HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/21/2012 - Special Minutes City Council MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL BUDGET WORKSHOP
AUGUST 21, 2012
Nancy Berry, Mayor, arrived after roll call
Blanche Brick
Jess Fields
Karl Mooney
Katy -Marie Lyles, arrived after roll call
Julie Schultz
Dave Ruesink
City Staff:
David Neeley, City Manager
Kathy Merrill, Deputy City Manager
Frank Simpson, Deputy City Manager
Carla Robinson, City Attorney
Sherry Mashburn, City Secretary
1. Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present
With a quorum present, the Budget Workshop of the College Station City Council was called to
order by Mayor Pro Tem Dave Ruesink at 4:17 p.m. on Tuesday, August 21, 2012 in the Carter
Creek Wastewater Training Facility 2200 North Forest Parkway, College Station, Texas 77842.
2. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on the FY 2012 -2013 Proposed Budget.
Jeff Kersten, Executive Director of Fiscal Services, provided a review of the proposed FY12 -13
budget. Mayor /Council budget was briefly discussed. Last year, some items were removed in
FY12 and are being considered to be brought back in FY13. Council consensus was to keep out
$7,500 for retreat facilitators, and to remove the NLC membership and annual conference.
Debt Service Fund
The City must address the aging infrastructure and future infrastructure needs due to growth.
The rate for FY12 was 20.1536 cents, and the proposed rate for FY13 is 19.5635 cents. Property
OIL tax revenue of $11,691,371 will satisfy the FY13 debt service requirement.
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General Government Capital Projects
t r. The policy issue related to Capital Infrastructure is to address the aging infrastructure and future
infrastructure needs due to growth. In 2008, we had a Bond Authorization in the amount of
$76,950,000 for streets and transportation, parks, library, and fire station. This was seven -year
plan to implement everything.
• Streets and Transportation CIP: These projects include the Bird Pond Rehabilitation
Project, the Cooner Street Rehabilitation Projects, various Rock Prairie Road Projects, the
Jones Butler Extension, The HSC Parkway Phase 1 B, Barron Road /Lakeway Extension,
Street TXDOT Projects, Traffic Signal Projects, Sidewalks, Hike and Bike Trails, and the
University Drive Pedestrian Improvements Phase 2.
• Parks and Recreation/Parkland Dedication CIP: Parks Capital Projects include the Creek
View Park development, Lick Creek Park Trails, Lick Creek Park Nature Center, Park
Maintenance Shop Expansion, Lincoln Center Additions, Wolf Pen Creek Festival Site,
and the Veteran's Park Synthetic Fields (currently funded in HOT tax fund). Parkland
dedication fund projects include the Wolf Pen Creek electrical improvements, Southwest
Park improvements, Arboretum Bridge replacement, Carter Crossing improvements, and
replacement of the pier at Cy Miller Park.
• IT /Facilities CIP: Facility projects include an expansion of the Library. Key technology
projects include wireless infrastructure and fiber optic upgrade, network and data security
upgrade, CAD /RMS (Public Safety) system replacement, a timekeeping system, etc.
Enterprise Funds
tor • Electric Operations and CIP: The Electric Fund is our largest utility. The policy issue is
to provide quality utility services at a reasonable cost. Revenues are at $99,069,410.
Residential and commercial growth is assumed at 2 %, and no rate increase is included in
the FY13 proposed budget. Forecasts indicate a future rate increase in FY 14.
Expenditures are $98,766,486. This includes operations and maintenance, purchased
power and wheeling costs, and Net Gen/Administrative transfers. $230,000 was added
for pay adjustments under review. Two new positions have been added for a Compliance
Officer and a SCADA IT Analyst. The proposed Electric Fund CIP budget has estimated
expenditures in the amount of $12,297,914. Key Capital Projects include production
projects, general plant, overhead system improvements, underground system
improvements, new services and system extension, residential street lighting, and
thoroughfare street lighting. Also included are distribution and transmission, which
included the construction of the Northgate Substation.
Water Fund
• Water operations and CIP: The policy issue is to provide quality utility services at a
reasonable cost. Revenues are estimated at $14,170,230. These are derived from user
fees from water customers, and there is no rate increase proposed for FY13. The forecast
does indicate future rate increases. Expenditures are estimated at $16,686,502. These
include operating expenditures and transfers, service level adjustments, pay and benefit
proposals, debt service, transfer to Capital Projects, contingency, and transfer to the
General Fund. Estimated FY13 Water Capital expenditures are $8,267,430. Key Water
System Production Projects include land acquisition (wells), Sandy Point Chemical
System replacements, cooling tower expansion, three million gallon ground storage
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reservoir rehabilitation, and water redundant communications. Key Water System
(kw Distribution Projects include the Health Science Center Parkway line extension, SH 40
water line from Graham to Barron and Sonoma to Victoria (land acquisition), and the
reinstallation of a 30 -inch water transmission line at Villa Maria and FM 2818. Key
Water System Rehabilitation Projects include the South Knoll /The Glade rehabilitation,
the Cooner Utility rehabilitation, and the Plantation Oaks water line. They plan on
issuing $3.9 million in debt next year.
Wastewater Fund
• Wastewater Operations and CIP: The policy issue is to provide quality utility services at
a reasonable cost. Revenues are projected at $13,614,316. These are derived from user
fees from water customers, and FY13 includes a proposed 5% rate increase. The forecast
also indicates future rate increases. Expenditures are estimated at $16,063,462 for
operating expenditures and transfers, service level adjustments, pay and benefit
proposals, debt service, transfer to Capital Projects, contingency, and a transfer to
General Fund. Estimated FY13 Wastewater Capital expenditures are $12,957,464. Key
Wastewater System Collection projects include the East Side FM 158 sewer line, the
West Side sewer project, the Bee Creek parallel trunkline, and the Royder /Live Oak
sewer line. Key Wastewater System Rehabilitation projects include the South Knoll /The
Glade rehabilitation, the Cooner Utility rehabilitation, and the Northeast trunkline
rehabilitation. Key Wastewater System Treatment projects include sludge treatment and
disposal /pumping plant projects, and the Carter Creek headworks improvements. Key
Wastewater System Plant projects include the Lick Creek Process Control improvements,
the installation of SCADA at lift stations, and various fiber projects. To meet capital
needs, a debt issuance of $8.2 million is planned.
Sanitation Fund
Revenues are projected at $7,716,293. There is no rate increase in the proposed budget. These
revenues include $397,710 from BVSWMA to offset debt service payments. The forecast does
show a future rate increase in FY14. Expenditures are estimated at $8,141,664. The forecast
needs to be revised and brought back at a later date.
Drainage Utility Fund
• Drainage Operations and CIP: Revenues are projected at $2,019,400 and expenditures at
$2,114,969 (includes a new Drainage Foreman position). Capital Project Expenditure
Projects include greenways and acquisition projects, minor drainage improvements, Wolf
Pen Creek erosion control, storm water mapping (GIS services), and the Drainage Master
Northgate Parking Enterprise Fund
Revenues are estimated at $1,203,591 derived from parking fees (1% growth assumption),
parking fines (assumed to remain flat), and a one -time transfer of $60,000 from the General
Fund. Expenditures are projected at $1,215,453.
Council directed staff to bring back information related to a Facilities Plan that could be included
in the FY12 -FY13 budget.
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3. Presentation, possible action and discussion on the 2012 -2013 ad valorem tax rate; and
if necessary on calling two public hearings on a proposed ad valorem tax rate for 2012 -2013
This item was not discussed.
4. Adjournment
MOTION: There being no further business, Mayor Berry adjourned the budget workshop of the
College Station City Council at 6:44 p.m. on Tuesday, August 21, 2012.
Nancy Be � , Mayor
Sherry Ma•ltl•urn, City Secretary
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