HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/08/2011 - Joint Minutes City CouncilMINUTES OF THE JOINT MEETING WITH THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, COLLEGE STATION INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT AND CITY OF COLLEGE STATION CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 8, 2011 STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF BRAZOS § Present: Nancy Berry Council: John Crompton Jess Fields Dennis Maloney Katy-Marie Lyles Jana McMillan Dave Ruesink Citv Staff: David Neeley, Interim City Manager Kathy Merrill, Assistant City Manager Sherry Mashburn, City Secretary 1. Call to Order and Announce a Ouorum is Present With a quorum present, the Joint Meeting with the Board of Trustees of the College Station Independent School District and the College Station City Council was called to order by Mayor Nancy Berry at 6:04 p.m. on Tuesday, February 8, 2011 in the CSISD Transportation Services Center, 9304 Rock Prairie Road, College Station, Texas 77840. 2. Consideration. discussion and nossible action related to current CSISD Construction Proiects and current/future College Station roadwav Droiects related to school oneninus. Clark Ealy, Deputy Superintendent, reported on the 2009 bond referendum. $144.2 million was approved, with 70% voting in favor. The bond referendum was for construction of the Support Services Facility, Phase 1 (Transportation Center); the eighth elementary school; the second high school; purchase of twenty-eight buses; and other projects. The Transportation Center was opened August 2010, and any issues were resolved through City and School District coordination meetings held every four to six weeks. The Greens Prairie Elementary is the exemplar of City/School District cooperation. It was annexed into the City in the summer of 2010. Improvements were made to Royder Road and Greens Prairie Trail. An interlocal agreement JM020811 Minutes Page 1 ensures sewer capacity for up to four facilities on the Nelson and Eidson tracts. The school will deed two square acres from the Eidson tract on Royder Road for a future fire station. When that tract is deeded, the City will reimburse the district for half of the expenses incurred for expanding fiber to the area; the district will pay all expenses on the front end. The school is scheduled to open August 2011. Construction on the College Station High School is underway. Barron Road is being widened, and the City has purchased the right-of-way for Barron and the corner clip at Victoria. Victoria will also be extended. The project is on budget with a completion date of June 2012. Dr. Ealy also reviewed the planning process for renovations to A&M Consolidated High School. They are looking to provide the necessary space for the expanded Career and Technology programs. They plan to bring the open space use concept from the College Station High School to this campus as well as addressing the electrical and HVAC infrastructure and re-designing the entrance to the gyms to improve the movement of students in the building. The A&M College Station Middle School and Oakwood Intermediate School are the final major projects from a 2007 bond issue. They will be improving the traffic flow in the area. Chuck Gilman, Director of Capital Projects, discussed transportation projects as they related to the new school facilities. William D. Fitch has been completed. The expansion of Barron Road is being widened from Decatur to Barron Cut-Off with four travel lanes, and a raised center median. It will include bike lanes and sidewalks, with a final completion date of July 2012. Victoria Avenue will be extended from its terminus to William D. Fitch with two travel lanes and a continuous center turn lane. It will include bike lanes and sidewalks, with a final completion date of February 2012. Improvements to Royder Road and Greens Prairie Trail include new pavement, sidewalks, drainage improvements along Royder Road south of Greens Prairie, a deceleration lane, and dedicated left turn lanes. Construction is expected to be completed July 2011. 3. Consideration. discussion and Dossible action related to current and Dotential DartnershiD aereements and interlocal aereements between CSISD and the Citv of College Station and other Dotential entities. Greg McIntyre, Deputy Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction, highlighted the collaborative efforts between the School District and the City. There are 10,400 students on thirteen campuses. Some of the collaborative programs include Kids Klub, City basketball and volleyball, Xtra Ed classes, Police and Fire personnel exams, school resource officers, parks and natatorium, etc. Collaboration is expected to continue with fiber, construction projects and emergency radio. 4. Consideration, discussion and Dossible action related to how the Citv of College Station determines Dlacement/location of hike and bike trails. Bob Cowell, Director of Planning and Development, walked everyone through the planning process and provided maps of proposed sidewalks, bicycle facilities and multi-use paths. Location is determined by focusing on three criteria: (1) connectivity to the TAMU system; (2) connectivity with CSISD campuses; and (3) connectivity with parks. JM020811 Minutes Page 2 5. Presentation. discussion and possible action related to the CSISD and Citv of College Station budgets and contingency Dlans for state budget reductions. Eddie Coulson, Superintendent of Schools, reported that the state budget deficit is $15 billion - $27 billion, and public education comprises 44% of the state budget. Initial House and Senate budget reductions have cut public education by $9 billion state-wide. $100,000 for teaching and administrative support positions will be lost. Public education will be impacted if the system remains the same, student growth is not funded, or if the district budget is reduced. CSISD has $29,198,000 in their fund balance. The M&O budget for 2010-2011 is $74.5 million. 82% of the M&O budget is related to personnel costs. CSISD has prepared three plans. Plan A reduces the budget $2 million; Plan B reduces the budget $4.5 million over two years; and Plan C reduces the budget $6.4 million over two years. These plans will create a budget deficit of $2.5 million for 2011-2012 and $4.5 million for 2012-2013, reducing the fund balance to about $20 million. These projections include an assumption that the M&O tax rate will be raised by $0.04 per $100 of valuation over the next two years. These plans eliminated the Capital Projects budget by $1 million, cut the utility budget by $100,000, cut substitute teachers by $80,000, and combined bus routes to save $75,000. They are also exploring other areas of reduction, such as operational efficiencies and general education staffing. Their goal is to affect the individual classroom as little as possible; take care of the employees by handling reductions through attritions and reassignment (ensuring that everyone has a job, but not necessarily the same job); and communicating throughout the process. Jeff Kersten, Chief Financial Officer, reported that the City budget has seen reductions the past three years. The current fiscal year eliminated vacant positions, reduced overtime, and travel and training. The City has also delayed or reduced equipment replacement. Building and technology maintenance has been reduced, as well as reductions in service. The City has looked at different ways to do things, such as through outsourcing. 6. Consideration. discussion and possible action related to the CSISD School Bus Advertisement Program. Chuck Glenwinkle, Director of Communications, reported on CSISD advertising. They did not want to add any overhead when creating a revenue source or any additional duties to staff. They are proposing to provide advertising on buses, the web, and at athletic facilities. The district will have the final right of refusal. Estimated revenue reflects seventy buses with a 50/50 split with an ad company. They are projecting revenue of $700 per month per bus, for about $4,900 per month, or $44,000 per year. There is an additional $6,300 - $15,000 per year for web advertising. The RFP went out on February 4, and the bid opening will be March 1. IM020811 Minutes Page 3 7. Adiournment MOTION: There being no further business, Mayor Berry adjourned the Joint Meeting with the Board of Trustees of the College Station Independent School District and the College Station City Council at 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 8, 2011. v-wf. Nancy Berry, Mayor 7 ATTEST: Sherry Mashkurn, City Secretary M020811 Minutes Page 4