of roperty owners on that street are in favor. (cross- Jerence Action NI&CC 2.1) Q 0 0 0 4 3 nend the Unified Development Ordinance to limit e size of allowed parking areas within the front >rtion of single-family lots in the South Knoll Area, -iilar to the recommendations made by the City's int Task Force on Neighborhood Parking. In tdition, larger lots would be permitted a =imum of 50% of the front portion of the property be paved or 1,000 square feet, whichever is caller. (cross-reference Action NI&CC 2.3) nend the Unified Development Ordinance to quire one parking space per bedroom for new DRAFT 7-1-13 DRAFT CHAPTER 3 - MOBILITY ELEMENT bedrooms, with a maximum of four spaces required. (cross-reference Action NI&CC 2.4) Action M2.5 Amend the Unified Development Ordinance to require that rear-yard parking be screened from adjacent single-family properties. (cross-reference Action NI&CC 2.5) Strategy M3- Increase pedestrian safety in the South Knoll Area. Action M3.1 Amend the Bicycle, Pedestrian, and GreenwaN Master Plan and conduct a feasibility analysis I propose sidewalks on both sides of Welsh Avenu( where possible. Action M3.2 Amend the Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Master Plan and conduct a feasibility analysis to extend the proposed sidewalk on Caudill Street and north along Winding to Holleman Drive. Action M3.3 Amend the Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenwa Master Plan and conduct a feasibility analysis include a proposed sidewalk on Valley Vie Drive. Action M3.4 Reconstruct the existing sidewalk along Langford Street in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Action M3.5 Construct a sidewalk on Guadalupe Drive to satisfy an American with Disabilities Act (ADA) need in the area. Action M3.6 Work with property owners on Arboles and Com( Circle to obtain a public access easement alon the portion of their property already being use by pedestrians. Explore opportunities f( additional maintenance and lighting of th pedestrian path. Action M3.7 Explore the opportunity to construct a pedestrian refuge on Welsh Avenue between A&M Consolidated High School and its sports facilities in the place of the existing mid-block crossing. Action M3.8 Explore the opportunity to construct a mid-bl crossing 1 pedestrian refuge on Southv Parkway connecting the Woodlands Strategy M4- Increase bicycle safety and accessibility in the South Kr Area neighborhood. DRAFT 7-1-13 a 0 0 4. b 3-11 CHAPTER 3 -MOBILITY ELEMENT I DRAFT M4.1 Amend the Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Master Plan to remove the proposed bike lane designation on Glade Street between Holleman Drive and Southwest Parkway. As a compromise between its current condition and the proposed bike lane, this portion of Glade should be a bike route with parking limited on the east side of Glade Street between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. to provide a safe route for commuter cyclists and children riding to school. plore the possibility of a way-finding system to -ect bicycle and pedestrian traffic through the ~ighborhood. Possible solutions may include >sted signs with a QR (Quick Response) code king to the City's Bicycle Map on-line. This would in addition to the existing bike route signage. plore opportunities to install trail way-finding Inage in Bee Creek and Lemon Tree parks. stripe bike lanes on Holleman Drive. plore the opportunity to do the grading for the fure Bee Creek trail with the construction of the wer line through this area. This may provide -reased mobility ahead of funding for the multi- e path project along this corridor. plore opportunities to reconstruct the existing lewalk along Southwest Parkway to provide a der sidewalk to accommodate both pedestrian id bicycle traffic where a bike lane is not feasible i Southwest Parkway. 0 0 0 4 3 ly M5- Increase bicycle and pedestrian safety at intersections Afhin and surrounding the South Knoll Area neighborhood. grease pedestrian safety at the intersection of xas Avenue and the private driveway located ;ross from Manuel Drive by connecting the isting private sidewalk to the sidewalk on Texas venue. Explore the addition of signage, striping or arkings to reduce conflicts between motorists and DRAFT 7-1-13 DRAFT CHAPTER 3 - MOBILITY ELEMENT Action M-5.2 Increase pedestrian safety at the intersection of Southwest Parkway and Anderson Street by installing accessible ramps and possible signage to address conflicts between pedestrians in the crosswalk and motorists making left turning movements. Action M5.3 Increase bicycle safety at the intersection of Southwest Parkway and North Bardell Court by exploring the addition of signage, striping or markings to reduce conflicts between bicyclists and motorists. DRAFT 7-1-13 a 0 0 0 4. b 3-13 / Q ~ LL LL ST W J ~ co z ° ~ O O LL F C 0 THOMPSONST L = z Q w J w HOLLE MAN E JJ ~ C/) co co co 0 (J/ W z z z Q - Q 2 O N W p W / z z O W O 2 Q W o O a w SOUTHLAND ST p O (J NEVADA ST (J FFFF FM F7 Q I South Knoll Area w y Neighborhood Plan TIMM DR p4,JCF VILLAGE DR ST I A GOODE ST Map 3.1 ~~`sHING DR 0 Thoroughfare Plan 'NESS RIDGE DR BALCONES=DR /R lNF [DR SAN PEDRO OR ~~P HgwK f =C OR 0 AUSTIN q~ T RAE DRI C S/ NAVARRO p~ SAN SA R Source: Planning & Development Services a~ - Grade Seperation Q Proposed Grade Seperation U Freeway/Expressway w = 6 Lane Major Arterial ~ _ = Proposed 6 Lane Major Arterial 4 Lane Major Arterial Proposed 4 Lane Major Arterial = 4 Lane Minor Arterial _ :Proposed 4 Lane Minor Arterial 4 Lane Major Collector r - - = a Proposed 4 Lane Major Collector 1 1 7 1 Proposed 3 Lane Major Collector 2 Lane Major Collector II Proposed 2 Lane Major Collector 2 Lane Minor Collector - Proposed 2 Lane Minor Collector QPlanning Area J H i' S z o Ty i,J ~ O 'f O~~ LL S S T O= cn w 00 THOMPSONST = FiOL=L=EM gN,OR,~ w HOLLEMAN=DR o I C/) co co w z x z ~ X o w 2 ~ O SOUTHLAND ST cr Q a w NEVADA ST C] o W Z F SOU.THWESvT P~ o ~ C 1 WEST RIDGE DR ~BALCONES-DR- SAN PEDRO OR i r -1 r-H 1,00•0 NAVARRO O?' SAN SABA nR Source: Planning & Development Services Q w w J TIMM DR VILLAGE DR A GOODE ST '~`SHING DR 0 k /A/F D R Hq wK T RFE DR Z~ AUSTIN q~ D p~q OF 4e South Knoll Area Neighborhood Plan Map 3.2 Thoroughfare Plan Context Type -Highway - Mixed Use Urban - Urban -Restricted Suburban - General Suburban - Estate/Rural C3 Planning Area ■ L■UTHER ST■W, w• . Q ■ w ■ J ■ TIMM DR' ■ Ty~~L/ S VILLAGEPDR p w ST w A~GOODE ST 3ON ST ~`sHING DR ■ ■ o - Y H(DLL•EMAN-DRY- 0 ♦ C/) C) C) co z ♦ ♦ w z x ~ Q ♦ ■ w X 0 o e ♦ ■ > N 0 W 0 ♦ W z 2 Q ♦ SOUTHLAND ST e Q a o c~ r ♦ NEVADA ST ■'.~SpVTHVV ISX,, 4 T ■ • ♦ • ♦ ♦ ARV ~y1[41 T~ NE~ 75- ■ ~ ■ ♦ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ RIDGE DR BA'L■C•ONES SAN P DRO OR 1,0( 0 ■ • 'NAVARRO OR SAN SAE3A R Source: Planning & Development Services ■ • q lR<lNF D HACK T/`'EE DR CAS/O AUSTIN q~ D ; South Knoll Area i J♦ ♦ Neighborhood Plan p4q'C~ : j ■ M ■ Map 3.3 ■ ■ ■ Planned ■ Bicycle Facilities ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ - Bike Lane Existing Q 0-- Bike Lane Funded " < + ■ 1 Bike Lane Proposed w - Bike Route Existing ~ ■ • ■ Bike Route Proposed I1 MR- • - Multi-use Path Existing 0--- Multi-use Path Funded + f♦' a ■ ■ Multi-use Path Proposed ■ - Grade Separation Existing ■ 0--- Grade Separation Funded i ■ ■ ■ Grade Separation Proposed ■ ■ Q Parks ■ Neighborhood Centers CSISD Property Planning Area \ 1 co ti O~qs s T THOMPSON ST = HOLL MAN DR ■ o ■ C') C') C) C co ♦ Q x z t Q a ■ Z p W 0 ■ N O O pz z a 5 ~ O w SOUTHLAND ST.* ♦ NEVADA ST R ~ SO o 07-HVVw W ~t N 1 ~ At 1 1 LL ■ ■ _..,ccS_RIDGE DR 1,000 , v Source. Ratlnu,g A Development Services Q w w J TIMM DR VILLAGE DR .o GOODE ST ~~`sHING DR 0 T l ■ DR HgwKTR~EDR CAS/O AUSTIN q~ a~ D I South Knoll Area I♦♦ Neighborhood Plan Pi'~CF 1 Map 3.4 Planned Pedestrian Facilities U I ) -Sidewalk Existing on One Side 'Q Sidewalk Existing on Both Sides - Sidewalk Funded ~ w Sidewalk Proposed ~ -Multi-use Path Existing R D Multi-use Path Funded ' _ . Multi-use Path Proposed + s+ a -Grade Separation Existing Grade Separation Funded Grade Separation Proposed I Q Parks Neighborhood Centers W CSISD Property - Planning Area D v m L■UTHER ST■W, w• . 0 O LL w 3ON ST = EMAN ■ o ♦ q C/) C') Q cn C') ♦ w z x z L7 Q ♦ ■ 2 O W p 2 ♦ ■ > N O W O W z 2 Q SOUTHLAND ST♦ Oz Q a o c~ It 4p ♦ NEVADA ST SpVTHVVES,T,~PV ...■.■.~■.ar ■ Q ■ w ■ w J ■ TIMM DR■ ■ VILLAGEiDR 'ST ■ .o GOODE ST ■ F ■ ~`sHING DR ■ _ o D ; South Knoll Area i J♦ ♦ Neighborhood Plan p4q'C~ : j ■ M ■ ■ Map 3.5 ■ ■ ■ Bicycle Master Plan ■ Amendments ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ T ■ • ♦ • ♦ ♦ ARV ~yM1TC NE~ 75- ■ ~ ■ ♦ ■ ■ ■ ■ W~s~ RIDGE DR BAL■C•ONESRDR~ SAN P DRO OR 1,0( 0 ■ • 'NAVARRO OR SAN SA R Source: Planning & Development Services • • glR<lNF DRS-4 HACK T/`'EE DR CAS/O AUSTIN q~ ■ - Bike Lane Existing ~ Bike Lane Funded Bike Lane Proposed - Bike Route Existing ~u Bike Route Proposed + - Multi-use Path Existing Q X ~ Multi-use Path Funded L U Multi-use Path Proposed ■ 1, • - Grade Separation Existing R ■ a a 0--- Grade Separation Funded ■ m 1 Grade Separation Proposed ■ Il Parks ■ Il Neighborhood Centers i Q CSISD Property ■ Planning Area ■ ■ ■ 1 > PARK PLACE Q South Knoll Area J HARVEY4RD Neighborhood Plan LUTHER ST W LUTHER ST~ O~ Q TIMM DR cn TjyO ~ + • ~s co o w QJ w o ~L/gsST VILLAGE DR Map 3.6 = Can 3: LL THOMPSON ST LU A~GOODE ST Q = ~`SHING DR Pedestrian Master Plan HOLLEMA/V J w w Y Amendments ■ ~ ~ HOLLEMAN DR ~ o ■ J I~~2r- ORR S7 _ RICHARDS ST ♦ • O- STERLING ST ♦ _ ~ w z x z ? a ED 2G -FtO ♦ It 2 p w OJ MANUEL DR ► m ■ W 2 W W PINT ♦ z Q a o c~ w J NA/N ♦ NEVADA ST Q y 9~., ♦ BRENTWOOD DR # CD k BOSWELL ST SOUTHVyE W L► Pw ~C w I ` -1G N • NAR~FYM/■ iW_,S_~_RDGE DR BALCONES-DR- SAN P/ RO pR r / JAVAi RO DR SPN SABA DR Source: Planning & Development Services w R~~NF DR HACK TREE DR ,S/O AUST/NgV -Sidewalk Existing on One Side = Sidewalk Existing on Both Sides Sidewalk Funded Sidewalk Proposed , U ~ - Multi-use Path Existing Q Multi-use Path Funded X Multi-use Path Proposed Ljj + • -Grade Separation Existing i ■ • Grade Separation Funded ■ Grade Separation Proposed Parks Neighborhood Centers CSISD Property Planning Area July 20 Q a LUTHER ST W Q J O~ Co TIMM DR J O p ry°~iy VILLAGE DR Q LL SST _ cn O0 THOMPSON ST = o~GOODE ST Q ~`sHING DR HOLLEMAN OR w HOLLEMAN DR ..op o ~2 O.RFR C/) C/) c~ f p~ c Q x z t- N O W O X SOUTHLAND ST Oz O w Nq%NFS, o n oR NEVADA ST Q~I1 ~t N LL w Wi;--S-~ RIDGE DR BALCONES DR S/NF DR SAN PEDRO OR L ~~P Hq~K TREE DR Z<0/10 1,000 500 0 NAVARROOR ~ AUSTIN 4V R /Oa SAN SABA OR P Source: Planning & Develoament Services LUTHER ST W • a~ S • 'z • R. HOLLEMA/N OR ~ • INVII. J ~ U Cl) ~ y z O 0 O~qs S T u, o THOMPSONST = = ~ ~ ~ HOLLEMAN E FQ - ~ • Q X Z ? 2 O O N O a O HLAND ST Oz O o O w 0 NEVADA ST • • • Q w w J TIMM DR VILLAGE DR rt X, GOODEOODE ST `sHING DR o • 00 • N1 r ♦ LU r r • I SNP- ,T ANGEL + GUADA~~PE"OR D LO I MqR~~~ ~I ~ Y~MI~T .N' ~ I • 1 , ' • .W~S~MRID'GE3'DRm BALCONES DR ~14 DR Q H Z ♦ SAN PEDRO OR • ~~Vlt i AUSTIN qV T RAE DR C~SiO~ • Q 1,000 500 ■ NAVARRO OR SAN SABA OR University and The District 1 po p<q CF 1 1 Ii III 1 • I Tw,n.OpiDR L 4e South Knoll Area Neighborhood Plan Map 3.8 Combined Bus Route Information • Texas A&M Bus Stops o District Bus Stops Texas A&M Bus Routes Name E-Walk E-Walk Extra Fish Camp Ring Dance Ringdance Extra Rudder Rudder Extra Texas Aggies The District Transit Routes Name Maroon Yellow 0Planning Area F T W N OR Q a w J ~ J TIMM DR z y 0 0 0411 S VILLAGE DR S F w T 0 THOMPSON ST = o~GOODE ST Q ~`sHING DR w J w HOLLEMAN C 0 C/) Co Co ~ Q X Z Co Q 2 O W r W 2 ~ O SOUTHLAND ST Oz a w NEVADA ST VVESTP,W771 L /777 b pW t o rrr D p~q ~F I South Knoll Area Neighborhood Plan Map 3.9 Fire Safety Evaluations Fire Safety Evaluations C3 Planning Area 1 \ ` "HC1(~pE OK \ p J 1 0 O H R~Fy vac q 75- PV, S o Cut) n Wi;--S-~ RIDGE DR BALCONES DR 4 DR SAN PEDRO OR 1-! OAP HgWK O Tj~,EE DR q~ 1,0( 0 NAVARROOR 5? AUSTIN SAN SA OR OP Source: Planning & Development Services o! W CD z O J 4e a w South Knoll Area D LUTHER ST W Q J Neighborhood Plan CO Ty TIMM DR O A<~CF QJ 0 p O~gSST VILLAGE DR ILL \ Map 3.10 oz CO w A GOODE ST O THOMPSON ST Q `sHING DR HOLLEMgNOR w L..° Existing Parking Restrictions HONEEMAN;D"~ " o ORR_ST C/) Co Co Co ~ Q x z Q _ a tic-RO 2 O W 0 I- w X 2 w wO tip' P1NF . SOUTHLAND ST 0z Q a O w J /yq~NF` 0 ~ s oR ~ ~ NEVADA ST U yQ 9iL rn q~ BRENT_W.OOD DR Q Nj\ _ W Z ~ O D S~ TH ES.T ply: o TFP ~J U) -No Parking Q -2 Hr Parking Plannin Area NO,E~\NP `'T g .x C\l M1T Cy~CC W LL P S O v WEST RIDGE DR - BALCONES DR 2 ~ q/ DR H W r SAN PEDROOR ~wKTj},EE Z~ S 1,000 500 V NAVARRO OR DR / AUSTIN qV Q~ p O SAN SABA OR _ :evelopment Services July 2013