HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/18/2012 - Agenda Packet - Planning & Zoning Commission д¿²²·²¹ ú Ʊ²·²¹ ݱ³³·­­·±² ѽ¬±¾»® ïèô îðïî ɱ®µ­¸±° Ó»»¬·²¹ êæðð ÐÓ Î»¹«´¿® Ó»»¬·²¹ éæðð ÐÓ  ï AGENDA PLANNING&ZONINGCOMMISSION WM ORKSHOP EETING O18,2012,6:00PM CTOBER AT CHCC ITY ALLOUNCIL HAMBERS 1101TA EXAS VENUE CS,T OLLEGE TATIONEXAS 1.Call the meeting to order. 2.Discussion of consent and regular agenda items. 3.Discussion of Minor and Amending Plats approved by Staff. (TR) Final Plat ~ Minor Plat ~ River Place (TR) Final Plat ~ Minor Plat ~ River Place 2 Lot 15R Block 1 (LH) Final Plat ~ Minor Plat ~ College Heights Addition Lot 8A Block A 4.Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding the status of items within the 2012 (JS) P&Z Plan of Work (see attached). 5.Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding an update on the following items: Natural Area Pre, -P Administra Office,--2 Commerc --- item on September 20 and voted 6-0 to recommend approval. The City Council heard this item on September 27 and voted 6-1 to approve the amendments. A rezoning of approximately 147 acres from A-O Agricultural Open to PDD Planned Development District for the Joint Research Valley BioCorridor Development Project generally located between State Highway 47, Raymond Stotzer Parkway, Turkey Creek Road, and the City limit. The Planning & Zoning Commission heard this item on September 6 and voted 7-0 to recommend approval. The City Council heard this item on September 27 and voted 5-2 to approve the rezoning. Amendments to the UDO regarding the establishment of a BioCorridor Planned Development District. The Planning & Zoning Commission heard this item on September 6 and voted 7-0 to recommend approval. The City Council heard this item on September 27 and voted 6-1 to approve the amendments. î 6.Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding the P&Z Calendar of Upcoming Meetings. Thursday, October 25, 2012 ~ City Council Meeting ~ Council Chambers ~ Workshop 6:00 p.m. and Regular 7:00 p.m. (P&Z Liaison Rektorik) Monday, October 29, 2012 ~ P&Z Retreat ~ Wolf Pen Creek Green Room ~ 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Tuesday, October 30, 2012 ~ Tour of Developments within City of College Station ~ 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Thursday, November 1, 2012 ~ P&Z Meeting ~ Council Chambers ~ Workshop 6:00 p.m. and Regular 7:00 p.m. 7.Discussion, review and possible action regarding the following meetings: Design Review Board, Joint Parks / Planning & Zoning Subcommittee, Neighborhood Plan Stakeholder Resource Team, BioCorridor Committee, Lick Creek Nature Center Task Force, Zoning District Subcommittee, Joint Task Force on Neighborhood Parking Issues, and Wellborn District Plan Resource Team. 8.Discussion and possible action on future agenda items A Planning & Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. 9.Adjourn. Consultation with Attorney {Gov't Code Section 551.071} ; possible action. The Planning and Zoning Commission may seek advice from its attorney regarding a pending and contemplated litigation subject or attorney-client privileged information. After executive session discussion, any final action or vote taken will be in public. If litigation or attorney-client privileged information issues arise as to the posted subject matter of this Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, an executive session will be held. Notice is hereby given that a Workshop Meeting of the College Station Planning & Zoning Commission, College Station, Texas will be held on October 18, 2012 at 6:00 PM at the City Hall Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. The following subjects will be discussed, to wit: See Agenda. Posted this the Day day of October, 2012 at time . , CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS By _____________________________ Sherry Mashburn, City Secretary By _____________________________ David Neeley, City Manager I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the above Notice of the Workshop Meeting of the Planning & Zoning Commission of the City of College Station, Texas, is a true and correct copy of said Notice and that I posted a true and correct copy of said notic website, www.cstx.gov. The Agenda and Notice are readily accessible to the general public at all times. Said Notice and Agenda were posted on October Day ,2012, at Time and remained so posted continuously for at least 72 hours preceding the scheduled time of said meeting. This public notice was removed from the official posting board at the College Station City Hall on the following date and time: ______________________ by _________________________. Dated this _____ day of_____________, 2012. í CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS By_____________________________ Subscribed and sworn to before me on this the day of_______________, 2012. Notary Public- Brazos County, Texas My commission expires: This building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive service must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764-3541 or (TDD) 1-800-735-2989. Agendas may be viewed onwww.cstx.gov. Planning and Zoning Commission meetings are broadcast live on Cable Access Channel 19. ì AGENDA PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION RM EGULAR EETING O18,2012,7:00.. CTOBER AT PM CHCC ITY ALLOUNCIL HAMBERS 1101TA EXAS VENUE CS,T OLLEGE TATIONEXAS Call Meeting to Order. 1. Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Hear Citizens. 3.At this time, the Chairman will open the floor to citizens wishing to address the Commission on planning and zoning issues not already scheduled on tonight's agenda. The citizen presentations will be limited to three minutes in order to accommodate everyone who wishes to address the Commission and to allow adequate time for completion of the agenda items. The Commission will receive the information, ask city staff to look into the matter, or will place the matter on a future agenda for discussion. (A recording is made of the meeting; please give your name and address for the record.) All matters listed under Item 4, Consent Agenda, are considered routine by the Planning & Zoning Commission and will be enacted by one motion. These items include preliminary plans and final plats, where staff has found compliance with all minimum subdivision regulations. All items approved by Consent are approved with any and all staff recommendations. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If any Commissioner desires to discuss an item on the Consent Agenda it will be moved to the Regular Agenda for further consideration. Consent Agenda 4.. 4.1 Consideration, discussion, and possible action on Absence Requests from meetings. James Benham ~October 18, 2012 Mike Ashfield ~November 1, 2012 4.2 Consideration, discussion,and possible action to approve meeting Minutes. September 20, 2012 ~ Workshop September 20, 2012 ~ Regular 4.3 Presentation, discussion, and possible action on a Final Plat for the Caprock Crossing Subdivision, consisting of seven commercial lots on approximately 35 Case # 12-00500174 (MR) acres located at 950 William D. Fitch Parkway. ë 4.4Presentation, discussion, and possible action on a Preliminary Plan for the College Station Medical + Senior Living Subdivision, consisting of four PDD lots on approximately 17.1 acres located at 1401 Arnold Road, more generally located west of the College Station Medical Center and south of the Southwood Case # 12-00500194 (JS) Community Park. Regular Agenda 5.Consideration, discussion, and possible action on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Commission action. 6.Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding a waiver request to Section Unified Development Ordinance, and presentation, discussion, and possible action on a Preliminary Plan for Williams Creek Subdivision Phase 6, consisting of 22 single-family Case # residential lots on approximately 61.9 acres located at 9500 Rock Prairie Road. 12-00500129 (TR) 7.Presentation, discussion, and possible action on a Preliminary Plan for the Barracks II Subdivision, consisting of 343 PDD lots on approximately 91 acres located at 3100 Haupt Road and more generally located between Old Wellborn Road and Holleman Drive Case # 12-00500141 (MR) South, north of the Buena Vida Subdivision. 8.Public hearing, presentation, discussion, and possible action on a Final Plat for Sandstone Addition Subdivision Lots 5R-1 and 5R-2 being a replat of Sandstone Addition Subdivision Lot 5R, consisting of two single-family residential lots on approximately 2.6 Case # 12-00500144 (LH) acres located at 2008 Oakwood Trail. 9.Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding waiver requests to Section of the Unified Development Ordinance, and public hearing, presentation, discussion, and possible action on a Final Plat of Lots 1R-B and 2R-B Block 5 being a replat of Lots 1R and 2R Block 5 West Park Addition consisting of two single-family residential lots on 0.34 acres located Case # 12-00500178 (MTH) at 315 Fidelity Street. 10.Public hearing, presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding an amendment to of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas related to platting and replatting in older residential subdivisions minimum parking requirements for new construction in the area described as Area V of Case # 12-00500195 (LH) (Note: Final action the Southside Area Neighborhood Plan. on this item is scheduled for the November 8, 2012 City Council Meeting - subject to change) 11.Discussion and possible action on future agenda items A Planning & Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. ê 12.Adjourn. Consultation with Attorney {Gov't Code Section 551.071} ; possible action. The Planning and Zoning Commission may seek advice from its attorney regarding a pending and contemplated litigation subject or attorney-client privileged information. After executive session discussion, any final action or vote taken will be in public. If litigation or attorney-client privileged information issues arise as to the posted subject matter of this Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, an executive session will be held. Notice is hereby given that a Regular Meeting of the College Station Planning & Zoning Commission, College Station, Texas will be held on October 18, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. at the City Hall Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. The following subjects will be discussed, to wit: See Agenda. Posted this the _____ day of October, 2012, at _______ CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS By _____________________________ Sherry Mashburn, City Secretary By _____________________________ David Neeley, City Manager I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the above Notice of Meeting of the Planning & Zoning Commission of the City of College Station, Texas, is a true and correct copy of said Notice and that I posted a true and correct copy of said notice www.cstx.gov. The Agenda and Notice are readily accessible to the general public at all times. Said Notice and Agenda were posted on October___, 2012, at _______ and remained so posted continuously for at least 72 hours preceding the scheduled time of said meeting. This public notice was removed from the official posting board at the College Station City Hall on the following date and time: ______________________ by _________________________. Dated this _____ day of_____________, 2012. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS By_____________________________ Subscribed and sworn to before me on this the day of_______________, 2012. Notary Public- Brazos County, Texas My commission expires: This building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive service must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764-3541 or (TDD) 1-800-735-2989. Agendas may be viewed onwww.cstx.gov. Planning and Zoning Commission meetings are broadcast live on Cable Access Channel 19. é 2012 Planning & Zoning Commission Plan of Work Comprehensive Plan Implementation Implementation of Adopted Plans Summary:Project Dates: Implementation of adopted master plans and Numerous on-going items and projects. neighborhood, district, and corridor plans, namely: 10/25/12: Joint meeting with Council for Central College Station Neighborhood Plan, Eastgate Comprehensive Plan annual review. Neighborhood Plan, Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Master Plan, Parks and Recreation Master Plan, Water Master Plan, and Waste Water Master Plan. Staff Assigned: P&DS StaffAnticipated Completion: On-going Medical District Plan Summary:Project Dates: 5/16/12: Health & Wellness subcommittee meeting. In partnership with the College Station Medical Center 8/27/12: Leadership and property owner meetings. and other stakeholders, development of a plan focused 9/6/12: Plan presentation at P&Z Workshop. on the creation of a healthcare and wellness district centered at the intersection of Rock Prairie Road and 9/20/12: P&Z public hearing for recommendation of State Highway 6. Plan to Council. 10/11/12: Council public hearing for Plan adoption. Staff Assigned: JPAnticipated Completion: Summer 2012 BioCorridor Plan Summary:Project Dates: 6/5/12: Presentation at Joint P&Z meeting with Bryan. In collaboration with the City of Bryan and other 9/6/12: P&Z public hearing for recommendation on stakeholders, development of a corridor plan near State BioCorridor rezoning and ordinance amendments. Hwy 47 and Raymond Stotzer Pkwy to realize a unique research district where plant, animal, and human health 9/27/12: Council adopted of BioCorridor rezoning and may be studied in one place. ordinance amendments. Staff Assigned: MH, BCAdopted: September 2012 Southside Area Neighborhood Plan Summary:Project Dates: 7/10/12: Plan Open House in City Hall at 6pm. Development of neighborhood plan for a number of 7/17/12: Neighborhood Resource Team meeting. unique neighborhoods including Oakwood, College 8/2/12: Plan presentation at P&Z Workshop. Park, portions of the Knoll, McCullough Subdivision, Redmond Terrace, and Wolf Pen Village. The plan area 8/6/12: Plan recommendation at Bicycle, Pedestrian, is generally bounded by George Bush Drive, Texas and Greenways Advisory Board. Avenue, and Wellborn Road. 8/16/12: P&Z public hearing for Plan recommendation to Council. 9/13/12: Council adopted plan. Staff Assigned: JP, LHAdopted: September 2012 п¹» ï ±º í è Wellborn District Plan Summary:Project Dates: 10/8/12: Wellborn Resource Team meeting at Development of district plan for the recently annexed Greens Prairie Elementary at 7 pm. Wellborn area that contains elements of a rural historic community with a unique character that residents of the 10/22/12: Wellborn Resource Team meeting at area desire to retain. Greens Prairie Elementary at 7 pm. 11/12/12: Wellborn Resource Team meeting at Greens Prairie Elementary at 7 pm. 11/13/12: Wellborn Area meeting at Greens Prairie Elementary at 7 pm. Anticipated Completion: Spring 2013 Staff Assigned: MR, LH Economic Development Master Plan Summary:Project Dates: 3/22/12: Project Kick-off meeting with consultant. Development of a Master Plan to provide consistent 4/10/12: Staff meeting with consultant. direction on how the City will help ensure its economic health for years to come while providing a positive 7/5/12: Update at P&Z Workshop. business development environment. 7/26/12: Update at Council Workshop. 8/28/12: 2012 Business Survey distributed to help identify business needs for master plan. Staff Assigned: P&DS StaffAnticipated Completion: Fall 2012 New Zoning Districts Summary:Project Dates: 7/9/12: P&Z Subcommittee meeting at 815 am. Create and adopt new zoning districts to implement character and land use designations identified in the 7/20/12-8/17/12: Public comment period for draft Comprehensive Plan. zoning districts. 9/20/12: P&Z public hearing for recommendation on new non-residential zoning districts. 9/27/12: Council adopted on new non-residential zoning districts. Staff Assigned: JP Adopted: September 2012 Neighborhood Parking Summary:Project Dates: 6/27/12: Joint Task Force Meeting at 5 PM. Analyze neighborhood parking issues by engaging stakeholders, form Joint Task with Council and 8/29/12: Joint Task Force Meeting at 5 PM. recommendations that seek solutions. 9/26/12: Stakeholder meetings at 3:30 PM (development interests) and 5 PM (neighborhood groups). 10/10/12: Joint Task Force Meeting at 5 PM. Staff Assigned: BC, TRAnticipated Completion: Winter 2012/2013 п¹» î ±º í ç Southside Area Neighborhood Plan Summary:Project Dates: 10/24/12: Plan Kick-Off meeting at South Knoll Development of neighborhood plan for a number of Elementary at 7 pm. unique neighborhood areas. The plan area is generally bounded by Holleman Drive, Welsh 11/5/12: Neighborhood Resource Team meeting. Avenue, Wellborn Road, Harvey Mitchell Parkway, and Texas Avenue. 11/26/12: Issues and Opportunities meeting at South Knoll Elementary at 7 pm. Staff Assigned: JP, MTHAnticipated Completion: Summer 2013 Employment Diversification Diversification of Employment Opportunities Summary:Project Dates: 1/12/12: Strategic Plan policy discussion with Council. Discuss workforce and employment opportunities in the community and strategies to increase their diversity and 7/5/12: Economic Development Master Plan update at the City's role in providing a positive business P&Z Workshop. development environment. Staff Assigned: P&DS Staff Anticipated Completion: Housing Affordable Housing Summary:Project Dates: 3/1/12: Discussion at P&Z Workshop, led by Discuss how housing affordability is measured and Community Development Division. provide information on affordability of homes in the 8/2/12: Discussion of Community Development Action College Station and Bryan housing markets. Plan at P&Z Workshop. 8/9/12: Community Development Action Plan for Council approval. Staff Assigned: P&DS Staff Anticipated Completion: Role of Planning and Regulation Summary:Project Dates: Discuss role of planning and regulation on housing supply and value. Staff Assigned: P&DS StaffAnticipated Completion: Impact of Student Housing Market Summary:Project Dates: Discuss impact of single-family dwellings used for student rental purposes on the local housing market. Staff Assigned: P&DS StaffAnticipated Completion: п¹» í ±º í ïð Brittany Caldwell From:James Benham [james@jbknowledge.com] Sent:Tuesday, October 02, 2012 10:12 PM To:Brittany Caldwell Bob Cowell Cc: Absence Request Subject: Œ•ŠŠ…Ç ‡•’’–ˆ™Š‘•‹‹Š–™ æ™™Š•—›Šœ™Œ¸±Š–Ä –“…‰Ä ™—Œš‹Ç ‘™‹™–‘ª Œ™‹•š™Šª‡’™š—™ ™›–’—•™‹Ç›Ä –™Å¡±³³ ±±±±´¶±†°»¸ ™œÅ‡‡‡Ä”œ“‡’™š—™Ä›‘ ‘•’Å”‘™‹Î”œ“‡’™š—™Ä›‘ Ê҇‡Ä‹‘ŒŠœ•š™ŠÄ›‘ ҇‡Ä‹‘ŒŠ›‘Ž’•›™•›Ä›‘ 1 ïï Brittany Caldwell From:Mike Ashfield [ashfieldmj@gmail.com] Sent:Thursday, October 04, 2012 7:59 AM To:Brittany Caldwell meeting November 1 Subject: Brittany, I will not be in attendance for the meeting scheduled for Thursday, November 1, so I submit this email as my absence request. In a separate email, I've contacted Bob concerning the need for a commissioner to serve s chairman in my place. Thanks, Mike -- Michael J. Ashfield cell 979-224-2334 1 ïî Ó×ÒËÌÛÍ ÐÔßÒÒ×ÒÙ ú ÆÑÒ×ÒÙ ÝÑÓÓ×ÍÍ×ÑÒ É±®µ­¸±° Ó»»¬·²¹ Í»°¬»³¾»® îðô îðïîô êæðð °ò³ò Ý·¬§ Ø¿´´ ݱ«²½·´ ݸ¿³¾»®­ ݱ´´»¹» ͬ¿¬·±²ô Ì»¨¿­ COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Mike Ashfield, Bo Miles, Craig Hall, Jim Ross, Jerome Rektorik, and James Benham COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Jodie Warner CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Karl Mooney CITY STAFF PRESENT: Bob Cowell,Alan Gibbs, Carol Cotter, Jennifer Prochazka, Jason Schubert, Lauren Hovde, Morgan Hester, Erika Bridges, Joe Guerra, Venessa Garza, Carla Robinson, Randall Heye, Kerry Mullins, and Brittany Caldwell 1.Call the meeting to order. Chairman Ashfield called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2.Discussion of consent and regular agenda items. Chairman Ashfield stated that Regular Agenda Item 6 had been pulled from the agenda at There was general discussion amongst the Commission regarding Regular Agenda Items 7, 8, and 9. Chairman Ashfield recessed the Workshop meeting at 6:55 p.m. Chairman Ashfield reconvened the Workshop meeting at 9:35p.m. 3.Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the status of items within the 2012 (JS) P&Z Plan of Work (see attached). Principal Planner Schubert gave an update of the 2012 P&Z Plan of Work. There was no discussion on the Plan of Work. 4.Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the P&Z Calendar of Upcoming Meetings. Thursday, September 27, 2012 ~ City Council Meeting ~ Council Chambers ~ Workshop 6:00 p.m. and Regular 7:00 p.m. (P&Z Liaison Hall) September 20, 2012 P&Z Workshop Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 2 ïí Thursday, October 18, 2012 ~ P&Z Meeting ~ Council Chambers ~ Workshop 6:00 p.m. and Regular 7:00 p.m. Chairman Ashfield reviewed the upcoming meeting dates for the Planning & Zoning Commission. 5.Discussion, review and possible action regarding the following meetings: Design Review Board, Joint Parks / Planning & Zoning Subcommittee, Neighborhood Plan Stakeholder Resource Team, BioCorridor Committee, Lick Creek Nature Center Task Force, Zoning District Subcommittee, Joint Task Force on Neighborhood Parking Issues, and Wellborn District Plan Resource Team. There was no discussion or updates on other meeting. 6.Discussion and possible action on future agenda items A Planning & Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. There was no discussion. 7.Adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 9:41p.m. Approved: Attest: ______________________________ ________________________________ Mike Ashfield, Chairman Brittany Caldwell, Admin. Support Specialist Planning & Zoning Commission Planning & Development Services September 20, 2012 P&Z Workshop Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 2 ïì Ó×ÒËÌÛÍ ÐÔßÒÒ×ÒÙ ú ÆÑÒ×ÒÙ ÝÑÓÓ×ÍÍ×ÑÒ Î»¹«´¿® Ó»»¬·²¹ Í»°¬»³¾»® îðô îðïîô éæðð °ò³ò Ý·¬§ Ø¿´´ ݱ«²½·´ ݸ¿³¾»®­ ݱ´´»¹» ͬ¿¬·±²ô Ì»¨¿­ COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Mike Ashfield, Bo Miles, Craig Hall, Jim Ross, Jerome Rektorik, andJames Benham COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Jodi Warner CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Karl Mooney and Julie Schultz CITY STAFF PRESENT: Bob Cowell, Lance Simms, Alan Gibbs, Carol Cotter, Jennifer Prochazka, Jason Schubert, Lauren Hovde, Morgan Hester, Erika Bridges, Joe Guerra, Venessa Garza, Carla Robinson, Randall Heye, Kerry Mullins, and Brittany Caldwell Call Meeting to Order 1. Chairman Ashfield called the meeting to order at 7:00p.m. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Hear Citizens 3. No one spoke. Consent Agenda 4. 4.1 Consideration, discussion, and possible action on Absence Requests from meetings. Jodi Warner ~ September 20, 2012 Bo Miles ~ October 18, 2012 4.2 Consideration, discussion, and possible action to approve meeting Minutes. September 6, 2012 ~ Regular 4.3 Presentation, discussion, and possible action, on a Preliminary Plan for Falcon Point Subdivision consisting of 6 lots on approximately 12.9 acres located at 1915 Dartmouth Street, generally located at the northeast corner of Dartmouth Street Case # 12-00500100 (TR) and Holleman Drive East. Commissioner Benham motioned to approve Consent Agenda Items 4.1 4.3. Commissioner Rektorik seconded the motion, motion passed (6-0). September 20, 2012 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 4 ïë Regular Agenda 5.Consideration, discussion, and possible action on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Commission action. No items were removed from the Consent Agenda.  6.Public hearing, presentation, discussion, and possible action on a Final Plat for Sandstone Addition Lots 5R1 and 5R2 being a replat of Sandstone Addition Lot 5R, consisting of Case # two residential lots on approximately 2.6 acres located at 2008 Oakwood Trail. 12-00500144 (LH) This item was removed from the agenda prior to the meeting 7.Public hearing, presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding a zoning amendment request from PDD Planned Development District to PDD Planned Development District to revise meritorious modifications for approximately 0.7 acres on Lots 9 and 10, Block 3 of the College Hills Estates Subdivision located at 1024 and 1026 Foster Avenue, generally located at the intersection of Foster Avenue and Francis Drive. Case # 12-00500173 (LH) (Note: Final action on this item is scheduled for the October 11, 2012 City Council Meeting - subject to change) Staff Planner Hovde presented the rezoning and recommended approval. Clint Cooper, 1700 Research Parkway, College Station, Texas, stated that he was available for questions. Chairman Ashfield asked why the meritorious modifications were being requested. Joe Schultz, 3208 Innsbruck Circle, College Station, Texas, said that the modifications were being requested due to the concept plan not fitting and the developer wanting to add covered parking. Chairman Ashfield opened the public hearing No one spoke during the public hearing. Chairman Ashfield closed the public hearing. Commissioner Benham motioned to recommend approval of the rezoning. Commissioner Rektorik seconded the motion, motion passed (6-0). September 20, 2012 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 4 ïê 8.Public hearing, presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding an ordinance amending the College Station Comprehensive Plan by adopting the Medical District Master Plan generally in the area of State Highway 6 South and Rock Prairie Road and Case # 11-00500174 (JP) (Note: Final action extending to William D. Fitch Parkway. on this item is scheduled for the October 11, 2012 City Council Meeting - subject to change) Principal Planner Prochazka presented the ordinance amendment to the Comprehensive Plan regarding the adoption of the Medical District Master Plan. Economic Development Analyst Heye reviewed the financing and management aspects of the Draft Implementation Report that provides supporting documentation to the Plan. Chairman Ashfield opened the public hearing. Tom Goen, 705 Putter Court; Kenneth Neatherlin, 1501 Earl Rudder Freeway; Mike Harris, 1811 Harris Drive; Natalie Ruiz, 511 University Drive East; Wayne Rife, 3205 Earl Rudder Freeway; all of College Station, Texas. The citizens expressed concern about the Implementation Report and said that they were not given enough time to review the documents. Executive Director Cowell said that action should be taken on the Medical District Master Plan, not the Implementation Report, which is available for discussion purposes only. He also said that property owners will be given the option to opt out of the Municipal Management District (MMD). James Murr, 3600 State Highway 6 South Suite 100, College Station, Texas; Steve Robinson and David Smith, Houston, Texas; Tom Jackson, College Station Medical Center; all spoke in favor of the Plan. Chairman Ashfield closed the public hearing. There was general discussion amongst the Commission regarding the Plan. Commissioner Benham motioned to table the item to give property owners more time to review the documents. The motion failed because of the lack of a second. Commissioner Miles motioned to recommend approval of the Medical District Master Plan. Commissioner Rektorik seconded the motion, motion passed (6-0). 9.Public hearing, presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding an amendment to the Unified Development Ordinance to create Preserve, - --2 Commercial September 20, 2012 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 4 ïé and retire the following -3 Light -- Case # 11-00500173 (JP) (Note: Final action on this item is scheduled for the September 27, 2012 City Council Meeting - subject to change) Principal Planner Prochazka presented the ordinance amendment to the Unified Development Ordinance regarding Non-Residential Zoning Districts. There was general discussion amongst the Commission regarding the amendment. Chairman Ashfield opened the public hearing. No one spoke during the public hearing. Chairman Ashfield closed the public hearing. There was further discussion amongst the Commission regarding the zoning districts. Commissioner Benham motioned to recommend approval of the ordinance amendment. Commissioner Rektorik seconded the motion, motion passed (6-0). 10.Discussion and possible action on future agenda items A Planning & Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. There was no discussion on any future agenda items. 11.Adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 9:35p.m. Approved: Attest: ______________________________ ________________________________ Mike Ashfield, Chairman Brittany Caldwell, Admin. Support Specialist Planning & Zoning Commission Planning & Development Services September 20, 2012 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 4 ïè FINAL PLAT for Caprock Crossing 12-00500174 SCALE: Seven lots on 34.944 acres LOCATION: 950 William D Fitch Pkwy ZONING: C-1 General Commercial OV- Corridor Overlay A-O Agricultural Open APPLICANT: Jesse Durden, CapRock Texas PROJECT MANAGER: Matt Robinson,AICP, Senior Planner mrobinson@cstx.gov RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the Final Plat. Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 1 of 3 October 18, 2012 ïç Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 2 of 3 October 18, 2012 îð DEVELOPMENT HISTORY Annexation: 1983 Zoning: A-O Agricultural Openupon annexation; A-O Agricultural Opento C-1General Commercial (1983, 2004 & 2006); C-1 General Commercial to C-1 General Commercialand OVCorridor Overlay (2006). Preliminary Plat: 2012 Site Development: Largely vacant. South Brazos County Fire Station building located on a portion of the development adjacent to William D.Fitch Parkway. COMMENTS Parkland Dedication: None required – non-residential development. Greenways: N/A Pedestrian Connectivity: Public Ways are proposed throughout the development which include 5-foot sidewalks along both sides. Bicycle Connectivity: Bike lanes and routes are not proposed nor required within the development. The nearest bike lane is located on Arrington Road. Impact Fees: The majority of the subject property is located within the Alum Creek Impact Fee Area. Small portions of the property are located within the Spring Creek Impact Fee Area. Impact fees are assessed at the time of Final Plat. The current impact fees for Alum Creek and Spring Creek are $59.42 per LUEand $98.39 per LUE, respectively. REVIEW CRITERIA Compliance with Subdivision Regulations: The Final Plat complies with the approved Preliminary Plan and is in compliance with the Subdivision Requirements of the Unified Development Ordinance. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommends approval of the Final Plat. SUPPORTING MATERIALS 1.Application 2.Copy of Final Plat Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 3 of 3 October 18, 2012 îï îî îí îì îë PRELIMINARY PLAN for College Station Medical + Senior Living 12-00500194 SCALE: Four lots on 17.07 acres LOCATION: 1401 Arnold Road ZONING: PDD Planned DevelopmentDistrict APPLICANT: Jesse Durden, Caprock Texas PROJECT MANAGER: Jason Schubert,AICP, PrincipalPlanner jschubert@cstx.gov PROJECT OVERVIEW: The PDD rezoning for this 17-acre tract was approved in January 2012 and includes the potential for future medical and senior housing uses. The proposed Preliminary Plan extends Arnold Road and Normand Driveas minor collectors. The Normand Drive extension comes from Rock Prairie Road through right-of-way previously dedicated by the College Station Medical Center. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the Preliminary Plan with the condition that the attached Staff Review Comments No. 2 are addressed. Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 1 of 4 October 18,2012 íï Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 2 of 4 October 18,2012 íî DEVELOPMENT HISTORY Annexation: 1993 Zoning: A-O Agricultural Open (upon annexation); to R-1 Single-Family Residential (2002); to PDD Planned Development District (Ordinance 2012-3392, January 2012) Site development: Vacant COMMENTS Water: There are existing 12-inch water mains generally along the eastern site boundary following the future alignment of Normand Drive. Additionally, a 12-inch water line will need to be extended along the southern site boundary where Arnold Road will be extended. Water line extensions will provide domestic and fire flows to all subdivided lots and shall be designed and constructed in accordance with BCS Unified Design Guidelines. Sewer: There are existing 8-inch and 12-inch sanitary sewer mains generally along the northern and eastern property boundaries, respectively. Off-site Easements: Additional rights-of-way and easements will be necessary forthe Normand Drive sectionadjacent to The College Station Medical Center(The MED) property. In 2004, The MEDdedicated a 60- foot right-of-way for this future extension.An additional 10-foot of right-of-wayor public access easementis necessary, for atotal of 70-foot right-of-way. Related access or slope easements may be necessary and will be determined with design and construction plans. These dedicationsare intended to be dedicated by separate instrument and are noted on the Preliminary Plan. Drainage: Approximately two-thirds of the tract’s storm water runoff drains to south to Lick Creek. The remaining northeastern third of the acreage drains northward to Bee Creek Tributary A. Development of this tract will be required to meet the City’s Storm Water Design Guidelines and drainage ordinances. Flood Plain: There is no FEMA designated floodplain on this property. Greenways: There are no natural streams on this propertyand no greenway dedication is required or proposed. Pedestrian Connectivity: Sidewalksare proposed along the extensions of Normand Drive and Arnold Road and will connect into existing sidewalks along Rock Prairie Road to the north and the existing Arnold Road to the west. In accordance with the PDD zoning, aprivate 6-foot sidewalkwith public access easement will also be constructed along the 80-foot electrical easement with site development of the adjacent property. Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 3 of 4 October 18,2012 íí Bicycle Connectivity: Bike lanes are proposed along the extensions of the Normand Driveand Arnold Road. Streets: The Thoroughfare Plan requires 2-Lane Suburban Minor Collectors as theextensions of Normand Drive and Arnold Road. More specifically, this development proposes to construct these roadways with the standard 38-foot pavement cross-section. Arnold Road is proposed to have a 60-foot right-of-way and Normand Drive is proposed to have a wider 70-foot right-of-way due to additional turn lanes, all constructed in accordance with BCS Unified Design Guidelines. Oversize Request: City participation has been requested associated with the required section of Normand Drive extending to Rock Prairie Road adjacent toThe MED property. An Economic Development Agreement is being drafted for consideration by Council. Parkland Dedication Fees: Fees in lieu of parklanddedication in the amount of $1,636 per multi-family unit will be required at the time of building permit when any of these units are constructed.In accordance with the PDD zoning, the development may opt to construct a portion of the multi-use path on the adjacent Southwood Community Park and receive credit toward the Community Park Development Fee. Impact Fees: This tract is within the Graham Road Sanitary Sewer Impact Fee Area 92-01. A note is placed on the Preliminary Plan indicating that fees in the amount of $316.07 per LUE will be required with building permits. REVIEW CRITERIA Compliance with Comprehensive Plan and Unified Development Ordinance: 1.The subject property is designated as MedicalRelatedon the Medical District Master Planand the extensions of Normand Drive and Arnold Road as minor collectorsare shown on the Thoroughfare Plan. Theproposed Preliminary Plan extends the two thoroughfares and the property is zoned PDD Planned Development District with its potential uses being compatible with the Medical District Master Plan. Compliance with Subdivision Regulations: 2.Except for the formatting items noted in the attached Staff Review Comments No. 2, the proposed Preliminary Plan is in compliance with the Subdivision Regulations contained in the Unified Development Ordinance. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the Preliminary Plan with the condition that the attached Staff Review Comments No. 2 are addressed. SUPPORTING MATERIALS 1.Application 2.Staff Review Comment No. 2 3.Copy of Preliminary Plan Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 4 of 4 October 18,2012 íì íë íê íé íè íç ìð STAFF REVIEW COMMENTS NO. 2 Project: COLLEGE STATION MEDICAL + SENIOR LIVING - 12-00500194 PLANNING 1.Provide curve data or a curve table for the property lines curves along the extensions Arnold Road and Normand Drive. 2.Revise the labels of the proposed right-of-way dedications on The Med lots to state that these will be done by separate instrument as right-of-way or easement. 3.The lines for the existing Normand Drive appear as though they are within the boundary of the proposed preliminary plan. Revise the lines to better distinguish the boundary of the plan and the existing Normand Drive right-of-way. Reviewed by:Jason SchubertDate:October 8, 2012 ìï PRELIMINARY PLAN for Williams Creek Ph 6 12-00500129 SCALE: 22 lots on 61.907 acres LOCATION: 9500 Rock Prairie Rd, generally located north of Phases 1-4 and west of Rock Prairie Road. ZONING: A-OR Rural Residential Subdivision APPLICANT: Joe Johnson, Owner PROJECT MANAGER: Teresa Rogers,Staff Planner trogers@cstx.gov PROJECT OVERVIEW: The original Williams Creek Master Development was approved in May 2004, then revised in September 2005 to include additional residential acreage that was previously shown as part of a large reserve tract. The Preliminary Plat for Phases 5, 6, & 7of the Williams Creek Subdivision was approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission in June 2006. Phases 5 and 7 have since beenfinal platted. That Preliminary Plat application has since expired, requiring the applicant to submit a new application for Phase 6. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the waiver request to forgo rear ten (10) foot public utility easements because a majority of the large acreage lots following an existing drainage way of Carters Creek. Additionally, all utility services can be adequately provided in the utility easements located at the front of the lots. If the waiver is approved, Staff recommends approval of the Preliminary Plan.If the waiver request is denied, the Preliminary Plan must be denied unless the applicant complies with the Unified Development Ordinance and provides public utility easements. Planning & Zoning Commission Page 1 of 5 October 18, 2012 ìí Planning & Zoning Commission Page 2 of 5 October 18, 2012 ìì DEVELOPMENT HISTORY Annexation: November 2002 Zoning: A-OR Rural Residential Subdivision Site development: Vacant COMMENTS Water: The subject property is proposed to be served by Wellborn Special Utility District. Sewer: There are currently no existing sanitary sewer mains available to serve the property. On-Site Sewage Facilities are proposed to provide sewer service. These facilities must be permitted through the Brazos County Health Department. Off-site Easements: No off-site easements are being proposed at this time. Drainage: The site drains generally to the north and east within the Carters Creek Drainage Basin.At the time of final platting, further drainage analysis will be required to verify compliance with the Flood Plain: Portions of the subdivision lie within the special flood hazard area according to FEMA Insurance Rate Maps for Brazos County. Greenways: No greenway dedication is required or proposed. Pedestrian Connectivity: A multi-use path is shown on the Bike, Pedestrian, Greenways Master Plan and is proposed to run along Carters Creek. It is anticipated this will be provided on the other side of the creek when the adjacent property develops. Bicycle Connectivity: A multi-use path is shown on the Bike, Pedestrian, Greenways Master Plan and is proposed to run along Carters Creek. It is anticipated this will be provided on the other side of the creek when the adjacent property develops. Streets: The Thoroughfare Plan designates William D. FitchParkway as a Major Arterial and Rock Prairie Road as Major Collector.The main entrance to the existing phases (Williams Creek Drive) is from William D. Fitch Parkway. Two additional access points also exist off Rock Prairie Road. Oversize Request: None requested. Parkland Dedication Fees: Fees in lieu of Parkland Dedication are required at $1,261 per single-family lot. These fees will be due before the Final Plat is filed. Impact Fees: N/A Planning & Zoning Commission Page 3 of 5 October 18, 2012 ìë REVIEW CRITERIA Compliance with Comprehensive Plan and Unified Development Ordinance: 1.The subject property is designated Estate and Natural Areas Reserved on the Comprehensive Plan. The Preliminary Plan proposes acreage single-family lots which are in compliance the A-OR Rural Residential Subdivision Zoning District contained in the Unified Development Ordinance. Compliance with Subdivision Regulations: 2.As proposed, the plan requires a waiver to the subdivision regulations contained in the Unified Development Ordinance. Section 8.2.I.2.a.2 Utility Easements of the Unified Development Ordinance requires a ten (10) foot utility easement along the side and rear of all lots. The applicant is requesting that no utility easement be located at the rear of the subdivision lots. In accordance with the Subdivision Regulations, when considering a waiver, the Planning and Zoning Commission should make the following findings to approve the waiver: 1. That there are special circumstances or conditions affecting the land involved such that strict application of the provisions of this chapter will deprive the applicant of the reasonable use of his land; There is a special circumstance for this property because Carters Creek is located along the property line. Many of the rear lot lines follow Carters Creek and are located in the floodplain and are large acreage lots making it difficult to provide utilities within the creek. 2. That the waiver is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the applicant; The applicant stated that the waiver is necessary in order to preserve the existing vegetation along the stream banks and reduce the potential for erosion in these areas. 3. That the granting of the waiver will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or injurious to other property in the area, or to the City in administering this chapter; and All utility services can be adequately provided in the utility easements located at the front of the lots. All service providers have agreed that the rear lot easements are not necessary in order to provide service to these lots or adjacent properties. 4. That the granting of the waiver will not have the effect of preventing the orderly subdivision of other land in the area in accordance with the provisions of the Unified Development Ordinance. All utility services can be adequately provided in the utility easements located at the front of the lots. All service providers have agreed that the rear lot Planning & Zoning Commission Page 4 of 5 October 18, 2012 ìê easements are not necessary in order to provide service to these lots or adjacent properties. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the waiver to forgo rear ten (10) foot public utility easements because a majority of the large acreage lots following an existing drainage way of Carters Creek. Additionally, all utility services can be adequately provided in the public utility easements located at the front of the lots. If the waiver is approved, Staff recommends approval of the Preliminary Plan. If the waiver request is denied, the Preliminary Plan must be denied unless the applicant complies with the UDO and provides rear lot public utility easements. SUPPORTING MATERIALS 1. Application 2. Copy of Preliminary Plan Planning & Zoning Commission Page 5 of 5 October 18, 2012 ìé ìè ìç ëð ëï PRELIMINARY PLAN for The Barracks II 12-00500141 SCALE: 343 lots on 91.32 acres LOCATION: 3100 Haupt Rd ZONING: PDD Planned Development District APPLICANT: Heath Phillips, Heath Phillips Investments, LLC. PROJECT MANAGER: Matt Robinson, AICP, Senior Planner mrobinson@cstx.gov PROJECT OVERVIEW: This preliminary plan is a revision to the already approved preliminary plan. Revisions include phasing changes and adjustment of street and lot layout due to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers requirements. A portion of parkland has been abandoned to accommodate a future right-of-way, but additional park land dedication is being provided in the same area to offset the loss of park land. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the preliminary plan. Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 1 of 4 October 18, 2012 ëì Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 2 of 4 October 18, 2012 ëë DEVELOPMENT HISTORY Annexation: 2002 Zoning: A-O Agricultural Open upon annexation; A-O Agricultural Open to PDD Planned Development District (2011); PDD Planned Development District to PDD Planned Development District to revise layout and add additional use (2012). Site development: Phase 100 was final platted in 2012 and construction of townhomes has taken place. COMMENTS Water: The subject tract is located in Wellborn Water’s service area. Future development of the tract will have to meet the City’s minimum fire flow requirements. Sewer: The subject tract is located adjacent to a 12-inch sanitary sewer main which runs along the south and east property boundaries. The tract is located in the Steeplechase Sanitary Sewer Impact Fee Area that gravity flows into the Bee Creek Trunk Line. This respective trunk line’s sub-basin currently serves many developments along FM 2818, from areas east of Wellborn Road, to the Carters Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant. Much of the existing trunk line was constructed in 1973 and was shown to have several surcharging line segments in the 2011 HDR Sanitary Sewer Collection System Master Plan Update. The City is currently in the process of initializing a capital improvement project entitled the ‘Bee Creek Relief Line’ that will install a larger diameter gravity line to increase the system capacity of the overall sub-basin in order to accept the ultimate build-out demand anticipated in this respective area. This trunk line capacity increase is necessary to proactively prevent surcharge events, and customer service disruptions. Preliminary analysis of this area has identified that the existing sanitary sewer capacity can support the increased sanitary sewer demand from the proposed development; however, future demands in this respective sub- basin will need to be evaluated as development occurs. Off-site Easements: None known at this time. Drainage: The subject tract is in the Bee Creek Tributary “B” drainage basin. Future development of the tract will have to meet the requirements of the City Storm Water Design Guidelines. The three detention facilities illustrated on the preliminary plan are to serve the entire subdivision and are proposed to be constructed with the initial phases of construction. Flood Plain: The subject tract is not located within a FEMA regulated Special Flood Hazard Area per FEMA FIRM panel 182C. Greenways: No greenway area is required or proposed. Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 3 of 4 October 18, 2012 ëê Pedestrian Connectivity: Sidewalks will be constructed on both sides of all streets within the development. Bicycle Connectivity: Bike lanes will be provided along Deacon Drive (Major Collector), General Parkway (Minor Collector) and Towers Parkway (Minor Collector) in accordance with the Bicycle, Pedestrian, Greenways Master Plan. Streets: The subject tract is located adjacent to Old Wellborn Road (local) to the east and Holleman Drive South (future 4 Lane Major Collector – Suburban Context) to the west. Three future thoroughfares bi-sect the property: Deacon Drive (3-Lane Major Collector – Urban Context), General Parkway (2-Lane Minor Collector – Suburban/Urban Context) & Towers Parkway (2-Lane Minor Collector – Suburban/Urban Context) adjacent to the school district owned property. Oversize Request: The applicant has shown interest in oversized participation in order to provide adjacent tracts with adequate post development sanitary sewer capacity; however, no formal request has been made at this time. Parkland Dedication Fees: Neighborhood parkland dedicationwas provided with the first phase of development. Neighborhood park developments fees and community park land and development fees totaling $987 per residential lot will be due upon filing of each final plat. Impact Fees: The subject tract is located within the Steeplechase Sanitary Sewer Impact Fee Area and will be required $357.74/LUE with building permits. REVIEW CRITERIA Compliance with Comprehensive Plan and Unified Development Ordinance: 1.The preliminary plan is in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan and the Unified Development Ordinance. Compliance with Subdivision Regulations: 2.The preliminary plan is in compliance with the Subdivision Regulations contained within the Unified Development Ordinance. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the preliminary plan. SUPPORTING MATERIALS 1.Application 2. Copy of Preliminary Plat Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 4 of 4 October 18, 2012 ëé ëè ëç êð êï FINAL PLAT for Sandstone Addition Lots 5R-1 & 5R-2 12-00500144 SCALE: Two Single-Family Residential lots on 2.6 acres LOCATION: 2008 Oakwood Trail ZONING: R-1 Single-Family Residential APPLICANT: Paul Leventis PROJECT MANAGER: Lauren Hovde, StaffPlanner lhovde@cstx.gov PROJECT OVERVIEW: The proposed plat divides one 2.6-acre residential lot into two lots. The Planning and Zoning Commission has one discretionary item to consider being a remote second point of egress for the subdivision for emergency access purposes. RECOMMENDATION: Staff is recommending approval of the proposed plat with the associated discretionary item as the proposed remote emergency access will improve safety conditions in the area, and these lots are not able to provide a separate street accesson site. Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 1 of 3 October 18, 2012 êè Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 2 of 3 October 18, 2012 êç DEVELOPMENT HISTORY Annexation: September 1977 Zoning: R-1 Single-Family upon annexation Preliminary Plat: 1977 Final Plat: 1979 1982 Vacating and Final Plat 1985Vacating and Final Plat Site Development: There is currently a single-family house on the existing lot. The house is expected to remain, and no encroachments will be created by the proposed subdivision of the lot. COMMENTS Parkland Dedication: Parkland dedication for the one additional lot will be assessed prior to filing the final plat in the amount of $1,261. Greenways: N/A Pedestrian Connectivity: The construction of new sidewalksis not required when replatting along an existingresidential street. Bicycle Connectivity: There are no facilities required along abutting rights-of-way according to the Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Master Plan. Impact Fees: N/A REVIEW CRITERIA Compliance with Subdivision Regulations: The proposed property is located within an area that has more than 30 residential lots sharing one point of access. The applicant is proposing to construct a second point of access, for emergency access purposes only, to improve services within this area and comply with Subdivision Regulations found in Section 8.2 of the Unified Development Ordinance.The access will be located at the end of Sandstone Drive and will connect through the future Emerald Ridge Estates Subdivision.A remote emergency access requires approval from the Planning and Zoning Commission for theplat to be approved.The discretionary item is not the same asa waiver in that there are no required findings to be made. If the discretionary item is approved, the plat may be approved. If the discretionary item is denied, the plat will not be in compliance with the Subdivision Regulations found in the Unified Development Ordinance and must be denied. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommends approval of the proposed plat with the associated discretionary item as the proposed emergency access will improve safety conditions in the area. SUPPORTING MATERIALS 1.Application 2.Copy of Final Plat 3.Letters of Support (2) 4.Coversheet regarding Sandstone Deed Restrictions 5.Sandstone Deed Restrictions 6.Letter from Sandstone HOA to Paul Leventis 7.Response from City of College Station to Paul Leventis’s legal representation 8.Neighborhood Petition Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 3 of 3 October 18, 2012 éð éï éî éí éì éê éé October 18, 2012 Planning and Zoning Commission Sandstone Addition Subdivision Replat for Lot 5R-1 and5R-2 To: Planning and Zoning Commissioners From: Lauren A. Hovde, AICP, Staff Planner Summary: The Sandstone Addition Homeowners’ Association was formed in 1978. At that time, the Deed Restrictions formed an Architectural Control Committee that would be responsible for the review and approval/disapproval of improvements occurring within the subdivision. According to language found in the Deed Restrictions, the Architectural Control Committee was set to expire after 25 years of existence unless a majority of the property owners signed an extension for the continuance of the committee. City Staff has been informed by the applicant that this majority was not reached and that the Architectural Control Committee is now disbanded. This information is being made available to the Planning and Zoning Commission due to objections from some of the neighborhoodmembers based on this issue. It is believed by some members of the neighborhood that the Architectural Control Committee is still active and that this replat is in violation of the Deed Restrictions. Therefore, this information is presented as supplementary background information in preparation of the public hearing associated with this item. Texas Local Government Code requires that municipalities prohibit the replatting of property that amends or removes any of the covenants or restrictions of a subdivision. Since the proposed replat does neither, regardless of the existence of a current Architectural Control Committee, the subdivision conforms with the requirement of the Local Government Code. éè éç èð èï From:Adam Falco To:chris@brazoslawyers.com Subject:Sandstone Date:Thursday, August 02, 2012 2:05:07 PM Chris, In response to your letter dated July 26, 2012 regarding Sandstone Addition Lots 5R-1 and 5R-2: The City does not have an issue with the ACC’s status. Since the replat of the will not amend or remove any of the covenants or restrictions it is an non-issue. Please convey this to your client as he has called our office. If you need anything else let me know. Thanks – Adam Adam C. Falco Senior Assistant City Attorney College Station City Attorney's Office P.O. Box 9960 1101 Texas Ave. College Station, TX 77842 afalco@cstx.gov Direct Tel. 979-764-3746 Office Tel. 979-764-3507 Office Fax. 979-764-3481 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: The information contained in this transmission may be (1) subject to the Attorney-Client Privilege, (2) attorney work product, or (3) strictly confidential. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, you are notified that you may not disclose, print, copy or disseminate this information. If you have received this transmission in error, please reply and notify the sender (only) and delete the message. Unauthorized interception of this e-mail may be a violation of criminal law. èî èí èì èë FINAL PLAT for West ParkAddition Lots 1R-B and 2R-B Block 5 Being a Replat of West Park Addition Lots 1R and 2RBlock 5 12-00500178 SCALE: Twolots on 0.3494 acres LOCATION: 315 Fidelity St ZONING: R-1 Single Family Residential APPLICANT: Adam Wallace, ATM Surveying PROJECT MANAGER: Morgan Hester, Staff Planner mhester@cstx.gov PROJECT OVERVIEW: The proposed Final Plat re-plats one R-1 Single-Family Residential building plot into two R-1 Single-Family Residential lots and requests a waiver to lot width and lot size. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends denial of the waiver requests to lot width and lot size.If the waivers are denied, the plat must be denied. If the waivers are approved by theCommission, Staff recommends approval of the Final Plat. Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 1 of 5 October 18, 2012 èê Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 2 of 5 October 18, 2012 èé DEVELOPMENT HISTORY Annexation: October 1938 Zoning: R-1 Single-Family Residential Preliminary Plat: The subject tract is considered a single building plot according to Section 8.2.H.2. Platting and Replatting within Older Residential Subdivisions of the Unified Development Ordinance. The original Final Plat for this property is from 1938. Site Development: A single-family home currently exists on the property. COMMENTS Parkland Dedication: Fees in lieu of parkland, dedication will be assessed on one newly established single-family lot if approved, for a total of $1,261, which is due before the Final Platis filed. Greenways: No dedication is proposed or required with this plat. Pedestrian Connectivity: No dedication is proposed or required with this plat. Bicycle Connectivity: No dedication is proposed or required with this plat. Impact Fees: N/A REVIEW CRITERIA Compliance with Subdivision Regulations: Section 8.2.H.2 Platting and Replatting within Older Residential Subdivisions of the Unified Development Ordinance states that a plat involving a building plot created prior to June 1970, which creates an additional lot or building plot, must meet or exceed the average lot width within the block and each lot must be at least 8,500 square feet in area. The proposed Final Plat requires a waiver to Section 8.2.H.2 Platting and Replatting within Older Residential Subdivisions of the Unified Development Ordinance, regarding lot with requirements and lot size requirements for platting in older subdivisions. The average lot width within the subject block is 89.44 linear feet. The two lots being created require the following waivers: Lot NumberProposed Lot WidthWaiver Requested Lot 1R52.33 feet37.11 feet Lot 2R52.33 feet37.11 feet Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 3 of 5 October 18, 2012 èè The two lots being created require the following waivers to the 8,500 square foot lot size: Lot NumberProposed Lot SizeWaiver Requested Lot 1R7,610 square feet890 square feet Lot 2R7,610 square feet890 square feet The subject property is located in“Area V”of the recently adopted Southside Area Neighborhood Plan.Based on a recommendation from Planning & Zoning and City Councilfor the Southside Area Neighborhood Plan, Area V will have new requirements in place,such as parking limitations and lot size, before properties are permitted to subdivide to minimum R-1 Single-Family standards.UDO Section 8.2.H.2 “Platting and Replatting in Older Subdivisions” will only be a requirement for areas designated as Neighborhood Conservation in the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use and Character Mapand this portion of the neighborhood is designated UrbanandRedevelopment. The proposed ordinances changes are anticipated to thth be considered at the October 18Commission meeting and November 8Council meeting. In the interim, the recommendation of the Neighborhood Plan is that properties in this area comply with UDO Section 8.2.H.2of the Unified Development Ordinance, which allows subdivisionin older areas of theCitybut subject toadditional limitations. In accordance with the Subdivision Regulations, when considering a waiver, the Planning and Zoning Commission should make the following findings to approve the waiver: 1)That there are special circumstances or conditions affecting the land involved such that strict application of the provisions of this chapter will deprive the applicant of the reasonable use of his land; A special circumstance does not exist for the property due to the requirements set by UDO Section 8.2.H.2 “Platting and Replatting in Older Subdivisions”restricting lot size to 8,500 square feet and lot width to being the average lot width as all lots in the block are subject to the same requirements.The property may continue to be utilized asone building plot with one structure. 2)That the waivers are necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the applicant; The building plotcurrently canbe utilized foronesingle-familystructure. 3)That the granting of the waivers will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or injurious to other property in the area, or to the City in administering this chapter; and The current ordinance requires a minimum 8,500 square foot lot and an average lot width of 89 feet for this block in order to help preserve the character of these types of areas. Subdividing property to less than these standards may be detrimental to the general welfare of the area. Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 4 of 5 October 18, 2012 èç 4)That the granting of the waivers will not have the effect of preventing the orderly subdivision of other land in the area in accordance with the provisions of this chapter . The granting of the requested waivers will not affect the future orderly subdivision of property in the area. The West Park Addition was originally platted in 1938 and many of the lots have become commonly owned, which has increased the average lot width. Additionally, an amendment to theUnified Development Ordinance has been drafted which allows the properties in this area be permitted to use standard R-1 Single-Family residential lot size and lot width requirements. The change has not been adopted so the current requirements in place call for this property to comply with UDO Section 8.2.H.2. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommends denial of the waiver requests to lot width and lot size. If the waivers are denied, the plat must be denied. If the waivers are approved by theCommission, Staff recommends approval of the Final Plat. SUPPORTING MATERIALS 1.Application 2.Copy of Final Plat Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 5 of 5 October 18, 2012 çð çï çî çí çì çë çê çé 1101 Texas Avenue, P.O. Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842 Phone 979.764.3570 / Fax 979.764.3496 MEMORANDUM DATE: October 18, 2012 TO:Members of thePlanning & Zoning Commission FROM:Lauren A. Hovde, AICP StaffPlanner Case #11-00500195 SUBJECT:“Area V”Southside Neighborhood Plan Ordinance Revisions Objective: Implementation of the Southside Area Neighborhood Plan, an amendment to the College Station Comprehensive Plan, by amending Unified Development Ordinance,Article 5, “District Purpose Statement and Supplemental Standards,” Article 7, “General Development Standards,” and Article 8, “Subdivision Design and Improvements” related to platting and replatting in older residential subdivisions not designated as Neighborhood Conservation in the City’s Comprehensive Plan; and minimum parking requirements for new construction in the area described as “Area V”of the Southside Area Neighborhood Plan. Background: The Southside Area Neighborhood Plan was adopted on September 13, 2012.A portion of the Community Character chapter of the Plan was dedicated to exploring initiatives to reduce the impact that single-family redevelopment has on the existing character of the Southside Area.The proposed amendments assist in the implementation of this Plan by increasing the required number of parking spaces applicable to new single-family constructionwithin the area described as “Area V” of the Southside Area Neighborhood Plan, adjusting setback requirements for new single-family construction, limiting the amount of front yard that can be used for parking within the area described as “Area V” of the Southside Area Neighborhood Plan, andallowing for the potential ofsmaller lots in areas not designated as Neighborhood Conservation by the Comprehensive Plan. Item Summary: This item contains amendmentsto five sections of the UnifiedDevelopment Ordinance that assist in the implementation of the Southside Area Plan: - Section 5.2.H“Residential Dimensional Standards” The proposed amendment toadds additional language that limits the application of the setback requirement to properties çç designated as Neighborhood Conservation on the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use and Character Map. - Section 7.2.D.1.e“Required Yards (Setback)” The proposed amendment toalsoadds language that limits the application of the setback requirement to properties designated as Neighborhood Conservation on the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use and Character Map. - Section 7.3.C“Dimensions and Access” The proposed amendment toadds language to direct the location of parking for new single-family structures within the area described as “Area V” in the Southside Area Neighborhood Plan. This section is also proposed to be reorganized for ease of use by consolidated portions ofthe ordinance directly applicable to single-family parking. - Section 7.3.I “Number of Off-Street Parking Spaces Required” The proposed amendment to adds a single-family parking standard for properties within the area described as “Area V”in the Southside Area Neighborhood Planthat requires one parking spaces per bedroom with a minimum of two spaces and a maximum of four. - Section 8.2.H.2“Platting and Replatting within Older The proposed amendment to Residential Subdivisions” to limit the applicability of the ordinance to properties designated as Neighborhood Conservation on the Future Land Use and Character Map that were also platted prior to July 15, 1970. Attachments: 1.Redlined applicable UDO Sections ïðð Section 5.2.H “Residential Dimensional Standards” (H)ReferenceSection 7.12.D.1.e forlots created by plat prior to July 15, 1970and.designated as Neighborhood Conservation in the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use and Character Map. ïðï Section 7.12.D.1.e D.RequiredYards(Setback) 1.Purpose and Intent e.Wherean existing lot was created by an approved plat prior to July 15, 1970and the property is designated as Neighborhood Conservation in the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use and CharacterMapa new(infill)single- familydwelling unit shall use the adjacentlotstodetermine the appropriate front yardsetback.The new dwelling unit shall be set no closerto the street or farther backfrom the streetthan the nearest neighboring units.Areas zoned NPO, Neighborhood PrevailingOverlayDistrictareexemptfromthis requirement. Setbacksforareas zoned NCO, Neighborhood Conservation Overlayarestatedin the specific rezoning ordinance for the area. ïðî Section 7.23.C Dimensions andAccess. C. ThisSectionappliestoany development or redevelopment of uses other thansingle- familyresidential, duplexes, or townhouses unless otherwise noted. 1.Eachoff-street parking spacefor automobiles shall have anareaof not lessthan nine (9) feetbytwenty(20)feetandeachstallshall be striped. Thisstandardshall apply foroff-street parking foralluses including single-familyresidential, duplexes, and townhouses. Single-familyresidentialand townhouses are not requiredtostripeparkingspaces. 2.For properties located within the area described as “Area V” in the Southside Area Neighborhood Plan, an amendment of the City’s Comprehensive Plan (Ordinance no.2012-3442), a new single-family structure may locate its parking, including both required and additional parking in the areas described below: 1.Anywhere on the lot behind the structure with no limit on the size of the area; 2.Anywhere in the side yards of the lot with no limit on the size of the area; and, 3.An area located in front of the structurenot to exceed a size equivalent to 50% of the front portion of the property. The front portion of the property is the area of the lot within the side lot lines, the front setback, and the public right-of-way line (see graphic below). The square footage of parking allowed by this calculation may be located within or outside the boundary of the area used for calculations (see graphic below).The portion of the driveway located between the front property line and the structure shall be included in the maximum parking areasquare footage. 2.3. ïðí 3.Aneighteen-foot pavedspace(ninety-degree only) maybeutilizedwhere the space abuts a landscapedislandwith a minimumdepth of four (4)feet.An eighteen-foot spacemayalso be usedwhenadjacentto a sidewalk provided that the minimumwidth of thesidewalkissix(6)feet.Thisstandardshallalso apply tooff-streetparkingforsingle-familyresidential, duplexes, and townhouses. 4.Thewidth of analleymay be assumedto be a portion of the maneuvering space requirementforoff-street parking facilitieslocatedadjacentto a public alley.This standardshall apply foroff-street parking foralluses including single-family residential, duplexes, and townhouses. 5.Each parking spaceintendedfor use bythe handicapped shall be designedin accordancewith the standards of the TexasArchitecturalBarriersAct(TABA) administeredby the TexasDepartment of Licenseand Regulation. 6.Each parking spaceand the maneuvering areatheretoshall be locatedentirely within the boundaries of the building plot exceptwheresharedparkingis approved by the City. 7.All parking spaces,aisles,and modules shallmeet the minimumrequirements,as shown in the following table.All dimensions aremeasuredfromwallto wall. ïðì PARKINGSPACEANDAISLEDIMENSIONS ABC D E F AngleWidthDepthWidth of aisleWidthModule width (degrees)of stallof stallof stall One wayTwo wayOne wayTwo way 90°parallel to aisleto aisle 0 22 feet10 feet12.0 feet20.0 feet22.0 feet22.0 feet40.0 feet 459 feet21.1 feet12.0 feet20.0 feet12.7 feet54.2 feet62.2 feet 609 feet22.3 feet15.0 feet22.0 feet10.4 feet59.6 feet66.3 feet 909 feet20.0 feet23.0 feet23.0 feet9.0 feet63.0 feet63.0 feet 8.Parking lots locatedwithinfifteen (15) feetof a public right-of-wayshall have a maximum of seven(7) contiguous spacesseparatedbyaneighteen- bytwenty- foot landscaped island. All parking lotsand drive aislesshall be setback a minimum of six(6)feetfromany public right-of-way. 9.Parking is discouraged along entrance drives and should be limited on major circulationaisles of large developments andmajorretailcenters. 10.TheDesignReviewBoardmaywaive parking lot dimension requirementsin the Northgateand Wolf PenCreekdistrictsif the development meets the goals of the masterplanfortherespectivedistrict. ïðë Section 7.23.I Number of Off-Street Parking Spaces Required UseUnitSpaces/Plus Spaces For: Unit AirportAs determined by the Administrator Banks250 s.f.1.0 Bowling AlleyAs determined by the Administrator Bus DepotAs determined by the Administrator Car Wash (Self-Serve)Wash 1.01.0 space per vacuum bay Bay ChurchSeat0.33* Convalescent Home / HospitalBed0.5 DuplexDwelling: 1 & 2 BedroomDU2.0 3 BedroomDU3.0 DormitoryBed0.75 Day Care Center250 s.f.1.0 Fraternal Lodge75 s.f.1.0 Fraternity / Sorority HousePerson1.01/30 s.f. meeting room Freight StationAs determined by the Administrator Funeral ParlorSeat0.33 Furniture Sales, Freestanding350 s.f.1.0 Golf Driving RangeTee 1.0 Station Health Club / Sports FacilityAs determined by the Administrator Gasoline and Fuel Service300 s.f.1.0 Group HousingBR2.0As determined by the Administrator Health Studio150 s.f.1.0 HospitalAs determined by the Administrator Hotel/MotelDU1.01/200 s.f. meeting room HUD-Code Manu. HomeDU2.0 Laundry150 s.f.1.0 Motor Vehicle Sales / Service250 s.f.1.0 Office / Sales Area200 s.f.1.0 Service Area Medical or Dental Clinic200 s.f.1.0 < 20,000 s.f. ïðê Multi-family Dwelling: 1 BedroomBR1.5 2 BedroomBR1.5 (ea. BR<130 s.f.) 2 BedroomBR1.25 3 BedroomBR1.0 Night Club50 s.f.1.0 Office Building250 s.f.1.0 Personal Service Shop250 s.f.1.0 Priv. School or Comm. Studio100 s.f.1.0 Retail Sales & Service: C-1250 s.f.1.0 C-2 350 s.f.1.0 C-3250 s.f.1.0 Restaurant (w/o drive-through)65 s.f.1.0 (w/drive-through)100 s.f.1.0 Rooming/Boarding HousePerson1.0 Sales Display250 s.f.1.0 Single-family DwellingDU2.0 BR***1.0***(minimum of 2 with no more than 4 spaces required) Shopping Center**: C-1GC250 s.f.1.0 C-2CI350 s.f.1.0 C-3250 s.f.1.0 SC250 s.f.1.0 TownhouseDU2.0 TheaterSeat0.25 Truck TerminalAs determined by the Administrator Veterinary Clinic300 s.f.1.0 Warehouse10001.0 s.f. "s.f." = squarefootage. "DU" = DwellingUnit. "BR" = Bedroom. * Overflowparkingaboverequiredparkingspacesmaybegrassedratherthanpaved.All unpavedspacesshallbeshownonsiteplanandorganizedforefficienttrafficcirculationusing wheelstopsandotherappropriatemeasuresasrequiredbytheAdministrator. ** Nomorethantwenty-five(25)percentofanyshoppingcentersquarefootageshallbeutilized forintenseuses(usesthat,individually,have a parkingrequirementgreaterthan1:250in C-1 or C-3 and1:350in C-2)unlessadditionalparkingisprovidedinaccordancewiththeabove requirementsforthatsquarefootageof such usesinexcessoftwenty-five(25)percent. ***For properties located within “Area V” of the Southside Area Neighborhood Plan, an amendment of the Comprehensive Plan (Ordinance no. 2012-3442). ïðé Section 8.2.H.2 “Platting and Replatting within Older Residential Subdivisions” a. Thissectionappliesto a subdivision inwhichany portion of the proposed subdivisionmeetsall of the following criteria:. 1) Such portion of the subdivision iscurrently zoned or developed for single-familydetachedresidentialusesas of January 1, 2002 with the exception of NG-1, NG-2, NG-3, NPO,andNCO zoning districts;and, 2) Such portion of the subdivision ispart of a lot or building plot that waslocated within the Citylimitswhenitwascreated on or prior toJuly 15, 1970.Thisincludeslotsthatmayhavebeenvacatedor replattedafterJuly15,1970buttheoriginalplatpredatesJuly15, 1970; and, . 3) Such portion of the subdivision isdesignated as Neighborhood Conservation in the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use and Character Map. b. In addition to the other provisions of thisUDO, no plat or replat intended to provide forthe resubdivision of anexisting lot or lots in a residential subdivision whichmeets the above criteriamay be approved unless: 1) Theplat does not createan additional lot or building plot; or 2) A platwhich does createan additional lot or building plot must meet or exceed the averagewidth of the lots along the street frontage forall of the lots in the block including the subjectlot(s) andcontainatleasteight thousand five hundred (8,500) square feet of spaceforeachdwelling unit. For the purpose of this section, a lot shall be definedto include the lot,lotsand/or portions oflotsthat have been combined andused as a residential plot or building plot, as of July 15, 1970, exempting those lawfullyplatted or replattedafter July 15, 1970. c. ïðè Itis the applicant's responsibilityto provide documentation during the application process regardingthe original platinwhich the lot wascreated and/or the configuration and ownership documentation of the properties since July 15, 1970. ïðç