HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-3458 - Ordinance - 11/08/2012 ORDINANCE NO. 26 • AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 12, "UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE," SECTION 12- 5.2(H), "RESIDENTIAL DIMENSIONAL STANDARDS," SECTION 12- 7.2.C, "DIMENSIONS AND ACCESS," AND SECTION 12- 7.2.I, "MINIMUM NUMBER OF OFF - STREET PARKING SPACES REQUIRED ", SECTION 12-, "PLATTING AND REPLATTING WITHIN OLDER RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISIONS," OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, BY AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS AS SET OUT BELOW; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; DECLARING A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: PART 1: That Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 12- 5.2(H)," Residential Dimensional Standards," Section 12- 7.2.," Dimensions and Access," and Section 12- 7.2.I, "Minimum Number of Off - Street Parking Spaces Required "," Section 12- 8.2.H.2, "Platting and Replatting Within Older Residential Subdivisions," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, be amended as set out in Exhibit "A ", Exhibit `B ", and Exhibit "C ", attached • hereto and made a part of this ordinance for all purposes. PART 2: That if any provisions of any section of this ordinance shall be held to be void or unconstitutional, such holding shall in no way effect the validity of the remaining provisions or sections of this ordinance, which shall remain in full force and effect. PART 3: That any person, firm, or corporation violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Twenty -five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance, being a penal ordinance, becomes effective ten (10) days after its date of passage by the City Council, as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City of College Station. • Chapter 12 UDO Amendments 2 PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this 8th day of November 2012. APPROVED: MAYOR ATTEST: City Secreta APPROVED: Ci y Attorney -'1 tor Chapter 12 UDO Amendments 3 EXHIBIT "A" That Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 12- 5.2(H), "Residential Dimensional Standards," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby amended as follows: Section 12- 5.2(H) (H) Reference Section 12- 7.1.D.1.e for lots created by plat prior to July 15, 1970 and designated as Neighborhood Conservation in the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use and Character Map. Chapter p er 12 UDO Amendments 4 EXHIBIT "B" That Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 12- 7.2.D, "Dimensions and Access," and Section 12- 7.3.I, "Minimum Number of Off - Street Parking Spaces Required ", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby amended as follows: Section 12- 7.2.D.1.e D. Required Yards (Setback) 1. Purpose and Intent e. Where an existing lot was created by an approved plat prior to July 15, 1970 and the property is designated as Neighborhood Conservation in the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use and Character Map a new (infill) single - family dwelling unit shall use the adjacent lots to determine the appropriate front yard setback. The new dwelling unit shall be set no closer to the street or farther back from the street than the nearest neighboring units. Areas zoned NPO, Neighborhood Prevailing Overlay District are exempt from this requirement. Setbacks for areas zoned NCO, Neighborhood Conservation Overlay are stated in the specific rezoning ordinance for the area. Section 12 -7.3.0 C. Dimensions and Access. This Section applies to any development or redevelopment of uses other than single - family residential, duplexes, or townhouses unless otherwise noted. 1. Each off - street parking space for automobiles shall have an area of not less than nine (9) feet by twenty (20) feet and each stall shall be striped. This standard shall apply for off - street parking for all uses including single - family residential, duplexes, and townhouses. Single - family residential and townhouses are not required to stripe parking spaces. 2. For properties located within the area described as "Area V" in the Southside Area Neighborhood Plan, an amendment of the City's Comprehensive Plan (Ordinance no.2012- 3442), a new single - family structure may locate its parking, including both required and additional parking in the areas described below: i. Anywhere on the lot behind the structure with no limit on the size of the area; ii. Anywhere in the side yards of the lot with no limit on the size of the area; and, iii. An area located in front of the structure not to exceed a size equivalent to 50% of the front portion of the property. The front portion of the property is the area of the lot within the side lot lines, the front setback, and the public right -of -way line (see graphic below). The square footage of parking allowed by this calculation may be located within or outside the Chapter 12 UDO Amendments 5 boundary of the area used for calculations (see graphic below). The portion of the driveway located between the front property line and the structure shall be included in the maximum parking area square footage. \ / - -- - -- - -- - - - -- a= rzt S / \ — I I f c k3L tir z:::::::re nt Empe f Parkins Pnhi SO feet Street Fa?rerne nt Edge STREET 3. An eighteen -foot paved space (ninety- degree only) may be utilized where the space abuts a landscaped island with a minimum depth of four (4) feet. An eighteen -foot space may also be used when adjacent to a sidewalk provided that the minimum width of the sidewalk is six (6) feet. This standard shall also apply to off - street parking for single - family residential, duplexes, and townhouses. 4. The width of an alley may be assumed to be a portion of the maneuvering space requirement for off - street parking facilities located adjacent to a public alley. This standard shall apply for off - street parking for all uses including single - family residential, duplexes, and townhouses. 5. Each parking space intended for use by the handicapped shall be designed in accordance with the standards of the Texas Architectural Barriers Act (TABA) administered by the Texas Department of License and Regulation. Chapter 12 UDO Amendments 6 6. Each parking space and the maneuvering area thereto shall be located entirely within the boundaries of the building plot except where shared parking is approved by the City. 7. All parking spaces, aisles, and modules shall meet the minimum requirements, as shown in the following table. All dimensions are measured from wall to wall. PARKING SPACE AND AISLE DIMENSIONS A B C D E F Angle Width Depth Width of aisle Width Module width (degrees) of stall of stall One way Two way of stall One way Two way 90° parallel to aisle to aisle 0 22 feet 10 feet 12.0 feet 20.0 feet 22.0 feet 22.0 feet 40.0 feet 45 9 feet 21.1 feet 12.0 feet 20.0 feet 12.7 feet 54.2 feet 62.2 feet 60 9 feet 22.3 feet 15.0 feet 22.0 feet 10.4 feet 59.6 feet 66.3 feet 90 9 feet 20.0 feet 23.0 feet 23.0 feet 9.0 feet 63.0 feet 63.0 feet +--* C - Aisle +s-_. A a �� \\,o 8. Parking lots located within fifteen (15) feet of a public right -of -way shall have a maximum of seven (7) contiguous spaces separated by an eighteen- by twenty- Chapter 12 UDO Amendments 7 foot landscaped island. All parking lots and drive aisles shall be setback a minimum of six (6) feet from any public right -of -way. 9. Parking is discouraged along entrance drives and should be limited on major circulation aisles of large developments and major retail centers. 10. The Design Review Board may waive parking lot dimension requirements in the Northgate and Wolf Pen Creek districts if the development meets the goals of the master plan for the respective district. Section 12 -7.3.I Number of Off - Street Parking Spaces Required MINIMUM OFF - STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS Use Unit Spaces/ Plus Spaces For: Unit Airport As determined by the Administrator Banks 250 s.f. 1.0 Bowling Alley As determined by the Administrator Bus Depot As determined by the Administrator Car Wash (Self - Serve) Wash 1.0 1.0 space per vacuum bay Bay Church Seat 0.33* Convalescent Home / Hospital Bed 0.5 Duplex Dwelling: 1 & 2 Bedroom DU 2.0 3 Bedroom DU 3.0 Dormitory Bed 0.75 Day Care Center 250 s.f. 1.0 Fraternal Lodge 75 s.f. 1.0 Fraternity / Sorority House Person 1.0 1/30 s.f. meeting room Freight Station As determined by the Administrator Funeral Parlor Seat 0.33 Furniture Sales, Freestanding 350 s.f. 1.0 Golf Driving Range Tee 1.0 Station Health Club / Sports Facility As determined by the Administrator Gasoline and Fuel Service 300 s.f. 1.0 Group Housing BR 2.0 As determined by the Administrator Chapter 12 UDO Amendments 8 Health Studio 150 s.f. 1.0 Hospital As determined by the Administrator Hotel /Motel DU 1.0 1/200 s.f. meeting room HUD -Code Manu. Home DU 2.0 Laundry 150 s.f. 1.0 Motor Vehicle Sales / Service 250 s.f. 1.0 Office / Sales Area 200 s.f. 1.0 Service Area Medical or Dental Clinic 200 s.f. 1.0 < 20,000 s.f. Multi- family Dwelling: 1 Bedroom BR 1.5 2 Bedroom BR 1.5 (ea. BR <130 s.f.) 2 Bedroom BR 1.25 3 Bedroom BR 1.0 Night Club 50 s.f. 1.0 Office Building 250 s.f. 1.0 Personal Service Shop 250 s.f. 1.0 Priv. School or Comm. Studio 100 s.f. 1.0 Retail Sales & Service: C -1 250 s.f. 1.0 C -2 350 s.f. 1.0 C -3 250 s.f. 1.0 Restaurant (w /o drive - through) 65 s.f. 1.0 (w /drive - through) 100 s.f. 1.0 Rooming /Boarding House Person 1.0 Sales Display 250 s.f. 1.0 Single- family Dwelling DU 2.0 BR*** 1.0*** (minimum of 2 with no more than 4 spaces required) Shopping Center * *: GC 250 s.f. 1.0 CI 350 s.f. 1.0 C -3 250 s.f. 1.0 SC 250 s.f. 1.0 Townhouse DU 2.0 Theater Seat 0.25 Truck Terminal As determined by the Administrator Chapter 12 UDO Amendments 9 Veterinary Clinic 300 s.f. 1.0 Warehouse 1000 1.0 s. f. "s.f." = square footage. "DU" = Dwelling Unit. "BR" = Bedroom. * Overflow parking above required parking spaces may be grassed rather than paved. All unpaved spaces shall be shown on site plan and organized for efficient traffic circulation using wheel stops and other appropriate measures as required by the Administrator. ** No more than twenty -five (25) percent of any shopping center square footage shall be utilized for intense uses (uses that, individually, have a parking requirement greater than 1:250 in C -1 or C -3 and 1:350 in C -2) unless additional parking is provided in accordance with the above requirements for that square footage of such uses in excess of twenty -five (25) percent. ***For properties located within "Area V" of the Southside Area Neighborhood Plan, an amendment of the Comprehensive Plan (Ordinance no. 2012 - 3442). Chapter 12 UDO Amendments 10 EXHIBIT "C" That Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 12- 8.2.H.2, "Platting and Replatting Within Older Residential Subdivisions ," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby amended as follows: Section 12 8.2.H.2 a. This section applies to a subdivision in which any portion of the proposed subdivision meets all of the following criteria: 1) Such portion of the subdivision is currently zoned or developed for single - family detached residential uses as of January 1, 2002 with the exception of NG -1, NG -2, NG -3, NPO, and NCO zoning districts; 2) Such portion of the subdivision is part of a lot or building plot that was located within the City limits when it was created on or prior to July 15, 1970.; and, 3) Such portion of the subdivision is designated as Neighborhood Conservation in the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use and Character Map. b. In addition to the other provisions of this UDO, no plat or replat intended to provide for the resubdivision of an existing lot or lots in a residential subdivision which meets the above criteria may be approved unless: 1) The plat does not create an additional lot or building plot; or 2) A plat which does create an additional lot or building plot must meet or exceed the average width of the lots along the street frontage for all of the lots in the block including the subject lot(s) and contain at least eight thousand five hundred (8,500) square feet of space for each dwelling unit. For the purpose of this section, a lot shall be defined to include the lot, lots and/or portions of lots that have been combined and used as a residential plot or building plot, as of July 15, 1970, exempting those lawfully platted or replatted after July 15, 1970. c. It is the applicant's responsibility to provide documentation during the application process regarding the original plat in which the lot was created and/or the configuration and ownership documentation of the properties since July 15, 1970.